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4572987 No.4572987 [Reply] [Original]

Spam fried rice, /ck/. If you've never tried it, you're missing out.

ITT: SPAM! It stands for "Should Pork and hAM"

>> No.4573002

Fried rice is mroe than white rice and egg....

>> No.4573013

Islander spotted.

>> No.4573016
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Spam's tasty. I prefer it in scrambled eggs or Mac 'n' Cheese. Or fried real thin and crispy like bacon. I rarely get it, though. Too high in fat and sodium.

>> No.4573055

>fried rice
So what is it?

>> No.4573064

>styrofoam bowl

You smoke crack right...

Fuck off, nigger. Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.4573067

>Spam's tasty

Yeah. Salt is tasty. Big fucking surprise. Retard.

>> No.4573088

Um no, it's fried rice.
You're fucking stupid.

>> No.4573170
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I made this last night, was good.

>> No.4573578

Rice is bland, there is no point of frying it because it will taste the same. You are meant to boil the rice in chicken or vege stock, or atleast chuck some spices into the water before cooking the rice, this will give it a basing flavour, that is enhance by the addition of meant and eggs. Then when you fry the rice add butter into the wok instead of oil for meat fried rice. the heavy butter misxing with the rice creates a nice flavour.

>> No.4573611

No, fried rice is a dish for leftovers, you don't think that far ahead when you're taking your cold leftover white rice out of the fridge to fry it up with some veggies and maybe a meat, there's no point in preparing your rice that way just for fried rice, and butter will burn at the temperature you're supposed to fry the rice; you need an oil that can withstand high heat.

>> No.4573649

I happen to have about 1 cup of cold white rice leftover from yesterday. I made it with chicken stock.
What do I do to make fried rice?

>> No.4574244

Fry veggies, fry meat, fry rice, fry egg in the same pan.

>> No.4574276

You don't use chicken stock in fried rice. This isn't risotto.

You use soy sauce. That is literally all you need to qualify as fried rice.

>> No.4574304

You /can/ use chicken stock, it just needs to be master stock (I don't know how to better translate this into English, sorry but basically it starts off as water you simmer an old hen in then you strain it and freeze it and re-use it in the future to poach a young chicken in then strain and refreeze and repeat and repeat and repeat until you get a stock that's SUPER chicken-y).
Anyway, if use that in place of or in addition to soy sauce, it results in rice with a very deep chicken flavour. It's delicious.

>> No.4574320

I'm sure it's delicious, but no one is going to take you seriously if you call it fried rice.

>> No.4574351

But that's precisely what it is.
Cooked rice that is dried out over the course of a day or two that is stir-fried in hot oil with aromatics and flavoured with a splash of flavourful liquid (fish, soy and/or oyster sauces and/or master stock).

This is haute cuisine fried rice. I wouldn't expect you to be familiar with it, so I'm informing you that there is more to fried rice than your narrow definition.

In the Philippines, they don't even use soy sauce to cook fried rice: just salt.
In southern Italy, the saltiness of southern Italian fried rice comes from anchovies or fish sauce.
In Indonesia and Malaysia, worcesterchire sauce is a common variation on the sauces above.
In Korea, a type of fermented shrimp sauce is used (it's white and opaque).
In Burmese and Gurkhali cooking, fried rice is made with salty chickpea or broadbean sauce (occasionally with ngapi, Burmese shrimp paste) and stir-fried with mashed peas (pe byok).

Every world region where rice is a staple has some sort of way to deal with leftover rice. Some use it for puddings and porridges, others use it for fried rice and many do both. It's silly to assume that they all follow your tiny worldview on what is and is not fried rice.

>> No.4574366

Not everyone is as anal as you when it comes to the literal meaning. The guy was probably talking about what "fried rice" is normally associated with, which is Asian stir fry in a wok.

People like you irritate me. Bitching about unnecessary definitions

>> No.4574387
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Four out of the five examples I gave were
>Asian stir fry in a wok

There's no argument. There's none. I'm not the one
>bitching about unnecessary definitions
either: the other poster is. That post insisted that

>You don't use chicken stock in fried rice.
>You use soy sauce. That is literally all you need to qualify as fried rice.

That set a very specific and very incorrect definition of what is fried rice.

The poster further expands that fried rice made outside of his/her narrow definition

>[surely] delicious, but no one is going to take you seriously if you call it fried rice

which is just not the case. I'm not the one
>bitching about unnecessary definitions
Let's take the Burmese example. It's called "htahmin kyaw." "Htahmin" literally means "rice." "kyaw" literally means "fried." Who's that other poster to say that several million people are wrong? No one, that's who. His/her definition is unnecessary.
And I don't care if someone irritates you because s/he knows more than you do.

>> No.4574392

Spam and pineapple fried rice is god tier.
That is all.

>> No.4574395

>I'm ignorant but I still want to be right

Please leave. The guy you're arguing with clearly is way ahead of you in terms of knowledge and experience. You want to post about hot pockets, make a new thread so I can hide it.

>> No.4574403

Where I come from we call that nigger rice.

You can also substitute hotdogs for whatever meat.