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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 500x331, Nigella-Lawson-Husband-Choked-Throat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4569411 No.4569411 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw /ck/'s resident waifu gets choked by her husband in public

>> No.4569427

Surprised he could get his hand around her fat eurotrash neck

>> No.4569428

Hate to see that. Read the article on Daily Mail earlier this morning. I see divorce #2 in the works.

>> No.4569434

Why are they holding hands, though?

I honestly can't imagine what they must be talking about. It looks as though she's pleading with him.

>> No.4569439

Word is it was a dispute about the children

>> No.4569441
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>> No.4569443

It looks like he's massaging her throat.

>> No.4569447

Don't you fucking start this, motherfucker.

No, but seriously, apparently, she took the kids and bailed.

>> No.4569451


No, no! He's obviously checking her thyroid.

>> No.4569459

it does look awkward as hell.

>> No.4569461


I hope she keeps the kids away from that chimp.

>> No.4569470

Why is Saatchi an arsehole, again? I mean, he's clearly a cunt, but was he considered one before?

>> No.4569485


See >>4569441

>> No.4569487

>“We were sitting outside a restaurant having an intense debate about the children, and I held Nigella’s neck repeatedly while attempting to emphasize my point,” he said, according to the paper.

>> No.4569489

>intense debate
>held Nigella's neck
>emphasize my point

She fell down the stairs, officer, I swear.

>> No.4569494

Why do they persecute me so? I vas just talking to the go- girl.

>> No.4569503

It never ceases to amaze me how certain people think that having money excuses them of atrocious and lawless behaviors. I'd have made a citizen's arrest (although I don't know if they have that in England.) The old coot needs a sharp lesson.

>> No.4569507
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>straining before battering

This guy doesn't even sift.

captcha: neck sceinte

>> No.4569511

I'm surprised he didn't snap is wrist bones due to being 70 years old.

>> No.4569514

you wouldn't do shit except cry you faggot

>> No.4569516
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what's he doing here?

>> No.4569517
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Nigella leaving the restaurant

>> No.4569520
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Another fun dinner date with Charles Saatchi!

>> No.4569521

This is actually really sad. It's as though she's in a relationship with a belligerent 6 year-old, as opposed to 70. That's what children do to piss off their parents. Has that fuck gone senile?

>> No.4569522
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Oh, you guys, it was just a "playful tiff" he says.

>> No.4569523


Holy shit you can tell who the alpha is in this relationship
>70 year old man


>> No.4569524

Okay, clearly, this marriage is over.

>> No.4569530

That the kind of person you end up when you can afford to surround yourself with sycophants.

>> No.4569531

Don't cry grandma

>> No.4569536

Actually, that's the kind of person you end up with when you've been a victim of abuse your whole life.

>Miss Lawson, who was one of four children, told FT Weekend: ‘I never thought I could please her.
‘She was funny but depressed and so sensitive to noise. The sound of a plastic bag being crinkled would send her deranged. She’d shout at all of us and say, “I’m going to hit you till you cry”, and so I never would cry. I still don’t.
>‘It wasn’t a calculated thing; it was hot-blooded hitting, a thrashing out of things. Once she had to stop hitting Dominic [Nigella’s brother] as she hurt her hand.
>‘She just didn’t like me; maybe because I came after Dominic the princeling and I was my father’s girl she was jealous, I don’t know.
>‘I would say I’m sorry for whatever it was, some mess, and she’d say, “Why do you think being inconsiderate is an excuse?”’
>She added: ‘It was like children of alcoholic parents who know right away when they’ve been drinking, we always would know in an instant if it was going to be bad.’

>> No.4569537

>that fucking pun

Fucking shitty magazines, man. I feel kinda bad for her, even if she is fucking loaded.

>> No.4569540


That's what happens when you marry a guy who's values are based on 1940s ideas of right and wrong.

>> No.4569541

On one hand, this guy is seriously a piece of shit, and this whole thing makes me wonder what he would've done if this talk had taken place at their home instead. You can tell she was scared to have this talk in private, and decided to have it at a public place while hiring some paparazzis to catch him if he tried something.

On the other hand, you just know this cunt got with him for this "alpha" behavior to begin with.

>> No.4569546

And the money.
Don't forget the money.

>> No.4569573

I choke my girlfriend in very loving ways, though not often in public. The look on her face doesn't suggest that it was done lovingly, but she may have just bailed with the kids because the whole thing was caught on camera and she's embarrassed.

>> No.4569588

So, the wait staff saw this and didn't do anything?

>> No.4569597

What are they supposed to do? Interrupt him and risk their tips?

>> No.4569599

>implying >>4569441 tips

>> No.4569608


they're called the wait staff, not the intervene staff.

>> No.4569617

>I never would cry. I still don’t.


>> No.4569623

They couldn't call the cops?

>> No.4569626

>"911 come quick there's a husband touching his wife"

>> No.4569629

>"999 come quick there's a husband touching his wife"
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4569653
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Surprised the Jews let this get into the media. Don't worry, though. There will be a campaign to forgive him, or some bullshit explanation to ease your worries. And if you dare speak up about it, you will be Mel Gibson'd.

>> No.4569655
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>> No.4569656
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>> No.4569658

except that Polanski's rape victim wants the case done with and everyone to move on. Mel's just a drunken, wife-beating, fascist asshole.

>> No.4569661

>I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

Fucking stop this bullshit. Mel Gibson is a cunt, and not because of anti-semitic remarks he made. He's just a terrible person. That said, I don't know about the two other people in those pics. They could be shitty, too. My point is: stop being retarded.

>> No.4569664
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>> No.4569665

*not just because

>> No.4569666

except that he wasn't drunk, and Mel usually is.

>> No.4569674
File: 269 KB, 477x360, 1356221022326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you wonder why she'll be dating a black man from now on.

>> No.4569675


That's right, my fellow brothers. Teach that goy not to mess with us!

>> No.4569689
File: 134 KB, 500x333, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Arti choked

>> No.4569755

because she likes the abuse

>> No.4569787


how the fuck

born in iraq

>> No.4569816
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>> No.4569854
File: 41 KB, 500x548, 1292270740-don-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasnt drunk he drove on the wrong side of the road because it was ireland and at night and raining

don king murdered a guy for 600 dollars and spent 3 years in jail

>> No.4569857


hebritisharabic. They're more common than white folks.

>> No.4569858


>> No.4569867

I gonna laugh if it's all a misunderstanding and the tabloids are retarded because I'M A WOMEN AND HE'S AN ABUSIVE MONSTER BAAAW

>> No.4569881

Oh, I didn't know this. Not cool.

>> No.4569887

That is awesome.

>> No.4569893
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>arti choked

>> No.4569930

The husband of Nigella Lawson, Charles Saatchi, has admitted that he did assault the TV Chef.

The art collector accepted a caution for assault after spending five hours at Charing Cross police station.

A Met spokesman said: “Officers from the Community Safety Unit at Westminster were aware of the Sunday People article which was published on 16 June and carried out an investigation.

“This afternoon a 70-year-old man voluntarily attended a Central London police station and accepted a caution for assault.”

Earlier today he insisted he had not meant to hurt Nigella and said the throat-grabbing was a “playful tiff”

Saatchi said: “About a week ago, we were sitting outside a restaurant having an intense debate about the children, and I held Nigella’s neck repeatedly while attempting to emphasise my point.

“There was no grip, it was a playful tiff. The pictures are horrific but give a far more drastic and violent impression of what took place. Nigella’s tears were because we both hate arguing, not because she had been hurt.

“We had made up by the time we were home. The paparazzi were congregated outside our house after the story broke yesterday morning, so I told Nigella to take the kids off till the dust settled.”

Nigella, who married Charles in September 2013, left the family home with son Bruno on Sunday.

>> No.4569934

Another piece of shit trying to sound like a big man on the interwebs, I see. I'd choke the fuck out of you and you'd beg for more, you cum dumpster.

>> No.4569937

>Nigella, who married Charles in September 2013, left the family home with son Bruno on Sunday.
>September 2013

So she's from the future?

>> No.4569938

>Nigella, who married Charles in September 2013, left the family home with son Bruno on Sunday.
>married Charles in September 2013
>September 2013

Fuck, did I just woke up from a coma or did I time travel?

>> No.4569939

>I don't know about the other two

Oh, really? Sticking your head in the sand are we? Only one of the most notorious Hollywood perv cases of the 20th century, and you have no idea about it? But let's crucify (pun intended) Mel Gibson for a shitty drunken remark.

>> No.4569956

>It never ceases to amaze me how certain people think that having money excuses them of atrocious and lawless behaviors.

Yeah, poor people never do this, only rich ones.

>> No.4569959


> But let's crucify (pun intended) Mel Gibson for a shitty drunken remark.

And the fact he beat his wife. But let's ignore that since it doesn't fit in your conspiracy narrative.

>> No.4569960

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.4569964

AHHHHH, but that's not what people hate him for, is it?? NO, it's because he made a stupid comment while drunk about the Jews.
GTFO and go eat your gefilte fish like a good boy.

>> No.4569966

This copypasta is getting really fucking old, you dumb shit.

>> No.4569969

Except the poor people go to jail and stay there, they don't get a "caution" and get released to go back to their luxury villa.

>> No.4569975
File: 46 KB, 776x602, 1330906827421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sorry if I interrupted your little vigilante fantasy where you save Nigella from the Jew and she rewards you with a night of unforgettable old-lady sex.

>> No.4569978

I'd choke someone who advocates fur too

>> No.4569985
File: 430 KB, 500x278, 1338340886730.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try at deflecting your retardation, but you've just proved how idiotic you are, ya dumb shit.

>> No.4569986
File: 498 KB, 500x284, stflappin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fur is actually more ecofriendly than fake fur, stupid ass.

>> No.4569988

>you've just proved how idiotic you are
you've just proven how idiotic you are
OR you just proved how idiotic you are
Get it fucking right.

>> No.4569995
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>> No.4570011

Who is this?

>> No.4570013
File: 48 KB, 468x614, NigellaSunday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because someone from here started a thread on our board

Love, /tv/

>> No.4570023


i think you've just proven how idiotic you are

>> No.4570027


Whatever you say, sugar tits.

>> No.4570029


Matthew Broderick

>> No.4570031


"I don't remember the day. I don't remember even getting up in the morning. I don't remember making my bed. What I first remember is waking up in the hospital, with a very strange feeling going on in my leg," he said at the time. Broderick was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and faced up to five years behind bars, but was later convicted of the lesser charge of careless driving and fined $175, which the victims' family called "a travesty of justice." Martin Doherty, whose sister and mother were killed in the crash, later stated that he forgave Broderick, amid plans to meet with Broderick in 2003, in order to gain a sense of closure. As of April 2013, the meeting has not taken place

>> No.4570035

Thanks. I thought it looked like him.

>> No.4570036
File: 313 KB, 500x500, 1292397523720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's insulting, instead of just being amusingly annoying.
You'll have to work much harder than that, fuckboi.

>> No.4570038

lol A+

>> No.4570043

It's sad when you have to samefag a really bad post of your own.

>> No.4570049


> implying Mel Gibson didn't call his arresting officer 'sugar tits'
> claiming we hate Mel Gibson because of anti-semitism and not because he's a dick
> claiming to know what we think but not even knowing enough about the fucking incident to recognize the most quoted part of the whole incident

You are dumb as fuck, I hope you realise that.

>> No.4570056

it's sad when you think you know what's going on but you don't. :D <3

>> No.4570068

Sounds like you have a serious crush on Mel Gibson. I bet you'd like to suck his drunken aussie cock, wouldn't you. You'd be screaming "fuck me Mad Max, Fuck me!!!!" while he crams his old shriveled penis up your eagerly awaiting butthole.

>> No.4570081


Nice deflection. You're all 'this guy hates the Jews and is awesome' and then when someone points out that you don't know what you're talking about you're like 'no, YOU love Mel Gibson so much you're gay for him'. Make up your mind, douchenozzle.

Plus, I'm not sure how you get 'I love Mel Gibson' from 'I hate Mel Gibson'. Based on your reading comprehension, I'm guessing you're the product of the American education system.

>> No.4570096
File: 186 KB, 520x677, 1347033523562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're cute when you're this angry. I like it. Keep going. I'm getting hard.

>> No.4570105

>wife bails with kids
>damn right I choke a bitch

>> No.4570117


It's funny because I was going to post '> inb4 lol u mad' at the end of that last post and then I didn't because I thought 'nah, there's no way this guy is that dumb'. But here we are.

Good to know the thought of men getting angry makes you hard, no wonder you like Mel so much.

>> No.4570119

/b/ called for you, they want their resident retard back.

>> No.4570123

You sexy beast. Talk mean to me some more. Don't make me call Mel and have him come cunt punt you.

>> No.4570127

Then you'd better hurry up and giddyup back there!

>> No.4570128

God damn you're mad. Relax yuropoor.

>> No.4570151

omg i'm SEW OFFENDED! you sure told me!

>> No.4570157

Go on you old battle ax. I can smell your mad from here.

>> No.4570234

wow i didn't know /ck/ was full of so many middle aged housewife gossip queens. gtfo

>> No.4570546

what kind of woman puts up with that? what a cunt.

>> No.4570574

All. Women become defenseless when shit like this happens.

>> No.4570604

Hey middle aged women need to talk anomalously about how much they hate tipping too.

>> No.4570635

>10/10 would pun again

>> No.4570644

>being this naive and full of angst

>> No.4570647

Considering 95% of men could kill 95% of women with the flick of a wrist.

>> No.4570677

Why should I pay you extra for doing your job? A monkey or machine could do your job. It doesn't deserve 5 dollars extra for to move a plate from one end of the room to the other. I'd rather just self serve myself than give you 15% of the bill. It's not like they'll pay you below minimum wage if I don't tip you.

>> No.4570685

This thread is dildos, and you're all cunts for encouraging it.

>> No.4570698

Women like to be dominated and beatings are part of the domination process.

Many men won't go far enough to beat a woman, but when he does, he is surely awarded with a servile mate, don't let mainstream media or feminists fool you, beating a woman brings great results.

>> No.4570723

Sure is summerfag in here.

>> No.4570726

What are you, a virgin? You too pussy to hit a girl?

>> No.4570735

Only a pussy little limp dick boy would hit someone.
I'm a man. Men use their brains to defeat people, not fists.
You're worthless to both men and women.

>> No.4570741

>Men use their brains to defeat people, not fists


>> No.4570748

says the neck beard on 4chan. . .

>> No.4570754


>> No.4570756
File: 14 KB, 201x205, wwqwqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is making a bit of an unfortunate Jew face here.

>> No.4570778

Lol fucking give me a break man, how do you expect him to take you seriously when you've already resorted to the saging?

>> No.4570813

>resorted to saging

What are you, stupid? Why would anyone want to advance this shit thread? Also,
>implying anything on 4chan is serious.

>> No.4570816

If it's not serious then why are you so fucking upset about what someone said?

Grow up. I've got all night.

>> No.4570828

>Grow up. I've got all night.
clearly. you've been here all day.

>> No.4570832

You forgot to sage, bud.

>> No.4570856

You will die.

>> No.4570868

>going full retard
Damn, son.
I think if you try reeeaaally hard to read the posts and understand them, you'll find thou art the angry one. I mean, I know the inside of your ass is pretty dark, but come on, surely you could borrow a torch from one of those gerbils up there and find your way out.

>> No.4570893


maybe shes into that kinda stuff.

don't judge.

>> No.4571185

Shit, he's got the lineage of a super villain. I'll bet he gives money to PETA, Scientology, and Monsanto too.

>> No.4571296
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Suddenly it all makes sense

>> No.4571305

Fucking lel

>> No.4571330

I don't get it