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File: 114 KB, 700x525, bevmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4590364 No.4590364 [Reply] [Original]

is working at bevmo /ck/ approved?

>> No.4590375
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>a store that sells wine, beer, and liquor
>all in one store

What is this sorcery?

>> No.4590388


Shit, all the stores in MN do.

>> No.4590402

There are stores that don't sell all three of those?

>> No.4590406


Is this not common where you live?

>> No.4590410

A lot of convenience stores don't sell hard liquor. because it requires an additional license. They'll sell beer and wine though.

>> No.4590415

Must be a regional thing

Up here, pretty much every liquor store, grocery store, drug store, and gas station has liquor, beer, and wine

>> No.4590416

krogers fucking does that

>> No.4590419


In NY there's no beer in liquor/wine stores, and no wine/liquor in grocery stores

It's annoying

>> No.4590420
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c-can someone answer my question?

>> No.4590422

Is bevmo a typical liquor store?

>> No.4590423

Why do liberals make such ridiculous laws?

>> No.4590427
File: 41 KB, 640x427, IMG_5792_________________________________________________________.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half beer/liquor/sodas & half wines

>pic related

>> No.4590430

it's a cool store with a lot of variety and pretty good prices but i don't know what the working conditions are like. probably shitty like everywhere else.

>> No.4590435

you've obviously never been to Utah

>> No.4590440

Northeast liberals and southern/utahian conservatives are the worst

>> No.4590447


Where I live you get beer at the grocery store but it is illegal for the grocery stores to sell wine or liquor. It is also illegal for the liquor stores to sell beer.

It's supposed to protect small wine shops, or something.

>> No.4590452

glad I live in the upper midwest

>> No.4590463

we just got rid of a dumb law like that
at the cost of about 6 dollars in tax being added on to the price of liquor

>> No.4590466

Texasfag here. The laws regarding importation of alcohol suck. I've found only a few sites that still ship here. We do have Spec's everywhere which is good, but I'm not sure how it compares to Bevmo. At least our grocery stores (Whole Foods, Central Market, Trader Joe's, HEB etc.) have decent beers and frequent good finds.

Anyone else try to order beer online?

>> No.4590512

Fellow Texasfag, our liquor laws are pants on head retarded. Hell, half of my county was dry up to 2011. I wish grocery stores could sell liquor, but I am okay with keeping that out of convenience stores. As a burgeoning alcoholic, I thought Louisiana would be a paradise, but with liquor available at every corner store, the selection sucked ass.

>> No.4590564

One of these just opened up down the road from me. I've been meaning to check it out, but it's on the inconvenient side of the street. I'm that lazy.

I hope they refrigerate their goddamn beer, unlike the last big booze superemporium that opened down the road. Damn it.

>> No.4590611

Florida has Total Wine and More which is the same as BevMo from what I can tell. It's the size of a good sized grocery store full of liquor, wine, beer and accessories.

The same store up in VA can't sell liquor, so they are smaller. VA requires all the liquor to be sold in state run ABC Liquor stores. It's pretty annoying but if you plan ahead, it's really not that bad. The area I was in in Missouri didn't have either but did have some specialty beer stores and also sold liquor at gas stations.

>> No.4590964
File: 27 KB, 325x214, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently work at bevmo as an associate, its been a pretty good place to work if you're a student/looking for part-time work. Because like most retail places nowadays, its hardly likely they'll give you full time work and they just give you slightly better than minimum wage. If you're wondering the employee discount is only 10%, could be a lot better there imo. My store is pretty chill, though we are a smaller bevmo compared to others.

But has been a very easy going and kinda fun place to work if you know your booze. They also do offer exclusive tastings for employees (and you get paid to go!) so you can know more about the merchandise. Though new associates can only take the wine course at the moment, but that helped me a lot at learning different types of wines.

>> No.4590976

thank you for the response!
just got the offer, so was not sure what to expect. much appreciated

>> No.4590981

I love BevMo.
It's my home away from home..sniff.. (jk)
But seriously, they can get hard to find stuff, at least mine can. There's one two blocks from my house. That's dangerous, man. My liver is constantly on edge, lol.

>> No.4590983

what do you normally get from there?

>> No.4590998


No prob, if you got any questions I'd be happy to answer.

Also, expect to be on the register a lot at the beginning. That's the way it was like at my store anyway.

>> No.4591000

Oh, all kinds of stuff. Yesterday, I bought a variety 12 pack of Angry Orchard cider (it has Crisp, Apple Ginger, Traditional, and Elderflower) and some New Amsterdam gin. Oh, and two airplane bottles of Fireball. Two days before that, I bought Tito vodka, and 4 airplane bottles of Agua (the coca liqueur). Before that...it was more vodka and a few different beers (mainly Sam Smiths - oatmeal stout and nut brown are my favorites). Unusual things I've bought in the past few months have been St. Germain (the St. Germain cocktail is one of my favorites for all day drinking, it's St. Germain mixed with champagne and club soda)
and Cachaca, which isn't really so unusual, but I love Caipirinhas in the summer. And it's about time for me to start swilling Pastis like a fiend, too. Yay summer.

>> No.4591052
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my god
& here i thought i was fancy with hot toddys and gin & tonics...

>> No.4591062
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whats a normal routine for you? when i came in for the interview the store was practically dead and the employees were just hanging around chatting

just curious how time passes

>> No.4591069

I just tried the Elderflower Angry Orchard for the first time, it's good stuff. Wish it wasn't limited.

>> No.4591113

I'm guessing you came in during the day, it is very slow then. Business doesn't really pick up till like 4pm in my store.

What you'll be doing depends on where you're working, either the register or on the floor. If you're on the register during the day, expect a lot of old people and alcoholics. And if you're on the floor during the day, expect to stock shelves and help people with their questions.

In the evening the there will be a lot more people so work goes by fast on the register. And be sure to card everyone if you think they're under 30 or so, Bevmo's policy is 50 or under but I see that as bothersome. Watch out for the secret shoppers, they're typically in their early 20s and if you fuck up and don't card them you will get fired. They're easy to spot though, they usually just try to buy one bottle of beer, a mini of booze, or whatever is cheap and has booze in it. If you're on the floor you'll spend most of your time just facing the store, maybe restocking, help people with the liquor lock ups and whatever questions they have.

Fridays, weekends and holidays can be very busy and annoying. You'll encounter a lot of people who don't know shit about alcohol. Like "what goes in a gin and tonic?" kind of lot.

>> No.4591152
File: 1.10 MB, 1614x1290, booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much re-iterating what this anon said >>4590964
I worked there for about two years and it was one of the easiest jobs I've ever had. I met some very cool people as far as co-workers go (actually met my gf of 3 years there and made a new best friend). You always hear horror stories about working retail, but we hardly ever had difficult customers. Which makes sense because for a lot of them it's like being a kid in a candy store.
At my store we had a decent amount of perks in the form of freebies. For example, leftover booze from beer or wine tastings. We would also frequently take mini bottles of liquor that shipped as samplers along with bigger bottles. For example a 1.75 liter of regular Dewar's would come with a little 50ml bottle of the 12 year hanging around it's neck. If I was having a long day I would snatch one of those off and down it, noone cared. Me and my co-workers would do shots in the manager's booth or sample new beers. Also around Christmas time the stores start getting giftpacks. So instead of you finding a regular bottle of jack daniels on the shelf it now comes with a stupid hat thrown in for a dollar extra. Often times though it's more useful stuff like glassware or flasks. After the holidays are over the giftpacks have to go and the employees basically get all the free shit that came with them. Good way to expand your glassware collection. Corporate isn't cool with any of this, but what they don't know...

The downsides: You won't get full time as an associate. The pay is shit. Don't think of it as a career unless you want to work your way up to store manager, district manager, corporate etc. New employees get stuck on the registers, sometimes for weeks/months because they have limited knowledge of the product. You learn as you go and there are classes that you take. I always liked beer and spirits so I was pretty good at helping customers in those departments.

A lot of this depends on your particular store so YMMV

>> No.4592213


sounds pretty good... i'm only looking for a part time job anyways since i'm a full time student. was hoping the employees would be pretty lenient about "taking sips" on the job

& yeah i came during the day before 4 so it was really dead. i'm used to registers from my previous job so hopefully it won't be too big a problem, i'll keep a lookout for those secret shoppers though