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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4607680 No.4607680 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /ck/ television programs or films you can recommend?

>> No.4607681

Not Super Size Me, that's for sure.

>> No.4607715

I liked the "Three Stars" documentary that's on Netflix

>> No.4607737

Watch the counter-attack at Super Size ME, it's called Fat Head and it's pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.4607747

Jiro Dreams Of Sushi

>> No.4607754

There was a thread last week asking a similar question.

>> No.4607855

Someone posted this in a thread a few days ago and I really enjoyed it

>> No.4607857

Watch Fathead. It's such a great response to Super Size Me. It's free on Hulu too.

>> No.4607859

Oh shit, he beat me to the catch.

>> No.4607907

The Men Who Made Us Fat - 3 part documentary


>> No.4607923

I really enjoyed David Chang's series "Mind of a Chef". Some really creative ideas and such in there, quite an interesting watch, but perhaps not all too much practical use for the homely cook (if I remember correctly, which I doubt). Only 16 episodes have been released as far as I know.

>> No.4607935

Funny enough the documentary has horrible horrible reviews.

>> No.4607939

thanks to the anon who suggested fat head.
I like the point its making only at minute 12 but
>trying to make a point with all these personal anecdotes
dont care too much for that

>> No.4608012

Well, anecdotal evidence is a common form of evidence, used particularly often in psychology. It's just that one needs to be wary when it's the only form of evidence.

>> No.4608138

> used particularly often in psychology

No the fuck it isn't.

>> No.4608143

Yeah, I turned it off when he said that he went outside and didn't see a quarter of people being obese.

If they are obese, they're most likely at home or driving and not walking around the town all fucking day. It's like trying to say there aren't many Jews because I walked around Iran and saw none.

>> No.4608150

No reservations
Hell's kitchen season 3(whichever one had dewberry)
JIro (I dream of sushi)
Two fat ladies (i think its called that)
Cooking with Dog

>> No.4608173

It has its roots in introspection but is generally countered by behaviourist ideas. It definitely exists, though.

>> No.4608200
File: 148 KB, 920x528, mind-of-a-chef-pbs-anthony-bourdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked Mind of a Chef; I've heard it's getting a second season. Too bad my channel runs it on Saturdays at like three o'clock in the morning.

>> No.4608208
File: 21 KB, 412x268, cook-like-heston-500325_A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking tips from one of the best cooks in the world. Very good basic tips and some more complicated cooking methods to wow guests. All relayed in a very relaxing and low key manner.

>> No.4608214

ITT: fucking retards that keep cooking the stale cartoon it has become.
I pray you all get you comeuppances

>> No.4608222

Good Eats

>> No.4608503


The first time I saw this on Youtube, I expected some crazy, highly complicated things since it's Heston. Gave the first episode a watch (beef), pretty interesting actually. Thanks for the tip.

I've been watching a lot of Good Eats episodes. A lot of AB's recipes could be improved on but it's a very accessible and laid-back method of gaining exposure to a ton of techniques, ideas and ingredients. Would like more of these kinds of TV shows actually.

>> No.4608515

good eats is pretty good, Diners, drive ins and dives is also good, if u can ignore Guy Fagieri, also that new show called Burgerland is interesting.

>> No.4608525

My veggies are julienne after reading this post.

>> No.4609052

I posted it. Glad you liked it. I just typed food into youtube. BBC documentaries are always fascinating.

>> No.4609102
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>> No.4609121

I saw the thread and wanted to post this.

>> No.4609413

I hope his trial goes well.

>> No.4609433

Thirding Mind of a Chef. Really loved it. Can't wait for Season 2.

The El Bulli documentary is really good, so is the Ramsay miniseries from the 90s, Boiling Point. 92Y also has a food series worth watching.

If you're a beginning cook I can't recommend Martha Stewart's Cooking School enough. Hell, even the more experienced could use the refresher course. It's not flashy like the Food Network-y programs most of us are used to, just clear, easy-to-watch instructions.

>> No.4609455

aw man, the mind of a chef was such total bullshit, and i'm saying this as a guy who worked at momofuku. it's total fluff and completely uninformative.

>> No.4609457


well, i mean, the noma episode was good.

>> No.4609460

I don't think it was intended to be practical or in any way useful in the home kitchen. I enjoyed it for what it was--looking into the *cough* mind of a chef. Also very nice to see Chef Rene from Noma on screen. Love that man.

>worked at momofuku
What did you do? Where are you now?

>> No.4609482


I started as a stagiaire, spent the summer working the line at noodle bar.

now i'm the head chef at a brasserie in new mexico. or, i was, until today. restaurant closed this weekend, owner sold it to a guy who wants to turn it into an argetinian steakhouse. i was offered my current job, but i think this is a perfect point in my life to get my ass overseas and put my knife to the board in some european and asian spots. when i get back, i'm thinking of opening an izakaya restaurant with this japanese chef i know. or maybe a creperie? i'm not sure yet.

point is, Kings of Pastry is a terrific movie that will crush whatever little ego you've built up about your skills. highly recommended.

>> No.4609498

What was it like? I used to go to Noodle Bar pretty frequently when I lived in New York. Kind of a David Chang nerd here.

Sorry to hear about the restaurant closing, though I guess it's for the best if you'll be able to cut your teeth on kitchens abroad. Would hesitate on opening a creperie unless you're in a city with a very large population--I've seen way too many of them go out of business within a few years. Japanese restaurants always seem like a stable bet.

>King of Pastry
Thanks for the rec, chefbro. :)

>> No.4609511

Fathead is great even if you don't agree with it in the end.

>> No.4609558

>Kind of a David Chang nerd here.

I want to punch you and I've never even met you. Congrats.

>> No.4609574

Hey, I didn't have other Korean-Americans to look up to while growing up. Leave me be.

>> No.4609579

Fat, sick and nearly dead is good. Really incredible how the main guy progresses. I think it's on Netflix.

>> No.4609669
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>> No.4609716
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>commercial for pseudoscientific hippie woo fad



>guy blatantly lies about intake in order to make results more dramatic


Pic related, if wine isn't /ck/ it should be. And it's actually good.

>> No.4609738
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Love me some chopped
>heres 3 weird ingredients that shouldnt work together, you have a half hour, make an appetizer, go.
>tfw EVERYONE makes some kind of napoleon for dessert

>> No.4609760
File: 38 KB, 468x614, nigella-lawson-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigella's tits. I like to learn when I fap.

>> No.4609766


>> No.4609904


What makes you say Mind of a Chef is fluff and bullshit? As someone who's worked at Momofuku, what are your thoughts on David Chang and his style/ideas/him?
I agree with the others that MotC wasn't all too practical for the homely chefs, but it was definitely an enjoyable watch and fairly inspiring to see such passion and creativity from the chefs on the show.

Quite frankly, Rene's stuff was the least appealing to me. I fully appreciate his insanely creative methods of turning random tidbits of his environment into a myriad of flavours, but I simply prefer enjoying the food result over the actual process.. if you get me.

>> No.4609940
File: 71 KB, 300x447, rachel-khoo-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfags had some great cooking shows last year. I found them through torrents...you can too

pic related

Little Paris Kitchen with Rachel Khoo - nothing amazing but she is delightful and it's a fun show to watch while imagining fucking her mouth.

Gok Cooks Chinese - he's some sort fashion-related B or C list celebrity in the UK...but this show is really good. One of the most informative Chinese food shows I've ever seen, in the 6 episodes I think you get an amazing demonstration on how to use the flavors and condiments properly.

Fabulous Baker Brothers - It's a butcher and baker, the bakery they run is home to the worlds most expensive single loaf. The show is interesting, they make one baked good, one meat dish, and end every show with some sort of meat pie. Lots of great info on bread making, very English regarding the food.

Two Greedy Italians - I don't know what the fuck they were doing sometimes but I never seen it anywhere else.

Hairy Bikers Bakeation - I guess they have a few other series, but the one centered on baking is a nice tour through European bakeries.

Simply Italian - While the host does not have Giada's tits....this is superior to her in every other way regarding cooking and features a woman from Italy who doesn't pronounce words like an asshole.

>> No.4609943

>cooking show
>plate of raw food

>> No.4609960

I enjoy the river cottage series. Starts out with a chef moving from London to become self sustainable on a small farm, eventually moving into a large scale production farm/cooking series over 15 years.

There's a documentary on utube called Michelin stars the madness of perfection which is interesting.

>> No.4610177


There were several examples where they mention something (a technique, ingredient, whatever), and then completely forget or include it three minutes later. It all seemed pretty low rent and off the cuff. Lots of Chang mugging for the camera, very little insight.

I much prefer Vice's munchies series for a glimpse into the creative process. It's much looser but somehow has a stronger narrative thread.

As far as Chang is concerned, eh. He's the first great populist chef, the first shit-talking line cook to buck the system and open up shop way too early in his career. He has a genius for manipulating the media and publicity around him, which has helped deflect some of the (fair) criticisms that he's not really a brilliant cook. I don't regard him as the greatest chef in the world, or even one of the best chefs in New York (not even close). And yet, by saying fuck you to the establishment and going it alone, he serves as inspirations to countless others, and may end up doing more to change the culinary scene in America than any other chef.

He's just not that good a cook, though. Crack open Phaidon's Coco (highly, highly recommended), you'll see 99 other amazing contemporary chefs from all over the world, and you'll see exactly where his food stands among the rest.

>> No.4610236

>ctrl+f Ratatouille
>0 results

Faggots, the whole lot of you.

>> No.4610256

I feel like what Rene is doing now for dining culture is akin to what Alice Waters did with Chez Panisse. I'm excited to see what Rene does with Noma but more than that I'm excited to see how the concept of high-brow local consumption will trickle down and affect the landscape of food culture overall.

>> No.4610280

I watched "Matter of Taste" on Netflix last night. It was pretty good

>> No.4610286

Eh, I enjoyed it a lot. I really like learning about the 2 and 3 michelin star restaurants. I'm excited to see "Spinning Plates" when it comes out

>> No.4610369

In Fat Head, the guy loses weight by eating fast food, but limiting his carb intake.

In Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, the guy loses weight going on a 30-day juice fast.

Both of their diets cut out/limited grains and starches.


>> No.4610480


That's a good insight on the broad aspect of everything. I guess I'm personally more excited about the plate in front of me lol.


The style of the show was what kind of appealed to me actually, but I also enjoy most, if not all of Bourdain's work. I don't have the mental acuity to articulate what the style actually is, but you'll probably know what I mean if you've seen No Reservations and such.

I've asked a friend of mine this before actually, but I'll ask it here too. What exactly constitutes a "good chef"? I myself highly value creativity that goes against the grain, so to speak, so I really came to respect Chang's mentality, which spills over to what I think about his cooking I guess.