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4565183 No.4565183 [Reply] [Original]

>eat a triple dose of metamucil, have a 5 sandwiches over the day
>early the next morning busting for a shit, drinking a huge red bull
>mfw doing the largest shit ever, it actually crests above the waterline like some enormous mountain emerging from the deep ocean floor

>> No.4565314

B-Booker chan...

>> No.4565361

you fucking nerds. A big shit is the highlight of your month. Kill me now.

>> No.4565524

> babbys 1st event horizon

>> No.4565759
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In my family that sorta shit is referred to as an excalibur.

>> No.4565789

I laid a big log like that in a toilet at my local tavern. After I did it I was quite proud, I wanted everyone else to see it and admire it so I didn't flush it and waddled along to the next cubicle to wipe my ass.

>> No.4566151

Oatmeal has been helping me lately. I might try out metamucil.

>> No.4566154

are you me?

>> No.4566200

>start drinking loads more water because summer and working outside
>all shit comes out in one long turd
>looks like someone cut length of thick cord, folded it, and placed it in the bowl

I didn't know water had that much of an effect.

>> No.4566212

Yep, your body needs water to function properly.
Working outside probably means more physical activity so that will get things moving too.

>> No.4566612

>walk into bathroom some time after my brother was over for sportsball watching
>absolutely mammoth piece of shit sitting in the bowl
>it rests vertically in the toilet with half of it rising above the low water line
>try to flush it
>nothing happens
>try again
>it rattles around in the bowl, but nothing is accomplished
>break out the plunger and topple the shit tower
>toilet makes horrifying noise as it takes the rubble away

Turns out a diet of french fries and chips for 3 days straight isn't all that good for your digestive system

>> No.4566665
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Shit stories? Sure, why not
>Be 8 years old
>eat nothing but kraft dinner (mac and cheese)
>don't poop for a few days
>mention this to mom
>takes me to dr
>gives me weird milky medicine
>take medicine
>working on the biggest shit of my life to this day at age 8
>actually hurts so much
>pray to god to kill me
>god won't kill me
>I finally pass a shit the size of a softball out of a 8 year old anus
>actually pass out
>wake up the next day an atheist because any god that loved me would of provided me with a mercy killing in my time of need.

tldr: I'm mad God would not strike me down mid shit at the age of 8

>> No.4566681


Clearly God still doesn't love you

>> No.4566683
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>> No.4566691

made me lel

>> No.4566712

>eat a dish with sweet corn in it
>some time later, go and take a shit
>start wiping
>feel something solid
>it's a perfectly intact piece of corn, swollen up with my colon juices
>feel a bit sick
>finish wiping
>wash hands
>go out of bathroom to my girlfriend
>see her eating a salad with sweet corn
>nearly gag and go outside a bit

>> No.4566748

Lrn2chew faget.

>> No.4566815
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>be at work
>boss' birthday was that day, someone brought cupcakes
>I grab one with the deepest green frosting you'd ever seen
>scarf it down and get back to things
>get home, nature's calling
>do my thing and out of curiousity look into the bowl
>it's fucking St Patrick's Day in there
>Olive Green turds swimming in Chartreuse Green water

>> No.4566819

I've literally never been constipated in my entire life, is that a bad thing?

>> No.4566833

It's not a good thing

>> No.4566853

The constipation itself is terrible, but the feeling after passing a small universe out of your anus feels amazing.

>> No.4566867

I get that feeling without that bad constipation feeling, apparently

I am loved by the gods

>> No.4566931

Funniest thing I've ever read. Something about poo stories always gets me into tears of laughter.

>> No.4566951
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>He who pulls the turd from the bowls shall be crowned king of England!

>> No.4566966
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>be alcoholic
>massive diarrhea of all colors every few hours
>bathroom attached to bedroom
>mfw my boyfriend hears me having explosive shits

>> No.4566979
File: 16 KB, 263x350, rumblies in the tumbly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this is good a place as any to ask about poop-related stuff.

Over the past year I've found that I have to shit immediately after finishing a meal, and I do mean immediately. Doesn't matter what I ate, grain/vegetable/meat/dairy/fruit, greasy or healthy, organic or processed, small portions or large. Normally I'd think of this as a sign of a healthy colon, but it's accompanied by a lot of gas pain and the poops are never solid. It's getting kind of annoying to have to rush to the bathroom right after a meal at a nice restaurant or at a friend's house too.

Is there something wrong with me? Or am I getting paranoid over nothing?

>> No.4567015

>eat a whole pack of spinach for dinner with some bell pepper and lemon for vit C
>enjoy the blackest shit you'll ever have

>> No.4567038

You don't deserve love.

>> No.4567040

medium lel

>> No.4567053

I've read so many MRE shit stories, but this one tops them all.

>> No.4567065

You might be allergic to gluten. That happens to my mom when she eats bread and whatnot.
She can eat some, but a decent sized sammich will give her the shits.

>> No.4567094

>tfw most of your shits are so enormous that you can't even flush them down the toilet properly
>tfw you literally have to break your own shit into pieces and flush every individual piece down the toilet separately
>tfw you have to keep a pair of disposable gloves by the toilet

it's not just my toilet either, i have to carry a pair in my back pocket whenever i go out just in case

nobody will ever know this feel

>> No.4567114

See I thought that too for a while, but it happens regardless of what I eat (and I don't eat products containing gluten with every single meal).

>> No.4567118

Then I'd go to a doctor. I wouldn't put off anything having to do with the digestive system.

>> No.4567136


>> No.4567183

You might have crohns disease bro. I have it, and your story sounds like my typical day. Get to the doctor man

>> No.4567187


were you buttraped as a kid? some social worker chick told me that a little kid she worked with was cornholed so bad that they had to break his poops up. Real sad shit.

>> No.4567190


what the fuck

>> No.4567191

I've been there. Worst situation was at a hotel when that happened and thank God I packed disposable gloves.

>> No.4567238

Are you sure? something that traumatic has a good possibility of heavy psychological damage. Maybe you're repressing the memory. It's ok; you're among friends here. You can let it out, and let the healing begin.

>> No.4567305

I have IBS and my days sometimes sound similar to yours, but not remotely as bad. I'm going to second that you need to see a doctor because it could be something worse than IBS.

>> No.4567325

i kek'd