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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4578220 No.4578220 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most exotic animal you've ever eaten?
For me it would probably be red panda. Don't ask how..

>> No.4578231


>> No.4578266

I really didn't want to get into it....but.....

So there I was, hiking mount izamakijisan, there was 3 of us climbing to the top. When suddenly our lead lost his footing and crashed 20 feet down from his current position right into us. He broke both of his legs and couldn't continue, we were distraught. What could we do? Our guide, our lead, the only man that knew the mountain. We had no idea how we would continue this journey without him. However, we pressed on head strong.

>> No.4578268

Ooh! Storytime!

>> No.4578275

So was your guide a red panda and then you ate him? WHERE'S THE REST OF THE STORY?

>> No.4578279

It was 4* C and by now we were getting colder and more tired as time passed. My anchor, his name was Doug. Decided it would be best for us to take shelter for the night and save some energy as we were about 70% of the way to the top. With supplies running low and our guide back at base camp. It was truly taking its tole on us. Our guide wrote a crude basic map through the shock of having his legs broken. It wasn't much, but at least we had the support of base camp on our walkies.

We unstrapped our packs and finally got to sit down after 8 hours of climbing. "Just another 3 days of this till we reach the top" I spat out between heavy breaths.

Doug simply nodded at me, not wanting to waste his breath in such thin air. I didn't blame him, I had even gotten dizzy a few times during the climb. It was almost time to take out our respirators.

And so we set up our tents, made a quick fire and started cooking our dinner and preparing our lunch for the next day. Doug and I both agreed that we would be pulling a 10 hour day the next because we were behind schedule.

>> No.4578297

With the sun setting and our bellies full of canned beef stew. We turned off our lanterns and happily went to sleep.

There is a common thing among climbers while they sleep. While climbers are sleeping, it gets colder and colder. There are times when it's so cold you begin to get hypothermia if not properly covered up. Well, unfortunately sometime during the night Doug fell to the beginning stages of hypothermia. Often the starting stages of hypothermia leave you feeling warm, sometimes even extremely hot. Unfortunately, it seems that Doug was feeling extremely hot as he undid his sleeping bag, and subsequently froze to death in the cold.

The next morning I woke first. I got out of my sleeping bag and got dressed quickly. I nudged Doug once or twice to wake up. But he didn't reply. Not even the grumbling he'd normally spout at me in the morning. That's when I knew. I was alone on this god forsaken mountain.

Alone, scared, tired, feeling pretty defeated. I radio'd basecamp and told them the bad news.

There was no time to cry however, as it was so cold that it would simply freeze my eyes shut. I riffled through his pack and took what I needed to continue up the mountain. I would not let Izamakijisan defeat all of us.

>> No.4578305
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You are a sick, lying, red panda eating bastard.

But please continue.

>> No.4578320

I was stubborn, maybe more-so than I am today. But I was young, could you blame me? I had just seen my friend freeze to death.

After about 4 hours of climbing that day, it was time to take out my respirator and radio base camp as I would be leaving radio distance.

I told my wife I loved her, she begged me to stop climbing and to return. But there was nothing that could stop me at this point. The only way they could keep track of me at this point would be with their telescopes.

I continued my climb. Each step closer to the top I thought of my dear friend Doug, I was so angry at him. It was such an amateur mistake, one that I believed he'd never make. I wanted to punch him in the mouth I was so angry. I let the anger fuel me and I covered more height than planned.

Content with the distance I had travelled. I stopped for lunch. I dug into my pack and pulled out the sandwich that I had prepared the night before. I must have really worked up an appetite by climbing as it didn't sustain my hunger. 20 minutes of climbing after lunch, I had to eat more. I was happy that I grabbed Dougs beef jerky that he packed. And munched down vigorously on the jerky. With less than a handfull left, I released it and shoved it in my pocket. My energy restored and continued my climb with even more vigor.

>> No.4578346

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>> No.4578357

Mink whale, it was bloody and delicious. Inb4 mercury related illness.

Also, foal steak is tasty

>> No.4578363

After climbing more, I decided to climb for 1 more hour. I looked at my watch and saw I had about 2 hours of daylight left. "perfect" I thought to myself. 45 minutes later, a mere 15 minutes before I would let myself rest and set up camp a mere 350ft away from the top. I tripped.

Luckily, I was able to regain myself before tumbling down that mountain. I looked back to see what I tripped on and it was a human body.

Many climbers frozen in time, riddle mountains as tall as this. We leave them out of respect.

There was nothing I could do, he lost his life in a similar situation as Doug did I imagined. So I continued on my way and finally set up my tent.

After eating my unusual dinner of canned beef stew, I bundled up in my sleeping bag and began to fall asleep.

No more than 20 minutes after I shut my eyes, my tent suddenly gets attacked. Scared out of my mind I jumped out of my sleeping bag barely having enough time to put on my pants. That's when I saw it. Two red eyes staring at me. I quickly grabbed my flashlight and pointed it at the beast. It had Dougs beef jerky in its mouth snarling at me, as if it felt threatened of my existence towards the jerky.

>> No.4578366
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I don't know what it was, maybe it was Dougs passing, maybe it was exhaustion. But I lunged at the beast with nothing more than my bare hands. We rolled two or three times and it landed ontop of me, pinning me on the floor. I struggled to get up but it was just too big. I had never seen a red panda of this size. It was monstrous. Perhaps strengthened by the high altitude. I reached for my boot knife. Barely being able to grab it with this monster slashing at my face. I struck my knife deep into its stomach. And I could feel it lurch off me and scurry away for me for a brief moment. I put my other hand on my face, all I could feel was my own blood. This only continued my rage. I stood up and took a step forward towards the beast. It was obviously no longer stunned as it made a dash for me. I planted my rear foot embracing the impact and I was overjoyed that I withstood the attack, however the beast sunk its teeth into my chest. I yelped in pain. Then with boot knife in my hand I drove it into the beasts neck. And just like it began, it was suddenly over.

Extremely tired and in severe pain I popped three of the pain meds in my emergency first aid kit and fell asleep. The next morning the blood from the fight in the previous night was frozen to my face. I scrambled through my pack but I couldn't find the food I packed. That's when I realized that beast had eaten all my food. With nothing left to eat, you can imagine the rest...

>> No.4578377
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Don't fuck with red pandas mang

>> No.4578381

Alligator, I think.

>> No.4578382
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>mountain with a suffix
>something is of a miss here

>> No.4578552

Lamb's testicles. Fried, I think, at some Turkish place. I was drunk as all fuck so I don't really remember what they tasted like.

I've had whale in Japan. They didn't specify what sort of whale, but going by what the research fleet gets, it's probably minke or fin whale. Very tasty.

>> No.4578571

Frog and monitor lizard. They're like chicken, only better