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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 480x640, mofukkeningredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4583462 No.4583462 [Reply] [Original]

I made delicious baked eggs for brunch today.

Not only did I get to stuff my face with delicious eggs, but I got to use my cast iron skillet for the first time.


-Goat cheese
-Fresh basil
-Tomato sauce
-Olive oil, salt, pepper

>> No.4583463


>> No.4583465
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In the pan.

>> No.4583468
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Into the gas chamber.

>> No.4583472
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>> No.4583479
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Served with some baguette and black tea.

Before the eggs we gorged on baguette and almond butter/raspberry preserves.

10/10 would eat again.

>> No.4583481
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How about you respect, and check your priveledge or something.

Sounds aight. Simple, but simple cooking is good cooking. How did you like the cast iron? May take a bit of getting used to, it really is a nice thing though.

>> No.4583482

I hope you ate this with some kind of bread. Moot, pls. You are the hungry skeleton, you need your cals.

>> No.4583486

Did you season your cast iron yourself or buy it pre-seasoned? And how did you like it versus other pans you've used?

>> No.4583487

Did you eat that all yourself?

>> No.4583488

>Goat cheese

that sounds delicious

i'm so hungry now ;_;

Did that /ck/ club ever work out?

>> No.4583491

Did you heat the pan before it went into the oven?

>> No.4583494

>inb4 shitstorm
I like eggs but this does not appeal to me.
I don't like being a picky eater.

>> No.4583496

>How did you like the cast iron?
It was pretty great.

>I hope you ate this with some kind of bread. Moot, pls. You are the hungry skeleton, you need your cals.
I did!

>Did you season your cast iron yourself or buy it pre-seasoned? And how did you like it versus other pans you've used?
I got a set of Griswold pans off of eBay a few weeks ago. The seller cleaned them up and seasoned them with two coats of Crisco, but I'm going to re-season them with flaxseed oil using this guide: http://sherylcanter.com/wordpress/2010/01/a-science-based-technique-for-seasoning-cast-iron/

Stripped 'em down today and will do coat #1 tomorrow.

>Did you eat that all yourself?
No -- there are two place settings there. A friend came over.

>that sounds delicious
I love goat cheese, but halloumi is best cheese.

>Did that /ck/ club ever work out?
No, because of insane people.

>Did you heat the pan before it went into the oven?
I did not.

>> No.4583498

I thought you weren't supposed to put tomato sauce in your cast iron.

>> No.4583502

I love how /ck/ is the only board where moot can post in relative peace without being hounded.

That looks great. How long did you cook it for, or did you just eyeball it? Also, I'm going to cold-turkey quit soda, and I want a tea to help me. What would you recommend?

>> No.4583508
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You might get some extra iron in your sauce. If that bothers you, maybe don't do it.

>> No.4583510

Give it time. The news will spread soon. Then /pol/ will find the Paula Deen thread and this board will be a shitstorm tonight.

>> No.4583511

>I thought you weren't supposed to put tomato sauce in your cast iron.
You aren't because it's acidic, but I knew I was going to scrub mine down with soap+water and re-season it anyway, so it wasn't an issue.

I'm curious though -- is it okay to cook tomato sauce in a cast iron skillet so long as you wipe it down immediately? I coated it with a thin layer of olive oil before baking to reduce tomato on iron contact.

>> No.4583512

>How long did you cook it for, or did you just eyeball it?
I overcooked it slightly. 17-20 minutes probably would have been perfect.

>> No.4583518

How often do you actually cook (put in time and try new recipes, rather than using pre prepared ingredients)?

>> No.4583520

y'know, you might actually be able to crush a little bit of tums or even chalk to neutralize the acid.

However, this is just from a chemistry standpoint. I have no idea how well/badly this would work, or if it would affect the flavor.

>> No.4583521

Not bad, moot. Best thing I've seen from you so far. Who you impressin?

>> No.4583522

Who's your favourite Beatle again?

>> No.4583523

that is disgusting and you should be disgusted for thinking of it.

>> No.4583525

Can you tell us how you did it?

>> No.4583526
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>> No.4583530

they're both calcium carbonate, just tums has flavoring. Calcium carbonate neutralizes acids and alkaline stuff.
Once again, this is coming from chemistry and not cooking.

>> No.4583528

the eggs look incredibly runny. Is that what you were going for?

>> No.4583529


Tums is for after you eat not during.

>> No.4583531
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Yes, mang, wipe it down after dinner and you'll be fine. Don't worry so much.

>> No.4583538
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1325509286924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously. If you need to add tums to your pasta sauce because you're so worried about your pan, then you need some serious fucking therapy.

>> No.4583540

>cast iron
>any sort of acidic food
that's usually not a good thing

>> No.4583545

That's uncalled for. You're taking interpreting a fanciful idea as if someone would actually attempt it

>> No.4583549

>sans taking
I'm too tired to be on the internet :C

>> No.4583567
File: 30 KB, 460x360, 1330913352721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You suggested it, newfriend. Cooking acidic foods in an iron pan will corrode it over a period of YEARS.

So, just don't do it when you have steel most of the time. Simple.

>> No.4583580

Good job, mootykins. Looks great. If you enjoyed that, you might want to try Eggs in Purgatory, which is similar. Also, frittata. Cast iron is a beautiful thing.

>> No.4583593
File: 605 KB, 553x760, yvhn-1113262-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's favorite Beatle isn't based Paul Mccartney, they are either an edgy tryhard faggot (lennon fan) or just a general faggot in general. This is truth.

>> No.4583595

Oh, and also, something to try in your cast iron; crustless cheesecake. By baking it in the cast iron, you get crisp sides and bottom without having to make a crust.

>> No.4583607

When is moot gonna start cooking corn bread and fried chicken in his cast iron?

>> No.4583608
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>> No.4583609
File: 922 KB, 240x180, 1323847395771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what? The Beatles are, and always have been, shit.

>> No.4583610

Are you fucking insane? Paul is the WORST. What are you, 12?

>> No.4583613


Are these your own pictures? Hate to sound like /b/, but a timestamp or something would be nice the next time you do this, because if those are your's, you have a damn good eye for presentation.

Or just a confirmation, that works too.

>> No.4583617


>Implying my favorite isn't Ringo

>> No.4583654
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best voice
most multifaceted with instruments
most divers voice
best songwriter
best looking
gave a fuck when nobody else did, and the band stayed together for three more years
best drummer in the beathles
best guitarist in the beatles
best bassist in the beatles
best vocalist in the beathless
best songwriter in the beastie boys.

I'll allow your retort.

>> No.4583657

Rolling Stones

>> No.4583665

Lies and biased opinion.
Paul only gave a fuck because of teh monies.
He's a short little douche with a Napoleon complex.
Everything he's done after the Beatles sucks monkey balls. Wings is one of the worst bands ever.
George's body of work far far surpsses anything Paul's done.
Ringo's Beaucoup of Blues confirmed for god tier.
John was a prick with a some good music.
Just because Paul's a whore doesn't make him the best.

>> No.4583675
File: 14 KB, 240x194, 106271090_b7fd95130a_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: A moot trad and we don't care it's a moot trad because we have been here for years and we're a bunch of drunk and jaded /ck/ assholes.


>> No.4583684
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 0 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been here for five years and I don't give seven shites about Moot, but he's cool. So what exactly are you trying to imply, you filthy hipneck? check your neck, yankee.

>> No.4583690
File: 5 KB, 251x185, 1336340560310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you're even cooler than cool.

>> No.4583691

serving for two, moot? hm?



>> No.4583695

pls stawp

>> No.4583701

I have never done eggs that way, in an oven ...

It looks great but it seems like it would taste very ... tomatosaucey? Personally I would use far less sauce and put in some whole, lightly sauteed cherry tomatos instead. And maybe some onion rings and olives, should go well with the goat cheese.

>> No.4583729

this looks nice but i think a quiche would be better.

>> No.4583743


Looks great! And don't worry a properly seasoned pan can even take being washed with soap. Don't keep an acidic sauce in the pan for days though.

To bad the /ck/ooking club didn't work out.

>> No.4583787

>>Did you eat that all yourself?
>No -- there are two place settings there. A friend came over

I´m totally not close to tears now.

>> No.4583807
File: 20 KB, 360x240, 1354258078841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's truthful, gay friend or not. If moot actually lifted then that would only be enough for one man.

>> No.4583808

or if he had a gut like randy

>> No.4583812

RAAAAAY, Kojak got a wig on.

>> No.4583816

im absolutely drunk as fuck and high as fuck from trees and charlie but i just felt like posting in a moot thread

carry on.

>> No.4583820

moot you shouldnt joke about that, your grandpa probably died in one

>> No.4583825
File: 22 KB, 480x360, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583832

"The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art." -Piero Scaruffi

>> No.4583834

You're gay. Have my kids?

>> No.4583836

A friend?
So..you made someone take a trip over to eat two fucking eggs?
Autism at its best

>> No.4583837

go on...
what have you done...
oh no...
god no...

captcha: disciest pure

>> No.4583838

Mootles it's really late, you need to go to bed now. Oz will be here soon.

>> No.4583840
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>> No.4583858
File: 53 KB, 1829x410, eggs persian italian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like shakshouka, sans chili.

Recipe courtesy of /ck/, strangely enough. Saved from a thread long past, one of the odd times when decent content surfaces.

>> No.4583860
File: 66 KB, 1448x341, eggs persian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wait, that's not a recipe. I swear I have it somewhere over here... except it isn't this one either...

>> No.4584010

Looks pretty interesting, will definitely try this.
How about seasoning it with something spicy?

>> No.4584146
File: 1.39 MB, 1025x3920, shakshouka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.4584150


eggs from hell is eggs poached in salsa and hotsauce... try it out!

>> No.4584156

Paul's a fucking peta asshole.

>> No.4584157

Don't make me start using my tripname again, moot. You're dangerously close to infringing upon my triplological property, a clear DMCA violation.

>> No.4584167

Oh, that's nice! The recipe is like it, although not the same, but still nice.

>> No.4584201

dam i'm hungry naow...

>> No.4584228
File: 7 KB, 184x184, mootlesiseesyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was one of those insane people

>> No.4584254

Toasting in a moot bread.

>> No.4584428

The hell is/was that club? Also, mooty, is there a recipe book in the works? :3

>> No.4584437

4chan is not your personal blog.

>> No.4584442

That looks really good, moot, and the presentation is awesome.

I'm surprised you can cook.

>> No.4584457

>Paul only gave a fuck because of teh monies.

You realize that's a lot of musicians. Hell, even Ringo was only in it so he could get enough money to start his own salon. He would have quit after that if they didn't get so famous.

>> No.4584458


And Lennon was a sociopathic, lying, abusive prick without a shred of real talent. Your point being...?

>> No.4584463


Fuck off, cancer.

>> No.4584496
File: 9 KB, 247x204, ups and downs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does one cook this for?
I feel like trying this out.

>> No.4584502

Oh, and at how high a heat?

>> No.4584508
File: 72 KB, 378x363, 1320720480255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea the dish looks pretty good lol. Already saved these as a "mootlesmakeseggs" set...

>> No.4584540

just about 10-15 min should be enough, and the heat should be quite low. Tomato gets flavorless easy at low temperatures. It should be heated rather than power-boiled. I made something similar today, but on the stove instead of in the oven.

>> No.4584541
File: 15 KB, 340x421, 1358932866778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high temperatures, not low. Tomato likes low temperatures.

>> No.4584559

Thanks, bros.
10-15 mins at 180-ish degrees in a preheated oven sound like a good starting point? Just need something to start with, from there I reckon I can judge its degree of readiness myself.

>> No.4584561

Degrees Celsius*

>> No.4584565

Will save this as a mootykins based brunch baked eggs recipe

Looks great by the way

>> No.4584580

Moot why didn't you chiffonade the basil?

>> No.4584584


centigrade, dumbass.

>> No.4584587


>> No.4584593
File: 685 KB, 1280x1024, TPhoto_00013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right, guys?

>> No.4584596


>> No.4584603

Whenever I see moot post or even moots name mentioned I think of that edited illustration pic thats captioned "WITH MOOTS, YOU LOSE!" and I lose my shit

I love you moot

>> No.4584608


you should really microwave them.

>> No.4584625

you mad fucking cunt.

>> No.4584634

That cast iron is really smooth. Mine never looks like that.

>> No.4584636


>> No.4584641

Older cast iron is supposed to be smooth like that, and that's one reason people really like them.

>> No.4584643

I have a cast pan that looks gravel cast as apposed to sand cast.

>> No.4584652

And......? All my points stand.

>> No.4584661

Lets settle this once and for all.
Moot! Who do you think is the best Beatle? The one you like is the actual best from now on.

>> No.4584665

> tums or even chalk to neutralize the acid.

Don't do that. I always add a tiny amount of baking soda directly to my tomato sauces otherwise it shreds up the roof of my mouth. Only takes a tiny bit so go easy with it.

>> No.4584670


Moot how big is your folder of 4chan images?

I have to know.

>> No.4584671
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Good job moot. Women love eating straight from the pan recipes. Makes you look rustic as fuck.

>> No.4584711


It's fine for cast iron. You get extra iron in your diet.

You don't want to cook acidic on pewter though, that'll give you lead poisoning.