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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 525x393, beer_in_store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4577387 No.4577387 [Reply] [Original]

SO basically /ck/ stance on all the beer you can find at the grocery store is its shit. Am i correct?

>> No.4577391

A lot of times this is shitty 3.2 beer, depending on what state you're living in.

>> No.4577394

Unless you're buying Yeungling or something yeah, you're probably getting ripped off.

There are exceptions of course.

>> No.4577395

Depends on where you live.

>> No.4577399

Why are you letting people on the internet tell you how to feel about your drink of choice?

>> No.4577401

some times the internet is correct.

>> No.4577411

Sometimes OP. My local grocery stores have a good selection of micro and even craft brews. If you're picking up bud lite or something then yeah, it's pretty mediocre everywhere.

>> No.4577412


Many times in my life, I found awesome things. Things that were special, things that made my life worthwhile.

Invariably, these things, places, concepts, activities, and so on became so popular so as to crumble under the weight of the Facebook fiends, cows, and assholes who would want to partake.

Trust me, the best beer is at the grocery store.

>> No.4577417

Stuck with shitty 3.2 beer in my state.

If it wasn't 3.2 I'd probably buy some beer from the grocery store

>> No.4577425
File: 285 KB, 648x352, vlcsnap-2010-11-21-22h05m12s100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is the only place on 4chan where most of us genuinely care about the subject and we like to help

>> No.4577428


Depends on what your grocery store sells. A lot of it is shit, yeah, but many stores also carry decent 6 packs of good stuff, and even your picture has some middling tier stiff.

For example, Sierra Nevada isn't terrible, Magic Hat is a pretty decent beer, it looks like that store has some better stuff towards the right edge of your picture, although its hard to tell.

And some places just have flat out great selections, despite being a grocery store.

>> No.4577485

I like Grolsh, i can find it at the store. Then again im a man unlike most of the posters on /ck/

>> No.4577572

not shit, just generic

many (though certainly not all) people will prefer craft beers, but that doesn't make the mass-produced beers bad, just like someone having a preference for whiskey or wine doesn't make craft beer bad

>> No.4577578

Walmart usually only carries redneck beer depending on where you live.

Other grocery stores, like Lowe's, carry a large selection of craft beers.

>> No.4577592

You can get good beer at grocery stores here in the netherlands. A shop dedicated to beer will always be the best. But yeah I can get la chouffe in a grocery store so im all cool.

>> No.4577602

75% is usually just coors, bud light, etc. But usually they'll have some Stone IPA, Karl Straus and Green Flash, albeit only a few varieties from each.

>> No.4577611

Wait, are you talking about the hardware store?

>> No.4577630

yeah you cant do construction sober

>> No.4577637
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>> No.4577652

/ck/ is upper-middle-class hipster twits when it comes to beer; they don't appreciate it unless it's made in an esoteric country and/or made in tiny batches for $5/bottle and can be only found at specialty stores.
The pic OP posted contains several fine beers alongside the terrible ones.

>> No.4577659

Literally every grocery store around here has, at the very least, a portion of the beer aisle dedicated to good American brews and imports. Nicer stores have an entire department to rival dedicated bottle shops, with constantly changing seasonals and local micros' newest offerings.

And that's not even counting good mid-size regional breweries that sell primarily in sixers and cases, like Deschutes, Pyramid, Alaskan, Full Sail, etc. Those are mingling with the effing Heineken and Corona like it ain't no big deal.

Of course half the aisle is Light or Ice whatever, but that's the market.

>> No.4577679

>A lot of times this is shitty 3.2 beer,
I don't think I have ever seen a beer with that little alcohol

>> No.4577678

If you live in the south.

Up here grocery stores have excellent beer

>> No.4577681

I would say my Piggly Wiggly is approaching the same amount of shelf space for craft beer as it has for macro beer

>> No.4577691

>they don't appreciate it unless it's made in an esoteric country

American and Belgium are esoteric?

>> No.4577692

a lot of people that browse /ck/ on the reg love cheap beer, but i don't see anything in OP's picture worth a second glance.

>that PA feel when you must go to the beer distributor to get a case

one grocery store in the area recently added a beer section after fighting it out with the state and, while they only carry six packs, they carry a lot of great micro and craft breweries. can't wait for liquor law reformation in this state.

>> No.4577722

My locally owned supermarket stocks an excellent beer, wine, and liquor selection. Hy-vee, nigga.

>> No.4577735
File: 134 KB, 800x495, Craft_Breweries_Per_Capita_(US) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on where you live

>> No.4577759

We can get some nice strong beers in every grocery store.
Westmalle, la Chouffe, Duvel and many others.
The possibilities are endless when you go to a specialty store, courtesy of being surrounded by excellent beer brewing neighbours.
I'd love to try some beers from good American micro breweries some time.
I hear there are some truly great ones.

>> No.4577847
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My corner > your corner

>> No.4577854

eh, I would take the upper midwest over cascadia, but they are pretty close

>> No.4577870

Well, if you're a pretentious asshole, sure.

>> No.4577872

Grocery employee here. I've asked my manager why we only carry pleb teir beer all the time. Told me the marketing guys research what's sells best in our area as well as based in season. So unless it beats out Bud Light in sales, it doesn't make it on our shelves.

>> No.4577874

>I like Grolsh

high five!

>> No.4577878

Is your store really small or something?

Seems like most stores have plenty of space for both shit and good beer

>> No.4577882

Wanting good things instead of bad things does not make you pretentious

>> No.4577886

I found KBS at Whole Foods in Texas this spring. Go to non shitty stores and don't be afraid to ask around. Also, see if there are any specialty stores in your area.

>> No.4577889

Michigander here, the Meijer near me has a section specifically for locally brewed beers.

>> No.4577894

i think in the midwest pretty much everyone has a local beer section. Seems like most places have a 4 or so cooler doors of local stuff, a couple for regional stuff, and a couple for the national craft beers

>> No.4577917


> top shelf

> sierra nevada


>> No.4577939
File: 214 KB, 800x600, woodmans1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT grocery store liquor department here

>> No.4577947

wow, how does the beer taste that far up your ass?

>> No.4577962

why would you sage that?

and then use an image?

>> No.4577960
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>> No.4577968


> tfw 3 - 5


>> No.4577988

absolute nonsense. depends on your grocery store, obviously.

>> No.4578013

Not fully. You can buy pretty decent beer at the grocery store/in-house liquor store. Just not a lot of it.

>> No.4578091

Actually, I primarily advocate brewing your own and swapping your homebrew with other homebrewers. I do love my high end beers, but since I can't really afford them, I've found a number of....less expensive yet very tasty macro and microbrews.

>> No.4578115

We have a flag?

>> No.4578118

I've never seen a bad beer or wine selection in a Californian supermarket. It's also very cheap here.

>> No.4578148

I don't know, I wouldn't turn down a Corona with a lime in it on a hot summer day. And Stella is good with a burger.

That said, I've never seen any beer at a grocer. They have separate liqueur stores across the parking lot most of the time in Canada.

>> No.4578149

My local Whole Foods has as good a selection as any of the specialty liquor stores. If you're looking for a recent special release you might need to ask for it though.

One of the perks of living here. While not exactly a supermarket, Costco is about the only place that can have a bad selection of beer.

>> No.4578227
File: 76 KB, 391x391, 1367155706119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I drink PBR and genuinely enjoy it

>> No.4578228


That watermelon. It's ... artistic.

>> No.4578229

Yeah right, hipster.

>> No.4578270

This is a dumb map because California has roughly 10 times as many people as Washington and Oregon.

>> No.4578298

Not to mention CA is home to some of the largest craft breweries. Sierra Nevada is #2 (Pale Ale is the #1 brand), Lagunitas is #6 and Stone is #10.

>> No.4578304

I had my first PBR out of curiousity today.

I can't really blame the PBR hipsters, it's pretty good considering it's just some Coors-tier macro. I'd consider buying more if it was on sale

>> No.4580302

i agree, /ck/ can be fairly friendly.
>inb4 the first reply to this comment that i am commenting to.

>> No.4580314

Jesus fucking christ. You Americans have something as awesome as BEER sold in grocery stores and you still manage to complain.

>> No.4580351
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go cry to your LCBO, skinnyfat. what are you even doing here?

>> No.4580368

Depends on the store: most ones in my area carry local micro brews.

But hell, even some of the more "mainstram" stuff like say Sam Adams is at least drinkable. Stop being a snob OP

>> No.4580401

only in some states.

not in mine....

>> No.4580444

i'm a beer geek but not a beer snob. A geek likes to know about things, a snob likes to pontificate what they think they know.

I love and appreciate craft beer. I have a thorough understanding of brewing; I brew a lot of my own beer (I keep my 4 homebrew kegs at-the-ready and usually 1-2 things on bottles.) I'm not the most educated drinker, but I do posses a respectable understanding of it.

Still following? Ok, here's where I'm going to lose most of you.

>American light lager is a legitimate brewing style. It's not your favorite because you were told you can't like mass produced beer. It's actually a great summer beer.
>Adjuncts like corn and rice can be put into delicious beer. If there's one timeless aspect of brewing, it's that people have always brewed with what's available. Here in America we have a lot of corn. It's going to find it's way into beer and that's ok.
>Craft doesn't mean good. Craft refers to the production levels of the brewery (and even that's politically charge bogus junk these days...but that's another post.) Some craft beer sucks. Dare I say it, but there's some decent mass produced beer out there.
>Regions and countries aren't inherently superior to each other in beer or style. I can't make a lambic because I don't have the talent, not because I'm outside of Belgium.
>Reinheitsgebot is to beer as the magicians alliance is magic (shoutout to arrested development) It's a bunch of chest beating nonsense. The thing isn't even written to enhance the quality of beer, it's written to alter the local economics of german in a bygone era.

So yeah, some nights I crack open a rare belgian that I've been aging in the cellar. Other nights I pound natty ice. Because I drink what I want, be it fine gueze or booze. I do it because I"m a geek and I love beer and love to know about it. I don't act like a snob and thumb my nose at "lesser" beers.

Relax, drink what you like.

>> No.4580448

Going to call myself out on this part:
>say I'm not a snob
>say snobs pontificate
>spends next 1900 characters pontificating

>> No.4580585

If you're not near a Hy-Vee, then yes. Hy-Vee, however, has an AMAZING selection.

>> No.4581247
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Not in Germany.

>> No.4581263
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Actually, all beer is shit. It's rotten grain juice.

>> No.4581272

I would get the Pilsener Urquel in the upper left corner of the image.

>> No.4581277


Hy-Vee's selection was garbage 10 years ago but has gotten way, way better. I'll go there and pick up some Westmalle Tripel and Dogfish Head 90, then head over to their Italian Express for some of their shitty-but-somehow-addicting pizza.

>> No.4581286
File: 22 KB, 400x418, sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy right there ... he's livin' the dream, my friends ...

>you will never know what it feels like to drink a beer while riding naked on the subway

>> No.4581287
File: 78 KB, 429x410, 1355958126919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the beer you can find at the grocery store is its shit. Am i correct?


>> No.4581297
File: 36 KB, 403x480, Raver3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love taking the subway!

>> No.4581330

Obscurity does not make the beer taste any better. You are all hipsters.

>> No.4581408
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>grocery store

>> No.4581411
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Jesus christ you stupid american.

>> No.4581419

Whole Foods tends to carry, at the very least, decent beers. You'll always find better at locally-owned bottle shops though. Better people, too.