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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 640x360, klan butter bigotry blue eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4580382 No.4580382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Roody Poo

>> No.4580385
File: 39 KB, 500x203, whitey powers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4580386
File: 45 KB, 500x375, white-power-flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4580389
File: 93 KB, 640x480, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

home klan cooked chowder?

>> No.4580393
File: 16 KB, 538x396, 1316555456156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're black and this is how you get people to hate whites with you

>> No.4580402

Klanners have cooked AND raw chowder.

That's white inventiveness for you.

>> No.4580404

Nah I'm sure Paula deen would welcome you to dress up in a white suit with a black bow tie and wait on her...
Like they did in the good ol days.

Side note, I always assumed most southerners were racist rednecks.. Now that their queen is a racist there's no question about it in my mind. GIT ER DONE!

>> No.4580416

ever using the word nigger in conversation != being racist

There are such things as niggers in the world.

>> No.4580420

Don't forget her classics:

Nigger are invading (Chocolate cake with bits of white chocolate)

Some Niggers never die (curry fried chicken)

Lynchin fried chicken (whole fried chicken)

Coon-try fried chicken

Welfare wine (cool aid that's fermented)

>> No.4580493
File: 243 KB, 1024x682, white power NRA gun rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4580496

That picture made my sides melt off like butter.

>> No.4580500

I agree. I hate all black people too.

>> No.4580505

where is the video of the slow motion opraha and paula deen dinner? it was on /ck/ awhile ago. here is the regular version


>> No.4580512


>> No.4580516
File: 24 KB, 365x363, 1313460368594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welfare wine (cool aid that's fermented)
Lost it.

>> No.4580518
File: 18 KB, 235x300, 1357969974616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's totally juicy isn't it

>> No.4580525

Using the word may not necessarily imply racism (especially on /b/ but more Stormfags show up every year) but the degree to which an individual may reasonably be assumed to be racist correlates with the use of the word nigger.

Nigger nigger nigger. Words, words, words. However, Deen's use of the word must be viewed in the context of other actions undertaken, such as plans for a 'plantation-themed' wedding, complete with black servers in slave costumes.

>> No.4580528


fuck off slave

>> No.4580539

you need to attend church


>> No.4580537


This gets me every time, cannot control my sides

>> No.4580543

There are hillbillies/white trash and their are white people.
There are niggers and black people.
There are spics and Hispanic people.
There are gooks and asian people.
There are mudslimes and middle eastern people.

Get over it.

2/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.4580546

what about native americans? :(

>> No.4580549

According to scientists they aren't native, they came over a land bridge from asia.

>> No.4580547

Johnny Rebel

>> No.4580548

Georgia isn't the entire South.

>> No.4580550

Fuck! That was amazing.

>> No.4580551

Would you like some? I got the recipe for that and Foodstamp mash (potatoes, grits, colored greens, bacon and lard).

>> No.4580552

Never actually met an actual Native American. It's always a white person saying they are 1/53rd Cherokee.

>> No.4580555

There are racists in Georgia, but most of us are actually more integrated than the rest of the U.S.

It's easy I say your not racist when there is only 1 minority in 100 miles.

>mfw I'm a white minority in my town.

>> No.4580557

I know, I have one as a neighbor, he expects shit for free, standard crap, they call it native as long as they can get free shit from the federal and state governments. He's probably 1/1000th of any tribe and that's stretching it.

>> No.4580559

>It's easy I say your not racist when there is only 1 minority in 100 miles.
yeah in a lot of places in the south its basically 50/50. i was in birmingham recently had my car broken into. i was there for one night! the niggers just cant help themselves.

>> No.4580561

>It's easy I say your not racist when there is only 1 minority in 100 miles.

Lel. In my laundry room in the basement of my apartment building I regularly hear spanish with about 3 different accents, hindi, some kind of yugoslavian-sounding language, mandarin chinese, english with an american accent, and english with a british accent.

Have fun with those projections, my paranoid white redneck friend.

>> No.4580566

speaking of Native Americans, whenever blacks go on a 'das raciss' tirade, if they bring up reparations, if they bring up slavery or muh oppression, just try to remember the last time you saw a native american. probably not too recently. if black people think they've got it bad, they can at least take solace in the fact that they're still here. history is littered with peoples who weren't so lucky.

>> No.4580568

but apparently you don't hear incomprehensible nigger babble

>> No.4580574

Condolences. Don't get holier than thou on me, I grew up in NYC and it's become a shithole, born in Miami when people used to speak English, that's become a shithole too. Now I don't live in those places anymore because ... they've become shitholes where English is a second language. I choose to not deal with filthy scumbags, that's not paranoia, I'm not afraid of others though you'd like to think that, I just don't want to deal with them and if I can avoid it I will.

You're the scared people who claim that everyone that disagrees with you is paranoid or somehow a [insert word here]phobe.

>> No.4580578

Do Southerners think you can only find black people in the South or something?

>You wouldn't understand, you effete coastal city dweller! We HAVE to call them niggers! This is a different planet, or something!

>> No.4580576
File: 102 KB, 400x398, 34390737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've become shitholes where English is a second language

Yeah, spanish is real fucking hard.

>> No.4580584

do you not think that nigger problems are concentrated in the south? can you not into racial demographics?

no, see, the thing is everybody sort of scoffs at the South. but, the thing is YOU'RE not the one who lives in the 50% black county.

>> No.4580586

Don't do it mate, they're gonna chimp out

>> No.4580590

If they're not so bad, why don't you go live in the ghetto a month? Then the next month live in a white trash trailer park.

Tell me which is worse. Oh, you're not willing to do that? Well, I guess you like speaking from a position of ignorance!

>> No.4580594
File: 95 KB, 400x300, white_pride_world_wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food Network has cut ties with Paula Deen

>> No.4580595

I took Spanish for nine years in school, Spanish is cool, I wish that I'd learned Portuguese as well. That's the point though, in this country the USA we speak English. If I go to other countries then I'd be expected to know the language there.

Stuff your multiculturalism crap.

>> No.4580599

Whether it's hard or not is irrelevant.

>> No.4580602

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.4580604


Oh, you're like the American version of one of those yurofats who takes personal offense when someone says "excuse me do you speak English" because everyone should be expected to know every language ever.

No, if someone asks me something in Spanish I'll give them an answer in English. If they don't understand the answer I'll answer them in Spanish. That's what a normal person does in America, in 2013. Keep on hoarding that ammo and waiting for the coming race war though. I'm sure it will come any day now.

>> No.4580605

>in this country the USA we speak English

Are you sure you didn't attend school in magical retard land?

>> No.4580608

>Oh, you're not willing to do that?

Assumptions, assumptions, silly (hill)billy!

>> No.4580616

That's not the reason you kidiot, a good reason is that in NYC when people pull out other languages it's fun to pretend not to know them so you if they're trying to get over on you or not. It's a useful skill to have. I took Latin too, but nobody speaks that, I can sort out Italian if it's not spoken too fast.

NYC is full of weirdos that want to get over on other people, it's the nature of the place, so knowing multiple languages is bloody useful.

>> No.4580619


If someone wants to "get one over on me" I'm pretty sure he doesn't need to speak Swahili to do it. He just needs to be stronger than me, or have a weapon.

You sound like someone who is easily taken advantage of. I am starting to see why your life is ruled by fear.

>> No.4580622

Not according to the schools. Are you sure that you haven't been programmed in the government short bus?

>> No.4580626

You're wrong. It's good that you think that you're right and I'm sure when you're on the retard short bus people might think you smart, but in real life you probably fail pretty miserably.

>> No.4580633


Hit a nerve, did I? I'm sorry you never learned to look out for yourself. Maybe you were spoiled by your parents or something.

>> No.4580639

Maybe, I grew up in NYC, I had no choice but to learn to look out for myself. Keep thinking what you will, debating with retards isn't fruitful.

Speaking of which, we should get back to the point of this board, /ck. Neither of us want a ban for losing the plot.

>> No.4580641

Someone's a minor anglophile. It does pull in all the bitches in the US.. So go for it.

>> No.4580645

>dora the explorer

>> No.4580655

Yup, if you think that being friends with English people whose language I speak is an insult, then you're way stupider than you originally came across.

They're some cool ass dudes, so are we. And yes, we're all white and proud.

>> No.4580660


Scrawny little white kid who got picked on by the black kids in elementary school detected.

If you had grown up in the burbs you'd be a little Eric Harris. Thank god for gun control in NYC.

>> No.4580661

lol.. That was the first comment I made to you, I'm not the one that's been bickering with you over literally nothing. I'm a British born Chinese and I see no reason to be proud of your race or ethnicity. We as individuals did nothing to merit pride nor hatred.. Nationalism/racism is all a stupid concept

>> No.4580662

Oh so you have a bunch of races around you that are statistically richer than the average white people? Man, you got it bad.

It is 75% black, 10% Hispanic, 5 percent Asian, 10% white where I live.

>> No.4580667
File: 11 KB, 230x230, Elmers-E1322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got picked on my anybody, when I moved to NYC from Georgia I got into some fights because I was the new kid on the block, I never lost any of those. And if some group did pick on me, I have a pretty big family though I've never called them in for that kind of help.

Do you often eat elmers glue? It sure seems it.

>> No.4580668

RIP Sweet Prince

>> No.4580672

Sounded more racist than I meant to. But 2 of my best friends are black, 1 phillipino, 1 Indian, the other 2 white.

I'm from middle Georgia, near Macon.

We aren't as racist as you think, by I do look down upon criminals/scum.

>> No.4580673


How did you infer income from my post? The mention of someone with a british accent? I have no idea where he came from or what he's doing in my building. Not all british people are rich, in any case.

>> No.4580675

To each our own, that's the point of being in the USA. Freedom of choice. I don't tell you what to do or think and I expect the same from you.

>> No.4580681

>I don't like people different from me boo hoo white people are under attack

go fuck yourself stormfags

Having a old bigot bitch as a food host is bad PR for the network. That's why she got canned.

She has the crazy eyes. You know she was manic boss who probably was an insufferable cunt to work for half the time. Most bosses are insufferable cunts to work for, especially in the food industry. People who work in food services don't have many options in life, hence their job. They put up with shit tons of abuse from crazy bosses and miserable working conditions because they need to earn a living.

>> No.4580683

Miami -> Roswell, GA -> NYC -> upstate NY -> ?
Little stops too for work in Richmond, VA and Nashville, TN.
A weird path it's been.

>> No.4580686

Sometimes that shark he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.