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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 460x276, Beef-carcasses-at-a-whole-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4600280 No.4600280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

According to Bloomberg Businessweek, 43% of online content about meat is negative, using words such as "bad" and "problem" to describe meat. Companies are catching on, with Taco Bell using the term "protein" instead of "meat," since the vast majority of content about protein is all positive.

Has pink slime, horse meat scandal, animal welfare outrages, and other issues started to nail the word "meat" into a culinary coffin? Per capita meat consumption has been declining steadily year by year. Might not be too long before all the threads on /ck/ are, "do you like your protein rare or medium rare?"


>> No.4600282

What are you trying to start?

>> No.4600291

>pink slime

the biggest anti-meat lie ever "OY VEY IT'S NOT REAL IT'S MADE IN A LAB BAN IT"

>> No.4600300

Just curious if others have noticed this trend too. I've even heard friends say things like, "Going to cook me up some protein" or "Not enough protein in this burger" when referring to meat.

>> No.4600304

>not enough protein

Means it's a cheap burger with fillers

>> No.4600310

The trend of utter isolation from reality continues...

>> No.4600313

>tfw vegans won

>> No.4600314

But PETA and similar animal rights groups love lab-grown meat. You're thinking of the "industrial meat processing ruins everything, we should slaughter all our own meat" crowd.

>> No.4600316

Pretty much every article or report in the news I see about meat is either about
A) How it's causing disease and obesity
B) How it's destroying the environment
C) How factory farming is animal cruelty

I can't even remember seeing a positive article. So yes, it carries negative connotations in the media.

>> No.4600323
File: 64 KB, 850x565, I_only_eat_the_finest_raw_vegan_cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horse meat scandal happens
>vegetarian I work with brings it up
>"Isn't that disgusting ,anon? You were eating HORSE!"
>ask her why eating horse is a big deal
>"oh my god, anon, you can't eat horse, it's like eating a pet"
>ask her if she knows anyone with a pet horse
>she doesn't
>eventually gives up, seemingly disappointed she didn't get the shock reaction she wanted

>> No.4600327
File: 88 KB, 544x523, an horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is an horse a appetizer?

>> No.4600329

>vegans won
I don't think meat being viewed negatively means vegans won. They'll probably win eventually since passionate minorities tend to succeed eventually in social justice movements, but such a big culture shift is still many years away. Vegetarianism has been growing pretty rapidly lately, but it has a long way to go before it's the majority.

>> No.4600340
File: 174 KB, 640x480, koala tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everywhere you go, it's anti-meat. The media has declared war on meat ever since Oprah said hamburgers are bad.

>> No.4600342

Can be. Last time I went to an italian restaurant I had horse meatballs as an appetizer

>> No.4600345
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I really don't get why people get so upset about eating horse meat. Hell, I don't care if people eat cat or dog. They're all animals just like cattle or chicken. It's just as right or wrong.

>> No.4600346

>Oprah said hamburgers are bad.
And then the meat industry tried suing her for damaging their image and hurting their profits. 'Cause freedom of speech is like that.

>> No.4600347
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>buying your meat from wal mart to save a few bucks instead of god tier meat from the local polygamist cult that sells at the farmer's market

You get what you pay for, plebes.

>> No.4600349

To be fair, this argument would sway *most* people away from eating dog.

>> No.4600350

Natalie Portman is a vegetarian, you know.

>> No.4600354

As if it mattered. Hitler was a vegetarian.

>> No.4600355

I would eat a dog, I just wouldn't eat MY dog. I would eat your dog without thinking twice about it.

that is always my response to it

>> No.4600358

>Even the most notorious monster in history, a dude that killed entire peoples, when you asked him, "Hey, want some chicken nuggets," he went, "DUDE, that's FUCKED UP."

>> No.4600359


Israelis are like the new Nazis, so it fits pretty well.

>> No.4600363

I've eaten dog meat. And I like dogs. I also know someone who had a pet rabbit while raising meat rabbits. So?

>> No.4600365

I guess he just had problems with his digestive system but I'm not sure. Not trying to prove a point here anyway.

>> No.4600371

He was vegetarian for ethical reasons. He was a horrible person, but even history's biggest villain thought it was ethically wrong to unnecessarily slaughter animals.


>> No.4600372

People should be able to eat whatever they want (cannibalism not included). Just because I don't want to eat something you do doesn't mean I have the right to have it banned everywhere. Fuck off, vegans, let me enjoy my meal in peace.

>> No.4600376

It matters because your post is about not caring if people eat cat or dog, and to accompany it you post a picture of a famous vegetarian and animal lover.

>> No.4600378

>cannibalism not included
wtf, why so restrictive? humans are animals too, I say dig in

>> No.4600380
File: 16 KB, 162x152, 1342951041916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks anon.

>implying I picked the picture because of who was in it and not just for the face
Are you female by any chance?

>> No.4600385

>history's biggest villain

but Stalin was worse

>> No.4600386

That cat is vegetarian.

>> No.4600389


White people mass murder is amateur hour.

Pol Pot has the highest score on a per capita basis.

>> No.4600393

Another commie, just goes to show you how violent leftists are.

>> No.4600413

>Type "Meat is" into Google and let it complete the sentence for you
>"Meat is bad for you"
>"Meat is unhealthy"
>"Meat is disgusting"

Google verdict is in.

>> No.4600421
File: 38 KB, 600x450, cyclops-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck Bloomberg, do you take direction from a hypocrite like that who has a turkey neck and who's company spies on it's users through their news machines?

Should be able to? What crappy country are you from, are are able to here in the USA and it's going to stay that way.

>> No.4600428
File: 13 KB, 789x174, a_rich_source_of_WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4600432

What's next from these assholes? Made in Moscow cabbage rolls being shoved down our throats and being forced to wear Chicom workers garb?


>> No.4600434

50/50 for you. We need to know what the "rich source of" is to tip the scale. "Rich source of nutrients" would be in meat's favor, whereas "Rich source of carcinogenics" would lean towards meat being unhealthy.

We need more votes. Anons, screenshot us.

>> No.4600438

Yea everyone in the US will die from accidental gunshot wounds before they start to eat a balanced diet and then half of china will move to north america and start a Utopian society making use of the natural resources that the former Americans were too stupid to use

>> No.4600444
File: 13 KB, 789x174, a_rich_source_of_WHAT_or_protein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was an edit. It really says this

>> No.4600449

No such thing as utopia, if you believe in that then you lost the plot of the book.

>> No.4600450

dont know why I laughed this hard

>> No.4600458
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>> No.4600460

should just call it proletein.

>> No.4600461
File: 7 KB, 642x81, meatcauses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groundingbreaking news.

>> No.4600463

That would imply it works

>> No.4600467
File: 14 KB, 789x174, no_surprises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, were you expecting 'meat causes puppies' and 'meat causes rainbows'? This only works if the phrase is neutral going in.

>> No.4600472
File: 14 KB, 789x174, no_surprises_mkii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4600474

The bronies in /mlp might like that one.

>> No.4600475
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>> No.4600481
File: 9 KB, 622x122, veganismcures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"meat cures" gives no positive results.

>> No.4600485
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>> No.4600491

that's because meat curing is a way of preparing meat, not a holistic medicine practice

>> No.4600492
File: 41 KB, 641x495, shuturgabberm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4600499

I will admit the word "meat" does make me feel guilty when I eat.

>> No.4600502

I don't know anyone in person that stops eating meat because they read some article on the internet.
No one gets this butthurt when you tell them all the non meat and some meat foods are filled with corn syrup.
Meat consumption has been dropping because meat is expensive and the recession is just getting comfortable after moving in.

>> No.4600513

>meat is expensive
We subsidize the hell out of meat. Dollar menu at McDonald's much? Meat is dirt cheap. We aren't eating less meat because of money. Awareness about it being bad for health and environment have been gaining a lot of attention the past years.

>> No.4600545

for the dollar you spend on a single burger(I forget the exact weight, but McD regulars are roughly 1/8 of a pound) you can buy 2 pounds of dry beans

>> No.4600555

The dollar menu is not meat, I don't know how anyone can say that with a straight face.
Meat is always more expensive than vegetables and fruits.
'Bad for health', nice blanket term.
if you eat too much of most things they're bad for you.

>> No.4600581

Meat isn't the cheapest food, but it's not like we're all eating nothing but rice and beans all day, struggling to survive off our pennies. The higher cost of meat isn't high enough for people not to buy it if it's what they want to eat.

>> No.4600585
File: 316 KB, 400x314, 1370485384931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love that word.
Like a slap up the head. MEEEEAAAAAT.

>> No.4600590


Or you could buy a whole pound of chicken!

>> No.4600592


>People should be able to eat whatever they want (cannibalism not included)

Fuck you, why limit my dietary options by restricting human meat? Humans have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years, it's perfectly fine

>> No.4600611

When you live below the poverty line and there's little money for food it becomes a luxury.

>> No.4600616

Or get 200 pounds of deer with a 25 cent bullet.

>> No.4600621
File: 763 KB, 1195x1035, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4600622

You also need to buy the specialized tools needed to convert a live deer into a freezer full of tasty meat.

>> No.4600624

hahha god dumb girls are just dumb as shit. all they do is follow trends and conform.

>> No.4600626


... and a 500 dollar rifle and a 20.000 dollar pickup to get it home and a 1000 dollar freezer to keep it in ...

>> No.4600632

>gurls r icky

mods already banned one child today, you going for #2?

>> No.4600634

The worst thing about the horse meat scandal is that everyone was like "oh my god HORSES!" With all the solutions being "we'll do DNA screening for horse meat!" When the real concern was unregulated meat of any kind getting into the food supply.

Like, these solutions won't do shit when it's dodgy cattle or pork being brought into the mix.
How are people so short-sighted?

>> No.4600635

You don't need a pickup, you can have any car and just set up cold storage in the boot. Bring tools for cutting/skinning with you and do it on site.
Or you can buy a roof rack and stick it on top.

Also, a key difference between america and UK is it's not viable to not drive in America unless you're inner-city and plan on never leaving

>> No.4600640
File: 31 KB, 615x456, Bobby Hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$10 tip on a $10 pizza


>> No.4600643

>hahha god dumb girls are just dumb as shit
At least you won't be wondering why you'll be single and lonely the rest of your life. We can all explain it to you.

>> No.4600646

Basically. Unless you hunt your own food constantly, you'll be spending more money than you would on meat from a store.

>> No.4600691

this is retarded
where do you get 2 cents worth of potato or 3 cents of peanuts?

>> No.4600714

>Go to bulk section at grocery store
>Put 5 peanuts in the bag
>So light it doesn't register on the scale, so they give to you for free

>> No.4600718

where I live, potatoes cost €0.80 per kilo, which is about $0.48 per pound, which is $0.03 per ounce.

though it's probably cheaper in america. Most foods are. a single golden delicious costs $0.56 for me.

>> No.4600727

>no "meat is tasty"
I think the reason for the decline in meat popularity is bad cooks.

>> No.4600735

'unhealthy' and 'bad for you' generally mean tasty in terms of foodstuffs

>> No.4600739

Meat is mostly about texture. It's the oils, marinades, sauces, spices, etc. that give it all the flavor. Personally, I don't really enjoy meat. It's okay, but I only eat it maybe a few times a week.

>> No.4600745

a normal diet would have you eat meat 3-7 times a week. Any more and it's unhealthy. Any less and you'll need supplements or specialist diets.

>> No.4600749

Nah, I just eat normal healthy foods and am fine. Don't need supplements, I'm not missing out on any nutrients by not eating much meat. B12 isn't an issue, I use almond milk in my breakfast cereal, or smoothies, and bam 100% DV of b12.

>> No.4600757

your almond milk is enriched with supplementary vitamins

>> No.4600765

Who cares? We fortify everything in AMUHRIKA. Pasta, breads, you name it. Nothing wrong with it.

Plus the dude said nothing about not eating eggs or milk. Why would you think he has any b12 concerns just because he's not eating meat?

>> No.4600773

I'm always amazed at how little protein vegans claim to eat. It's like they hold their own flesh in contempt.

>> No.4600779
File: 34 KB, 480x317, protein22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4600796


You don't need nearly as much protein or fat as you think you do. The meat and dairy industry will spend billions of dollars to tell you otherwise and sell you more meat and cheese, but it's rare to be protein deficient on a diet with sufficient calories

>> No.4600812

You mean Dungeons & Dragons is all real? Like, we could (supposedly if we found out how by way of Christianity) escape into the dimension of Marvel Infinity and be dreaming until we are turned into bodies of pure meat? Wowee! So the aryians really are in heaven! Oh boy! I can't wait to become a Protoss now.

>> No.4600825

What if you're bulking?

>> No.4600826

>Stoned out of his mind after looking up pot brownies
>Posts on /ck/

>> No.4600831
File: 124 KB, 903x636, 545218_358081470901892_1834656115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get all your protein needs for bodybuilding and strength sports without meat and dairy. There are many professional athletes and body builders who are vegan/vegetarian, like vegan Carl Lewis who won 9 Olympic gold medals, and shattered world records.

>> No.4600845

Not everything is about being a poorfag. Maybe if you got a better job for yourself you could afford to choose what you eat instead of eating a politically correct government made cabbage roll.

Not everyone makes minimum wage, someday you'll realize that and join the human race.

>> No.4600882

>meat and dairy industry will spend billions of dollars to tell you otherwise
>implying the corn and soybean industries don't spend just as much to get you to eat their stuff

You wanna talk in these terms, at least paint a complete picture for me.

>> No.4600889


"Bulking" is a dumb, unscientific process where people just eat any shit they want and put on 5 pounds of fat for every pound of muscle they gain. You don't need 10 protein shakes, 8 chicken breasts, and a gallon of whole milk a day to build muscle. /fit/'s idea of protein and bulking is like "this plant needs water, so I better throw it into a swimming pool and dump a bunch of plant growth supplements on it"

>> No.4600898
File: 37 KB, 581x357, meat industry adverisement budgets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When was the last time you heard anything from the "corn and soy industry" ?

>> No.4600902

you dont need nearly as much plants or vegetables either. the key is not what you eat, but how much.

>> No.4600904


I got upset because they tried to hide the fact that it was horse meat, which makes me question the source. What kind of horses were they slaughtering?

>> No.4600913

Instead of being a place of free exchange of information, the internet has become a place where extremists rule the day and armchair activism is at its abject worst.

Trying to gauge true popular opinion on what's said in the majority of the internet is the height of foolishness. Hell, imagine someone attempting to find out about our society but with only tumblr as a reference point...

>> No.4600945


>you dont need nearly as much plants or vegetables either

What do you mean by that? You need as many plants and vegetables as it takes to give you the calories, vitamins, and minerals you need

>> No.4600952

The majority of corn and soy are sold as feed to livestock. Human consumption is not their main money maker. Soy and corn are in support of the meat industries.

>> No.4600961

All the fucking time
Corn lobby is one of the biggest in America.
Just because you don't see Corn Bell when you drive down the road doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Do you not read at all?
Do you not watch the news?
Has your vegan diet left you devoid of the nutrients needed for healthy brain growth?

>> No.4600965


The corn industry is huge and supports the meat industry, are you retarded?

>> No.4601006

His point was that the meat industries spend the most on advertising and lobbying, and are the most influential. And corn and soy are backers of the meat industry, so his point stands.

>> No.4601012


Not it doesn't you fucking mongoloid. That image is meat vs vegan industries, not meat vs everything including corn.

>> No.4601018

Which is retarded because growers and ranchers often throw in together as a part of that whole "agricultural industry" thing.

>> No.4601066
File: 125 KB, 600x399, 2011-11-11t163530z_1_btre7aa1a3f00_rtroptp_3_science-meat.photoblog600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for lab-grown meat personally. Fuck the animal corpse kind, give me SCIENCE HAMBURGERS.

>> No.4601080
File: 333 KB, 477x320, headache.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertizing hypnotizes people into eating meat, that thing our species has always eaten

Holy shit you fucking nannies.

>> No.4601081

Science burgers are going to be like every other fake meat. It'll taste bland and need sauces and and excess of spice to cover it up.

Vegitarians need to stop trying to make things taste like meat. It doesn't work. The only thing I've had that was really close was an extremely thin slice of tofu balogne, but the real shit is hardly meat in the first place

>> No.4601102

Meat consumption has more than doubled in a short period of time, due to fast food culture and mass advertising.

>> No.4601107

>It'll taste bland and need sauces and and excess of spice to cover it up.
That describes most of the real meat I eat :\ Dunno, I don't find the taste of meat interesting. Needs marinade for me to like it.

>> No.4601181

Depends on what you're talking about.

Like everything, it's all about how it's cooked and prepared.

Spices make everything better, but the issue is that fake meat is basically all spice and marinades. Spices and marinades for meat emphasizes the meats flavour. Where as fake meat, it is the flavour.
I will eat both vegetarian options and meat, but fake meat is always shitty. It's never as good as the real thing. Where as vegetarian options just focus on tasting good and not like something else, which makes them good(like those seed and nut burger patties).

Duck, and game meats don't really need anything. They just need to be cooked properly

>> No.4601186

You're either cooking it wrong or buying inferior meat

>> No.4601201

I've eaten meat at plenty of great restaurants, I just don't find it to be anything special. In a lot of dishes, like pasta, I feel meat ruins the dish.

>> No.4601241


meat hardly ruins dishes, but as with everything. It does not go with everything. I wouldn't put meat in my porridge for example.

what kind are you talking about? Italian here, there's usually not a large quantity of meat given with pasta. It's usually a few slices of duck or something. Or in western pasta, it's just in the meat sauce.

Who the fuck puts something like a full steak with pasta? That's not a real pasta dish, and is retarded in a culinary sense.
You don't put multiple 'heavy' items in one dish.

>> No.4601562

Not steak, but chicken in pasta is big here in the States. We put meat in our salads, our vegetable dishes, everything. Give it another 10 years and people will be putting bacon on every cake to.

>> No.4601973

>knows nothing about cultivating mass

In all seriousness though you've gotta count macros and calories to get bigger. And that means a high percentage of protein so you don't gain that 5 pounds of fat.

>> No.4602018


You're going to gain that fat no matter how much protein you eat, as long as you're eating too many calories. Your body has an amount of muscle it can build in a given amount of time, determined by how hard you work your shit, quality of rest, and genetics. Get 80-100 grams of protein (easy to do on any diet) and go to sleep, and you'll build as much muscle as you're physically able to. Eating 4x more protein than you need isn't going to speed up muscle growth. That's the kind of shit the protein powder industry wants people to think