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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4572779 No.4572779 [Reply] [Original]

What's this /ck/?

>> No.4572784

a bread

>> No.4572789


With semolina and eggs?

>> No.4572792


>> No.4572793
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A bread... Is that what you think i might do with it?

Hmm.. Lets find out...

>> No.4572795

what is it, a bread?

>> No.4572798

what is homemade pasta?

>> No.4572796
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What next?

>> No.4572800

chop it?

>> No.4572806
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I think ill divide it in half...

>> No.4572809

pie crust?

>> No.4572810
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Maybe ill chop up n carmelize some onion?

>> No.4572813

a /ck/ fleshlight?

>> No.4572816
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Any new guesses?

>> No.4572819

Pot pie!

>> No.4572821
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Its probably about to get easier...

>> No.4572825


mushroom and onion ravioli???

>> No.4572826

Damn, dats some nice bread.

>> No.4572828
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Gonna have to give it away soon...

No one got it so far.

>> No.4572829
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those are some weird looking onions op

>> No.4572831

op's making some faggot lasagna.

>> No.4572834
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Ding ding ding. Added food color to half dough.

>> No.4572837


>> No.4572841
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta let the dough rest for 30 min.. So time to finish up the ravioli filling. Added the onion and mushrooms to some ricotta and oregano.

>> No.4572843
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Dont wanna keep you waiting.. Slice a bit of the dough off.

>> No.4572846
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Roll it.

>> No.4572854
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Stack it. Cut it. stack it.

>> No.4572858
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Slice it.

>> No.4572861
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Time to rearrange..

>> No.4572863
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>> No.4572868
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Roll em out.

>> No.4572869
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Stuff em

>> No.4572874

I had them in a simple butter sauce with a bit of red wine. Fucking delicious.

>> No.4572875
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This is cute. :D

>> No.4572878

I'm not a wise man, but those look like ingredients to me.

>> No.4572882

We've all made alveoli when drunk, subby. I made bertolucci 2 weeks ago by hand. Used a pizza cutter to make the noodles.

>> No.4572885


Any pics of the cooked ravioli, plated and such?

>> No.4572891


>> No.4572888
File: 1.21 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ate em before i thought to take pics. :/

This is what you get when you take two sheets and cross em.

>> No.4572892
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Larger hand cuts with the crossed dough. I made the others with a form.

>> No.4572897

you made it Scottish

>> No.4572939


Darn, I hope they taste as good as they look!

>> No.4573041

Haha, it's kind of funny to me how you thought to take these pictures and then didn't take one of the finished product.

>> No.4574050
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I have some dough, and filling left over.. i might make some for lunch and some to freeze.. will take pics if i do.

>> No.4574076

What knife is that?

>> No.4574136

wustoff classic.. i think it's an 8 inch chefs.

would highly recommend.

>> No.4574259
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Wish me luck /ck/, this is where it gets tricky.

I need to boil some water....

>> No.4574270
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Er' thing went better than expect.jpg

>> No.4574314
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The time of purification is at hand.

Made some pappardelle too...

>> No.4574326
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Sauce plox.

>> No.4574327
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Money shot coming up.

>> No.4574332
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Lunch is served.

>> No.4574338
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Oh yeah.

>> No.4574345

Those look awesome.

>> No.4574355

>rifle has bolt in open position
Good luck getting the drop on fast moving, ravioli stealing zombies, newb.

>> No.4574359
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> Eating on the floor with a gun.

Real classy, Mark.

>> No.4574371


>> No.4574374
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Great thread until the male insecurity at the end.

>> No.4574377
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It's a ridiculous sniper rifle that has no business being at the meal.. I am making fun of the morons that post shots with hand guns. Way to catch the sarcasm.

>> No.4574379

Noting more pathetic than a self loathing gun owner.

>> No.4574380
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>blurring out the serial number

Why can't I hold all this paranoia?

>> No.4574382

I can't wait to get a gun so I can post on /ck/

>> No.4574394
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How is that self loathing?

I enjoy a good weekend at the range smacking targets at 100 yards. I make no apologies for my gun ownership, I do think it is retarded to have it out on the dinner table though... It should be safe, dissasembled, and locked away. I has the kids running around here. Pic is from before I had kids.. I now keep the bolt in a separate locked safe. thought I'd poke some fun at the morons around here, while the kids are out of the house for the day.

>> No.4574399


>> No.4574401
File: 53 KB, 635x577, alg-rick-perry-gun-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>news: kid shoots sibling with improperly stored gun
>gun nuts: it was nobody's fault. I am shocked, shocked that someone would try to score cheap political points for this terrible tragedy. the family deserves privacy. if more people had guns a heroic bystander could have shot the bullet in flight before it hit the child.

top lol

>> No.4574412

This shit is not /ck/ related, fuck off and take it elsewhere.

>> No.4574416
File: 47 KB, 432x600, 1295063760212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's related to the pics above which have food in them. People post pics like this all the time on /ck/. Get over it.

>> No.4574440

This is great. Next time I cook dinner im posting muh guns with it. Also
>dat paraframe.
Nice Op, nice. I love
mine, unfortunately it's been MIA for a week. Im looking for a replacement -_-

>> No.4574441

Yeah, I expect the usual "man kills family then goes on rampage" news report before the end of the week.

>> No.4574445

Kinda reminds me of the old progun threads

>> No.4574448

damn, summer time even brings out the worst in /ck/.

>> No.4574451

Welp, looks like /ck/ can't take a joke. Sorry, OP. I thought it was funny. Nice looking meal too!

>> No.4574458


Faggots come to /k/ all the time and shit it up with anti-gun propaganda and off-topic threads. Be thankful OP is respectful enough to keep the thread related and Get over it. Theres food in the fucking picture.

>> No.4574482
File: 832 KB, 1400x1050, Pasta e Cici.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I was on your side. If I feel like posting a dildo, a book, or the latest whatever the fuck /mu/ listens to next to my meal, it won't be any less /ck/ related. The posts that bitch about objects in the background should be bannable however.

What's your quantities on those pasta ingredients OP?

>> No.4574486


Your parents' kitchen?

>> No.4574533

My apologies anon, I must have misread.

>> No.4574559
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x1200, Bahn Mi 2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool brother. I'm just a little on edge since some troll and/or retard tried to suggest anyone who lives outside a city is an inbred that contributes nothing to humanity. This board could use a good scrubbing.

Here, have some half-assed bhan mi thit.

>> No.4574565

Looks good

>> No.4574599
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x768, pasta e ceci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ItaloAmerican or filthy Arab rape-folk Sicilian detected. It's spelt "ceci." Sicilians pronounce it "chii-chii," "chii-chuh-ruh" or "chii-chii-ruu."

Master race pasta with chickpeas in pic related.

>> No.4574610
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for the pasta it was about a cup of flour, a cup of semolina, 4 eggs, 2 T oil, 2 T water.. and then i think i had to add about a quarter cup of flour/semolina to get it stabalized (you know how it isn't an exact science... but better to start off too wet than the other way around)

the filling was about half a small container of ricotta, a large onion and a large box of mushrooms with 2 garlic cloves and maybe.. 1 T of oregano.


It's all good.. though you should be aware that if you do live in the burbs, and don't at least work in the city, you actually aren't contributing anything to humanity unless you are farming. ;-)

>> No.4574622
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Made some pappardelle with the left over dough after i ran out of filling.

>> No.4574627
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I did have enough filling to make and freeze about two portions worth of ravioli though.... Sorry for the foggy bag shot.

>> No.4574626

>It's all good.. though you should be aware that if you do live in the burbs, and don't at least work in the city, you actually aren't contributing anything to humanity unless you are farming. ;-)
There are plenty of R&D labs, engine plants, and even vital manufacturing facilities that exist outside cities. It's my off day so I'm too lazy to do any research, but I'm sure there are plenty of inventors, politicians, and historical leaders who lived outside the urban filth.

And I do work on the edge of a city. Though it's a small city.

>> No.4574629

Actually I'm mostly German with a little bit of Welsch heritage. Bow before my superior genes, I learned this simple dish from a Tunisian man, hence the tiny bony fish.

>> No.4574631

Oh yeah... Thank heavens for the fucking rural redneck fags that build Hyundais so other blue collar shit tier workers, that also dont add anything to human civilization, can get to work/jam up the highways with their Hyundais.

Total value add there. No clue how humanity would get along without them.

>> No.4574639

Engines for semi-trucks and construction vehicles actually. Similarly my great-grandfather built naval cannons during WW2.

You think those great steel and concrete structures build themselves? You think the materials and infrastructure walk themselves there?

>> No.4574646


Look up "manhattan project."

Most large ships are built in ship yards in close proximity to large cities.

The only reason anyone builds a factory in the middle of no where is cheap labor cost, not because the people there are worth a damn. Quite the opposite actually, hence the cheap labor costs. The only person actually impacting the course of human beings in that case is the guy from the city that builds the factory.

>> No.4574656

As a person who usually finds themselves more socially liberal but more economically conservative than the rest of the country, I never thought I'd say this, but go back to masturbating to Atlas Shrugged.

>The only person actually impacting the course of human beings in that case is the guy from the city that builds the factory.
Yeah, the government never contracts existing companies to use their capital to switch production and ship products to the coast.

>> No.4574669

>superior anything
English lapdogs.

>> No.4574673


Name one company that was founded in the sticks by someone who grew up in the sticks, was educated in the sticks, and stayed in the sticks after the company became succesful... and also changed humanity for the better.

You can't.

People that live in the sticks and don't even work in the city might as well be wild animals. They are, literally, "human resources" that people from the city just make use of.

>> No.4574685

Not that guy but i have to ask.
What company has changed humanity for the better? Usually when i think of a company i think of a group of people acting for profit.
Humanity bettering shit is usually done by selfless people. Like Jonas Salk.
Also, what do you do to make humanity better?

>> No.4574695


Don't try to change topics.

>> No.4574700

This coming from a person who thinks anyone not born into wealth and power is a beast of burden, something less than human. Funny, I thought the Klan was nearly extinct.

>> No.4574706


When did I say anything about being born into wealth?

>> No.4574729

Oh, it sounded like you knew of a company that changed humanity for the better.

Many inventors and doctors actually we're born in the "sticks". Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of the 20th century came from a tiny town in modern-day Croatia. By tiny i mean it has more or less a population of about 500.

I myself live in the city, and i am a nurse. I don't contribute anything even if i help people stay alive.

I also wonder exactly what you mean by contributing to humanity? How do IT workers contribute to humanity? How does the CEO of comcast help humanity?

Unless you are a brilliant scientist, creating vaccines, energy sources, etc, then you aren't contributing anything.