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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 800x600, Diana's_wet_burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4582189 No.4582189 [Reply] [Original]


Wet or dry?

>> No.4582203
File: 27 KB, 495x351, huge_burrito-209881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burritos are meant to be covered in sauce, big as fuck and eaten with a fork and spoon. California can fuck off with that foil covered street burrito shit.

OP also, dat lettuce. lel.

>> No.4582237

i like to be near the point of shitting my pants halfway through

>> No.4582253


They both have their place and are tasty

>> No.4582259

i make all burritos wet, even when i eat those crappy frozen ones i dump hot sauce on them and melt cheese on it

>> No.4582262

I'm so hungry.

>> No.4582266

Those are enchiladas. Burritos are dry, enchiladas are wet.

>> No.4582276

If I am on the go then dry. If I am in a real restaurant then wet

>> No.4582281

i think the difference is enchiladas are rolled, but not wrapped closed like a burrito. other than that its the same shit

>> No.4582294
File: 114 KB, 450x344, Wet Burrito-jpg-450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. burritos use a large flour tortilla, enchiladas use small corn tortillas. I'm not arguing that a dry burrito isn't a burrito, it is. They just suck in comparison. This reminds me of the whole Chicago vs. New York pizza argument. I'm curious as to whether /ck/ prefers their burritos wet or dry.

>> No.4582316

to me it doesn't REALLY make a difference since i use alot of sauce and cheese anyway, if it's dry i just usually eat it with my hands and put the sauce on each bite manually as opposed to just eating it with fork and knife, overall i'd have to say i like wet better though.

>> No.4582321

Is it bad if I go to Taco del Mar and ask for my burrito to be a wetback?

>> No.4582345

Wet all the way...the real question is Red vs Green vs Mole.

>> No.4582351
File: 49 KB, 535x400, breakfast burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Don't forget chili con carne and chili con queso.

chili con carne>red>chili con queso>green>mole>shitty dry burrito.

>> No.4582375

wet if there's good green chile to be had.

>> No.4582396

I live in Mexico I wish I could get these. This is a tex mex thing. Don't get me wrong, I chow amazing stuff erryday, but I miss these thick chile sauce drowned everything with cheddar and sour cream. i grew up eating that stuff in Az.
Here you cen get a burrito "ahogado" but it will be a cooked tomato salsa, not a chile sauce.

>> No.4582407

all these pics are burros, because they are big. a burrito is like the size of a taco. That is how it is in Mexico, anyway.

>> No.4582416

I enjoy the dry burrito, but the wet is the favored one.

>> No.4582463

I feel you brah

>> No.4582655

Wet all day err day

>> No.4584722

wet burritos are an abomination.

>> No.4584730



>> No.4584780
File: 71 KB, 682x432, enchiladas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I've found this thread, cause i wanna make some enchiladas tomorrow. I wanted to ask if you guys have any tips or personal preferences how to make em.

pic related, the recipe ive found

>> No.4584785

red chili burritos are the bomb.

Get one for $5, full of meat, covered in tasty sauce, and you can make it into 2 meals.

Great with a giant cup of horchata.

>> No.4584949
File: 31 KB, 320x152, how did I beat you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flour tortillas
You think those are enchiladas your eating now?

>> No.4584970
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wet or dry? WTF are you guys 3 year olds

the BURRITO in op's pick is served ENCHILADA STYLE.

It's like no-one here ever had a chile verde burrito

>> No.4585502

what is that wet suace they use?> enchilada suace? that shit is gross. ill take it fried

>> No.4585511

enchiladas dont have beans and rice in them

>> No.4585542
File: 73 KB, 278x720, burritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I call them wet since my favorite mexican place calls them wet, as shown.

>> No.4585543


And I should add the wet burritos look exactly as OP's pic.

>> No.4585554
File: 133 KB, 290x332, 1359951268085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both

>> No.4585576

gimme dat chili rojo.

>> No.4585861


that's what I get like 80% of the time. The meat at the place is beyond wonderful.

>> No.4585865

Always dry. California lovin'.

>> No.4585908

Is this a euphemism for something?

>> No.4585916

>TFW have to wait an hour and half for your steak to succesfully thaw out and marinate
>TFW you know its gonna be delicious
>TFW You haven't eaten all day

>> No.4586441

God, wet burritos are such fucking garbage. Fuck all you assholes with your wet shit. Yes I'm from California. Please stay in whatever shit hole state you're from. (Oregon, Colorado, Washington, are approved for visiting rights)

>> No.4586455
File: 17 KB, 250x250, puddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put french fries and rice in burritos
>thinking you have any say

>> No.4586469

I don't care as long as they end up in mah belly.

>> No.4588858


no burrito had rice in it before Chipotle came along

>> No.4588860
File: 74 KB, 268x265, stare cat wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit son, calm the everloving fuck down. Stop giving California a bad name and go smoke a blunt or something.

>> No.4588861

you must be from the lily white suburbs...if you were around mexicans you would understand the superiority of wet burritos.

>not appreciating the way delicious green chili saturates the tortilla with flavor

>> No.4588865

Here's the thing though - California is full of Mexicans. I don't understand why a dry burrito is supposedly a Californian thing if there are beaners as far as the eye can see.

>> No.4588866

I like both ways but I'll cover them in sour cream. I don't care that it's not authentic but fuck do I like sour cream. I'm a sour cream slut and eat everything mexican related with sour cream. Hell, I drink ayran because it reminds me of sour cream.

>> No.4588867


i live in san diego and there are wet burritos errywhere, you're just a whiny 12yo.

>> No.4588871

It's all good. in my opinion, authenticity doesn't matter as long as it tastes good (and as long as you acknowledge that what you're eating may not be ultra authentic or anything.)

Have you tried Mexican sour cream? It's pretty similar. Typically, it's much less viscous than regular sour cream and much less tart.

>> No.4588877


Sour cream neutralizes spices and overtakes flavor. It sucks and has no place in a burrito.

>> No.4589000

don't cover it in it and its fine.

>> No.4589110

My favorite burrito is the Turkish burrito.

>> No.4589116

I need to stop coming to /ck/ when I'm hungry.