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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 550x410, utah-scone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4570492 No.4570492 [Reply] [Original]

So I was thinking about regional food names that are absolutely pointless.
In Utah a scone is sort of like indian fry bread only made from a yeast dough.
Any one else have anything like this going on?

>> No.4570518

Pork Butt is the most retarded way a group of people have ever chosen to describe the shoulder of a pig. I bet the Chinese don't call that shit Pork Butt.

>> No.4570527

You know indian fry bread is not a traditional native american thing, but was invented after they were forcibly rousted from their ancestral lands and kept in prison camps and given bags of flour to stay alive, right?

The mormons probably copied this because they were too stupid to understand where it came from.

>> No.4570533

yeah I know all about the origins of it. It's just weird that the mormon copy is called a scone. Funny as fuck watching someone from Northern Utah go to a bakery, order a scone and get an actual scone though

>> No.4570552

Used to be weird going to the states and ordering an iced tea. You'd just get cold brewed tea.

Apparently you guys call Canadian iced tea "sweet tea". It kind of makes more sense that way really, but yeah, regional food names that are just stupid.

>> No.4570554

>Native fag detected

QQ more, faggot.

>> No.4570564
File: 62 KB, 520x545, electricity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I just had a proper progressive education unlike you homeschooled freaks who believe that the civil war was "the war of northern aggression" and dinosaurs were wiped out by Noah's Ark.

inb4 I'm the revisionist

>> No.4570570
File: 98 KB, 252x207, 1353979748115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you live in the midwest when 'mushrooms' is synonymous with 'deep-fried breaded mushrooms'. Seriously had some guy flip shit the other day for this exact reason.

>orders a burger
>"Do you have mushrooms?"
>assume he meant sauteed mushrooms
>"Yup, so mushrooms on the burger. Any fries or onion rings today?"
>Oh, I'm sorry, we don't have fried mushrooms.

>> No.4570572

what in the good fuck is this? please tell me this isn't really some fucking bible thumping home school textbook

>> No.4570591

>Implying I was raised with any kind of holy book
>Implying you are not a butthurt native apple faggot
>Implying conquered peoples have ever historically had the right to whine and cry
>Implying you should all have not just been utterly wiped out

>> No.4570593
File: 51 KB, 458x625, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem pretty mad that you had a sub-par education. Let me guess, nondenominational?

>> No.4570598

>Implying you had a better education than me
>Implying implications
>Implying I am religious
>Implying that your accusing someone of religious beliefs is not just a way to hide your shit tier intellect and appear intelligent to other idiots

>> No.4570599

Depends where you go. Here in the South sweet tea is the default, you have to specifically ask for unsweetened tea, if that's what you want.

>> No.4570601


What are you doing? This thread is now about why the holocaust never happened, but it should have.

>> No.4570603

The /pol/ containment field is really wonky these days.

To keep things on topic, try ordering a carrot cake in Singapore, Malaysia, or the general region of southeast asia.

>> No.4570606

Sweet tea ties in. It's cause the jews that sugar causes the diabeetus, cause they hate white people, especially Southerners.
Try to keep up.

>> No.4570617
File: 102 KB, 420x315, cooking-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast Cat as You Wish to Eat It. You will take a cat that is fat, and decapitate it. And after it is dead, cut off the head and throw it away because it is not for eating, for they say that eating the brains will cause him who eats them to lose his senses and judgment. Then flay it very cleanly, and open it and clean it well, and then wrap it in a cloth of clean linen. And bury it beneath the ground where it must be for a day and a night; and then take it out of there and set it to roast on a spit. And roast it over the fire. And when beginning to roast it, grease it with good garlic and oil. And when you finish greasing it, whip it well with a green twig , and this must be done before it is well-roasted, greasing it and whipping it. And when it is roasted, cut it as if it were a rabbit or a kid and put it on a big plate; and take garlic and oil blended with good broth in such a manner that it is well-thinned. And cast it over the cat. And you may eat of it because it is very good food.

>> No.4570638

Oh look, logical fallacy
>"anyone that has an opinion that is different than me can be ignored and dismissed, because potato"

>> No.4570646

At least sage when your post is off topic, you ill-mannered churl.

>> No.4570657
File: 123 KB, 755x500, Cream tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting. I wonder if it is because Americans decided to change lots of pre-existing words when they became independent. Pic related is a scone, with Cornish clotted cream and jam. Partly related to the thread, this is called a cream tea even though tea for some reason.

>> No.4570664

QQ moar, faggot.

>Name calling invalidates legitimate points