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File: 373 KB, 2000x1500, beer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4572958 No.4572958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what beer are you drinking right now? pic related.

Also, ask a german anything about beer.

>> No.4572964

what's your opinion abouot heineken?
what's your opinion abouot budweiser?

how to properly drink them (wich food fits better)?
wich beer fits better with hamburguer?

did you ever had a brazilian beer?

>> No.4572974

>what's your opinion abouot heineken?

Pissbrew. I drank it a few times, its not even made after the Reinheitsgebot. Tastes like water.

>what's your opinion abouot budweiser?

Original = good, Murrican version = meh. It has its merits if you dont like the taste of pils as much but still want to have something beerlike.

>how to properly drink them (wich food fits better)?
I drink beer to everything. Currysausage with fries and Curry ketchup would be average. to krauty foods I recommend wheat beer. export is nice to chill with after a hard days work. Pils is more common though

>did you ever had a brazilian beer?

>> No.4572997
File: 82 KB, 600x800, BH373[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Reinheitsgebot
> Thinks the dutch give a shit about German beer laws.

>> No.4572999

that is why I dont drink it, ese.

>> No.4573006


What's your take on Alt beers? I was in Germany a few years ago for a week and a half and had some excellent beer being called Alt. Some from Dusseldorf, Kassel, Colonge, and Bad Arolson.

>> No.4573014

What's your favorite non-German beer?
Do you have a favorite English beer?
A favorite American beer?

>> No.4573045

they are pretty good. if i had to rank beer styles, I would go:

Bock > Export > Pils > Dunkel > Alt > Weizen > Zwickel > Kölsch > Schwarzbier > Rest

Hmm I would say Belgian Trappist beer.
nope and nope

>> No.4573054
File: 185 KB, 894x1192, lagunitas-ipa-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your opinion on American IPAs?

>> No.4573078
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Why do the Belgians absolutely demolish the Germans when it comes to beer?

>> No.4573112

Hoegaarden. Thoughts?

>> No.4573132

East End Lord Nordsberry Dark Belgian. Fantastic stuff. Keg always wants to foam up, though.

>> No.4573137
File: 47 KB, 800x600, rodenbach-grand-cru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

german beer is so overrated

>> No.4573151

Currently drinking Genessee Cream Ale.

What's your opinion on American beer in general?

>> No.4573196


shhhh....OP is not from Köln(cologne)....i also suspect not from Bayern(bavaria)

depends on what you think of beer/what it is. belgians make good beer but at least half of it i dont even consider beer. not saying it is bad, not at all. but not real beer.

a good solid night out in germany, lets say berlin. 8+ Grosse pils. Cool, crisp, refreshing. in one word, Beer. hangover next day = 0

night out in belgium, lets say Brugges. 6+ various belgian beers. unique, distinctive, tasty, becoming more befuddled. hangover the next day = heroin withdrawl level pain and nausea. in two words, not beer.

found out that there really was a point to the german reinheitsgebot. smart germans.

pity i moved over the border. soon as you do the beer turns to piss again.

>> No.4573360

i hear all your beer is dark, bitter, tasteless shyte. How do you refute this?

>> No.4573382
File: 67 KB, 680x1024, FriendshipBrew1_zpsd5c4dc07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ built up my expectations around this Green Flash shit.

yes it's obscure. no that doesn't make it Great Beer.

it's alright but fuck. you people are such hipsters.

>> No.4573568
File: 16 KB, 170x320, Blue-Moon-Bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the taste of indifference

>> No.4573592

>American beer
What kind of fucking vague question is this. Anyway America has some of the best IPAs in the world and the highest microbrew per capita in the world. So American beer "in general" is world class.

>> No.4573617

>implying IPAs are good
Fuck off, hipster.

>> No.4573636

Are you trying to be ironic or are you really just that edgy?

>> No.4573646

OP was talking about Currywurst so he's likely from Berlin. I know currywurst has spread, but only Berliners love currywurst enough to talk about it.

In any case, the Reinheitsgebot wasn't about anything but economics and political power. They weren't saving the purity of beer, they were limiting the use of wheat in beers because they needed bread more than beer, but the people wanted beer more anyway.

Still, it's pretty ridiculous to say that the Reinheitsgebot was a good thing considering all the amazing additions and adjuncts that make great brews. This even limited the production of amazing German wheat beers. It's pretty ignorant to glorify such an antiquated law that lasted so fucking long.

>> No.4573663

ya figured that when he started talking about currrywurst....after i had posted

need to hit curry36 again. any other recommended curry places? i'll be there soon.

and dude....please...learn to take some humour. i study history so i know behind all of these laws and rules in whatever, there are power and money games being played that have nothing to do with that law or rule. i know dude, im not 12.

but. that reinheitsgebot makes for a distinctive taste and other places that try to come close dont. sorry. there is ~800 years of experience there and oh....lets cut out all the crap we normally put in our beer....oh it tastes like shit...hmm how did those germans do that? who cares? put the chemicals back in.

sorry but for me, comparing some belgian and french beers to german, czech, or english beers is like comparing wine and port.

>> No.4573675

Agreed. I'm going to be ecstatic when this fucking IPA bullshit dies down. Fucking swill....

>> No.4573688

Nothing about your post was outwardly humorous, you typed in a very straightforward manner. That aside you're making no point about German beers having any kind of objective quality above French/Belgian beers. There's no ~800 years experience considering the Reinheits is only ~500 years old and came long after the invention of beer. There's also no reason to assume that if the beer doesn't strictly stick to barley, hops, yeast, and water it has to taste like shit unless you use chemicals.

At this point I'm just wondering what point you're trying to make. Do you just have a hard-on for German/Czech beers because you are German or Czech? Get over it and enjoy beers of all kinds.

And no shit comparing beers from different regions is like comparing wine from different regions (which is exactly what Port is, despite how different it is). If you don't have the palate to enjoy beers from all regions, there's no need to trash them in unintelligible internet babble.

>> No.4573690

drinking an IPA reminds me of the first bar scene in Good Morning Vietnam

>> No.4573695

ooooo butthurt belgian fan.

sorry i had the date for weihstephaner and augustiner in my head....thus the few extra hundred years. augustiner still uses the same recipe from 200 years before so....put that in your pipe.

i am not german or czech but i have been around so sue me, i know what i like.

portwine is "wine" but im sure bodies would hit the floor if you went to a wine seminar/meeting/conference and started blathering about your favorite 10 year old tawny. seriously man....where are you coming from?

you obviously like fizzy fruity girly beers over anything that puts some hair on your chest.

>> No.4573699

get out.

>> No.4573705

make me
nyah nyah nyah nyahh nyaahhhhhhh

>> No.4573709

You're right, because I didn't already say I like many kinds of beer, including many German styles. I'm just saying that you're being a straight up cunt about "muh germans" while typing like a furious ESL student.

>> No.4573718
File: 70 KB, 200x200, imperial_sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im drinking racer five, although i did just pick up a case of this 8% shit for 18bucks from grocery outlet

pretty cool considering i just went camping over there... also picked up some cheese from the town we based out of

>> No.4573719

i like heiniken, it its like the fun fizzy drink of beers

>> No.4573741

wah wah..... whatever...cunty belgian fan earlier got my hair up and you were belittling.

seriously though the closest beer within my reach is a cuvee des trolls.

if you had been following this i never said i didnt like them. its just comparing them is stupid. because they are different enough to not really be that similar. say they are and spread that equally through the world of alcohol there would be warfare between various groups of spirit lovers because well what is a ___ and ours is the true____. which goes back to the wine and portwine. i mean sure we are all mammals but mating with an ape doesnt work even though 90something percent of the DNA is the same. i find it strange that the world of wine spirits and beer still functions on those bizarre ancient lines to allow various people to be more or less be pretentious snobs.

your very veiled but snarky comments along with writing style.....your a brit

>> No.4573794

I am getting ready to attempt a Dopplebock, but I would also like to make an EisenBock. What color are these beers normally and what sort of characteristics should I try to incorporate into them?

>> No.4575233
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>> No.4575396
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>> No.4575453
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Baby's first rogue

Pretayyyy pretttayyy good

>> No.4575480


Why are you not drinking Schneider Aventinus.

>> No.4575562
File: 108 KB, 480x800, IMG_20130619_205258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. When I was getting beer I wanted a 24 or 40oz for the alcohol. It's bad, but for $1.50 it's good.

Also why are you Germans usually so elitist towards American beer. Is it that you think we're all Bud drinkers or are you guys just too proud about your beer history to acknowledge beer from the New World

>> No.4575596

Shakespeare is one of their better beers.

>> No.4576115

They have a maple bacon one. Fucking horrible

>> No.4576119



>> No.4576147
File: 340 KB, 560x377, 1366988822-screen_shot_2013-04-26_at_10.04.21_am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was pretty awful. It was like pre-skunked Stella Artois or some shit.

>> No.4576308
File: 206 KB, 800x1202, Aecht_Schlenkerla_Rauchbier_Märzen_Flasche_und_Glas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why is it that americans always act like they invented microbrew?
>muh microbrew muh microbrew! so individual so worldclass!!
i live in the region with the true "highest microbrew per capita", Bamberg, Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. that's less then 1000 people on 1 brewery.
The difference between those brewerys and the american ones, is that most of them have hundred years of history.
now i'm not saying that american beer sucks, i'm sure you have fantastic beers that don't make it across the ocean.
but don't you dare compairing your beer culture to ours.

>> No.4576338

>ask a german anything about beer

>drinks one of the cheapest hartz4 brands out there

go back to your oettinger, faggot

>> No.4576350

Our microbrew is fine. Our production beer sucks because the govt forced the companies to heat, or cold treat the beer. For pasteurization. Fuck the FDA.
Also I don't really know anything about your beer culture, and I can't speak for ours. It vary's from region to region. I am not the anon you had been talking to. I would however like you to answer my question regarding doppelbock

>> No.4576363
File: 188 KB, 500x500, 1362899479648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im coming here to say that Stella Artois is shit beer

>> No.4576383

What hellhole do you live in that has no proud local brewery? Do you really like piss that much?

>> No.4576418
File: 530 KB, 1081x900, infrastructure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun fact: approximately 2/3 of Americans don't have passports and, in general, what you've seen in life is "the whole world" in the sense that there's an instinctive tendency to assume that if you haven't seen something, it doesn't exist.

So your local piggly wiggly carries 34 kinds of Palate Destroyer IPA and Beck's, and you read in some frat boy magazine that some American beer won a prize in a country that was not America, and what's a person to assume from this? That Bavaria has good beer? No, this is not supported by the observed evidence.

It's kind of like Americans who think that everyone who doesn't live in America lives in a mud hut despite the fact that our quality of life is actually not particularly impressive in comparison to other developed countries and we're rapidly slipping. Tell that to anyone who has traveled the world and they will agree that it's cause for alarm. Tell that to the 2/3 with no passport and you've basically committed high treason.

>> No.4576440

Reeds Apple ale (fucking amazing sweet beer)

On occasion I drink Dos Equis Amber

>> No.4576446
File: 78 KB, 306x408, eisbock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm pretty sure there is excellent beer in the US, in Germany, Belgium, Ireland etc., and everyone may have his own favourite kind of beer.
But in Germany beer is handled different than elsewhere. When an American politician is seen drinking alcohol, it's a scandal. When a German politician doesn't drink beer, people will think he is some kind of snob and doesn't care about his people. It's not that we have a beer culture, but rather that beer is an essential part of our whole culture.
That being said, I recently discovered this local brewery. Kronenbrauerei Ulm-Söflingen, if you ever come to Ulm, you should definitely get some Eisbock.

>> No.4576450
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1840, 2012-12-24_21-58-12_625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576455
File: 29 KB, 400x312, obama-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends on the politician. Dubya had an alcohol and drugs problem so he never drank beer because he was damaged goods. Obama drinks beer in public all the time. The White House even has an official beer recipe. Reagan drank in public. Bill Clinton was a bit more discreet perhaps due to his painful childhood with the alcoholic stepdad, but he certain didn't abstain.

>> No.4576460

Come back when you're from belgium.

>> No.4576464
File: 112 KB, 500x375, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rotten bananas and band aid smell

Nah, I think I'm good, thanks bruh.

>> No.4576483
File: 35 KB, 399x398, 1355575956243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I d-don't drink...

>> No.4576491

fuck off

>> No.4576510

what is your question regarding doppelbock?

>> No.4576529
File: 73 KB, 333x500, 6312792383_7ba88e0303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had one of these in a little pub in Sarpsborg, norway, when i was there for work. It was amaing

Never heard of the ægir brewery before

>> No.4576536


Any reason? Just curious.

>> No.4578439
File: 161 KB, 533x640, 8Bit_4Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some of this because there was a thread on /ck/ with it in the OP pic. It's pretty good.

>> No.4578499

pbr bro pbr

its the best

>> No.4578520
File: 370 KB, 429x517, Redds-Apple-Ale[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff any good? I don't drink beer at all and I've heard it's good.

>> No.4578550

I love the scandinavian aesthetic.

You guys get it.

>> No.4578561
File: 38 KB, 460x345, tecate-nike-sb-dunk-high-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tecate because I am broke and it is the better than any American domestic

>> No.4578568

What does this even taste like?

>> No.4578579

pbr, miller, and rolling rock

>> No.4578599

It's gross imo, bad aftertaste. You'd be better with angry orchard, or fuck even woodchuck cider.

>> No.4578617
File: 257 KB, 531x1756, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4578620

Those all taste disgusting compared to Tecate or Modelo.

>> No.4578956

Lustig wie wickü gerade versucht sich vom billigbier zum qualitätsbier umzubranden.
STARKES PILS, STARKER PREIS! hieß es einmal...

>> No.4578960
File: 46 KB, 457x792, guinnessbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Czech and I tasted beer from Iceland, Litvia, Poland and tons of others. Here is my list of my favorite: Guinness> Czech and German beers > Belgium. The worst beer I have ever drunk was propably in Greece...

>> No.4578973

Does Guinness taste the same in the USA?

>> No.4578978


>> No.4578981
File: 18 KB, 358x480, bavaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bavaria makes some nice pilsner. If I could find a place to buy Kozel or Krusovice nearby, would be nice too.

>> No.4579183

You know 5,0 is just Becks that's over the expiration date? Rewe is decanting it in the back.

>> No.4579253

Mein Neger. Bestes Bier nach einem guten Flens
Habe ich noch nichts von mitbekommen, bitte um Erklärung

>> No.4579288
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>> No.4579322


>> No.4579341


>not drinking Dead Guy Ale

>> No.4579371

Truth. I live in Vermont, which has the highest concentration of micros per-capita in the states, and there is a small, but vocal, part of the population that are so up their own ass about it that you would think VT invented beer. Shit is good, often incredibly so, but the best brewers are humble and understand that doing things the old way is often best. It is the pretentious college seniors that suck off any beer over 100 IBU's that make me sad.

>> No.4580312
File: 633 KB, 1600x1200, 2013-06-21 19.35.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried Fisherman's Sunrise Saison today. Damn good summer beer.

>> No.4580317

Also, I think I'm gonna have a Dogfish Head Midas Touch now.

> Rogue Dead Guy Ale
I think a friend loves Rogue and likes that one in particular.

>> No.4580433
File: 140 KB, 447x500, 1887666_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant remember the first samuel smiths I had but I did not like it...gave them a second shot and boy am I glad i did

>> No.4580439


Some day I will actually try Yorkshire Stingo

And I'm sure I will enjoy it immensely