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4591688 No.4591688 [Reply] [Original]

>"If there's anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back ... please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me."



i can't because i'm a racist asshole

>> No.4591704

Paula Deen just asked unrepentant people to kill her.

>> No.4591705



>> No.4591706

Yeah, she just asked for a whole lot of unpleasant people to kill her with rocks.

>> No.4591707


That is not a good picture of her.

I feel bad for this lady at this point. She used to use the N word. She's fucking 65 or 66 or 67 or some shit, and lives in The South?

How is this fucking news?!?!??!

Oh God! Breaking news.. People in the South used to use the N word back in the 60s during the civil rights movement. I time period that Paula Dean lived through.

Ridiculous. Her mistake was that she was honest about it. She should have just said she never said the word.. and then everyone would have said "Of course she has said that.. she is old and lives in the South." But it would force people to make the logical conclusion, BEFORE getting outraged.

>> No.4591708
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>celeb worship 101
pick both

>> No.4591714


You actually think this is because she said "Nigger" in the 80s?

There's a whole lot more going on than that.

>> No.4591715

I never really liked Paula Deen or her shows, but this whole ordeal is fucking stupid.

She has said nigger before? Show me someone who hasn't. Her employee was subject to innuendo, racism, and a hostile work environment? Show me a blue collar place where that doesn't happen.

It's just a witch hunt, propagated by the liberal PC media gone rampant.

>> No.4591716


She didn't just say it in the 60's and it's coming out now, as your post seems to imply.

>> No.4591719

Who cares?

>> No.4591723

Not really. The whole 'plantation service' thing is just an observation that it was like a classic southern service, not saying that she wanted the caterers to be segregated or slaves. On the same level as the Venetian hiring only authentic Italians who can sing as their gondola pushers.

>> No.4591727

/ck/ apparantly... I care more about the reasons why she was fired and the state of society today more than that ol butter bitch.

>> No.4591732

I care about her ridiculous personality. It's fun.

>> No.4591736


I apologize if my post was vague in the timeline that I propose that the N word was used in, in the South. My post may have made it seem like it was ONLY common place in the 60s. The N word is actually still fairly common today among certain social cirlces.. and was probably very common throughout the 80s at the very least.

>> No.4591745

I can't be the only one who gets extremely depressed watching this poor woman's character being brutally murdered by the media, can I?

>> No.4591749

>mommy issues

>> No.4591752

No, it's fucking ridiculous but from a business standpoint it makes sense.

>> No.4591755

>Implying it's not her fault.

What a horrible example she's setting for her grandchildren. Bitch.

>> No.4591764

Fault for what? Admitting under oath that she's used the word nigger? Oh lawdy, the person who got the Neely's on air is a total racist I guess...

>> No.4591765

Who cares?

>> No.4591768

white apologists

>> No.4591771

who cares about white apologists?

>> No.4591773

You're not. It's a fucking bullshit witch hunt. It honestly makes me angry.

>> No.4591774


>> No.4591775


>> No.4591780


This is really quite true. We use the word pleb around /ck/ a lot. The N word is used like that in the South, but only in certain social circles. Like it or not, there is a certain "pleb" class of black folks in the South. They aren't any less human, they aren't worthless, or apes or anything like that. But it has to be accepted, that in many cases, you can expect certain "pleb" sorts of things from their type. Stereotypes exist in our brains because it allowed us over the evolutionary course of our species to make vague, generalized, assertions about certain people and situations, and to be more successful on an evolutionary scale from doing so.

I really don't think Paula Dean is a horrible racist. But every educated person in the South that has dealt with lots of different types of people will tell you that there is white trash - pleb white people, and there are "nword" pleb black people. There are irresponsible white folk, and there are irresponsible black folk.

We use terms like, pleb, white trash, and the n word in the south all the time to describe these types of people in certain social situations. It doesn't make you a racist so long as you aren't applying it to all black people and refering to them as apes or slaves or something. It's just an observation of type of person a lot of times.

>> No.4591782

I feel exactly like one of the Stark kids watching Neddard being paraded in front of all of Kings Landing as a traitor. It's fucking gut wrenching.

>> No.4591785



She didn't hurt anyone.

Just cuz she's a successful capitalist with a very southern personality you think you can beat her down. How dare you.

>> No.4591786

I felt worse about Martha Stewart.

Paula is a turd with blue eyes.

>> No.4591787

Somewhat this, except there are such people as niggers in this world.

The term has evolved though, it no longer encompasses all black people. Kind of like how fag is used on 4chan, where you literally have to say gayfag to refer to homosexual faggots.

>> No.4591788


Martha Stewart actually did something illegal though.

>> No.4591791


This. MDiddy could wipe the floor with that sad sack of southern butter shit while cooking a turkey with the other hand.

>> No.4591792

Everybody does it. She was targeted because she's a famous celebrity. She did not received equal treatment under the law.

>> No.4591796

LEL. Martha is a shark that should not be stopped.

>> No.4591798

>Kind of like how fag is used on 4chan, where you literally have to say gayfag to refer to homosexual faggots.

Exactly. The speech has context and an intended audience. You can't hold someone accountable for phrasing something when they are talking to a very specific audience that accepts that phrasing. Then it just happens to be the most effective/efficient form of communication.

>> No.4591799


And she did her time, without the waterworks Deen is doing. Pretty revealing.

>> No.4591801

Yeah. Martha faced it head on and dealt with it. Such a great example.

>> No.4591805


No.. not everyone does it. And everyone that does it should receive equal treatment.

I would believe that she may have been a bit of a scapegoat... but she did actually commit the crimes that she was punished for.

Paula Dean used common parlance of the land she lives in. That in no way is a crime at all, and yet, she is likely to be more punished than Martha Stewart over the long run. Martha is still cooking gratines on PBS every fucking Saturday.

>> No.4591807

To my knowledge, she got advice she didn't ask for it and took it. So it's either lose a lot of money with no choice to exchange, or exchange and take the low risk of getting caught.

She got stuck in a shitty situation.

>> No.4591808

>everyone that does it should receive equal treatment.
but they don't

Paula Deen is receiving equal treatment.

>> No.4591810


I know you want to believe that, but go to Savannah sometime. White people there mean NIGGER, and there's no irony about it.

>> No.4591812
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Me too, man.

>> No.4591815

She should've released the info and made it public first. Hindsight.

>> No.4591818

You know there's a conspiracy theory floating around that M Diddy is behind Paula Deen's fall? Seriously. Lol.

God, I would leave my husband and kids for Martha.

>> No.4591821


She got caught committing a crime. End of story.

>> No.4591822

I'd just like to point out Sandra Lee got away with this.


>> No.4591824

>Implying niggers don't exist.

Honestly, I use the term like "redneck." It refers to a group of people with similar traits, not just skin color. I've known some white and mexican niggers in my time as well.

>> No.4591825


Get it line bitch.

I can see her doing that - partly out of taste, but mainly as a warning to Guy Fieri that he's next.

Nobody fucks with MDiddy.

>> No.4591830

n-word means slave

there should legally never be n-words

and if you have to refer to the past, you can say slave

what's so hard about this?

>> No.4591833

Some really ridiculous racist people still exist, but do you really think Paula Dean is one of those people? I'm pretty sure when she say's the N word, she means it in the pleb sense and probably only applies it in a mildly pejorative sense, with limited scope. I'm sure she doesn't flip to BET and start cursing at the top of her lungs just when she see's black people. I'm pretty sure her use is probably limited to "god damnit, look at sheniqua on her fucking cell phone again while ordering a fucking sandiwch at subway..."

Literally everyone in the south uses the N word to describe sheniqua in that situation in certain social cirlces, and that bitch deserves every single bit of it. But they'd likely never say to sheniquas face.

>> No.4591834

I love her. Like seriously. In love. She's my favorite thing.

Why don't we talk about M Diddy more on /ck/? Her show on PBS is pretty fucking fantastic.

>> No.4591836


Most people in the south I've met consider anyone black to be a nigger. Not all, but most. The fact that anyone with a brain got out of there in the great depression (whites) or the great migration (blacks) doesn't help.

So I'm having a hard time believing Paula was just riffing on Chris Rock's Niggers vs Black People.

>> No.4591838

This is painful to watch.

I'm black and I wish Paula Deen the best of luck.

>> No.4591839

Because before today open homosexuality was not Federally sanctioned. Proceed.

>> No.4591843

She said she used the n-word once in her life, when a gun was pointed to her head during a bank robbery. What did she say, I wonder?

>> No.4591844

Check your facts. It does not mean slave.

Wiki says:

Nigger is a noun in the English language. The word originated as a neutral term referring to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger ("color black").[1] Often used slightingly, by the mid 20th century, particularly in the United States, it suggested that its target is extremely unsophisticated. Its usage had become unambiguously pejorative, a common ethnic slur usually directed at blacks of Sub-Saharan African descent.

Feel free to check tons of other sources.
"suggested that its target is extremely unsophisticated."

Whenever someone uses the word "pleb" around here.. replace with the n word. it absolutely does not mean slave.

>> No.4591849

>But they'd likely never say to sheniquas face.

All other points aside, obviously Deen DID, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

To me, though, the really more damning thing is the whole plantation style uniform shit.

>> No.4591852


How arrogant can you be? Very.

There's one word in the English language white people can't control the usage of. Sawwy.

>> No.4591854

She said she used the word in private while describing the incident to her husband.

>> No.4591857

Insider trading is legal, lying about it under oath isn't. Same with cheating on your wife in the white house is sleazy, but the act of doing it is legal (Clinton/Lewinsky).

>> No.4591858


>> No.4591859


It also doesn't mean pleb. It also is not used on anyone outside of blacks, part of the reason it is so offensive is it's obvious racial intent in a country (the US) with very dark histories of race relations.

The reason there's the shitstorm is Paula is southern. If her Bavarian version said 'kike' and had parties with an Auswitchz theme there'd be an equal shitstorm.

>> No.4591863


Well it's good to know we get to control the other 500 words that you know. And that we also control the other 150,000 words that are in the dictionary on top of that.

If you want the N word so bad, it's yours, It's a shitty word. But we're still gonna use it when you aren't around to mean pleb.

>> No.4591874

Why does she start her apologies by saying she doesn't judge homosexuals? Why start there? None of her lawsuit is about homophobia. The porn she played in the workplace was straight, I guess?

>> No.4591877

Let Paula Deen be an example for all you racists. You can't hide.

>> No.4591884
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They're tearing her apart because she refuses to back down and backpedal on her words like any other American you see on tv who's put in the spotlight like this.

Also, you gotta love the double standard.
If she was black, no one would give a single shit.

>> No.4591886

>Can't admit when she's wrong.

>> No.4591888


Yes it does. The definition of the word means, someone who is unsophisticated. Pleb is a synonym, because it also means the same thing.

There is a historical connotation, and stigma to the word, but that does not change the definition or meaning of the word.

I live in the south. It is not applied to black people these days. It is applied to certain unsophisticated black people, the same way white trash is applied unsophisticated white people.

Get over it, we took the word back and are using it quite successfully behind your backs to communicate very efficiently and effectively with each other.

>> No.4591891
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>> No.4591895

She is a dumb bitch.

Well played.

>> No.4591898

Get over not having control over one word in the entire English language. It's easier.

>> No.4591904

Django was terrible and Pulp Fiction was overrated.

>> No.4591912
File: 139 KB, 350x283, oj-ns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get over it, we took the word back and are using it quite successfully behind your backs to communicate very efficiently and effectively with each other.

This would be true, that the word was taken back, if it could be used in public.

Interestingly enough, I really don't think her use of the word is offensive to most white people in the south. To a certain extent, it would not surprise me if she comes back from this as I don't think it would affect her rating in the south much at all... there probably weren't a lot of black people watching her to begin with. And most white people would probably use the same word to describe a black person that was pointing a gun at their head. That black person has not certainly squandered any respect that most decent people would have for him, through his actions. She can call that guy ANYTHING SHE WANTS.

To a certain degree, if Paula comes back from this, it will be a small step in white people reclaiming the word. Black people, having given it up, by pointing guns at rich white womens heads. Huh... always seems to be rich white women are the downfall of black people... Almost creepy.

>> No.4591913

Stop being upset at people saying whatever words they want.
The more taboo you make them, the more power they have.

>> No.4591917

Other people are being upset, not me.

I'm just being logical, you're erratic. Calm down.

>> No.4591921
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I think people just love watching the mighty fall to their knees.
It doesn't matter who they are or what they've done.
The point is that she is rich and has power, and now she's crumbling beneath the pressure like an average mortal.
The bigger they are, the more the media frenzies for their blood.
Remember that whole Martha Stewart thing a long time ago?
Her empire crumbled into ashes, and she was satan herself tromping around on cloven hooves.

Stay strong, Paula. You'll recover, and people will eventually forget.
They always do.

>> No.4591924

It's sweeter for the liberal elite because Paula Deen is a bumpkin.

>> No.4591949

I never understand why ppl make such a big deal about this shit. Fuck I hate the pc movement.

>> No.4591962


MDiddy is a survivor. Paula Deen is a fat piece of southern shit.

>> No.4591967

Paula Spleen is nothing but a tub of guts.

>> No.4591983

Why do these self important people need to cause so much drama and noise. FDA should just deport her.

>> No.4592051
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>> No.4592057

>pc movement
I know right! It's like all of a sudden everyone's down on nazis.

>> No.4592068

>mfw Anne Rice wrote softcore BDSM novels

>> No.4592074

>mfw she's a crazy "Christian" bitch

>> No.4592084

you don't get it

>> No.4592089

I wonder if Alton Brown's ever said it.

>> No.4592090

I think writers like her are usually a little crazy, but she doesn't seem bitchy at all.

>> No.4592096


I thought Anne Rice only wrote vampire novels that featured the vampire Lestat.

>> No.4592098
File: 32 KB, 400x300, maudelebowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw all the butthurt fattie rage in her comments

>> No.4592100

Ha. Apparently the BDSM novels outsold the first Lestat books.

>> No.4592111

Only after the whole "50 Shades" phenomenon revived the softcore book porn for giggling pre-teens. They were relatively unknown before that. I read them in High School. Eh, 6.5/10.

>> No.4592137

She did a little more than say the nigger, guys, she tried to get black people to dress up as slaves for her brothers wedding. If she had just said nigger in the past there'd be a minor brouhaha and it would have blown over by now but you cant try to hire a bunch of black people to be sambo and mammy for your plantation wedding and expect everything to be peaches.

>> No.4592159


You'd be surprised what you can get people to do if you pay them well enough.

>> No.4592225

I don't have a mouth

*flings large rock at Paule Deen ... rock bounces off her gut ... she's so fat she didn't even notice it*

>> No.4592511




And by "dress up as slaves" you mean in nice, pristine tuxedos?

Whoa, restaurants are all pretty racist.

>> No.4592533


No thanks

>> No.4592541

>implying Paula isn't cashing in on all this publicity shit and it's really as negative as she's making it seem
Yeah right. She'll still have more money than any of us poor sods here will ever have, and the people slinging shit at her for saying nigger.
Who the fuck cares about richie people political correctness? At the end of the day they're still rich as fuck and even more famous.

>> No.4592547

It's been reported that she's highered some famous PR agent. She's a business woman first. A human being second. She'll be alright, financially. Don't you worry.

>> No.4592550
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let me at her im bloody ready

>> No.4592553

>And by "dress up as slaves" you mean in nice, pristine tuxedos?

Theyre called house niggers.

>> No.4592557

ff there's anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back ... please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me.that is a pretty accurate statement and paraphrase of what Jesus.said about mary magdiline but also all of us. I don't always like paula, but be honest, have you never said any thing racial that you might regret? I know i have. I think we have been piling on a little too hard. I did not say she is perfect, but if you have never done the same, pick up a rock.

>> No.4592562

>I did not say she is perfect.


She is the farthest thing from a perfected human being that she is practically a toad.

>> No.4592567

pfft ill pick up a stone and kill the bitch just because she southern fuck her and her rebel flag

>> No.4592571

How come rappers aren't fired also?

>> No.4592573

If it was all lies, then she wouldn't be this upset.

If it was a lie, then she would stand strong.

She knows she's wrong, she "fucked up," but like she said she refuses to change.



>> No.4592575

Because customers don't complain, I guess.

Try capitalism.

>> No.4592579
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I live in a blue state and almost everyone hates niggers. Don't passively absorb the whole South = Racism meme without questioning it.

Also private conversations and fucked up jokes should not be subject to this kind of media bullshit because in the context of intimacy things have a different meaning.

>> No.4592584

The conversations were not private. They were done as business owners during work hours around employees.

Don't "whitewash."

>> No.4592598


A conversation you aren't part of in any way is considered private. Privacy isn't the same as secrecy.

>> No.4592607


>> No.4592613
File: 51 KB, 402x402, Clarence-Thomas-9505658-2-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what?

>> No.4592614

Objectively pointing out a pubic hair on a co-worker's Coke can is nothing but helpful.

>> No.4592617

How did he vote today, btw?

>> No.4592618


Saying nigger isn't porn, my nigger.

>> No.4592620

So, was she trying to get traction on today's SCOTUS rulings by starting her apology explanation by stating her support of homosexuals? But what did that have to do with her case? I didn't hear about homophobia from her.

>> No.4592621

It is if we're role-playing.

>> No.4592904

If I was her I wouldn't even apologize. I'd just be like "So? Fucking deal with it."

It's not like it would have ended any worse for her. She already lost her career by trying the apology route and that clearly didn't work.

>> No.4592925

You're not very bright.

>> No.4592928

I just find it sad one single word can destroy someone's career. Nigger is just a word, just like cake or tree. It's whatever meaning you read into it that gives it value. If people would just realize it's nothing but a group of letters and leave it at that society can move forward. But instead you got millions of people who refuse, and continue to cling to the past and reinforce that "it's racist". By doing this racism will never go away. To move beyond racism we have to just wipe the slate clean and any connotation you have to old words just drop them. Let it go. There are lots of old words that hundreds of years ago would be considered offensive but today mean nothing. Do that to nigger too. Just let it go and let's move on.

Sage because other than saying cake this post has nothing to do with food.

>> No.4592938


It's a sad day for America when you can't even roleplay some kinky master/slave shit at your own wedding.

>> No.4592940

>britbong here, when was the last time she said nigger

>> No.4592943


But to the best of my knowledge, she also didn't lose most of her career in a matter of days over it. And many people forgot about her crime. You can still find Martha Stewart stuff in stores.

Paula Deen got dropped by Food Network, Smithfield, and Walmart in less than a week. And she hasn't even been found guilty of anything yet.

>> No.4592946

Well he received a degree in drama from the University of Georgia, so he's spent a fair share of time in the south. I bet he has too.

>> No.4592953


It was a plantation wedding idea that she didn't go through with. And the men were going to wear suits, similar to the look of old disney films. It would be mildly racist at worse.

>> No.4592955


In America, it's all about feelings. If you hurt someone's feelings, especially a minority group, then you will pay.

>> No.4592960

I'm amused at how quickly the other black people I know have turned against her. My mother loved her show and use to say Deen was the only "real" cook left on TV. Now she calls her a witch and has shunned her and her products. All over a word.

What gets to me the most is how a lot of these same people are making racial slurs against her now. How can you hold it against her if you're doing the same thing?

>> No.4592968

She's fat, old, likes to flirt and makes a ton of money selling an image people like and food people like and the self appointed nannies hate.

Kind of like rap music, do ho ho.

>> No.4592969

>those comments

fucking niggers.

>> No.4592975


When the black Americans of today call ghetto blacks niggers and themselves black human beings they completely lose their claims to being persecuted. They have a scapegoat for that now.

>> No.4592989

I say nigger regularly and hardly consider myself racist. It's all about context. To me the word isn't about race, its about image and lifestyle. I've met white niggers, Mexican niggers, Russian niggers, black niggers, lots of niggers out there.

Now lets stop niggering up /ck/ with this tomfoolery.

>> No.4593002

Liberals love ruining other's lives.


>> No.4593013

Theres more at play here than just her saying the N word.

Anyone who doesn't think so hasn't been paying attention.

This is all about internal channel politics more than anything else.

Paula Deen has been a liability in the world of the health food craze that has swept over most of food network and their programming along with any other food focused programming since the start of 2010.

She had increased her liability with the fact that she had diabetes all the time she was promoting unhealthy food on the food network. It was a surprise to me that the network didn't drop her. How hypocritical the whole thing was registered at the public at large, and the fact that she was caught being paid to endorse Diabetic Medications created many conspiracy theories that she was teaching people to cook obesity causing meals, so that she and her sponsors could directly profit.

Come around to this scandal. Either planted or legit.

Why do you think She was on a month to month contract at the Food Network? Almost no one in that industry tends to work on a month to month contract.

So the fact that Food Network didn't renew their month to month contract means she was immediately of the air.

That means Food Network was already planning to cut her, or was expecting something like this to occur. And it means there's a lot more to the whole story then what we immediately see on the surface.

>> No.4593018

This is why I really hate black people sometimes. And I'm black.

I don't see other races throwing huge fits and getting people fired over some racist bullshit. If she had insulted Mexicans or Asians, I doubt it would have gone this far.

>> No.4593033


This. The whole racist thing is just being used as a final straw to get rid of her. Her image just doesn't match up well with the more health conscious audience. People don't want deep fried butter bites anymore. They want more than just old fashioned southern cooking.

>> No.4593035

if she said something racist about asians, like impersonated them "ching chong ping wah ding dong" and pushed her eyelids back, black people would have laughed at it.

the mindset seems to be: black people can't be racists, because the only racism that exists is against black people.

>> No.4593040

I got chewed out on /co/ once for using the word 'oriental'. I still don't see the problem with that, especially since it's a word you see in print in public. Oriental rugs, oriental noodles, I have seen Oriental applied to names of businesses like apartment complexes, and not ones geared toward housing actual orientals. People freak out at the slightest provocation even if it doesn't affect them directly. Probably most of the people upset at Deen now are white anyway who feel they "should" be offended otherwise it makes them somehow racists too.

>> No.4593177


Comics and social justice loons go hand in hand.

>> No.4593271

Speaking of that...


>> No.4593279

that's not what apologist means, you nigger.

>> No.4593285

You know, I wish people would stop calling it the "N word" and just say Nigger. It's not like actually saying Nigger would somehow cause tangible physical harm to somebody of a particular race. It's an unpleasant word that anybody with decency shouldn't just go around using it. But still, it's just a word....a measly six letters ordered in a certain fashion.

People need to harden the fuck up and quit letting such trivial bullshit bother them. If I was black and somebody called me a nigger, it would carry the same amount of weight as if somebody called me a douchebag, cunt, or asshole. I would probably respond to that person in the same way, but wouldn't demand a congressional inquiry into the matter.

TL;DR: It's an unpleasant word...but still, just a word. Everybody build a bridge and get the fuck over it.

>> No.4594357 [DELETED] 

I'm a Democrat and a racist, but as long as the rich are losing money I'm all for it. I also steal internet every month.

If you have money regardless of race, I'll hate you. I may seem like a disgusting entitled piece of trash, but I'm not... I didn't try to sue anyone this month,.

>> No.4594496

OP I am a racist asshole too.

>> No.4594515

Why is this on ck? and who is Paula Deen?

>> No.4594528
File: 225 KB, 500x511, 1369993117831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall can take the word nigga back. We still keepin football and basketball doe.

>> No.4594531

dat edge

>> No.4594751


In the US, oriental is a word for designating objects, not people. Maybe overseas it's different, I wouldn't know.

>> No.4594764

This is bullshit.

She's an old woman from the South. If I had a fucking $1 for every time I heard someone say nigger or something else racist about blacks here in Georgia, I'd be a fucking millionare.

Get over it, faggots.

>> No.4594766

As much as I'd like to cave her skull in with a stone, I hate blacks too.

>> No.4594779

I'm black, i give no shits about her saying nigger.

no one else should either.

>> No.4594821

I called someone a jiggacoonspookjew just last night.

>> No.4594827

Granny used to say nigger all the time.
I was adorable.

Granny was also afraid gypsies were gonna break into her house. She was terrified of gypsies.

>> No.4594829

I'm just tired of seeing her face and hearing her grunt.
Maybe a bit jelly of her wealth and empire on subconscious level but I don't think so because I don't harbor that sentiment for many other rich people.

I just want to see her fail.

>> No.4594832

Even though I like her I hate her at the same time.

Because she's walking bait for Eurofags that point and laugh at us for being like... That.

Might I remind you that 'Two Fat Ladies' existed!

>> No.4594837
File: 231 KB, 649x571, Jews_Gonna_Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More white guilt propaganda. Jews should feel ashamed.

>> No.4594861

I am mute, and very fucking ready... if I didn't live thousands of miles away.

>> No.4594865


Pick one.

>> No.4595274

That was possibly the most backhanded non-apology I've ever heard.

She delivered it like she was remorseful but the actual text of it was "Who the fuck hasn't done this, who cares".

>> No.4595302

And she's right. I can honestly say, I can't think of one single person I've known in my entire life that hasn't verbally expressed prejudice towards some race or creed. Racism is wrong, but it's actually ingrained in humans down to the genetic level. We are conditioned to fight for our own tribe. Now, that doesn't make it right, but instead of this fucking lynch mob mentality, we need to stop this at a verbal level. As someone else noted, once the words are rendered meaningless, it can have no hold over anyone. There have been thousands of words lost to the English language, and quite a few of them have been hurtful, derogatory words. Let words like "nigger" go down that path. Let it die out of the language, along with other racial slurs, and it will cease to cause problems.

>> No.4595310

The problem with your post is that niggers use the word 'nigger' exponentially more than non niggers do.

>> No.4595313

>white people allowed to be racist

Nope, pick none.

>> No.4595314

The principle still applies.

>> No.4595324

Why is skin colour such a huge fucking topic? Why is it politically incorrect for me to call a person with black skin black?

I'm white, I'm not caucasian, maybe if I were from the caucasus region I could say that. I'm getting tired of this bullshit man, as soon to be a minority white man I demand we start calling all the other races out on creating the race blame game.

>> No.4595354


Political Correctness makes sense if you're a hater since your context of Deen is always going to be bad. Somebody should Do Something About Her, right?

That's how you become a stooge to politicians and other weird groups of shitheads who butter their bread with misery. Misery they never seem to eradicate, there's always something else that needs to be hated and censored.

>> No.4595372

Oh god this.
You nailed that one. I'm so tired of watching people feeding on misery and hate.

>> No.4595470


It's always justified by pointing to an ideal. In a perfect world nobody would unjustly use handicapped parking, so haters attack cripples who don't look ideally crippled. In an ideal world we would be physically fit, so haters harass skinny people at gyms or fat people when they're exercising outside. In a perfect world nobody would be racist, so haters go looking for white male crypo-nazis telling fucked up jokes to their friends.

It makes me wonder just how firm our grasp on reality is.

>> No.4595504


Riiiiiiiiiiight. Not calling people Niggers is the definition of politically correct now?

Just don't call black people niggers. If you do you're a douchebag. Why is that so hard?

>> No.4595534


There's more to a human being than saying douchey things, it really is not an issue.

>> No.4595537


This was in the 80s or something and it's coming from a southern woman. Why is it being brought up now? To get back at her because she didn't want to go along with the program in some way.

I'll take someone shouting racial slurs on the street 24/7 any day over allowing the ultra-rich to control public opinion by what is essentially defamation.

>> No.4595550

Take this shit to /tv/. This board is about food, you fucking autists.

>> No.4595554

>Just cuz she's a successful capitalist with a very southern personality you think you can beat her down. How dare you.

Ah just like the bankers!


>> No.4595556

>I'll take someone shouting racial slurs on the street 24/7 any day over allowing the ultra-rich to control public opinion by what is essentially defamation.

A million times this. When are people going to wake up and realize that people are being controlled by the media and our government is owned by corporations? And why does this seem to not upset anyone?

>> No.4595557


Of course, who could forget Paula taking butterballs out to Occupy Wall Street?

Oh, that never happened?

I do agree with you though - identity politics rather than class solidarity is what has killed the left in this country.

>> No.4595611

There's an old film about a man from Germany explaining to an American (?) how his country men were convinced to do awful things because their hate was cultivated and then manipulated so others could gain power, I wish I remembered the name. It explained everything cooly and beautifully.

If someone wants you to hate or be an activist they're trying to profit off you, basically.

>> No.4595837

It isn't about a word, it's about how she treated people.

Semi-related rant. Has anyone else noticed how, Southerners are trying to have this both ways.

On one hand, we're constantly hearing this apologist, 'she didn't know any better, she's from the south,' argument. However, they simultaneously resent the fact that they're routinely mocked by the rest of the country for their unique tendency to precluding certain types of people from receiving basic civility.

So, is The South some kind of racially homogeneous utopia, as we often have to hear, or is The South tortured by prejudices which lead someone like Paula Deen to obliviously discriminate in her hiring practices and to disregard the hostile work environment her businesses created?

I'm not saying everyone down south is racist, I would just like some intellectual honesty when these issues come up.

>> No.4595849

This. Why haven't we learned from (historically recent) past mistakes? You should nearly always be suspicious of people who want to recruite/indoctrinate you for something. We should be extremely wary of the media and corporate interests at this point in time.
Speaking of...
Who's seen the new commercials for Walmart where a woman with a mic walks around and tells people how Walmart's part time employees get quarterly bonuses? Damage control much?

>> No.4595858

It's a fucking trick. They're trying to recruit workers but it's a farce because they're nearly only hiring temps, which would get zero benefits.


>> No.4595867

those occupy types were filthy disgusting hippies, and taking butterballs out to them would be joke on those pieces of self important pieces of shit. If friends and I were around, we'd have thrown shit bombs on them from the roofs, and it wouldn't matter, those filthy hippies wouldn't have known the difference.

>> No.4595885

How about David Letterman banging interns in his little CBS annex above his studio. I haven't actually heard Paula Dean call any one a nigger, but there are so many niggers about, she was just being honest.

Then you have David Letterman using his position of authority to bang interns left and right. But that's somehow OK?

Nigger please!

>> No.4595891

I had MSNBC on the background as I read this thread. They kept saying "the N-word" and then kept saying "Cracker" as a reference to white people. What I learned today : White people can't say "nigger". Black people can say "nigger". Both white and black have no problem using "cracker". How do I explain this to my kids?

>> No.4595897

American TV hipocrasy.

>> No.4595902
File: 13 KB, 300x200, 1335335765234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these pussies saying N word
Nigger. Just say it. you'll feel better.

>> No.4595903

Explain to your kids what hipocrasy is, that and TV ratings... 30% more extra drama to draw in the viewers.

>> No.4595906


>Bad thing X happens.
>Bad thing Y also happens.
>Therefore Bad thing X is okay.
>A thin veil of identity politics.

I'm sorry the basic tenants of morality were not ran by you by your parents when you were 5.

>> No.4595907

That's not my problem that you don't want to talk to your ugly children. Fuck'em.

>> No.4595912

Also tell them to follow the money on these kinds of issues. The chief nigger himself Al Sharpie Sharp Sharpton has nothing to say on this issue because people remember his bullshit from the Tawana Brawley days. Look that one up... he called a bunch of cops racist and accused them of attacking some little black girl and all the time it was staged. She even changed her name to stay out of the spotlight.

It's about money and getting media attention. You should teach them that and to think for themselves.

>> No.4595914

Sorry, but this is driving me insane.

>> No.4595917

I had a Gypsie grandmother on one side and on the other one who hated Gypsies. Made for some interesting Christmas mornings, two old lady's cussing each other out in the Mudder Tung.

>> No.4595924

Maybe, but who the fuck would target Paula Deen? I'm from California, and if I shut my eyes when she's talking, she sounds black to me.

>> No.4595927

That's good nigger, you should copyright that.

>> No.4595935

it was a rhetorical question. I'm not looking to 4chan to help me be a better parent.

>> No.4595944


Well, I'm glad that it took so little effort to reduce you to the point where you're merely attempting to save face by getting the last word.

Instead of getting mad, just think about it.

Now, I'm giving you an opportunity to display how clever you are. Let us see the limits of your wit!

>> No.4595952

Understood. I can take correction, unlike niggers who go off with the WHAZZZZ UP YO and pull weapons.

>> No.4595961

Clearly, your ears are not very tuned to the different accents in the USA. She does say "y'all" a lot, artifically I think to make her TV show. My sister in law is as Southern as they come and she says "y'all" properly, and it's not artifically interjected into sentances.

>> No.4595976
File: 84 KB, 640x1136, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she allegedly did this was 20 FUCKING YEARS AGO

Food Network probably paid this nigger to do this so they could replace her old ugly butter ass with Giada's tittays

>> No.4595983
File: 31 KB, 624x344, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Tosses stone at her*

>> No.4595996

>watches commercials
>doesn't learn

>> No.4596064

>word, it's about how she treated people.
>Semi-related rant. Has anyone else noticed how, Southerners are trying to have this both ways.

David Letterman engaged in a consensual realtionship with an adult women.

This cunt wanted to dress black waiters up as fucking caricatures. Fuck her, and fuck her apologists.

>> No.4596125

>n-word means slave

It`s actually latin for black...

>> No.4596215

What ever happened to that Martha Stewart season of The Apprentice?

>> No.4596218

I don't know who she fucked to get a show

>> No.4596229

>tfw one of my friends keeps linking to these godawful fucking jezebel articles on facebook
God, it takes a lot of effort to not say anything about it.

>> No.4596268


Etymological meanings are not the same as modern usage.

In this culture, the word nigger was intended to designate black people as an 'other' who were inherently inferior because of their blackness. Historically, the word was almost always exclusively used as a pejorative.

You're grasping at straws, don't pretend that other language's use of the word in some benign context is evidence justifying the present day use of the word nigger.

>> No.4596278

Except you cannot use the argument that language changes over time WHILE arguing that the meaning of a word like "nigger" is still frozen in the middle part of last century.

Let's face it, to a staggering large portion of the younger generations, the word means next to nothing. It's something someone is supposed to get upset about, but then we are also supposed to get upset when someone insults our home state too...

And I'm not implying or outright stating that it does not still have some hateful connotations, but it is losing much of its bite.

>> No.4596323


How does that make sense?

Giada is already working for them.

>> No.4596973

Savannah, GA resident here

I read some bullshit article online that she makes her black employees use separate entrances and stuff like in the 50s.

I've had tons of friends and acquaintances, black and white, who've worked at her restaurant and none of them ever had anything bad to say about her. They all said she was a sweet old lady and that she didn't come to the restaurant very much but she'd remember people's names and stuff.

Makes me sad.

They all said the food was shit though.

>> No.4597006

If you actually think that anyone gives two fucks that she said nigger, I have no words for how gullible you are. Food Network fired her because her ratings were sliding and they were just happy to get an excuse to do it, and the news media is going all over this because focusing on celebrity gossip is 10 times easier, cheaper and more appealing to the general American public than reporting on actual news is, plus the Obama stuff has gotten them worked up into scandal mode and they don't want to leave it. Together the two are blowing this way out of proportion to the amount of people who actually give a shit. I don't think anyone at all cares about a 66 year old woman from the deep south having said the word nigger 40 years ago.

>> No.4597027
File: 2.01 MB, 1025x1367, PAULAHUNGERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Paula so anime?

>> No.4597031

"please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me."

i cringed so fuckin hard when i heard her say this

>> No.4597045

Boy, that Matt Lauer is a real nigger.

>> No.4597061

Its news because America is having to choose a side the in war in Syria that they're blanketing the news over with this and the Snowden story. Guess which side China and Russia chose?

>> No.4598529


Her book is number one on amazon!

It's pre-sales.


Her publisher announced today they will no longer be publishing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4598533

Maybe Chick-fil-A can do something for this poor woman..

>> No.4598534

Proof positive, once again: Niggers ruin everything

>> No.4598539


You...are such...a dumbass dude....

>> No.4598542

Political correctness is Law and will be enforced in the marketplace.

>> No.4598543

Fuck I hate this country.

>> No.4598547

Now I understand, better, why Moot can't get sponsers.

>> No.4598550

And yet it's "niggers" that ruin everything, supposedly.....

>> No.4598551

It could be worse, in the UK the fags there get prosecuted for calling a nigger a nigger and they can't boot out islamic sandnigger terrorists. Be glad that you're in the USA, a lot of folk have died for our right to speak as we will and not be locked up for it.

Cheers to the military folk of the USA!
There probably aren't many of them reading 4chan but even if just one, that's good!

>> No.4598555

He's probably not looking too hard, then the website would start sucking up to advertising dollars instead of the free speach site that it is.

>> No.4598563
File: 152 KB, 600x453, Muhammad-Cartoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post this one in the UK and you'd get arrested because they're afraid of offending muslim sandniggers.

>> No.4598570

i don't get why anyone cares if someone's racist anymore
i thought discrimination was over

>> No.4598580

Everyone discriminates it's natural. Once you understand that you can become a human being.

Don't you choose your mates? Or say a wife or husband? That's discrimination.

With your socialist shit you might as well let the government decide for you.

>> No.4598583


>free right to speak like a dumbass and say ignorant things out of your mouth

I'm sure you think they died for you lot to consume hamburgers and get fat as well. Freedom of speech was a horrible idea from the get-go because it completely eroded the idea of speaking intelligently. Now folks pretty much feel justified to say any dumbass thing out of their mouth because MUH FREEDUMB! MUH RIGHTS!!

>> No.4598585

God discriminates. Go with God. (the white one)

>> No.4598589

This, THIS, for the love of fuck.

>> No.4598593

I think it was originally put in there so smart things could be said so that those in power who disagreed with it couldn't just have them executed.

>> No.4598602

I never claimed that anyone died for me. Most died because they were impressed into service. An interesting thing would be if the government of the USA said, hey were in a war, and nobody showed up to fight it.

We do have an awesome military for those times when folk such as the japanese want to sneak attack us or when the nazis would try to nuke new york.

And they would have given the chance.

>> No.4598611

that's not discrimination you dumb fuck

>> No.4598622


Roosevelt knew that Pearl Harbor was about to get attacked..... It could have been prevented hours and hours before it happened. He let it happen. Look it up. Same with 9/11. Could have totally been prevented. But it was allowed to happen.

>> No.4598628

Bullshit you conspiracy loon. How about instead of me disproving your bullshit you prove it. I bet you can't. Ya know, it was really all designed by "THE LIZARD PEOPLE!"

You fucking loon!

>> No.4598633

Yes. Yes it is.
That's why when people are being choosy about something, like say, the quality of their food, it's called being "discriminating"
>He had a very discriminating palate for someone so young
>She was very discriminatory in picking out her wedding dress.
>George picked out which cabana boy to fuck using utmost discrimination.

>> No.4598641

You're the one making the assertions, so you prove it. That always shuts you nutjobs up.

>> No.4598685



>> No.4598705

Okay you faggots. You want me to prove it to you? I'll prove it to you.





It's funny how America always proclaims to be a "super power" that can detect threats from a million miles away and prevent them. But then always "coincidentally" fail to deter attacks when enemies came to wreak havoc. Hmmm, gee, I wonder why.

>> No.4598738

I'm new to this thread and I'm not clicking on shit, but there is a big difference between "knew it was one of myriad theoretical possibilities" and "had conclusive, irrefutable information that it was on the verge of happening"

you give these people way too much credit.

>> No.4598742

Actually, there is a decent bit of legit evidence that Roosevelt did know about Pearl Harbor before it happened. That's not a full on tinfoil hat theory.

>> No.4598745


>Yahoo Answers.

Everything you posted is no different then you writing an essay of reasons with 0 supporting facts.

I bet you believe everything is real if someone throws a page of words at you.

>> No.4598749


And you sitting here believing everything the government and public school text books tells you doesn't make you look like an even bigger fool?

>> No.4598777

I assume you were home schooled or are a butt frustrated canuck, but when I was in grade school our history textbooks mentioned the "Roosevelt knew" theories. this would have been early 80s. where did you get the idea that this was unknown to school kids? it just isn't accepted as an unambiguous fact except by edgy truther types.

>> No.4598860


Wow, Yahoo Answers and Scifi forums: such hard hitting, scholarly sources you have there.