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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 800x451, MRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4580757 No.4580757 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ enjoy MREs at all?
I remember eating them after the Y2K scare and I thought they were pretty good.
Are they any better now a days? Where can I get them if they are?

>> No.4580776
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My brother was telling me about the ones he got when he was in the marines back in the 90's, guess there were packs of M&M's that were dated from the 60's or some shit.
They really do keep forever.

>> No.4580783

I keep a half dozen tins of sardines and a bunch of crackers as emergency rations.

MREs are for trench warfare, the only reason to eat them outside of trench warfare is you're a paranoid racist redneck praying for the shit to hit the fan to level the playing field from your lifetime of bad choices, bad education, and bad genes.

>> No.4580786

I remember having some back from my days in the military back in the late 80s.
The crackers were the best part of the old ones, the Crackers where amazing and if you were a lucky fucker you would get the brownie.
People would trade all sorts of shit for those, it was like being king of the lunchroom in elementary school

>> No.4580794

They have civilian MREs now that are ways beyond the ones they used to give to troops, they handed them out after major tornadoes and stuff. Seriously though the pork ribs were amazing as fuck, and the skittles were like straight off the line or something

>> No.4580810

I don't get this

You do realise that crackers and sardines in tins are essentially what's inside an MRE you know that right? They're just an entire meal in one package. The fellas in the trenches back then were eating tins of sardines and crackers

Why is it only for rednecks?

>> No.4580819


Because I can buy tinned sardines and crackers at the store, and my store doesn't sell MREs. In addition, tinned sardines range from horrible to tolerable, and knowing how government procurement works, I'm pretty sure those ones that come in the MREs aren't "gourmet" tinned sardines (which are tolerable at best). You eat that kind of thing because you're on a battlefield and you need something efficient so you can kill someone so you don't get killed. I'm not on a battlefield and neither are you.

The only time I've seen people claim to eat MREs on purpose outside of war is during short exploratory visits to /k/ and ar15.com. Those people seemed like paranoid rednecks praying for the end to come so they would no longer be on the bottom rungs of society.

>> No.4580828

MREs aren't just tinned sardines and crackers though. They have actual food in them now and are actually very quality. I had mine from a friend that bought a few for a camping trip because they really are easy to carry around

>> No.4580832

To be quite honest I bought some because of its gimmicky package and shit they have inside

>> No.4580834
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Well ok camping I can understand. I've had similar stuff while camping - dehydrated beef stroganoff for example. It's awful, but you can carry a lot of it and I guess it's nutritious enough for the circumstances.

I just get weirded out when I hear about people eating stuff like that at home.

>> No.4580839

Why? Hit a nerve? LoL

>> No.4580843
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Op here, I ate through a couple boxes of the stuff when I was younger because of the Y2K scare my dad ended up buying a ton of them in bulk(almost 100 of them I think)
They really are good for emergencies, and for how much space they take up its a great meal, I do remember they would "Stop you up" so to speak though

>> No.4580846

Some people like the taste of them for some reason, probably same people who eat hamburger helper for dinner.

Then there are some people that like the gimmicky neat little tight package they come in like me. I consider someone a hard redneck paranoid schizo only when they can fill an entire room filled with it.

I think the show preppers makes majority of everyday preppers look like lunatics

>> No.4580851

Aren't they extremely energy dense? You shouldn't eat them unless your method of preparing food is down (say, power outage).

They're made for top-condition men out in the field carrying 60 pounds of gear getting ready to run for half the day, after all.

>> No.4580861

The difference between regular tinned/dried food and MREs, from a civilian perspective, is marketing.

When Redneck Prepper 37 buys MREs, he's buying the marketing. He buys the notion that he's a beacon of light in the face of FEMA death camps and so on.

>> No.4580870

>everyday preppers
no such thing. having a plan if you live in an area prone to hurricanes/tornadoes/etc is fine but anywhere else and youre batshit crazy

>> No.4580871

i heard the little chicklet gums have laxatives in them to remedy this

>> No.4580901

This. They are loaded with calories and other things to provide energy to troops. 60 pounds is even light compared to what some people are humping around all day. Not to mention climbing things a lot.

When I was a kid, we'd take the heater elements and make "bombs" out of them. Not really a bomb, but if you put the heater element into a 2 liter bottle (plastic), add a little water, close the cap, shake it up; it makes a pretty loud bang.

>> No.4580902

Doesn't the F.E.M.A. have a ton of stuff all over their websites telling the American Populace that they should prepare for natural disasters? Things like "Make sure you always have at least a week of water." and "Keep a week or two of canned/stored food ready at all times." "Always keep a fire extinguisher, and first aid kit handy." They even tell you places to store emergency preparedness kits, and have stuff on how to handle dangerous and stressful situations.

"everyday preppers" is what everyone /should/ be. You don't know when an Emergency will occur, you should always be ready to help yourself, and your neighbor.

>> No.4580939

After a while you just learn to hate them. I know when I go on field training exersices and we're issued MREs I might just not even eat it. Some soldiers I know have closets full of them too. They're decent at first but now I hate the things.

>> No.4580943


Would the /pol/ refugees please find another board to hang out on? Or at least learn to put up with the retarded libertarians on /pol/. I'm so sick of every single thread on /ck/ becoming liberal circlejerks because some 20-something community college student is mad at his parents for watching fox news. Nobody cares. Your ideologies aren't any more intelligent, self-consistent, or right than your fellow wingnuts on the right. So stop whining about other party slaves and stop making vegan/gmo threads. Leave /ck/ so we can talk about food.

>> No.4580963

What's with the projecting faggots itt? If you eat mres then you are a racist redneck? If you follow the scouts motto and always try to be prepared so your family doesn't go without should something bad happen then you are a crazy bastard? Is it summer already?

>> No.4580990

>Is it summer already?

Actually, yet it is.

>> No.4581001


People have began association the new craze "prepping" with the political right and christian fundamentalism. Even though normal people have been storing food and water and building shelters for disasters since forever. And for some reason it makes the Left really upset that people do it. Part of it is that it's seen as paranoid to think that bad things happen. Part of it is that it's hoarding food that others could be eating. I really don't care why they don't like it because it has nothing to do with politics or stupid end of the world shit. But I guess because the discovery channel made a show about paranoid rednecks, anyone who cans food must be a KKK member. That guy who made the pickle thread must want to assassinate Obama.

>> No.4581022

I bought one at a surplus store for 5 bux to try as a novelty when was getting some of the super comfy army surplus pants. It wasn't too pad. Had instant pudding, coffee, some gatorade type stuff, toilet paper, and everything. They're designed for soldiers in combat, so they have a shitload of food and calories. I could not eat it all. It was actually not half bad. The bread was the best part by far. The pudding was also pretty tasty.

>> No.4581031

The real difference is trying one randomly vs. having to eat them every day or go without eating.

>> No.4581455
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>rave about the coming end times
>someone calls you out on your politics

I don't see what there is to be so upset about. No one in this thread said that being a paranoid racist doomsday prepper redneck retard made you a bad person.

>> No.4581466
File: 60 KB, 878x960, 2721509-the_dark_knight_rises_and_bane_get_high_marks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in military
>Exercisin it up in Korea
>MRE's all week baby
>FNG's rat-fucking good MRE's and taking candy out of the rest, NCO's don't care because they've already secured their own
>Veggie Omelet for 7 days
>On the 7th Day, I created poop
>Pains of this labor even unfounded unto women during childbirth, my screams could be heard throughout the entire base.
>Give birth to a monster
>Feed it
>Mold it
>Deny it light until it is but a man

Enjoy eating MRE's. They may taste good going down..sometimes. It's how they come out is the fun part.

>> No.4581820

I bet you're the kind of guy that slaps in a fist fight.

>> No.4581835

But how about the price? I decided to grab 2 weeks of MREs for earthquake prep, and I was too lazy to do my research. Just bought 1-yr old surplus MREs. Once I move, I should restock, and I may as well figure out what's easier on my wallet.

>> No.4581844
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Who gets into fist fights these days? Do you live in a TV show?

>> No.4581853

Oh, sorry. I live in the south. Where men are still men.

>> No.4581862

During hurricane Ike I ended up with a carfull of them, probably 60 total. My family got them from FEMA but didn't need them so I took them back with me to college. For a month all I did was smoke pot and eat MRE's everyday, gained about 20 pounds. They're alright though, best was the chili mac.

>> No.4581870
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Sorry about that.

>> No.4581879

Haha. You say it like it is a bad thing. I have great food, can have all kinds of fun, and don't have to worry about niggers or liberals. Peace on Earth. Have fun in your concrete jungle.

>> No.4581884

You live in the part with the highest concentration of black people...
Also most of the none "south" is rural as well. It's not 1960 anymore it's not just the north east and dixie anymore.

>> No.4581885
File: 19 KB, 550x412, medieval-times-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peace on Earth

Allow me to explain the joke. You come from a place where fist fights and gun battles are the accepted methods of settling disputes, and therefore it is funny that you should say "peace on earth".

I laughed. Well done.

>> No.4581896
File: 25 KB, 150x200, NewEnglandFINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing at you from a much better part of the US.

>> No.4581899
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live on 76 acres of land. My land. I can hunt and fish and do whatever the hell I want. I get to wake up every morning to the sound of the sticks. It's definitely peace on earth.

>> No.4581901

Hahahaha. Enjoy all those freedoms you don't have.

>> No.4581907

Man, do you not know anything about New England. Excluding Massachusetts, fuck those guys.

>> No.4581918

>you are wrong
>well wait, you are kinda right. But fuck you!

>> No.4581926

Yes because every region doesn't have it's black sheep(I'm looking at you Louisiana. )

>> No.4581929


The south is America's black sheep. Whenever someone in another country criticizes America, they're characterizing regional characteristics that are unique to the south.

>> No.4581931

New York? Complete shit. The whole state. Maine is the only New England state I enjoyed.

>> No.4581935

I know that but saying that would shut down this slightly entertaining shit flinging contest.

>> No.4581938

And we give a fuck about what other countries say, why?

>> No.4581939

New york isn't even a part of New England.

>> No.4581946

Might as well be.

>> No.4581949

Yeah, who hasnt? Thats just a rumor.

>> No.4581965

Very different culturally. And they(New York) more then half of the population of all of New england by itself. Most of New England is has very low population density.

>> No.4581970


Because it's interesting to talk about things with other people. You know, talk? It's something people in normal places do when they are discovering the differences between them. You might say it's the modern version of a fist fight.

>> No.4581984

MRE discussion to shit-flinging contest.

/pol/ vs. /ck/, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.4581993

My body can't stand how much you're a faggot.

>> No.4581995

>Rock or something
Gets me every time

I've been deployed 5 months now and have avoided having to eat one for that long. Even on missions I bring enough food to last me.
There is nothing particularly foul about MRE's. I can sit down and actually enjoy an MRE when I need to.

My favorite is the tuna, because I trade the pack of starkist tuna for peanut butter and just eat that on tortillas. If that doesn't work I go with Beef Roast with Vegetables

>> No.4582004


It's probably stress from living in the closet in a place like that. Your obsession with proving your manhood on the internet is suddenly making sense.

It's not for me to tell you how to live your life, but I think you'd be happier if you took a hard look at yourself and the lies you tell to your loved ones.

>> No.4582016
File: 21 KB, 263x200, 1371829389717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you even talking about now?

>> No.4582019

He's calling you gay. And saying living in a militantly anti gay area is putting undue stress on your mind.

>> No.4582024


I was responding to your comment to the effect that you were experiencing an unwelcome physiological reaction in your genital regions as a result of imagining that I was a homosexual.

>> No.4582036

If I was gay, don't you think it would make sense for me to move to a place that tolerates it? God damn, you are stupid.

>> No.4582044


You could alternately fight for your rights and try to change the culture by staying where you are and setting an example. But that is a very personal decision and you might want to reflect more on your choices first.

>> No.4582070


Where can I get these? I had one once and it was pretty good. They'd be a perfect golf course food.

>> No.4582078

I have a feeling you dwell in a basement and actually think what you say is clever. Do you fist bump yourself after post?

>> No.4582087


Some of us do more than sit on /ck/ and masturbate to how vegan we are all day long. I need calories for doing shit.

>> No.4582088
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3rd floor walkup actually, and no. I'll fist bump you though. Chin up, anon!

>> No.4582096


There are very few areas of the US that aren't reasonably likely to be waylaid by either an earthquake, tornado, blizzard, flood, volcano, tsunami, or hurricane.

>> No.4582209


I never ate MREs, but I eat Bachelor Chow. Essentially, the same thing every day.

It's a way of life, I guess. I like it this way, and I occasionally cook more sophisticated dishes when I feel like cooking.

>> No.4582236
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I had a few for camping, or just novelty. They are pretty bad, unless you are hungry, than a hot pouch of slop is the next best thing to sex.

>> No.4582314

> Those people seemed like paranoid rednecks

Gotta love idiots like this. After a natural disaster they are the ones lining up with their dicks in their hands waiting for a handout. Being prepared does not make one a redneck.

>> No.4582334

sceak is back!

>> No.4582356
File: 291 KB, 567x567, 1357940695468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that tasteful chocolate brown bag color

>> No.4582368

Anyone got that image that details how to make your own MREs? It's like one of those vertical recipes that details what to put into the bags and how to vacuum seal them and shit.


>> No.4582378
File: 40 KB, 400x518, redneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys! guys! normal canned food is not operator enough for TEOTWAKI, it has to have a MILSPEC part number so we know the MUHRINES have tested it for Y2K

Paranoid rednecks never cease to amuse me.

>> No.4582379

what is the process like for making these MREs? If pork ribs can be decent I want be munching on those fuckers every other day when the end comes.

>> No.4582415


Do you know how many cans you'd have to have in order to equal the caloric content of one MRE? It's more than one can.

And civilian MREs are more popular amongst the chronically paranoid anyways

I think you're just a little too obsessed with what other people are doing.

>> No.4582432


I don't count the calories in my stash of canned food, I don't cross reference the NATO stock numbers, and I don't fantasize about the glorious feeling of watching helpless sheeple lining up for help in the next diasaster that you pray for daily because I am not an asshole.

I keep about twice as much stuff in my stash as I needed during the last major blackout/regional disaster, which was about long enough for me to go crazy from the monotony, but not long enough to have a serious nutritional problem.

Somehow, this makes me obsessed and you normal. I must be missing something here because this seems kind of like the opposite of the truth.

>> No.4582455


>I don't count the calories in my stash of canned food, I don't cross reference the NATO stock numbers, and I don't fantasize about the glorious feeling of watching helpless sheeple lining up for help in the next diasaster that you pray for daily because I am not an asshole.

Wait, what? You're doing that thing where you pretend to know the minds of others. You don't know that I collect MREs (I don't) and even if I did, you're way off about why I would. My point was that it takes up more room, and is harder to transport a bunch of metal cans when you can buy a compact plastic baggie of calorie-dense food. Don't even try to equate calorie counting with innawoods shit since we have a board that counts calories way more than /k/ counts bullets (/fit/).

>I keep about twice as much stuff in my stash as I needed during the last major blackout/regional disaster, which was about long enough for me to go crazy from the monotony, but not long enough to have a serious nutritional problem.

But anyone else who does that is a paranoid, redneck, racist, tea party, white, middle-aged, nascar fan, republican, NRA member, animal abuser, sexist, privileged, rich, pro-life, cisgendered asshole? Funny how you classify the things you do as sane but you see it as crazy when someone else does it. You're obsessed because you're pretending that you know exactly what other people think and you're hung up on why other people do things rather than if it is a logical action. Who cares if someone stores food because they're paranoid? You just admitted you store food in case of an emergency. So you think it's okay to do that. If someone stored all that food because they wanted to hand it out during a disaster, are they still a paranoid fool? The outcome is the same, someone has a closet full of food for a rare occasion. So what does it matter why they do it?

Sorry, I'm just way more concerned with rationality and logic.

>> No.4582477

>But anyone else who does that

You need to be careful what you mean by "that". I'm talking about keeping around a couple weeks of nonperishable food. You're talking about keeping a catalog of government-tested battle rations and no doubt a couple of piddle packs for when The Zombies come. Because as we both know, when there's a regional breakdown of civil order, the smart thing to do is to leave your home, grab your nuggest and your bugout bag, and head outside so you can be like The Road starring Vigo Mortenson.

That is the difference I raised in my original post. I'd be willing to bet that 95% of the actual MREs purchased by civilians are, like you said, consumed by racist redneck nascar fans. Your subsequent gleeful comment about idiots waiting in the UN FEMA death camp with their dicks in their hands only reinforces my point.

>> No.4582491
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>I'm talking about keeping around a couple weeks of nonperishable food. You're talking about keeping a catalog of government-tested battle rations

>implying canned food you buy at the store isn't government tested
>implying MREs are not nonperishable too
>implying Assault Food




Do you realize how you sound?

>> No.4582496



I'm not the guy who made the "dick in the hand" comment Brosef Stalin. Everyone on 4chan who isn't you, is not the same person.

>> No.4582536

You say battle tested like it is a bad thing. I know MREs can sustain people in extreme.conditions while fueling them to be able to perform at high levels. I know that they are portable and are packaged in such a way that they can last for really long periods and in extreme conditions. Basically, I know that these are more than able to keep me and mine going in practically any situation that will likely happen. In emergency situations, you want more capability than you think you will need, not less. It could easily be the difference between life and death.

And I am not talking about crazy prepper situations, but things like floods, blizzards, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and the like that happen every year. I don't see how any sane person can see what happened after Katrina and not take basic precautions and get the best product possible.

>> No.4582543


I can't think of a single place in the US that isn't susceptible to some kind of natural disaster. Even if they're rare for the area, an emergency situation can still develop.

I've lived in quite a few places in the US, and every single one of them had some shit that could and did go down. Hurricanes, drought, flooding, blizzards, ice storms, earthquakes, etc.

Where I live now, flood and tsunami is a concern, along with volcanic eruption and earthquakes. Blizzards/snow are rare, but when they hit, they hit hard and can knock out power for over a week.

So given my own experience, everyday prepping is just being smart. I don't see it as just a crazy redneck survivalist paramilitary wish-I-was-a-real-operator thing.

>> No.4582550


Battle tested for a meal just means it was deemed to meet the size, nutrition, and most importantly, price, for military procurement standards.

Pretending this means it's best for all situations is like pretending that your black nonreflective fixed blade tactical stainless kraton handled tanto is also best for food prep.

When you're done fantasizing about zombies, come back to the real world and see how there is no "best" product, just a best product for a certain situation.

>> No.4582552

in the canadian army our rations are only large enough to feed small children. any time i get my hands on MREs it's like winning a million dollars

>> No.4582574
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rat-fucking is a sin. if you attempt to do it in canada you're treated like a child molester

>> No.4582604

You left off quality. Yeah, they.are tight assed penny pinchers, but they know a military travels on its stomach.

And alright, name some alternatives that.are as easy to come by, have comparable shelf lives, are as cost effective, as.varied menus, and have been proven usable in harsh situations.

>> No.4582615


The guy you're arguing with is playing soft ball. Who said it's best for all situations? They're MREs. They're obviously made for specific situations. And now you're comparing MREs to tacticool shit? I guess you're that guy on /k/ who makes all the "Why do you even need guns?" threads.

>> No.4582640


Basically, anything from the grocery store that doesn't require cooking or refrigeration. That's a few hundred types of foods that can be opened and consumed easily in a kitchen, in many cases even without any tools.


Specific situations such as outdoor all-weather cooking? If you've left your home, you're probably going to end up in that FEMA death camp at some point anyway.

>> No.4582663

And bam, wrong in one. Get a small dent in a can, and the food inside can spoil. Additionally, few foods are sealed well enough for long term storage. On top of that, you'd be hard pressed to get nutritionally complete meals out of what can be stored long term. Then there is also the issue of how much space such would take up versus that of a case of mres and the ease of transporting it. Of your possible responses you went with the most ignorant and the worst possible one.

>> No.4582676

>Beef Stew
>Cheese Tortellini
>Sloppy Joe
>Beef Macaroni

Those are the ones off the top of my head that really stand out.

>> No.4582674

>implying my food gets dented in my cupboard

Are you going on the Oregon Trail or something?

Your scenario is about as plausible as accidentally rolling all over a barbed wire fence with your backpack full of MREs in the rain. Oops they spoiled, o noes!

The way to deal with long term storage is to occasionally eat canned food and buy new stuff. It's not going to kill you. Sardines in pasta go pretty well.

>> No.4582679


Yes, those specific situations. Like when you're without power or refrigeration. And judging by your snarky comment, you have no answer to who said it was best for all situations.

When will liberals learn that snark is not an argument, despite how much Jon Stewart does it.

>> No.4582682


Last I checked, they still made can openers that didn't require electricity. Do I have to make a TV reference now? Despite how the 700 club says it. Is that still a show?

>> No.4582685

>When will liberals learn that snark is not an argument, despite how much Jon Stewart does it.
Why are you dumb faggots trying to turn this into /pol/shit?

Keeping emergency food has nothing to do with "DEM DIRTY LIBRULS" or "DEM DUM CONSERVATARDS". Jesus Christ, this shouldn't have to be explained to you.

>> No.4582691

Scenario? I haven't posited one. and by that remark I assume you remove the lable from every can to ensure there are no dents? It doesn't necessarily take that much to ruin the liner in a can.

As for your barbed wire bit, it just highlights another advantage to mres: yeah, you might have ruined one portion of an affected mre, but each item is individually wrapped, so a good hunk of the food would survive.

>> No.4582720


And do you personally test the hermetic seal on each and every component of each MRE that you get? At what point did canned food suddenly become so prone to leaks?

It's incredibly easy to spot a dented can because metal is naturally relatively smooth and a leak under the label will stain the label.

Your views on canned food are bizarre, to say the least.

>> No.4582740

nope because mres are designed to have a stupidly long shelf life. Cans are not.

You seem to not understand how cans work. It is not a matter of leaking and a debt can easily be small enough to break the liner inside of it without you easily being able to see it for it to cause spoilage.

Typically, this is not a big deal (smaller.rents in the liner, that is), but when you add in storing that food for extended periods you are running real risk of the food you mean to save you killing you instead.

Mate, do a little research here.

>> No.4582750


C'mon friend, stay on course. The claim was that people in the thread were saying MREs are great for EVERY situation (hurricanes, nuclear war, alien invasion, jew take over, sunday brunch). My argument was that nobody thinks MREs are great for every single situation. They serve a specific purpose. Being light, compact, calorie dense, and ready-to-eat requiring nothing more than water. I wasn't arguing that some statist such as yourself can use a can opener so you don't look too paranoid to your liberal buddies.

Typical Liberal tactic: argue about shit nobody is talking about everything else when backed into a corner.

>> No.4582752


Except that some buttmad liberal went off on a tirade about how doing something simple as keeping a spare flashlight and some bottled water means you're Hitler. That's what I'm insulting. I'm not implying that being prepared is anti-liberal or pro-conservative.

>> No.4582756


This is not an issue if you simply eat the stuff before it goes bad. But if it makes you feel more Prepared™ to don a ghillie suit and start scarfing down cold war surplus MREs with a titanium spork out of a chemically heated tactical dinner bowl next to your solar powered LED lantern the second CNN announces it's Disaster Time™, more power to you. Personally, the cans have done the job for me in the past and I'll continue to use them as emergency supplies.

>> No.4582759

My guess is that the guy who would rather eat "half a dozen cans of tinned sardines" and a "bunch" of crackers (is that even a measurement?) has never eaten an MRE before. He probably thinks food processed to go to guys in the field hasn't made any progress since WW1. But in the end if there ever is any natural disaster or something, let him eat his 6 tins of small fish and his crackers. The rest of us know what's up. Unless he's Jesus and he'll multiply his fish and crackers. Then it'll be him that will be laughing.

>> No.4582894

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.4582908

It's funny how all these concrete jungle faggots laugh at us for stocking up because they are in the civilized paradise. I wonder how all of those people laughed during those blackouts, snow storms and chimpouts. You just know that these are the sort that get angry at those that thought ahead for their own failures. These are the sort of people that will lead a mob to your house for "hoarding food". Truly horrible, irresponsible and dangerous people.

>> No.4582910

Actually, your arrogant snobbishness and judgmental attitude of your own countrymen is what pisses us off more than some fat guys in the south.

>> No.4582914

>/pol/ vs. /ck/
Yeah because all of these faggots saying anyone that owns an mre is a racist redneck crazy bastard is /pol/. Typical lefty faggot and your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.4582979
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1879, DIY MREs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go m8.

>> No.4582986
File: 151 KB, 715x512, Tactical-Bacon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have this can of candy that my dad brought home from the factory he worked at. They decommission their bomb shelter. He also brought a case of industrial strength saitary napkins but not sure what happened.is large enough to hold about 4 gal/16 litre. The candy was in a very shiny metal can (I'm amazed it had no rust, so perhaps laquered) and had text printed directly on it rather than a paper label. It mentions CD (civili defense) rations and has their insignia. I had two but I opened the other because it was 1983 and I was 11 and just couldn't help myself. It was a mix of red and yellow hard sugar candy with a rather coarse sugar coating. A bit bland. I don't know if the flavorings broke down, but all in all not bad for 40yr old candy. I thought it was neato being able to eat antiques.

Anyhoo... Pic related: I'm glad to see the fatties will have reason to survive the impending ermagerden.

>> No.4582990


I got along fine during the 2003 blackout and Sandy. We don't have "chimp outs" in my neighborhood because I don't live in Crown Heights.

Have fun with all that money we send you to prevent your society from collapsing.

>> No.4583055

Seriously, what is your fucking problem?

>> No.4583130

I didn't think it was possible for one person to project this much.

>> No.4583175

I have seen videos of people eating these. They are wrapped in wax paper and they actually cram a hell of a lot of bacon in that little tin. A lot of rendered bacon fat in it too due to the manufacturing process. It tasted exactly like normal bacon.

>> No.4583177

wow i have no interest in any of this but watching these hurl of insults between these people is highly entertaining.


>> No.4583224

My experience was different. Didn't taste like regular bacon at all.
Meat was very thinly cut and crumbled easily, had a fairly salty flavor.. Smoke flavor was definitely added during the canning process instead of during curing. Most of the fat had rendered off the bacon and congealed in the bottom of the can.

>> No.4583234

>eating MREs
>any year

Oooh boy, you people are fucked in the head.

But I'll share my tips and tricks for MREs. First, the jalapeno cheese spread is heaven in a squeeze packet. Use it, love it, live it.

Second, if you are fortunate enough to get MRE (honestly I haven't seen one without it) with the ingredients, then try your hand at Ranger Pudding.

A packet of Cocoa Mix is peeled along the top and held open by squeezing the sides. Freeze dried coffee and creamer are then added, and also as many packet of sugar are available.

The powder is mixed thouroughly with the provided brown, plastic spoon while still dry, and coffee crystals are crunched to pieces as small as possible by pinching them.

Water from a canteen is then added sparingly, then the mixing process continues, and water is added when necessary. The pudding is complete when the desired thickness and texture is achieved.

Sure enough, it tastes like cocoa mix, coffee, and a lot of sugar mixed in water, but dammit, it looks just like pudding.

Thirdly, never get anything but the "vegetarian" MREs. The meat (if it can questionally be called that) MREs are absolutely disgusting and compacted together by some deadbeat factory in the middle who will probably end their life with a piece of paracord in their run-down trailer. Cheese tortalleni, wild rice, and a few others always go-to options. Stay away from everything else.

Never eat the POG-ey bait (M&Ms, candy, biscuits, etc.) they make good trades if you ever find yourself trapped in somewhere shitty, like a weekend FTX.

>> No.4583264

i was riding home from church camp when i was in 4th grade and my counselor gave me one to eat on the bus because i was allergic to milk/corn. he was an ex marine and had some left over that he brought for fun.

it was some pasta/ground beef in tomato sauce. shitwas cash.

>> No.4583293

The Chicken Tetrazzini is my absolute favorite!!

>> No.4583301

Hmm, props to that image creator I guess, but those are quite a step down from actual MREs.
Not sure what he's hoping to accomplish with those packs.

>> No.4583304

>doesn't have flameless heater
>no rock or something
step it up

>> No.4583337
File: 103 KB, 332x350, 1371939705170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no real nutritional value compared to real MRE's
>can't cook without a flame

Do you even know what MRE stands for? That's not ready to eat.

>> No.4583366

ah, thanks. i was looking for this in my folders but couldnt find it.

>> No.4583367
File: 255 KB, 354x367, 1364901083516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hawaiian punch, tea, and splenda

Yeah, that's really important. When you're trying to survive behind enemy lines, you gotta make sure your water rations taste like artificial fruit

>> No.4583375
File: 47 KB, 450x683, Vietnam Mosin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disaster preppers or paramilitary nutters aren't trying to survive the jungles of Vietnam.

And MRE's aren't meant to be a permanent solution. The sugar packets and seasonings are there to make sure you can stomach the shitty food and chlorinated well water for a little while until you can get actually fucking supplies or to a friendly encampment.

You think army cooks spend all day unwrapping pre-cooked rations?

>> No.4583383

You do know they're a good option for people hiking and doing outdoor stuff so they don't have to carry a small kitchen around.
Emergency food to keep in your car, especially if you live in a cold climate or somewhere remote.

>> No.4583417

>you gotta make sure your water rations taste like artificial fruit
There's a thing called morale. The more things they have to remind them of home, like actual m&m's found in MREs, the better they keep sane. Eating and drinking things that taste of nothing all day every day will drive a man, even a seasoned soldier, up a tree.

>> No.4583448


>implying a soldier wouldn't be safer up a tree, out of sight

>> No.4585784
File: 145 KB, 393x391, 1369599272147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
