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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 300x300, rs_300x300-130621132426-600.PaulaDeen.jl.062113[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4587688 No.4587688 [Reply] [Original]

I'll tell you /ck/, I wonder if this whole Paula Deen is really about the word nigger, or racism at all for that matter? Doesn't it seem fishy to you? Because she used a racial slur years ago all of a sudden Food Network has to fire her? Really?

What if in actuality its just a smear campaign? Paula Deen is pretty big. She's probably big enough to go out on her own, Orah style, even launch her own Network. Maybe the Food Network execs could sense this about to happen. In that case a business could protect itself cutting into that individual's popularity, if they were acting in their own self-interest.

It's the most rational explanation I can come up with.

>> No.4587695

I've lived in Savannah (where she's not from, and where most people hate her). They're that racist all around there.

>> No.4587716

Man, I'm surprised it took this long for me to see a Paula Deen thread when everyone around here loves used the word, "nigger".
How did this whole thing blow up? I was surprised to hear about this whole thing and how quickly she's being swept under the rug. She worked her ass off to get into her position and now she'll be forgotten in a matter of years.

>> No.4587717
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needs a caption, yo

>> No.4587718

ok but do you think food network execs didnt know paula deen was racist? really? with that accent? they didnt think at some point in the last decade that sghe might be a little racist? really?

>> No.4587722

loves using*

>> No.4587740
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>> No.4587752


There's a difference between being a closet racist and an open racist.

>> No.4587759

"Just fry me up and they'll love me again."

>> No.4587761

All thats gonna happen is theyll chastise her for a couple weeks or a month then apologize and give her everything back. Dont worry about it, thats how hollywood works.

>> No.4587766

>being openly racist in 2013
Nigger, she's in deep shit.
She got famous from a family friendly network where she was supposed to be idolized as Mrs. Santa Clause.

>> No.4587780

because an accent denotes racism
fuck you
>generalizing negatively about accent is ok >generalizing negatively about skin color isn't
stupid piece of shit

>> No.4587783
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>ITT white people still trying to push the agenda that "Nigger" was all that she said to make her seem more innocent.

>> No.4587784

>All thats gonna happen is theyll chastise her for a couple weeks or a month then apologize
I hope shes goes to the Oprah network.
She called a guy a nigger who put a gun to her head in the 60's. I never really knew anything about her until now and I admire her honesty, not trying to back paddle, deny or apologize.

>> No.4587787

>black only colleges and programs
>holiday made for blacks
>it's ok if a black is racist towards a white guy but i'll be damned if it happens the other way around
This is only getting so much attention because she's white

>> No.4587790

Did it hurt your widdle feelings, what she said?

Toughen up, weak cunt.

>> No.4587792

I disagree with it, but what the fuck is my opinion going to matter? I don't watch Food Network to begin with, I pirate the shows I want to watch.

>> No.4587795
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Stormfront defense force. She's not even a good cook, she's a fat obnoxious whore. Good on your for white knighting Mody Dick fags.

>> No.4587798

Damn, someone get this guy some Preparation H, stat.

>> No.4587809
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>Mad fag gets madfag as fuck
>falls for bait
>starts projecting as fuck

Better put that fedora on and keep posting, it's time for battle.

>> No.4587812
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>people that like sex is an insult
>"white knighting"
>anime pics
>whos the fag?

>> No.4587814

God, this trolling is terrible.
How fucking bored are you?

>> No.4587823
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Who said shit about sex /b/tard?


It worked didn't it? stay mad

>> No.4587829

Apparently responding = mad in your world.
I bet you named that anime folder "for trolling"

>> No.4587833
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Responding to me constantly and getting mad as fuck is getting mad.

>> No.4587838

"whore", ask your mum what it means

>> No.4587843

I couldn't be any madder right now. You could call me John Madden

>> No.4587845
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Job done, thread derailed. /ck/ is saved.

>> No.4587846
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>> No.4587849

Your Yugioh cards are calling

>> No.4587857

I'm going to make a Paula Deen thread until everyone cares about her again.
She deserves respect.

>> No.4587867
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For what, churning a gallon of butter in her rotten uterus and queefing it into a frying pan for every recipe?

>> No.4587875

My Uncle Bob owns a butter company and she helped him get business through her show.
She deserves all the respect in the world, except for God, of course.

>> No.4587876

>Paula Dean din do nuffin!

Oh, how long I waited to use that against you guys.

>> No.4587877
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>My heteronormative white fat southern uncle went into business sucking the vagina yeast from Paula Deen's snatch
>Therefor she's a good person

>> No.4587882

Don't you talk bad about my Uncle Bob, you hear?

>> No.4587886
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Or he'll shove is fat crusty dick in your teeny boipussy asshole?

>> No.4587889

Fuck, I am bored. What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Oh yea, making Paula Deen threads.

>> No.4587897
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Gotta earn that money
Dolla mek me holla honey booboo

>southern culture

>> No.4587903

>Getting rich without any effort
>Southern culture
You peanut butter?

>> No.4587913
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Like I care if you eat from the same pig troth that Paula Deen shits in, but I guess for a southerner, debasing yourself as a human toilet is southern culture.

>> No.4587922

Oh sorry what was that?
I can't hear you through the sound of me rolling around in my money.

>> No.4587930
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>Implying a McJob is rich

>> No.4587933

>implying I don't take a daily swim in my pool full of oil

>> No.4587939
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>Implying the fryer and your face has the same oil they use for cars

>> No.4587940



>> No.4587948

>implying I don't have extra money to clean my face with every morning

>> No.4587952
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Thanks for unconsciously admitting that I was right.

>> No.4587958

>unconsciously admitting
>thinks having a dry face is good for you
I think you meant to say "indirectly admitting", partner

>> No.4587964
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>It's okay to be a fat pimply neckbeard!

>> No.4588015

>implying I'm fat and not just big boned
>mom thinks my pimples make me a man

>> No.4588039

not sure about what court stuff is public, but I bet some person tried to black mail her or a black racist just wanted to see her burn for saying nigger

In all honesty, I bet only like 2% of the population has never said nigger or told a racist joke

>> No.4588062


There are people who are just waiting for things like that to happen. They seek any opportunity to scream "Scandal!" and launch a huge press thing.

We say nigger all the time, so I don't think we should really even talk about it. Paula Deen is just some butter-waving TV personality now, her cooking days were faded by her affection for butter.

She had a nice show. She had decent southern homey cooking, a fun attitude, and overall it was an OK show. Wasn't great, but she was like a southern ... what's that other fat chick on Food TV I like? She has a squeaky voice ... anyway.

I don't think it's worth it for us to make a scandal out of it, and I seriously think Food Network needs better PR people, seriously. It was no reason to panic and cancel the show.

>> No.4588144

Not everyone.

>> No.4588165

>old lady is quoted as saying "nigger" 50 years ago
>she happens to be white and southern
>non-whites and liberal halftards go apeshit

pretty sure this is some kind of socio-political experiment.

>> No.4588187
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>faith or loyalty in contract

>> No.4588300

Fuck the south

>> No.4588309

It wasn't because she simply said a word, she expressed racist attitude towards several of her black employees on several occasions.

Not to mention she wanted to dress a bunch of black waiters up as fucking caricatures.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. If she wants to be a racist old twat, so be it, but that doesn't mean she gets to stay on tv.

>> No.4588335

I'd like to see that just so black people can have excuses for their current racism towards whites.
>muh victim card

>> No.4588342

she wanted a 'southern plantation' wedding with all black catering staff. true shit.

a former employee at her brother's restaurant(which she takes part in) also said that they had to use separate restrooms and entrances from white people. not sure how true that allegation is, but she's been a long time racist.

>> No.4588360

So do we have recordings of any of this, or are we to take the word of random assholes?

Because racism is very much real and alive, inside black communities that hate asians, whites, and latinos.

>> No.4588363

>Not to mention she wanted to dress a bunch of black waiters up as fucking caricatures.
As a black person, this was the only part that irked me when I heard about it. She wanted all black waiters for her brother's? wedding. You know it was going to be outside at some sort of plantation style, Victorian-era home. She basically wanted to fucking pretend the servers were house slaves serving Massa's guests. That is the fucked up part to me. She might have said some off color shit but doesn't everyone? Her actions or intentions speak much louder.

>> No.4588369

>Black person says "nigger"

>White person says "nigger"

They should just make it a federal offense to use a racial slur, regardless of what race you are. $100 fine for every instance of you saying a racial slur.

>> No.4588373

>inside black communities that hate asians, whites, and latinos.
>implying the asians, whites, and latinos aren't racist as well
Try and find one Asian community that doesn't hate all black people with a passion. You can't.

>> No.4588375

she admitted she said she wanted a wedding like that. i have not gone out of my way for this news story because i dont give a fuck about this woman, but i'm not sure about the bathroom and entrances thing or if other employees came forward about it. then again i have not bothered to look it up.

i don't think she should have been fired over using a racial slur once but she has a history and i don't think she should get asspats for being a racist piece of shit. she knows what she did was wrong and even with the wedding she said she'd LIKE one like that but was afraid of the media would blow it up. too bad they aren't and are just focusing on one thing she said instead of you know - all the shit she's spewed.

>> No.4588376

I don't blame them.
Please fucking prove this happened to everyone

>> No.4588410

I'm not black, but that was still the part that bothered me the most. I don't know ANYONE who hasn't ever once used a racial slur against some ethnicity. Stupid shit gets said. But having a social function that pretends to be pre-civil rights, pre-civil war? That's some fucked up shit. That goes over the line from saying something you shouldn't out of either anger, stupidity or both, to premeditating an exaltation of a shameful human rights violation. You don't see people having fucking Nazi era themed weddings, do you? (at least not that we know of, anyway.) Good people just don't DO those sorts of things.

>> No.4588437

i don't think having some sort of 'event' that depicts pre-civil rights, racism and whatnot is a bad thing, but it should only be for historical/educational purposes. that shit happened, so its silly to ignore it.she just wanted her and her white friends and family to experience some sort of slave fantasy.

>> No.4588445

Yes, well that's what I meant. Historical and educational depictions are one thing. A party with that depiction for fun is completely different. It's the intent.

>> No.4588451


there's nothing unique about drowning a dish with enough butter to slide a hundred times around the earth. that's lazy cooking.

>> No.4588469


She could've even had the old Southern style (decorations, food, atmosphere, etc.) but without the whole all-black-waiters thing going on.

>> No.4589725

I asked my friend for a sip of his pepsi and he gave me the can. Afterward he accused me of 'nigger lipping' his pepsi and refused to take it back. In a rage, I should file a hate crime report with the NYPD and have his racist ass hauled off to juvee where I'm sure disgusting faggots would anally violate him even as I type these words. I abhor bigots.

>> No.4589732

My nephew used to work as a waiter in a seafood restaurant. And we all know how niggers love "skrimps".....well, there was a huge nigger family one day and they shared meals (typical) as well as ordering water as their drinks. When they finally finished their meals, my nephew walked over to the huge mess on the table. They stiffed him on the tip , and lo and behold EMPTY KOOL-AID PACKETS !!!!! The niggers made their own Kool-Aid with the water and sugar on the table. I couldn't believe my ears...but then again

>> No.4589748

I love both dog cock and Negro cock, but that is hardly any reason to make either dogs or Negroes American citizens. Just as there will be ways to enjoy Chinese food without flooding America with Chinese asylum-seekers, there will be ways for you to enjoy Negro cock without allowing large numbers of Negroes to roam about destroying American infrastructures

>> No.4589755

> Chinese asylum-seekers

You do understand that it's 2013 right? The only reason a Chinese person even considers moving to America is to funnel their wealth out of China before the coming epic collapse.

>> No.4589915

Orders for "Paula Deen's New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up" surged on Amazon by nearly 1,300 percent in the last 24 hours. "Paula Deen's New Testament" is not available until October.

-CNN Money

>> No.4589922


>> No.4589938

But it's ok for hipsters to bring their own teabags to a tea shop to make their own tea?

There was a thread about that a bit while ago new friend.

>> No.4589944

so basically, she would fit right in on 4chan

>> No.4589960


>> No.4589966

>homely southern woman

Truly this was unforeseen.

>> No.4589967

I'm surprised she didn't try the "Niggers and black people are two different things" approach.

>> No.4590007

>Because racism is very much real and alive, inside black communities that hate asians, whites, and latinos.

its only the whites because white people always initiate the racism. and bigotry and then the blacks retaliate.

>> No.4590008

You need to die in a fire. Seriously. If you were in front of me, soaked in gasoline, I would toss a match on you.

>> No.4590009

to be fair restarunts dont sell kool aid

>> No.4590015
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1,300 percent


>> No.4590041

this is b.s. imo. who cares that an old southern white lady said "nigger"? it's not like she's actively donating to the KKK or something. if she's going to get crucified for this, then guy fieri should be crucified as well for using the word "faggot" (in addition to his general douchebaggery, of course).

>> No.4590339

Savannahfag here.
It is a smear campaign, but really, the whole thing reeks of a shakedown.

To me it sounds like the plaintiff's lawyer came to Deen and said something like "My client has information that racial discrimination has been going on at the restaurant-that you own-that is run by your brother. If you do not give my client $1 million within 48 hours, we will file a racial discrimination lawsuit against you and your brother in open court for that money, this evidence will become a matter of public record for all to see, and you will lose everything you have worked for."
By all accounts, Paula Deen is not the primary problem, but she does have the money the plaintiff is seeking, an has the most to lose.

>> No.4590394
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>white people getting mad at black people over the having to say the 'n-word'
>yfw you remember the only reason white people get assmad is because they don't like being told what to do
>because they're motherfucking white damn it and don't you ever forget it, darkies
Stay classy, white people.

>> No.4590397

find me an American of any race over the age of 18 who hasn't said nigger once and I will find you a liar.

>> No.4590408


It's not the accent, it's the fact she celebrates 'southern heritage'. Which is always racist, as the heritage of the former Confederacy is based upon the subjugation of American Negros.

>> No.4590414


This. That's way beyond an off color joke.

Does the fact that blacks are racist excuse white people being racist?

>> No.4590426

The south is such an intellectual drain on this country.

>> No.4590437

I'm starting to think the same thing. The whole thing seems pretty ridiculous.

>> No.4590456

Oh come on. Everybody likes to pretend sometimes. Black people like to pretend they are Egyptians all the time. Why can't you let her have some fun? White people needs some fantasies too and things were so much better for us back then.

Grant a dying race some fun on our deathbed.

>> No.4590458

>Does the fact that blacks are racist excuse white people being racist?
No. My apologies for the confusion, I meant to respond to another post too, but must have forgotten.

Actually most Southerners were poor as fuck and couldn't afford a single slave, let alone a ton of them like you see plantation owners having on TV and in the movies.

The war was more about politics, economics, and a large cultural divide. Racism was a side-thingy at the time.

>> No.4590465

>Does the fact that blacks are racist excuse white people being racist?

We as a species should just come to terms with the fact that people are and always will be racist. Everybody would be better off if we just accepted that, poked fun at it from all sides and moved on.

But all this drama whoring around the issue is making it a constant pain.

>> No.4590472


yeah this country needs progressive thinkers that argue for important things like why we need more welfare, why we need more regulations, why we ned more taxes, and why the state is the one true god

>> No.4590479

We need to come to terms with the fact that our country is a mess before we get to Europe levels of awful.

>> No.4590482


>> No.4590483


srs pls go

>> No.4590484

>yeah this country needs progressive thinkers that argue for important things like why we need more welfare, why we need more regulations, why we ned more taxes, and why the state is the one true god

I don't disagree. I'm fairly conservative, have no love for "progressive" economic policies.

But fuck the south. Its a shitty culture, and a drain on this country's prosperity.

>> No.4590486

>The war was more about politics, economics, and a large cultural divide.
That's what the south claimed it was for after the war ended and they lost. See: Cornerstone Speech

>> No.4590487


>> No.4590488


> whites speak
> blacks physically attack

yeah, this is why you can never take a libshit seriously.

> b-but you can hit people for saying words you dislike

how progressive.

>> No.4590493


they tried to leave, lincoln would have none of it.

>> No.4590496


> he thinks slavery was an issue

see: the lincoln supported corwin amendment

> "No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."

>> No.4590509

Okay that's an unadopted amendment, what's your point? But before you get to that explain this:
> he thinks slavery was an issue
Are you trying to say that slavery wasn't an issue or cause of the civil war?

>> No.4590518


of course slavery, a state's rights issue at the time, was part of the civil war that was started over state's rights

it was not the cause, just one of many issues

its a wash anyways because slavery was allowed outside of the south still

>> No.4590524


> what's your point?

lincoln supported the corwin amendment. he even mentioned the support in his first inaugural address

>> No.4590532

Alright, that had almost nothing to do with what I replied to you about in >>4590486 but thanks for the biographical info I guess.

>> No.4590540


Supporting something as a compromise and supporting it as the ideal are very different things.

As for 'state's rights', that has always meant slavery and little else.

>> No.4590542


if slavery mattered there would not be a passed amendment in both houses signed by the president and out for state ratification

it was not ratified because the southern states left the union

>> No.4590555

Bullshit. The death penalty, assisted suicide, gay marriage, marijuana legalization, speed limits, universal health care..

I think damn near EVERYTHING is a states' rights issue because much of the social services provided to the government ought to be handled by the individual states.

>> No.4590560

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/.
>/pol/ /pol/?
>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/!

>> No.4590565
File: 44 KB, 630x248, redneck_city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgive the Southerner, they weren't educated properly because of their broken school system that teaches kids that the universe is 4000 years old and the Civil War was actually the "war of northern aggression" (sic).

I'm all for pluralism and so forth, but one problem with that point of view is that your vanquished people are free to perpetuate myths that wouldn't fly anywhere outside a creepy little revisionist bubble of crazy people. See also: Japanese textbooks on World War 2.

>> No.4590566


lincoln had no principles. the entire idea of ending slavery was a military strategy.

state's rights were numerous, irrelevant of what you emotionally prefer to think. ever heard of the tariffs of abominations? let me guess, no. sure is babby's first history class in here.

>> No.4590568


None of those were ever traditionally under the banner of 'states rights'. The phrase was coined by Callhoun as a euphamism for slavery, and kept alive by segregationists for legal forms of disenfranchisement. What your views on politics are doesn't change the fact it's always been a phrase claiming the rights of states to strip the rights from their citizens.

>> No.4590569


> vague implications of wrongness

this is what libshits in strict denial do. they say "nu uh" over and over and over.

>> No.4590571

Lol no. Lincoln approved the amendment in a desperate attempt to keep states from seceding by ensuring them that he didnt want to abolish slavery where it was already prevalent. He still opposed the expansion of slavery, the states disagreed, so it was an issue.

>> No.4590572

>Racism was a side-thingy at the time.

No, racism is how the plantation owners got the poor white trash to fight for them. You might not own slaves, but at least you were above the niggers, and the yankees want to bring them up!

>> No.4590574


> federal stripping of rights is doubleplusgood
> if the states do it is is another holocaust

muh 6 trillion

>> No.4590577


> slavery is fine

this is what lincoln argued and supported. the guy was a joke

>> No.4590587


I'm well familiar with it, so you can save the pride in getting a C+ in American History. It was so labelled by the south because they imported most of their goods.

WHY did they import most of their goods is the more important question.

Because, under the leadership of the plantation elite, they were wedded to an agricultural economy based upon capitol being invested in human chattel, not factories.

The south's defenders can hem and haw, but ultimately there is no defense of the Confederacy that doesn't seek to hide that fact it's a defense of a culture and economic system based wholly upon the enslavement of humans. There was no question of this in the minds of the secessionists, which is why their declarations of secession all give slavery as the reason why.

>> No.4590590

Okay, you dont get it, and I must not be clear enough so I'll take an excerpt straight from the wiki page of Lincoln and slavery:
>Many of Lincoln's public anti-slavery sentiments were shown in the seven Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, his opponent who defeated him in the Senate race. Douglas criticized him as being inconsistent, saying he altered his message and position on slavery and on the political rights of freed blacks in order to appeal to the audience before him, as northern Illinois was more hostile to slavery than southern Illinois.

The Republican Party was committed to restricting the growth of slavery, and its victory in the election of 1860 was the trigger for secession acts by Southern states. The debate before 1860 was mainly focused on the Western territories, especially Kansas and the popular sovereignty controversy.

>> No.4590591


racism was not a real thing then. the actual argument was they were not human.

>> No.4590597


Your six trillion what?

The prime target of 'state's rights' defenders has always been the 14th Amendment, which guarantees rights to individuals above the state. It's not quantum physics here.

Again, because you don't agree with policy doesn't mean your rights are infringed. You should learn what rights are, you tea party idiot.

>> No.4590602


That really doesn't make sense.

>> No.4590603


> words count more than
> actions

derp. his actions were in support of the corwin amednment.


obviously it would be better to use land better for agriculture than place arbitrary factories.

> enslavement of humans

still babby's first history class. they were considered non-human. how simple are you?

>> No.4590612

>obviously it would be better to use land better for agriculture than place arbitrary factories.

Must be why the South won the civil war then. Oh wait . . .

The south stayed agricultural because it had the artificial subsidy of slavery. Plantation owners of course resisted any movement that would have reduced their comparative position, and their capitol was completely submerged into slaves.

>they were considered non-human.

Are you retarded? Did blacks suddenly become human only after 1864? No? Then the souths system of enslaving blacks was a system of human enslavement.

>> No.4590625


who cares if the logic of 19th century humans makes sense now?


the neoarguments of the 14th pertaining to silly issues such as gay contracts, free third trimester abortions, and race-based state school admissions policies are neo for a reason. the 14th originally applied to the newly created class of american citizens that were slaves prior to the 13th. now they were full american citizens.

>> No.4590626

K. You mean his actions of issuing the Emancipation Proclamation three years after the corwin amendment was most relevant or were there ones that I was missing? Because that one didn't support the corwin amendment much did it?

>> No.4590631


i am not interested in you thinking wars occur in a vacuum and can in no way stabilize or destabilize a nation.

again, the logic on 19th century humans has no relevance with today. it doesn't matter that they were human already factually.

>> No.4590633


the emancipation proclamation is like obama saying australia is now banned from mining. not relevant as he is not the ruling party of that country.

>> No.4590642

>it doesn't matter that they were human already factually

It does when you have revisionist historians trying to claim the South's position in the civil war was not based upon slavery. It was, end of story.

As for the 14th Amendment, it purposefully is larger than simply making citizens of the slaves. It is a statement that individual rights, being what the government is enacted to protect, are more important than the will of the majority of an individual state. It's a clarification of the prime thought in the American system of constitutional government.

>> No.4590646

Am, am I being trolled? He issues a statement directly contradicting any type of previous support or argument in favor of an already irrelevant amendment and you try to sidestep the point with an out of context metaphor? Bravo, man.

>> No.4590652


slavery of nonhumans was indeed one of many state's rights issues

the 14th in no way excludes the states from utilizing the tenth amendment. dont be silly. in fact, this was briefly addressed in the ruling that came out today in the shelby county v. holder decision.

>> No.4590653
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Welcome to Southern Historian Theatre.

Personally I just wish these dumb fucks would put their money where their mouth is and try to secede again. Once we kill off their dumb asses America can start to get shit done again.

>> No.4590655


he did not have executive powers privileges in the separate southern nation. are you daft?

>> No.4590659


in grand fashion you prove my earlier point. all you can do is spout vague implications of wrongness. "nu uh" is your tired mantra, and you cannot stop saying it.

>> No.4590660

he was just trying to make the war about something other than state's rights dumb shit

it was never about slavery

now look at all the retards that are going to quote me and say
>it was never about slavery!
with reaction pics and nothing else

>> No.4590664

>the 14th in no way excludes the states from utilizing the tenth amendment.

It does when states attempt to pass laws which "shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States". Again, the principle being that individual rights trump the laws of state government.

>in fact, this was briefly addressed in the ruling that came out today in the shelby county v. holder decision.

No, it ruled the formula was unconstituional, not the principle that the federal government can and must act to protect the rights of citizens. That, and Scalia and Thomas are simply bad judges.

>> No.4590666

You see, the JEWS don't respect Paula's views, her background, or her cooking. The JEWS originally added her to the FN lineup as a novelty act, so that everyone can ogle and laugh at the redneck and her trans-fat drenched food. But Americans grew to love the taste of her freedom cooking, and starting loving her. She got her own show, then another, then another! As the epitome of everything an American matriarch should strive to be, she became very in-demand. But this sudden rise in stardom alarmed the JEWS, who believed that her pure freedom was too much for the American public. So then the JEWS gave her diabetes, in an attempt to put her on self-imposed lockdown. But Paula is a freedom-loving woman who don't need no JEW to maintain her media empire. She took it in stride, and continued to become an even bigger star.

That's when the JEWS pulled out their big guns. The JEWS took complete advantage of sweet Paula's honesty, and forced her to admit to having told racist jokes. You must understand, the JEWS are fully aware that everyone in America, especially the south, loves a good racist joke, but will never admit to it. Except, for good, honest, freedom-loving, bald eagle nourishing Paula. So when the JEWS had Paula under the radar, they baited her. And with Jesus' innocence, Paula took the bait.
And you see, because the JEWS made racist jokes a crime worse than rape and gay marriage, Paula is finally in trouble.

And that's how the JEWS killed Jesus.

>> No.4590668


Different unionfag, sister-fucker. You guys down there really are as dumb as your niggers, ain't cha bubba?

>> No.4590670

>Historical and educational depictions are one thing. A party with that depiction for fun is completely different
why cant historical and educational be fun?

>> No.4590672

>it was never about slavery

Plenty of refutation of that above. You can insist the sky is orange too if you want, doesn't mean you're right because people don't bother to do anything but call you an idiot for saying so.

>> No.4590673

>You see, the JEWS
Stopped reading there.

Nice trips.

>> No.4590678

yup, it costs $5 for a cup of hot water.

>> No.4590682

they are, according to black people

>> No.4590687


that is a neoargument not based on the actual meaning of the 14th. and again gay contracts, third trimester abortions, and race-based state schools admission polices have nothing to do with it.

9 states do not need federal permission to do what 41 states can do without that permission.

> but muh scalia and thomas

blame kennedy if you have any problems with the ruling.

>> No.4590688
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I am literally at a loss for words. To put it simply you dont think slavery wasn't a cause or issue in the civil war than I honestly don't know what to tell you. You win I guess. GG no re.

>> No.4590696


i already addressed slavery was one of many state's rights issues, and in no way was slavery THE reason for the civil war. that is after the fact history rewriting.

>> No.4590710

>9 states do not need federal permission to do what 41 states can do without that permission.

That is the crux of the ruling - like I said, it's not a ruling on the notion of state rights, nullification, or the rest of that garbage, it deals with the execution of the policy being focused on states for historical reasons.

>that is a neoargument

Trying to force meaningless terms doesn't make your argument.

>and again gay contracts, third trimester abortions, and race-based state schools admission polices have nothing to do with it.

Actually they all do. While you might not agree with it, these are all rights of individuals - to marry, to control their bodies, and to use public resources without race-based discrimination. The last being a stupid point, as race based admission rarely exists due to recent rulings.

>> No.4590711

I *literally* never said it was the sole reason. You or one of your dumbfuck comrades not only said that it was irrelevant, but that it didn't matter and it wasn't an even an issue. I cant argue with someone who cant even keep up with what they said.

>> No.4590712

everyone knows this

>> No.4590714


Birth of a Nation called, it wants its erroneous revisionist history back.

>> No.4590718


but it is state's rights. the states decide voting policies.

marriage has never meant same sex, that is a new term created very recently. the killing of another human for convenience is not a right. they use race-based policies to determine who can attend. they make people unequal in the eyes of the state.

affirmative action is alive and well for state schools, only the schools in the fourth district are close to losing it.

>> No.4590725


> vague implications of wrongness

sorry, that is not an actual argument outside of your mind.

>> No.4590732

>but it is state's rights. the states decide voting policies.

As long as they don't deprive citizens of their right to vote. That's exactly what the 14th Amendment is designed for

>marriage has never meant same sex,

The right to marry is a citizen's right. See Loving v Virginia. Depriving the very real material benefits of marriage to citizens without due process is a clear violation of their rights. So either end government subsidies to marriage, or let gays get married.

>the killing of another human for convenience is not a right.

Fetuses in my opinion aren't humans. If they are, does the mother have the right to remove a person from her proximity?

>they use race-based policies to determine who can attend. they make people unequal in the eyes of the state.

I'm not their biggest fan - their an ill-placed attempt to fix the larger problem of regional school funding and wealth inheritance, problems better dealt with directly IMHO. Regardless, as I said, Supreme Court rulings in the past 10 years have largely done away with them, regardless of what anecdotes you might still believe.

>> No.4590744


>I don't know what the Dunning School is

Keep believing those myths

>> No.4590747


the 14th referred to new american citizens that were slaves.

it is a violation of individual's rights to allow married couples to pay less in taxes.

your opinion does not trump science. there is a separate human entity that is killed in an abortion. only if there was no consent (consensual sex) to the creation of said human.

there is no anecdote here, affirmative action outside of the 4th district is 100 percent fine.

>> No.4590749

gb2 /pol/

>> No.4590770
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>> No.4590793

>your opinion does not trump science. there is a separate human entity that is killed in an abortion. only if there was no consent (consensual sex) to the creation of said human.

Not the place - but it's obviously not separate if it can't survive outside the womb.

>> No.4591001
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>> No.4591011

No one actually gives two fucks that Paula Deen said nigger 40 years ago (except for the BLACKFEM POWER tumblr shits, but no one gives a fuck what they think). All that's happening here is that the American media is being too lazy to focus on actual news again.

>> No.4591234

Pretty sure she got fired because she seemed to not really give a shit. Her damage control was god awful..

>> No.4591244

Is that real?

>> No.4591248


>Paula Deen is as big as Oprah

maybe in size but not fame. No one gives a rat's ass about some racist southern bitch who drowns everything in butter.

>> No.4591301

>and the yankees want to bring them up!

And look how that turned out. How much percent of all the crime in the USA is done by that tiny minority group?

>> No.4591529

/pol/ pls go