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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 963x691, wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4584525 No.4584525 [Reply] [Original]

What's best with wine?

I mean, just a snap decision. Pick one food to have with your wine. You don't know if it'll be red or white wine. Just pick something.

>> No.4584526

red with lasagna

>> No.4584534

>having food with wine
>not wine with food
>having the wine dictate what you eat
alcoholics general?

>> No.4584536

Cheese and crackers

>> No.4584542
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Pic related.

>> No.4584545




wine is more important than food.

>> No.4584546


>wine is more important than food


>> No.4584549

Cedar-Plank Salmon with Asparagus and Wild Rice. Perfect.

>> No.4584552
File: 268 KB, 1600x1200, Mango-Salsa-on-Everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cedar plank salmon

Is this now the "retro horror food trends" thread?

>> No.4584553


bottle of wine costs $200

steak costs $30

cheese and crackers costs $40

wine is more important than food

>> No.4584569

I usually let the food determine the choice of wine. I'm don't get French level crazy over it, but pay attention to pairings I like.

So picking a food to go with mystery wine seems absurd. Random choice: baguette sandwich with saucisson a l'ail. Even if the wine pairing fails the sandwich will be tasty.

>> No.4584583

>thinks cost equals importance

>> No.4584588

>muh munny's worth

Shouldn't you be posting your steel reserve in another beer thread?

>> No.4584592

Even wealthy people don't drink $200 bottles of wine regularly.

>> No.4584597


How would you know what wealthy people do?

>> No.4584598


That's not what you meant though. What you meant was that two buck chuck should be allowed to be just as good as vega sicilia unico because a wine taster guessed wrong once.

>> No.4584602
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Very large and wealthy family.

>> No.4584606

Not that anon.

>> No.4584845

>won't know if it will be red or white

Well I can't make a decision then. White wine goes well with shellfish, seafood, and most things out of the sea, while red wine is better with steak, all kinds of beef and pork, and pasta dishes.

This would be an excellent choice as long as it is more expensive and pungent cheese. Also, should have some expensive chocolate with the cheese and crackers as well, preferably a dark chocolate bar of some sort.

>> No.4584847

Actually, regardless of which wine you choose (red or white) this would be an excellent choice. Both red and white go well with salmon.

>> No.4584918

A glass.

>> No.4584927


Kill yourself.

>> No.4585468

>Both red and white go well with salmon.
Salmon's not as delicate as most other types of fish, but even so, only a light red (or a white) unless you're using a *very* robust sauce.

Tuna can go a bit heavier if you're doing the right sort of dish.

>> No.4586661

Cherry wine, grape wine tastes like ass-sweat.

>> No.4586686

your own company

>> No.4586701
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white with seafood

>> No.4586857
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First thing I thought of was a good chardonnay with some grilled shrimp skewers.

Not a big fan of red wine.

>> No.4588025
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>there is only red or white

It's not 1997 anymore, it's ok to drink rosado sometimes.

>> No.4589471
File: 31 KB, 251x240, 1325540843059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mere fact that you are asking what food you'd have with a color of wine already indicates you don't know very much about drinking it in the first place. You'd have to look at the land of origin, grape, year and taste just to determine what it would go with. for example, there are red wine's that go great with chocolate. But a red Rioja from 2008 would go great with some Argentinian steak and grilled asparagus

>> No.4589500

What a retarded tryhard you are holy shit

>> No.4589509


I've spent more money on World of Warcraft than any meal I have ever eaten. Does that mean World of Warcraft is more important that food? Or maybe it's just more important than a few months worth of food.

>> No.4589515

steak+pinot noir

>> No.4589517

lamb, chuck roast, pasta. those are your 3 major food groups

>> No.4589525


The only thing that's really important is the taste. Those other things help you pick a wine if you know what they mean, but you can't say that X wine will go well with Y food because it was on a southward facing slope that gets cold air in the morning with small rocks all throughout the soil. Wines aren't made with a target food in mind.

>> No.4589534
File: 58 KB, 553x759, what the fucking fuck man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay pleb faggot

>> No.4589543

Something with strong enough flavor to overpower the taste of wine.

>> No.4589544

A soft and mild cheese, but not something disgusting and tasteless.

>> No.4589547

White wine for 2.50€ a bottle.

>> No.4589550
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That's funny. I bought this wine like 5 weeks ago. I just finished the red wine last night. The other stuff I already finished like 3 weeks prior.

I need to buy more wine though. Spending my nights unbuzzed is rather horrible.

>> No.4589562

I know people rave about Franzia being the best cheapo wine but I just can not drink it. It seriously disgusts me and I don't know why everyone else seems to love it.

>> No.4589570
File: 28 KB, 460x276, Conan-the-Barbarian-006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's best with wine?

To crush your grapes. To see the tannins driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of the Frenchmen.

>> No.4589573

The shit really is nasty, but it's cheap. And comes in a huge quantity. More than the bottled wine I see at my store.

>> No.4589607

my wife drank a box of that and hallucinated that she saw the duck dynasty men in the corner of the bedroom watching her sleep

>> No.4589653


people also don't eat $30 steaks or $40 cheeses every day

>> No.4589668

>not eating $30 steaks or $40 cheeses every day


>> No.4589680
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 122210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue-cheese crusted filet mignon with asparagus and garlic potatoes paired with a nice cabernet

>> No.4589681

Hahahaha, fucking 10/10

>> No.4589759

>It seriously disgusts me and I don't know why everyone else seems to love it.

I don't think people love it. Me for example: I drank it almost every day for months a few years ago, yet I couldn't stand it. Still turned to it for a cheap buzz on many occasions. Almost anyone watching it would have probably wrongfully assumed I loved it too.

>> No.4589775

I love you. full homo.