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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 336x180, meatless_monday_logo_336x180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4583519 No.4583519 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else been giving this a shot?

Basically the idea is that people don't need to stop eating meat all together to make a huge impact on their health and the environment; even just going meatless one day a week has huge benefits. Reduce cancer risk, heart disease, lose some weight, and generally eat healthier while also using less fossil fuels and natural resources.

Only been a few weeks, but working well so far. Lost a couple lbs, and am enjoying cooking different things for once. It's gotten me into cooking Indian food, had marinaded yellow lentils for dinner last night, so good.


>> No.4583534

I'm indifferent toward it. I've lost 105 pounds so far and have another 30 to go. I achieved it by eating primarily lean meat. Don't get me wrong, I load up on veggies every day, but the meat is what has kept me feeling full. Lentils/beans just don't do it for me, largely because the portion size has to be much greater to give me a sense of fullness. A 4 ounce piece of lean meat is just fine, however, and very low cal. Eating dense protein has allowed me to keep my carbs and calories low.

>> No.4583584

Opposite for me. When I cut I avoid meat, takes too much to make me feel full. A nice bowl of oatmeal with fruit in the morning fills me up better than bacon and eggs, with half the calories. But everybody's different I guess.

>> No.4583599

Its completly worthless bullshit. I dont eat red meat as it is, only chicken fish, and whey powder are my main protein sources and ill be damned if im going to try and find some non meat alternitive for protein, or drink whey powder all day fuuuck that.

>> No.4583621

Some of these recipes sound good. Might try a black bean burger.

>> No.4583637
File: 124 KB, 903x636, 545218_358081470901892_1834656115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of high protein vegetarian foods.

>> No.4583638
File: 100 KB, 500x333, Stuffed-Green-Peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat makes a meal.

I have no qualms with farmers and cows or fishermen and boats.

Most of the world feels this way, so good luck with your hippie venture.

>> No.4583651

>Most of the world feels this way
Most of the world doesn't have meat consumption anywhere near the amount in America. Meat composes a fraction of the calories for the majority of the world's population still. Though this will change in the next few decades as the middle class grows.

>> No.4583655

They feel that way as in the fact that they highly regard meat. I did not say that they have it for every meal.

>> No.4583658

Meat is an important ingredient in cuisine, but to say "it makes a meal" is overdoing it imo. Every meal having meat is boring as hell, no variety. I enjoy having non-meat meals just as much as meat meals. Some dishes are pretty much ruined by including meat

>> No.4583661

sometimes I go a few days a week without meat
try lentils, if not as a meat replacement protein, then as a high protein side dish

>> No.4583662

>no variety
No reason to talk with you.

>> No.4583666
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I should say that yes, that is "what mama told me". I have plenty of meals without meat but I would like them to include it.

Salads are, indeed, my jam.

>> No.4583667

VIDF please stop pushing this on /ck/

>> No.4583671
File: 73 KB, 425x335, yellow-lentil-stew4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lentils complete me.

>> No.4583672

Vancouver International Dance Festival?

>> No.4583676

That's as gay as I could come up with.

>> No.4583681

Yeah protein powder was the first thing he talked about. Also why try to find another alterenitive when I can just eat fish.

>> No.4583686

as they do me
red/green/brown/any color really, with brown rice, and whatever veggies I have on hand is a staple in my house.
I'm gonna try that recipe out

>> No.4583692

Fish is a plant where you live?

>> No.4583709

It should be leftovers Monday.
Leftovers Monday
Vegan Tuesday
Vegetarian Wednesday
Takeaway Thursday
Fish Friday
Restaurant Saturday
Home cooking Sunday

>> No.4583741
File: 162 KB, 670x523, sausages3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Field Roast sausages, more delicious than even meat sausages.

>> No.4583796

I always see this exact picture, with this exact sentiment.

You might want to vary it a little, marketroid.

>> No.4583930

Video for Meatless Monday does a better job of explaining than the site, I think.


>> No.4583932

Fuck off reddit.

>> No.4583939

Instead of having an imbalanced diet where you eat loads of meat on certain days and none at all on others, what about having a small amount every day? Surely that would be better, since you wouldn't shock your system with a pile of meat, then get it used to no meat right before another system shock.

>> No.4583946

Different things work for different people, I guess. For me it's easier to just have a set day where I don't eat meat, but I plan on trying to just cut out a meal of meat per day eventually. I'm starting to prefer meatless breakfasts, makes me feel better throughout the day, so will probably just do that.

>> No.4583951

An honest question to all of those who are doing Meatless Monday:

>before you started doing this, did you really eat meat 7 days a week?

I've been a week-day vegetarian (only eat meat/fish on weekends) for about 2 years now. And when I think back, I can't remember how much meat I USED to eat back in the days. I really don't think it was 7 times a week, that just sounds brutal

>> No.4583969

I eat meat every day, but normally no more than 1 time per day.

If it's with breakfast, it's usually 2-3 sausages, a rasher and an egg

If lunch, then a slice of ham, or just over half a chicken breast in a sandwich

If dinner either a chicken breast, or about 100-150g of beef.

There are exceptions to this, but they're about once or twice a month

>> No.4583982

Conventional /Ck/ wisdom has it that if you so much look at a fruit or vegetable you are a hippy fag. Fruit should be only eaten covered in bacon grease, and grains are the work of the McDonalds Anti-Christ.

>> No.4583991

Don't be a faggot. At this point anyone who says that kind of shit is only saying it to spite vegans. There'd be a lot less of that happening if there isn't a 200 post thread every other day about why "if you eat meat you're the devil" or "why come you ain't a vegan yet?"

>> No.4584025

Interesting, cheers. As I said, it's been so long since I was an *average* eater that I forget what I used to eat.

This. Just stop judging people's eating habits and let them do whatever they want. I think this Meatless Monday thing is a great initiative, but people stick whatever the fuck they want into their mouths

>> No.4584055

Naw, well unless you count tuna.

>> No.4584083

It's funny, or rather sad, how much people struggle to cut out meat of their diet for a single day.

>> No.4584090

What about giving multiple meat mondays a go.
Eventually all the meat will be used up.
Then everyday can be meatless.

>> No.4584111

Is that an american thing? In Europe, it's usually the vegetarian thursday, and fish on fridays, due to christian traditions

>> No.4584117

>in Europe
No, just in Scandinavia and Finland (Finns are honorary scandies). That's where you're from, amirite? I'm from Italy/Switzerland and I've never heard of vegetarian Thursdays except for when we'd visit Danmark to go to Tivoli Gardens when I was a kid.

>> No.4584135

In my family, meatless Thursday is common practice. I think it may actually be a holdover from WW2. For months I tried to convince my husband that meatless Thursday was a good idea, but he turned it down over and over. Finally I started cooking pinto bean and cornbread only on Thurs. and I cooked it without a ham hock. Hubby ate It up, so now we are back to meatless Thursday just like when I was a kid.

>> No.4584136

If people were good Christians every friday meatless.

>> No.4584849

>It's funny, or rather sad, how much people struggle to cut out meat of their diet for a single day.
Seriously. I never realized people were this addicted to meat. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy meat, but I don't eat that much and wouldn't have any problem removing it from my diet if I needed to.

Steak isn't cocaine, folks.

>> No.4584860




Jesus fuck every god damn thread, get the fuck out.

>> No.4584866

>It's funny, or rather sad, how much people struggle to cut out meat of their diet for a single day.

i've been trying to add MORE meat to my diet, due to working on becoming /fit, and i genuinely struggle with this. and i wasn't even vegetarian or anything.

>> No.4584897

Maybe it's because I'm from a Catholic region, but if any day would be meatless it would be friday.

>> No.4584907

Friday is fishday for catholics, because everybody knows that fish isn't meat.
Also, if you drown a chicken, it's technically a fish

>> No.4584921


Also, beaver is fish because it lives in water.

>> No.4584997

Who said anything about eating meat = being the devil? OP just says eating less is good for health and environment, which is true.

>> No.4585005



I too am losing weight, but I'm doing it by eating whatever the fuck I want, but making sure I don't go over 1960 calories per day.

1 lb / week consistently for the last 5 weeks so far.

>> No.4585009

You don't need that much protein. Cut down on it, and your liver will thank you

>> No.4585055


>> No.4585059

Seriously, people eat way too much protein on average. Americans eat like 3x as much protein as they need, but only 20-30% the recommendation of fiber.

>> No.4585064

No you are doing something wrong.
Likely you are eating things like breaded chicken. If you eat a plain Jane boneless chicken breast they are very filling.

>> No.4585092

Calorie per calorie, meat doesn't fill me up. 500 calories of pasta is way more filling than 500 calories of chicken or steaak.

>> No.4585218
File: 31 KB, 309x220, TofurkyHotDogsLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on doing veggie dogs for a 4th of July party. Not a Monday, but hey it's meatless.

>> No.4585251


Why does it have to be a day? Some days I eat meat, some days I don't. How hard does this have to be?

>> No.4585314
File: 113 KB, 410x388, 1226414229797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Reduce cancer risk, heart disease, lose some weight, and generally eat healthier while also using less fossil fuels and natural resources.

This is the biggest pile of unsubstantiated crap I've ever read. Even those retarded health magazines with pictures of skinny bitches laughing at fake salads have make more provable claims than you.

Kill yourself.

>> No.4585326

Pretty much this, every fucking thread.

>> No.4585329

I haven't had meat in 4 days. I only have it a couple of times a week. Tomorrow is Monday though and I think I may have meat for dinner. Sorry op.

>durr durr epic meal time hurr

No one cares.

>> No.4585331

Vegetarians have 20% less risk of cancer, 25% less risk of heart disease.

The role of diet and physical activity in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivorship: a review of the literature

Interindividual differences in response to plant-based diets: implications for cancer risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Like Bacon, Sausage and Hot Dogs? Then Beware: They May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer

Dairy Linked to Acne Development

Vegan diet in physiological health promotion. [Acta Physiol Hung. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI

An impact of the diet on serum fatty acid an... [Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarke... [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the in... [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Harvard School of Public Health » The Nutrition Source » Calcium and Milk - milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

>> No.4585339

>Delusional vegetarian thinking anyone cares

>> No.4585349

I don't care whether or not you care. But to say the facts that meat is unhealthy are unsubstantiated is just plain wrong.

>> No.4585359

And I can find tons of resources to counter your research papers which support less carb intakes, pro-ketogenic research, etc.

tl;dr: PETA pls go

>> No.4585379

The issue isn't with meat itself, it's with over-consumption of poorly regulated red meat and our bad treatment of the animals we raise. Going vegetarian isn't necessarily the answer to that, especially when most vegetarians don't actually know anything about nutrition and end up destroying their bodies even more than when they ate meat by not knowing how to mix and match protein types.

That said, I do regularly choose tofu and chicken over red meat, and I don't drink milk at all.

>> No.4585397

>Going vegetarian isn't necessarily the answer to that
Going vegetarian for most is, as I've noticed, a constant battle to "replace" meat with overly-processed crap. Most people who go vegeterian without learning how to cook their own meals won't see any health benefits at all.

Vegetarians I have no issues with, though, those who eat eggs and milk/butter are fine... they can actually give their body what they need if they live in a developed country where various foods are readily available.

But vegans... oh boy.
"Hey, let's eat tons of carbs and leaves/seeds made from all over the world, specifically brought in to satisfy our tastes, and then shove B12 supplements down our cakehole because we'll get sick otherwise" - and then they claim it's the perfect, healthy god-given diet.


>> No.4585398

Even all the major medical and dietary institutions suggest vegetarian diets for reducing cancer and disease. The largest epistemological studies ever conducted, like Harvard's Nurse Study, have showed more meat = more disease.

>> No.4585405

>carbs and leaves/seeds made from all over the world
Food exports and imports are the devil now? Meat and dairy are one of the most heavily imported and exported foods, wtf are you bitching about.

>> No.4585407

>tfw my sister went "vegetarian" and now she mostly just eats candy

>> No.4585418

Oh fuck off already. We're busy discussing Meatless Monday.

>> No.4585433

Not even trying to go vegetarian/vegan or whatever but I might try this just to learn more recipes and try more vegetables since my diet is mostly shit at this point

>> No.4585443

They are not, but you can't feel superior and "all natural" when you're importing weird nuts and grains from all over the world.

>> No.4585450

People who tend to eat more OVERALL have more disease. You know causation != correlation and all that?

>> No.4585471

I eat eggs and cheese instead of meat, but that's because I'm poor

>> No.4585505

>implying meat is unhealthy enough that cutting it out for one day will improve your health by default

For shame. It ought to be Starchless Sunday; no bread, corn or anything one day a week.

>> No.4585506

Lol the peppers I buy for my burgers aren't natural because they were grown in Mexico? You kidding me bro? Shipping foods doesn't make them less natural. And no response in this thread has acted superior for not eating meat, you're just plain projecting.

>> No.4585516

I was replying to the dude who said reducing meat doesn't improve health. That is directly related to Meatless Monday.

>> No.4585520

High protein is not unhealthy, dogg.


Vegans are so full of shit is unbelievable.

>> No.4585552

Don't bother, they just grasp at every possible straw they can. Most of those "studies" are done by real doctors, who are actually non working psychiatrists posing at medical doctors and writing bullshit articles. Plus chinese articles, lol

There is no study that shows there is anything bad about eating meat in a health balanced diet.

>> No.4585573

Someone questioning the health effects of consuming too much protein makes them a vegan? Are you high, or one of those people who also thinks that someone being concerned about things like the horse meat scandal, or Mad Cow Disease, makes them a hippie terrorist?

>> No.4585579

My favorite sandwich doesn't have meat on it. I guess I'm just an environmentalist.

>> No.4585583

Define a "health balanced diet"? No one is saying you will die eating one serving of meat per day. The problem is that on average people consume 300lbs of meat per year in the US, which is a ridiculous amount, and a factor in cancer and heart disease.

Can you eat meat and be healthy? Obviously. Key is moderation. But someone eating the average amount of meat in the US has a much, much higher risk of heart disease and cancer than someone who eats no meat.

>> No.4585586

That wasn't questioning, that was proclaiming a generic notion that Americans eat too much protein, even though the science says that "too much protein" is hardly even a thing.

So yeah, vegan.

>> No.4585597

It's not the protein itself that is an issue, but the source of it. If you eat nothing but pork, beef and cheese all day, then yep say hello to nutritional deficiencies. The fiber statement is true, people eat way too few vegetables, legumes, fruits, and whole grains.

And no, I'm not a vegan. I just am under no illusions that meat in large quantities is healthy for me just because I like eating it.

>> No.4585602

>300 lbs of meat per year
The hell is this figure coming from? Here's what I found:


>600 lbs of dairy
>134 lbs of wheat flour
>fucking 688 combined pounds of fruit and veggies
>about 190 lbs of meat

>> No.4585606

You or they or whoever was saying that too much protein was unhealthy and that Americans eat 3x the amount they supposedly need. Quit backtracking.

>> No.4585610


i like this, let's do it

>> No.4585611


I think I eat meat in every meal, unless it's pasta with sauce or a cheese pizza...

Not always primarily meat, like a chicken pot pie or a salad with surimi...

I eat a lot of sandwiches tho

>> No.4585614
File: 3 KB, 126x126, opfagg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat meat erryday!

>> No.4585618

For consumption of every country for all foods go to the UN's website: http://faostat.fao.org/site/610/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=610#ancor

For 2009 meat consumption was 264.44 lbs. I believe it's been up to 275 lbs recently. I imagine the "300 lbs" is just the ballpark rounding up since it's easier to remember than the specific number. Regardless, no denying Americans eat way too much meat.

>> No.4585624
File: 21 KB, 600x480, dietary-fiber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fiber, a couple years ago in my nutrition class in college we all had to do a self-assessment, recording every food we ate for a month. My prof was a fanatic about fiber, so she made a big deal about the fact that everyone in the class except one person was below half the daily value for fiber. That one person was a vegan dude on the football team. I personally try to eat more fiber, but it's not something I keep track of. Whole wheat bread and rice when given the option, and eating granola in the morning.

>> No.4585638

>"300 lbs" is just the ballpark rounding up since it's easier to remember than the specific number

Or it's inflation for propaganda purposes. For the 264 figure, you could also round down to 250. But hey, you say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to.

>> No.4585651

I'd round up, personally. Especially with the 270 lbs figure. If someone said "Omg Americans eat 400lbs of meat!" that'd be a gross exaggeration, but rounding from 270 to 300 in a forum post seems fine to me.

>> No.4585652

And that's what, 10 oz a meat a day? Too much sure, but not at all surprising for a general statistic where impoverished areas are going to be throwing off the statistics. Is that amount purchased or amount consumed? How much do you think it would be once we removed waste product such as bones from whole chickens, hams, turkey, picnic shoulders, etc that are commonly eaten? What about the massive amounts of food that are thrown out from banquets, buffets, and by grocers and whole-salers?

>> No.4585657

From "supply", I'd guess amount purchased. And those qualifiers definitely apply in that case.

>> No.4585664

I rarely eat meat. No trend needed here.

>> No.4585667

>I'd round up, personally.
Yeah okay, whatever you say, jefe.

Anyway, assuming 270 is too much, what would you define as a reasonable amonut of meat? And on what scientific basis would you base that amount if the notion of "too much protein" isn't a reliable factor?

>> No.4585699

I'd base it on the amount of meat that doesn't result in an increase in cancer and heart disease rates. I'm content eating 1 serving of meat, and 2 servings of dairy per day.

>> No.4585715

And I've of the opinion that meat doesn't contribute to heart disease or cancer unless it's been heavily processed, and that most of the studies saying as much were either blown-up, exaggerated or misleading. I doubt either of us are going to be properly swayed on that one, though.

>> No.4585723

I vaguely recall mention of a study cited (but as you might imagine, not mentioned in full) in the China Study, which found that consumption of certain white meats correlated positively with reduced cancer rates.

>> No.4585737

The China Study is a massive and inconclusive study. Everyone just draws their own opinions from it.

>> No.4585754

Yeah, might have to just agree to disagree. The fact that all the major meta-analysis all find that average meat consumption results in much higher cancer and heart disease rates, and that the most reputable nutrition organizations, like Harvard's School of Public Health, say that meat = bad, is good enough for me.

It's possible that it's only the factory farm processed crap is bad for us, and that more natural meats are fine health wise, but until extensive studies come out specifically studying that, I'm going to veer on the edge of caution. I've seen to many friends and family suffer through heart disease and cancers to risk that with my diet.

>> No.4585758
File: 60 KB, 449x311, Anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meatless Monday is the worst thing ever.

Now, if YOU want to be a colossal faggot and do this shit, that's all fine and dandy. But when the goddamn WKU cafeteria picks up this shit, it's gone too far. I didn't pay full fucking price to eat goat food. Some of us want to get big and strong and well nourished and become someone of value to society.

So take this shit and fuck off.

>> No.4585777

>become someone of value to society.
You mean like Bill Clinton, Gandhi, Einstein, Paul McCartney, Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Leo Tolstoy, or Lord Byron?


>> No.4585783

>did drugs, fag, jew, overrated, fuck geometry, dyslexic autist, who? , sounds gay

>> No.4585818

>value to society
u havin a laff m8?

>> No.4585839

I fail to see the point of Meatless Monday. It seems as useless and as masturbatory as Earth Hour. If you want to actually change people's diet, the best way to do it is by making sure that vegetarian food is cheaper, tastes roughly as nice, and is readily available.

>> No.4585868

>cheaper, tastes roughly as nice, and is readily available.
These things are already the case for vegetarian food in the US. Problem is food culture.

>> No.4585885

And a bunch of hippy commies telling you you're not allowed to eat steak will achieve that?

>> No.4585892


It's not, you're just underestimating your pasta calories most likely

>> No.4585894

I'm going to eat a nice steak tomorrow. Fuck you vegan faggots.

>> No.4585896


It's a way for people to consciously remember to cut down is all. With lots going on in your life it can be hard to remember when you're ordering or cooking food that you want to reduce your meat intake.

>> No.4585899

Why monday specifically? Just because of alliteration?

I refuse to allow my diet to be affected by something so inane. I'll not have meat any damn day I please.

>> No.4585905

Probably because it's catchy, and Monday is the start of the week so people sometimes like to do these things then, when they're fresh.

>> No.4585913

Let's repurpose this thread.

It's Monday here in Ausfalia, and I am going to go to the supermarket in an hour or so. What cut of meat from which defenceless yet tasty animal should I buy?

>> No.4585917

Get some lamb or veal, younger the better. On that note, get some balut, those ducks barely had brain function before they were boiled alive for human enjoyment.

>> No.4585923


>balut instead of ortolan

stay pleb /ck/

>> No.4585951

The entire Los Angeles school district does Meatless Mondays. A lot of other cities do too, I think it's a great thing.

>> No.4585953


>not trying to look edgy by having a hissy fit at any hint of ethical meat eating

I sure hope you guys do do this

>> No.4585990

No idea what your response means.

>> No.4586029

For people curious about health and diet, check out lectures by guys like Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. John McDougall. Some of their research is pretty mind-blowing, especially in regards to how they've been able to reverse diseases that had previously been though uncurable, all by altering a person's diet.





It turns out a lot of studies about the benefits of meat and dairy are funded and heavily influenced by the meat and dairy industries, and both are closely linked to many diseases and health compromising situations

Ever since I stopped eating meat and dairy, lowered my fat intake (even from healthier sources like olive oil), and started eating more rice, potatoes, fruits, grains, and vegetables, I've felt much more energy, it's easier to exercise, I don't get cravings for any food outside of my diet, I sleep better, and haven't been sick in any way for about 2 or 3 years now. I hope this info can help out other people too. Don't worry about the uninformed lambasting you for "turning vegan," what's important is your own health, and I guarantee you will benefit from this kind of diet.

The ONLY downside to this diet is that you're more limited in what you cook, but speaking personally, I don't get the urge to eat meat or eggs or cheese or drink milk anymore, but I still enjoy watching other chefs cook with them.

>> No.4586041


It means posting a thread remotely supporting not eating meat on mondays brings out ck's 'vegans r fags!' brigade.

>> No.4586048

This post is too sensible, brain can't register it.

>> No.4586055

Look, on the one hand, most of /ck/ understand that eating less meat is good for you and good for your wallet. On the other hand, vegans generally ARE overemotional fags, and what might be acceptable as a personal decision becomes inconvenient when it's forced on you by shops refusing to sell meat.

>> No.4586059


I'm not a fan of vegans. Skipping meat one day isn't being vegan.

>what might be acceptable as a personal decision becomes inconvenient when it's forced on you by shops refusing to sell meat

Except no shops are doing that.

>> No.4586060

>Neal Barnard
Isn't he the guy who says he can cure diabetes with food magic?

>John McDougall
His research is good and he doesn't claim to have magical restorative powers, so bully for him: he's credible.

Barnard, on the other hand, peddles snake oil. He's no better than Atkins.

>> No.4586061

>forced on you by shops refusing to sell meat.

That isn't what forced on you means. We all choose where to eat, 'tard.

>> No.4586067

>i load up on carbs
>i find i have heaps of energy for exercising!

well no shit asshole. why do you think athletes carbo load before da big game?

>> No.4586070


>Isn't he the guy who says he can cure diabetes with food magic?

Well, he's the guy who actually has cured diabetes by putting his patients on a low-fat vegan diet, and in that last link he explains that intramyocellular lipids, or fat stored in the muscle cells, interfere with glucose delivery to the mitochondria, causing diabetes. Taking excess dietary fat away and continuing to eat starches/sugars proved effective in reversing the disease

>> No.4586084

Give me a sec to find the follow-up interviews with a few of his supposedly cured patients and their subsequent battles with osteopenia.

>> No.4586095


Why osteopenia?

>> No.4586106

Hurrrr NITRITES IN hotdogs cause, well what the fuck do you know.

>> No.4586111
File: 62 KB, 152x167, average tekken player.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>by not knowing how to mix and match protein types.

Why do you people think if you don't meticulously plan out your protein sources that you're not going to get any protein at all? Every plant food has proteins in it, they all mix and match on their own, it's not something you need to think about. If you eat more than one kind of food, you have complete protein

>> No.4586114

I stopped eating meat last October and have lost 15 pounds.

>> No.4586125
File: 154 KB, 468x268, clinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Clinton, former president, capable of receiving any medical treatment in the world at the drop of a dime. What does he turn to after nearly dying of heart disease? Veganism. And it worked.

>> No.4586136


A lot of people turn to veganism to cure diseases and whatnot. If only people would just follow that diet from the start, we'd prevent a lot of shit. Instead, we have the meat and dairy industry doing everything they can to make you buy nasty shit, especially marketing to children so they grow up with their idea of nutrition centered around those things

>> No.4586138

Those with all the $ can brainwash the masses into buying their products, thus creating a perpetuating cycle. The beauty of marketing and Happy Meals.

>> No.4586140

Cool. I started eating less in general in April and have lost 10 lbs.

>> No.4586143
File: 37 KB, 581x357, meat industry adverisement budgets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that feel when the world is full of corruption

>> No.4586153

Is that right? 127 mil for HSUS seems high, that's almost their entire revenue.

>> No.4586157

>vegetarian 2 days a week
>fish 2 days a week
>chicken 1 day a week
>take out 1 day a week
>steak 1 day a week

seems to work for me

>> No.4586161


What's the point of that? You might as well just eat whatever you want every day if that's your diet

>> No.4586170


Different fag, but most people who think they eat like that and don't track it don't. They eat burgers 5 days a week, fish once a week, and think they're eating a balanced diet.

>> No.4586181

>horse meat is as bad as diseased meat

>> No.4586186


>don't track it
not that difficult. Pre plan meals and buy groceries once a week.

>> No.4586191

>hypothesis: people who care about their diet are healthier than those that will eat anything
>test group: 100 vegetarian health advocates
>control: 100 obese omnivores
>conclusion: vegetarianism is healthier than omnivore
>source: national vegetarian society

>> No.4586206

>locally grown meat has a larger carbon footprint than my brazilian/indian/burmese 3-bean salad

>> No.4586211

Yep. This is a well known issue of statistics and psychology: people always rate themselves higher in things than is the reality. 90% of people who say "I eat a balanced diet" are likely lying out the ass.

>> No.4586218

GHG emissions from meat production is insane even not factoring in exporting/importing. 10+lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of beef, so to begin with you have all the carbon imprint for that agriculture. Then you have the methane from the cow herself. Then you have transportation to the slaughterhouse, operation of the slaughterhouse, and lots of refrigeration.

Comparing carbon imprint of meat to plant foods is like comparing a kid's sand castle to Mt. Everest.

>> No.4586233

>ever since I stopped eating meat AND started eating healthier I've been healthier
>it was the meat that was making me unhealthy, not the unhealthy diet

>> No.4586237


I didn't say it was difficult, I said most people don't do it, even among those who think they do.

>> No.4586247

>10+lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of beef
[citation needed]
>Then you have the methane from the cow herself.
And how much would that be?
>Then you have transportation to the slaughterhouse,
The slaughterhouse is closer than india
>operation of the slaughterhouse
Want to factor in the carbon footprint of the individuals who work the the slaughterhouse too?
>lots of refrigeration.
Once it's cold and sealed, the cost of keeping things cold is negligible

>> No.4586249


>people who care about health tend to not eat meat
>"durr, meat is healthy anyway for no reason. fuck you, I like bacon!"

>> No.4586250

>Once it's cold and sealed, the cost of keeping things cold is negligible

This simply isn't true.

>> No.4586253

>I'll pray to god the surgery is a success
>praise the lord his heart transplant was successful

>> No.4586256

You think heat magically appears inside insulated containers?

>> No.4586261


I think thermodynamics requires an energy expenditure to maintain something colder than the environment. I also know that almost nothing in the meat processing chain is sealed from heat.

>> No.4586270

I have diabetes sorry I can't not eat meat

it would take far too much prep work to do anything comparable to what i can do with meat for my nutritional necessities

>> No.4586272

>I also know that almost nothing in the meat processing chain is sealed from heat.
Cold storage is, otherwise the meat would be destroyed by thawing and refreezing.
Also, heat doesn't travel so well through insulation, so the amount of energy needed to maintain the temperature is very low, since very little heat is entering the insulated room

>> No.4586273


My point, there's not great insulation in slaughterhouses or restaurant walk-ins.

>> No.4586274

I had a friend who struggled with diabetes for 10 years, then after just 6 months of going vegetarian got her diabetes under control. Going vegetarian/vegan to treat diabetes is pretty common.

>> No.4586276

Was it 'my islet of langerhans decided to stop working forever' or was it fat people beetus beetus?
Because no diet will fix type 1.

>> No.4586282


That guy here. I still ate greens, grains, and fruits, but I also drank milk, ate cheese and eggs, and ate meat thinking that stuff was healthy because people on /fit/ said it was. I soon learned people on /fit/ have a cultural phenomenon called "broscience" and are also highly susceptible to advertising. People on that board think drinking a gallon of whole milk every day is healthy and that you need 200+ grams of protein a day, half coming from whey protein shakes, in order to build any muscle, which is a result of the protein powder industry and the people it sponsors tricking young impressionable folk into paying for supplements they don't need and shouldn't take.

Basically it's like take the idea of what you would consider a healthy diet. Now add a bunch of cake and ice cream to it. You're still technically getting the nutrients from the other foods that you would agree are healthy, but the unhealthy shit is still weighing you down and making your diet much less effective. You can watch a commercial of a really clean-looking blue-eyed white lady wearing white clothes in a hall of white sheets blowing in the wind drinking creamy white cow's milk with a sense of satisfaction on her face, or you can watch a commercial where a meat selling restaurant or company shows some cooked meat resting on a bed of lettuce and tomatoes to try to make you think the meat is a natural and healthy part of a balanced diet, but the truth is those things aren't good for you. Study after study proves that, and it seems the only people who don't agree with it are the meat and dairy industry and all the casomorphin addicted zombies it has brainwashed

People who stop eating animal products don't do it just to be assholes, they do it because they've seen the research and decided it shouldn't be eaten. People who challenge that are typically completely uninformed and would rather take the word of the people trying to sell them these foods

>> No.4586286


Speaking of type 1 diabetes


>> No.4586289

So when you said you cut meat, lowered your fat intake and started eating more healthy foods, what you actually meant to say was you cut meat twice?

Also, fit isn't about having perfect health in a lean body, it's about becoming a bear. There is no such ting as too much protein when you're building muscle, but if you're not actively training, a diet like that would fat you to death.

>> No.4586292

>insulin resistance

stopped watching there. That's type 2. Type 1 is when the immune system attacks the insulin producing cells in the pancrease

>> No.4586296


Lowering fat intake goes hand in hand with cutting out meat and dairy, though I rarely use olive oil anymore either which I used to cook with a lot and drizzle lightly on pasta. And when you say I "started eating more healthy foods," you mean to say I started eating more of the healthy foods I was already eating, because obviously I'm not going to just cut out over a thousand of my daily calories and replace it with nothing. It just happens that the increased portion sizes of the other foods was a much healthier

>> No.4586299


How about continuing to watch until the part about type 1 diabetes?

>> No.4586303

>Lowering fat intake goes hand in hand with cutting out meat and dairy
Not necessarily. You could eat the exact same amount of meat with a fraction of the fat just by changing how you cook it(eg. not frying with oil, instead boiling)

>> No.4586307


Meat still has its own fat, and unlike the cooking oil, it's saturated fat. Even "lean meats" still have a comparatively high fat content

>> No.4586316

Ok, he goes on to say that a vegan diet won't help, but it will reduce complications. What complications, other than needing a shot, might he be referring to?

>type 1 is caused by milk
I should have known that the doctors used milky instruments in the appendectomy when I was 7

>> No.4586319


Oh, ha. Wasn't trying to get your hopes up for a cure, I was just using your mention of it to point out that they say milk is a trigger for type 1 diabetes. Thank the dairy industry for fucking your life up.

>> No.4586320

Again, milk had nothing to do with my type 1. It came about suddenly after surgery, not gradually after years of dairy

>> No.4586322


Did the surgeon open you up and steal your insulin?

>> No.4586323

He ironed out my pancrease .

>> No.4586327


Kind of IRONIC, don't you think?

>> No.4586353
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>> No.4586403

These kind of pics always annoy me.

Sadly I lost the link, but there is no vegetarian primate on the planet. even gorillaz have a certain amount of animal in their diet (2-4% if i remember correctly)
Simply because their food contains insects and other small critters.

>> No.4586404

>Gorillas also have tiny penises compared to humans

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.4586412

And what is that supposed to mean? There's no particular reason to expect that wildlife animals enjoy optimal diets. They don't have unlimited access to all resources nor the knowledge, instinctive or otherwise, of what is better.

>> No.4586416

Whats the point of bigger penises? If female gorillas don't have bigger vaginas, there is no need for them.

>> No.4586417

The animal tailors itself to its environment. An ideal diet for an animal is always found in its natural habitat

>> No.4586418
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> implying amerifats are actually healthy

>> No.4586425

It's not about an optimal diet. It just disproves the myth of vegetarian apes. Clearly that pic implied that gorilla being healthy and muscular despite no animal consumption, which just isn't true.

>> No.4586457

It's not just apes, too. Plenty of animals generally thought of as herbivores have been observed engaging in opportunistic carnivory.


^article contains a link to a video of a deer eating steak.

article tl;dr why does this happen? It may be that generalists, i.e. omnivores, are less vulnerable to shocks to the food supply. Specialists, such as koalas and pandas, are liable to go extinct more easily. Being able to digest more types of food is evolutionarily advantageous.

>> No.4586461

I've done the opposite.
I went from meat once or twice a week to meat every day, dropped most white carbs, starches, sugar, fruit, etc. Lost 20 lbs.
Mostly eat eggs and white meat with vegetables and legumes.
Example meal: Scrambled eggs, spinach, and black beans for breakfast.

>> No.4586466

>low fat diets
>been debunked for years
>low-carb diets with moderate to high fat content is one of the better diabetic diets
This guy is fighting an uphill battle against everything else I've read and seen lately.

And then there's bias to consider.

>> No.4586472

man that hong kong duck i got so many pictures of that

>> No.4586669

Today I had no meat, not because I didn't want any, but because my crazy-ass mom visited yesterday and brought me a huge tub full of noodle salad.

At least it had some eggs.

>> No.4586672

Hell yeah, OP. Going meatless today for sure.

>> No.4586674
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>meatless and mateless

>> No.4586729

Eggs are haploid animal cells you murderer

>> No.4586773

I wonder why vegan fags ignore the fact that the 10lbs of grain he keeps worrying about

>> No.4586784

stop imposing your beliefs on other people

just remember, every time you mention that people shouldn't eat meat I will double the size of my hamburger

>> No.4586788


u wot me8?

>> No.4586806


How do you eat legumes while dropping starches? Legumes are full of starch

>> No.4586813


Probably because the land in which they're grown

>> No.4586815
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>every time you try to make someone healthy, I will increase my risk for heart disease, alzheimers, and obesity

You sure showed him.

>> No.4586841

>even gorillaz have a certain amount of animal in their diet (2-4% if i remember correctly)
98% vegetarian sounds like enough to call gorillas vegetarians to me.

>> No.4586867

Or, to put it more accurately

>> No.4586872

Way to show a lack of understanding of what goes into farming

>> No.4586878

you realize gorillas eat 40 pounds of vegetation a day to maintain that body right?, the are roughly double the mass of humans so lets say a human needs to eat 20 pounds a day.

If you are willing to eat 20 pounds of vegetables every single day I will respect this opinion.

>> No.4586889


Luckily humans have evolved to be starch-eaters, so the calories and nutrition we get from energy-dense starches and fruits make that much easier

>> No.4586890


Just pointing this out again.

>> No.4586896

>humans have evolved to be starch-eaters
humans evolved to be meat eaters too but you people seem to only care about evolution when it suits your argument. Factually meat is the reason humans evolved the way we did in the first place, we evolved because we started eating it when we found it and our bodies changed to make it easier to acquire more of it.

>> No.4586922


20 pounds of raw vegetables. Cooking them is cheating.

>> No.4586923


What do you mean evolved to be meat eaters? What evolution was that? We developed high concentrations of amylase specifically to digest starches, and every large, successful civilazation on the planet centered their diets around starches.

Barley in the middle east, Corn in north and central America, Millet in Africa, Potatoes in South America, Rice in Asia, and Wheat in the Near East. That was the human diet. Before that humans were hunter-gatherers, and before the stone age they were scavengers, taking calories from any source they could in order to not starve to death. We didn't evolve our digestive systems around meat though, it was a temporary solution to famine. Later in civililzation, when people could grow their own grains, they found they could feed grains to animals as well and eat those, which is what the wealthy/royalty ate and were known to be fat and unhealthy compared to everyone else in the kindgom. Now that kind of diet is considered the norm, and low and behold the majority of the western world eats like this and is ridden with disease, while the one-healthy eastern world who subsisted on rice is now adopting a more western diet as well and starting to suffer the same effects

>> No.4586928


>*once-healthy eastern world

>> No.4586937


10,000 years isn't shit in evolutionary time. So what we're evolved for is hunter-gathering, not grain.

The actual anthro records are fascinating - human population exploded with agriculture, but nutritition went down. Our social structures from there are based on having more hands to work the land, and own it - prior to that most tribes were matriarchal and also practiced the killing of infants in times of excess population.

>> No.4586939

>fat and unhealthy
>average life expectancy over double peasants who ate almost no meat

>> No.4586947

>we only farmed meat recently
>before that we hunted meat
>before that we scavenged meat
>meat was never part of our intended diet
>we only ate meat to avoid starvation
>only the rich ate meat regularly

>> No.4586953


We didn't have any evolutionary change for meat-eating though. We came from fruit-eaters and then evolved for starches. We carry amylase in our saliva and our guts, which combined with our already herbivorous digestive system meant a relatively simple dietary evolution. There was no such evolution for meat, just a period of scarcity in food that meant eat less-than-ideal foods or starve to death

>> No.4586959


You're reading that a bit wrong, bro. We had to scavenge meat because 1. we didn't have enough of the food we were designed to eat, and 2. we're so shitty of a creature when it comes to catching prey that before the creation of external tools we just had to take whatever other animals killed and left behind, because we didn't evolve to be meat-eaters. After the invention of hunting tools, our bodies didn't magically change to make meat our ideal food. The more recent meat farming we can see the effects of today, where the more meat a population eats leads to ever-increasing diseases

>> No.4586968

Am I being trolled?

>> No.4586971


>We didn't have any evolutionary change for meat-eating though

That's canines buddy.

>combined with our already herbivorous digestive system

No. We don't have 4 stomachs or the ability to digest cellulose. We're not herbivores.

>just a period of scarcity in food that meant eat less-than-ideal foods or starve to death

This is not anything that happened.

>> No.4586987



Herbivores have canines too, that argument doesn't work.

>No. We don't have 4 stomachs or the ability to digest cellulose

Frugivores don't need to digest cellulose. Dietary fiber is benefitial to our digestive systems.

>This is not anything that happened.

You're seriously saying food has never in the history of the world been scarce?


I guess humans are naturally designed to be cannibals too

>> No.4586996

>We didn't have any evolutionary change for meat-eating though

Our teeth are a cross between those of a strict herbivore and a carnivore. We have bicuspids and canines, both of which are lacked by herbivores.

Our intestinal tract is likewise a cross between a very short gut of a carnivore and the long gut of a herbivore.

Herbivores either chew their cud and have a rumen (aka "multiple stomachs") such as cows or sheep, or they eat their own feces, such as hamsters and rabbits. We humans lack those adaptations.

Biologically we are suited to a varied diet including both meat and vegetable matter.

>> No.4587003

On top of that, we have to have MORE nutrition than other animals due to the fact that our brains need huge amounts of energy.

I remember seeing a study comparing the calories needed in grass to feed a sheep and to feed a human.

Grass to feed a sheep, a little more than a plateful.

Grass to feed a human, a card table full of grass.

>> No.4587006


Can you guys stop discussing such a stupid topic? Evolution is meant to increase the chances of reproduction of a given race, not necessarily to make them healthier, smarter or live longer. Of course, some times it does, but not necessarily. Just think about the amount of animals that have really short life short life-spans, males that die in the process of copulation and amount of life that does not have a central nervous system.

>> No.4587010
File: 13 KB, 350x262, modern_horse_male_canine[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop saying herbivores don't have canines, canines are a widespreed teeth type useful for much more than eating meat. Human canines in particular are ridiculously shitty compared to carnivores and omnivores

>> No.4587023


>Herbivores have canines too, that argument doesn't work.

Which ones are you talking about?

>Frugivores don't need to digest cellulose.

And no primate is classified as such, including humans, so it's irrelevant. Nor did you say we had a frugivore digestive system, you claimed it was that of a herbivore.

>Dietary fiber is benefitial to our digestive systems.

As humans are omnivores, that's not suprising.

>You're seriously saying food has never in the history of the world been scarce?

No, I'm saying that we didn't turn to meat as a food source because of food scarcity in spite of our 'natural diet' the way you're implying. You have no proof of that event occurring to our species, and our physical structures show you to be wrong.

>> No.4587030


In herbivores the 'canines' are blunt. In humans they are not.

>> No.4587046

It's sad that those among us who choose to consume non-human animals feel the need to belittle those of us who opt for a plant-based diet. None of these insults are based in fact, either. They are simply put-downs because we are perceived as different and do not choose to abide by the social norm.

>> No.4587058

You dietary imbalance seems to have caused you to develop a victim complex

>> No.4587060
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>Which ones are you talking about?

Horses, Elephants, Sloths, Deer, etc. Canines aren't exclusively for meat. Try biting into an apple and see what teeth you use

Frugivores ARE herbivores. Fruits are plants. Herbivore doesn't strictly mean "eats grass." Orangutans are also classified as frugivores, the bulk of their diet is fruits.


>You have no proof of that event occurring to our species

I guess the ice age is a hoax. Food is always available, all the time, for every animal, right?


Sloths have sharper canines than we do

>> No.4587061

Mostly it's because vegetarians feel the need to shove their beliefs down everyone's throat, then act surprised when everyone hates them and tells them to fuck off.

>> No.4587068

Like furries, who also have a weird thing regarding animals.

>> No.4587071
File: 34 KB, 700x486, comic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a vegan, this is you.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4587075
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>present facts to people who have been brainwashed to believe stupid things by the industries that are selling these things to them

All those taco bell commercials have warped your brain


>> No.4587078


But chocolate-covered cherries are already vegan

>> No.4587083

>Orangutans are also classified as frugivores
Except they're not. Stop making things up.

>Fruit is the most important component of an orangutan's diet, however, the apes will also eat vegetation, bark, honey, insects and even bird eggs

>I guess the ice age is a hoax.

Are you claiming humans did not eat meat prior to the last ice age?

>> No.4587084


>Here, try some of my homemade chocolate covered cherries
>I'm not a vegan, so I replaced the cherries with dried chicken testicles and coated it with a mixture of cow semen and goat dung

If you're not a vegan, this is you. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4587085
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>> No.4587090

I haven't watched TV or gone outside in years, try again buddy

>> No.4587096


Fruit makes up 65-90% of the orangutan diet depending on the time of year. They're featured on the wikipedia page for Frugivores. They're frugivores, I don't know how you could say they aren't

>Are you claiming humans did not eat meat prior to the last ice age?

Of course not, just using it as an example of obvious food scarcity forcing them to change their eating habits

>> No.4587097


Does cocao grow inside an animal or something?

>> No.4587102

No but proper chocolate has milk in it

>> No.4587109


>proper chocolate
>milk chocolate

You don't even have to be a vegan to know that's the plebist thing ever said in regards to chocolate. Beyond that, you don't make chocolate-covered cherries with milk chocolate, you pair cherries with dark chocolate

>> No.4587114

>They're frugivores, I don't know how you could say they aren't

>, however, the apes will also eat vegetation, bark, honey, insects and even bird eggs

That's an omnivore

>> No.4587121


That's not how diet works, bro. The majority of the diet is how you classify what their diet is, little outliers don't contribute to that classification. We call asians rice-eaters despite also eating vegetables because the bulk of their diet is rice. We call orangutans and other apes and monkeys frugivores because they rely on fruits the most. As was said earlier in this thread, even a deer will eat meat if it feels like it, but its diet is still considered herbivore because that's what its body is designed for and that's what it primarily eats

>> No.4587134

He's not natty.
Why is it that Vegans think that since roiding faggots can lift and not eat meat it's a good thing?

>> No.4587144


I'm not your bro, and that's not how classification works. Nice job adding orangutangs to the frugivore page in the last 10 minutes, by the way.

Which is stupid to begin with - the orangutang is not a human ancestor or even a close relative.

>> No.4587157


Check the page history, I didn't do shit. But yes, that is how classification works. We would call wolves carnivores, but they do on occasion eat berries. Animals have diets their bodies are designed for but they still choose to eat other things besides their natural food source, especially in times of desperation. Enter, humans

>> No.4587162

>Realize I was going to end up not eating meat today based on my meal plans
>Fry up a strip of bacon real quick and eat it

Whew, for a minute there I was almost a huge faggot.

>> No.4587175

Don't worry, you still are.

>> No.4587191


>the orangutan is not a human ancestor or even a close relative


>> No.4587198

>We didn't have any evolutionary change for meat-eating though
yes we did, our gut shrank considerably to a fraction of the size it once was
I know you are the same retard that is always in these threads because you give that same line of shit about humans having digestive systems closer to herbivores, bet proven wrong every time, and then post the same thing in the next thread you pop up in.
Humans can not digest cellulose, our guts are optimized for meat consumption not plant matter. Our digestive system is simply too small.

>> No.4587216

>old article
>experts say probably not

>> No.4587219
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>our guts are optimized for meat consumption not plant matter

Healthiest people in the world base their diets on plants. Sickest people in the world base their diets on meat. Take all the time you need to explain that.


Oh, nevermind, I see you just wanted to say something untrue and then run away

>> No.4587226

>Healthiest people in the world base their diets on plants. Sickest people in the world base their diets on meat.

[citation needed]

>> No.4587228


East vs west

>> No.4587230

>starving chinklets

>> No.4587229

>lies and generalizations: the post

the oldest woman in the world was a life long meat eater, smoker, and drinker up until she died

your argument is invalid. I will concede my point when you show me that vegetarians are consistently living into their hundreds and meat eaters arent

>> No.4587247

To add on to your point, I saw something on PBS about how they attribute our intellectual growth spurt for homo sapians to meat consumption. It helped our brains develop differently or whatever. And this program had nothing to do with dietary bias or discuss it in any other way.

>> No.4587255

it's true
more calories=more energy to put towards brain development

>> No.4587267


>a controversial new study

It's also still not an ancestor.

Orangutangs eat eggs outside of emergencies.

If you have any positive evidence for humans herbivore past, other than YOU CAN'T PROVE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, post it. Or STFU.

>> No.4587277


>> No.4587278

the best part is that we CAN prove it didn't happen because there are bones that predate humans with tool marks on them, meaning human ancestors were eating meat before we even existed.

>> No.4587285


Humans are waxivores. This is definite proof that humans are meant to eat crayons, because this guy is doing that.

>> No.4587310
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Or maybe...

The mole people?

>> No.4587314




>> No.4587318

>4 types of taste
How old is this video? Did they even have the internet back then?

>> No.4587453

>protein intake affects penis size
more particular it's because gorillas don't eat enough tiger penis! ask any Chinese.

>> No.4587463

way to miss the point. the picture wasn't saying we're exactly like gorillas. it pointed out that omnivores can build muscle mass well without animal protein. those 2% animal protein intake surely isn't the cause of a gorilla's built either.

>> No.4587466

you mean cooking, not meat eating.

>> No.4587475

>implying every herbivore has four stomachs
>implying anyone thinks we're herbivores

also, try to kill a cow with your mighty canines alone.

>> No.4587500

>one abnormal individual represents the entire race

>> No.4587512


Really though, for average folks that dont want to become vegetarian, this is a good way for them to ease up to the idea so they dont have to say "wow you're a vegetarian? I could never do that.." etc. But any medical benefits gained from vegetarianism wont really be noticeable until after a few weeks of not eating meat.

But seriously, i just want you guys to know that ive been vegetarian for the last 9 years so i am an expert on this subject.

>> No.4587746
File: 34 KB, 480x317, protein22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only one question for you. I bet you've never been asked it before.

>> No.4587764

I get my protein from nuts, beans, and TVP (textured vegetable protein) and hemp. When you're a vegetarian you have to mix different proteins to get a complete protein. for example you cant get all the protein you need from just rice, you have to mix it with beans. thats a complete protein. Me personally i eat eggs, some vegetarians dont like eating eggs, but its not red meat and its got a lot of protein. Its really not hard to get your daily amount of protein as a vegetarian, you just have to know what to eat, and how much.

>> No.4587773

as a vegan - various types of beans, nuts, tofu, soy/almond milk.

>> No.4587827

He doesn't want to become vegetarian. Get over it. This is why we hate you faggots.

>> No.4587852

Be careful with the granola, a lot of it is loaded with garbage. Very few granola products are low sugar and low fat.

>> No.4587859

Enjoy not getting enough omega-3s!

>> No.4587871

Remember that scene in The Simpsons where Bart and Homer are trying to wrestle the lamb chop from each other by their teeth, snarling like animals?

That's exactly what vegetarians think of meat eaters, isn't it?

>> No.4587880

so you are complaining that all vegetarians are likening meat eaters to cartoon characters, while yourself likening all vegetarians to a cartoon character?

>> No.4587887

>while yourself likening all vegetarians to a cartoon character
Say what?

>> No.4587906

your opinion of what all vegetarians think is based off a single scene from a cartoon, of the thoughts of an 8 year old cartoon girl.

>> No.4587951


Sad to say but there are a lot of latch key kids on this website whose parents sat them in front of a TV instead of raising them properly. Whenever I see entire Simpsons episodes repeated verbatim here, or anywhere for that matter, what I see is a socially stunted man-child who never learned conversational norms and instead reverts to an autistic indexed lookup algorithm that accesses the most contextually relevant recorded dialogues that he can recall from early childhood. You can only pity this kind of person because a critical phase in their social development was replaced with something lonely and vulgar.

>> No.4587953

madam your whole life has been meatless

>> No.4588147
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In other news, burgers kill more people than guns.

>> No.4588168


>> No.4588184

If burgers are so much more effective at killing people then why don't we just keep a burger under our pillow for when a burglar breaks into our house???

>> No.4588195

man... i eat meat like once a week max, ya'll are still on carnivore mode? This be 2013!

>> No.4588241

Because it takes too long?

Remember folks, penetration for stem shots. Not even the biggest of mcgangbangs can go clear through.

>> No.4588263


>>low-carb diets with moderate to high fat content is one of the better diabetic diets

Low-carb high fat diets won't agitate diabetes as much but it won't ever make it better. It's not a fix. High-carb, low-fat diets reverse diabetes. Once you get the fat out of your cells and allow glucose to do its job fueling them, diabetes can't happen.

>> No.4588424

Not saying more effective, just saying burgers kill more people.

>> No.4588498

>ya'll are still on carnivore mode? This be 2013!
It took us tens of thousands of years to stop owning slaves, and we still can't let gay people marry. Not eating meat is a while off. People are slow to evolve.

>> No.4588853

How does culture shift have anything to do with further evolution?
How would evolving a meatless ideal diet emerge when we have ready access to meat and no sign of that changing?

Why to veganitarians want to bring several species to extinction while also promoting the overfarming of poor land?

>> No.4589041

I myself have been giving Atkins a try. It's awesome.

>> No.4589054

Not following this thread, nor a vegan but what animals are going extinct because of vegetarians? Genuinely curious.

>> No.4589070


Probably means certain domesticated species.

Mangalitsa hogs for example almost went extinct because of the sudden fear of fat in the western diet. Only because of waxed moustache hipster butchers do we know they exist.

>> No.4589101

You know that species of rhino that went extinct recently? If it was legal to farm rhinos for meat/ivory/leather, they wouldn't even be on the endangered species list

>> No.4590632

>Why to veganitarians want to bring several species to extinction
This is sheer idiocy. Industrialized meat production is one of the main sources of species extinction. 70% of the deforested Amazon rainforest is used for beef production. 30% of the Earth's land surface is used for producing meat. Nope, not a typo, 30%. The amount of deforestation (and habitat loss as a result) for meat is mind-boggling.

In North America alone, around 200 species are threatened due to habitat loss from the meat industry.

>> No.4591032

Extinction is a much nicer fate than factory farming an animal. If people stopped being idiots and poaching for Chinese medicine and shit we wouldn't have problems.

>> No.4591078


It does actually, are you aware as to how your body notifies you that you are full?

>> No.4591091


But burgers are cheaper and reliably kill more people. I wouldn't want to risk a rapist getting out of my house alive having a gun when I could just throw burgers at him.

>> No.4591342

Maybe you meant 30% of the Earth's arable land surface? Which really isn't shocking

>> No.4591344

>all farms are factory farms

>> No.4591367

>30% of the Earth's land surface is used for producing meat.
Source: PETA
Note: Includes land used for hunting and growing feed crops

>> No.4591544

"The livestock sector is by far the single largest anthropogenic user of land. Grazing occupies 26 percent of the Earth's terrestrial surface, while feed crop production requires about a third of all arable land"

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

>> No.4591553

>Anyone else been giving this a shot?
No. I don't dabble in veganism just like I don't dabble in satanism.

>> No.4591580
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>> No.4592318
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