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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 640x480, sj-sd76_crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4567618 No.4567618 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people desire large open crumb? It's a hole. It's literally nothing. It's air that you cannot eat nor spread mayo on.

>> No.4567628

>spread mayo on

OP's personal life for you, if you didn't know.

>> No.4567631

because >muh pretentious food taste
aslo, >mayo

>> No.4567638

open crumb toast is glorious chewy toast, also fuck your mayo

>> No.4567648

open crumb? I like the air bubbles in turkish bread, but i dislike them in toast bread because butter, melting cheese and spreads go through the holes

>> No.4567652


You look at those holes in the bread and see nothing?

FOOL! They are not places that can have no mayo!

They are places that can be FILLLED with mayo!

Also, bread like this just seems to taste good.

>> No.4567664

You can put mayo in it, so it holds more mayo.

The fuck's your problem?

>> No.4567666

Usually really big holes are bad on their own but they often indicate the rest of the bread is very well aerated which makes it taste even better.

>> No.4567675
File: 231 KB, 1800x1350, vaginabread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do some people desire large open crumb?

It has it's uses.

Polite sage.

>> No.4567703

Mayo is for faggot anons who like eating dick cheese.

Those holes exist to fill them with delicious jam/preserves.

>> No.4567707


Mayo tastes nothing like dickcheese, idiot.

>> No.4567719

I would know I'm gay for a living

>> No.4567753
File: 1.25 MB, 1244x1500, banh_mi_food_vietnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Bahn Mi bread, its quite light.

>> No.4567762


Australians just discovered banh mi?

next thing we'll have unhinged rants about vietaboos and how they're ruining 4chan.

>> No.4567766


you mean a baguette? Because that's what's used to make a Bahn Mi.

>> No.4567771


>banh mi bread

It says what type of bread it is in the fucking picture. Read your own damn pictures.

>> No.4567774

man, where do you get off? Ive been to NY, you don't buy Banh Mi from many street carts there either.

It's generally a staple in the Vietnamese areas of Sydney and Melbourne, but its becoming much more well known beyond that. Probably because Subway fucking sucks.

>> No.4567788


They also cost less, you can buy 3 banh mi's for like 6 bucks at a decent vietnamese store.

>> No.4567790

I don't know. That bread in OP's pick looks awesome though. I like all sorts of bread but that looks like chewy, airy goodness. It's like swiss cheese, the holes are there just because thats how its made. Swiss cheese is still awesome. It has its uses.

>> No.4567791

because the shape of food affects the taste of food. why do you think all pasta shapes taste different?

>> No.4567796

But the holes in bread and cheese don't taste like anything. It's just empty space.

>> No.4567809


I live in NY, used to live in one of the largest and oldest vietnamese communities in north america (a boring city in california you've never heard of). I don't think I even saw a banh mi joint here in the NYC until maybe 8 years ago. now there are a few in hipster neighborhoods but they're not very good. manhattan chinatown had the first wave and they're embarrassing.

outside of california there are little pockets in various cities. some of them have ok banh mi, most of them don't.

point being NY has a lot of things, but not everything. acceptable banh mi being one of them.

>> No.4567813


Indeed, the holes don't taste of anything. But those large holes are the sign of a long secondary rising, which adds a lot of flavor to the bread. In other words, the holes themselves don't taste of anything, but are a sign that the bread had a long 2nd rising, and a long 2nd rising contributes to extra flavor in the bread.

>> No.4567815

Yea, but you couldn't have that sort of bread or cheese without the holes.

>> No.4567821

means you developed the gluten well (usually.) it can also mean you didn't properly knead the bread after its first rise. it's okay if you're not slicing the bread like white bread.

>> No.4567822

so a bag of chips with lots of air means it tastes better?

>> No.4567826

so an inflated balloon tastes better than a deflated balloon?

>> No.4567930

Fallacy, the chips themselves aren't aerated.

>> No.4568067
File: 10 KB, 250x250, Shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not eating the bag too.