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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x400, fukn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4562956 No.4562956 [Reply] [Original]

I bought peanut butter because /fit/ told me it was good.
I bought peanut butter because america loves it.
It costed 4 dollars.
It's a Great Value product (not like there is any other brand of peanut butter here).
It came with little pieces of actual peanut.
It was all gonna be perfect.
I bought bread.
I put the peanut butter on the bread.
I ate it.

Woah, this... is not what I expected, at all. Now I have a full jar of "crunchy" peanut butter that I'm not sure I like. How am I supossed to eat this thing anyway (inb4 jelly. no thanks, too obvious, also I'm a poorfag). Eating it with bread was the driest thing I have ever eaten.

>> No.4562964

yah peanut butter is going to be dry on bread alone. try toasting the bread with less peanut butter
or dip chocolate in it for a desert

>> No.4562977

put it on a banana or apple

or make ants on a log (celery with peanut butter and raisins on top)

>> No.4562981

Just park your ass in front of your computer and eat it with a spoon all day. Keep water on hand tho.

>> No.4562984

Where do you live that peanut butter is not common?

>> No.4562986
File: 65 KB, 300x357, smuckers natural peanut butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Smucker's retard. By any means necessary.

>> No.4562988
File: 114 KB, 400x400, 18832031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great on toast with banana and bacon.

>> No.4562990

put some on a cracker you faggot

>> No.4562991
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>Great Value product (not like there is any other brand of peanut butter here)

>> No.4563000

>great value

That is the shit poorfag Americans get at Walmart for one dollar. I'm pretty sure half of the "Peanut Butter" is just sawdust or something.

>> No.4563010

While you may have gotten an off brand product, there is no reason anyone who likes peanut butter should have found it as revolting as OP did. He probably just doesnt like peanut butter. Fuckin fag.

>> No.4563028
File: 13 KB, 200x300, ec9b5c8e-f5d1-4892-b9da-50d842ca4b20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always bet on Teddie Smooth

>> No.4563033

Even Great Value peanut butter is around $4. Peanut butter and honey are the most ridiculously overpriced basic items ever, short of bread if you know how to make your own.

>> No.4563034
File: 42 KB, 250x430, index_sideBarImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously though, this shits delicious and doesnt have the gay peanut chunks

>> No.4563036

>I cant afford jelly or pickles
Just go on welfare.

>> No.4563056
File: 14 KB, 407x286, 1371068486033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Tried it a couple more times. It gets better... 6,5/10 would not eat ocassionally if it weren't because of want to get /fit/.
will try this eventually, thx.
has anyone done this? seems unhealthy but... might be good.
we don't have that.
does it really cost 1 dollar? an entire jar? fuck me.
i did not think it was revolting. just very dry and not as good as i thought it would be.

>> No.4563058

It always amazes me to hear more stories of people who haven't had peanut butter before. It's just a fact of life for me, it's been around since before the void.
I dunno if you're adverse to buying some real maple syrup, as it's an expensive item, but if you ever want a real treat, mix some peanut butter with maple syrup and eat with bread and apple.
Super unhealthy mode: mix some dairy butter in with the peanut butter and maple syrup, eat with cornbread and hot peppers

>> No.4563060

"Great Value" peanut butter and others are disgusting sugar shitpaste compared to peanut butter that's just peanuts and salt.

>> No.4563065

sriracha hot sauce $2-3 and if you can find it, a packet of instant japanese curry with vegetables $2-3.

>> No.4563067


dude just eat peanuts, should've gotten creamy

>> No.4563074

You could put it on chicken or any dish that combines peanuts.

>> No.4563082

Peanut butter is way better with jelly. What kind of shit hole yuro country do you live in that you can't afford jelly?

>> No.4563105


>> No.4563115

Adding on to this, stop and shop store brand Natural PB is the exact same brand

>> No.4563117

just kill yourself

>> No.4563136

there's your problem

>> No.4563159

OP, normally I would just call you a faggot or not even reply to this thread because you say you dislike crunchy peanut butter.

For the first time ever last week, I purchased Great Value crunchy peanut butter. It's so bland and dry, absolutely disgusting. Buy another brand of peanut butter, or make your own, you won't be disappointed.

FUCK Wal-Mart brand peanut butter. It's bad and they should feel bad.

>> No.4563162

While normally I would agree with you, Great Value is particularly horrible. It's literally the only crunchy peanut butter I dislike.

Kroger and Dollar General have some really good crunchy peanut butter, if you want to get it cheap.

>> No.4563164

>just very dry and not as good as i thought it would be.
I don't really like peanut butter sandwiches either unless I add other ingredients.

Try mixing honey and peanut butter in a bowl before spreading it. It's creamier, not as dry, and has a wonderful taste. You could also put banana or apple slices on the sandwich for moisture and taste.

>> No.4563178

i love crunchy and slightly salty peanut butter

america-style is far too sweet

>> No.4563183


drink milk with it

>> No.4563193
File: 3 KB, 225x225, sadpeanut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people refer to shitty HFCS filler nastiness as america-style now
I know it's fairly accurate, i just wish it wasn't. We still make really good peanut butter which I consider more american-style than the weaksauce crap marketed to kiddies just wanting more candy

>> No.4563203

use it to make satay sauce for your grilled chicken.

>> No.4563208


>> No.4563235

>that feel when first tried peanut butter with no extra added crap
So good

Speaking of, why do americans love peanut butter so much? Why not europeans too?

>> No.4563243


Glass of Milk. Honey. Water. Take your pick.

>> No.4563253

You oaid 4.00 for the great value brand? while trying to eat healthy? You might as well eat a jar of fail and aids. great value is monsanto's toilet brand.

>Do you even peter pan or adam's, faggot?

>> No.4563255

I've always found it odd how foreigners hate peanut butter. It's like our Vegimite, but I just don't see it. What's so crazy about the taste or texture? It's literally blended up peanuts, which are the most bland and boring snacks aside from pretzels IMO.

I guess all the Reese's Cups and PB&Js helped us Americans acquire the taste?

>> No.4563271



Honey is expensive cause it a lot of work to make it.

Peanut butter is expensive cause lol lots of peanuts in a jar. Besides look at the caloric density of it, it's not like you need to eat 1/4 of a jar to fill satisfied.

>> No.4563289

Pretty easy to make your own peanut butter that might be better.

>> No.4563291

I forsee a lot of peanut butter cookies in your future man

>> No.4563292

This. I mean I guess their baffled that I don't like Nutella although I know a lot of Americans do.

>> No.4563296
File: 36 KB, 500x400, 20110519-jif-natural[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but my god I could eat an entire Reese XL bar that's like 1500 calories...motherfuckers are do damn good.

And seriously folks...JIF is the best pb.

>> No.4563304
File: 1.38 MB, 349x254, 1364064377686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 cup of peanut butter
1 cup of sugar
1 egg
In the oven at ~270 for ~10 minutes. Gotta watch em though.

The best peanut butter cookies I've ever had.

>> No.4563311

Get natural peanut butter (THE KIND YOU NEED TO STIR, NOT SHITTY PALM OIL KIND) Once you eat that for a while, all other peanut butter will taste like it's some kind of horrible 50/50 mix of margarine and actual peanut butter.

>> No.4563314

That brand tastes like shit and it's made with palm oil which is really bad for you. Get natural Smuckers or something similar.

>> No.4563363


At least palm oil is natural.

Hell I grew up eating that high trans-fat delicious peanut butter. The kind that was shelf stable at 90F for months. So smooth, so creamy.

>> No.4563382

It's probably the natural fat source that's the worst for you after lard or something though. It's mostly saturated fat, and as far as I'm aware, it's the only plant derived oil that stays solid at room temperature, hence it's use for "natural" peanut butter.

>> No.4563404

Spread it on hot toast next time. It melts the peanut butter a bit.

>> No.4563435

Peanuts are a new world crop, and peanuts used to be pretty much universally grown in America (China and India surpassed US production. We're too busy with GMO corn and Soy, I guess).
Peanut butter was invented by an American for American consumers.
That's pretty much the long and the short of it. There's literally no reason why it wouldn't be enjoyed by Europe, but it's never had that push into ubiquity like it has here.

>> No.4563439

It isn't hard to make. And it isn't expensive Stateside. Unless you're getting a fuckhuge jar.

This is 18 bucks. It's also 2.66 kilos.

>> No.4563464

Remember a couple years back when that guy posted a pb cookie recipie that made everyone go apeshit insane with rage? I think the only ingredient was pb I think but for some reason it just caused the biggest shitstorm.

>> No.4563472


Coconut oil bro

>> No.4563504

Peanut butter is good...

...if it's creamy and made by Jif.

Unfortunately, you got store-brand crunchy, and Walmart brand at that.

At this point your best bet is to take your cues from Elvis and start making your PB sandwiches with bananas and/or bacon. Toasting the bread will also make your sandwich not be a slimy mess.

>> No.4563546

Because peanuts are dirt cheap over here, and may even be subsidized. Since it's a high-protein food that's also high in fat, vegetarian and cheap to grow over here, it makes an ideal food with which to ward off starvation in kids in families that are on welfare. As a result, it's become a kind of common-denominator food here. No matter how poor you were, you still have had peanut butter.

>> No.4563556

Add it to a curry dish.

>> No.4563593
File: 28 KB, 800x532, 500gSanitariumCrunchyPeanutButter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap peanut butter is always too dry.
Pic is my favourite.

It made burning.

>> No.4563685
File: 80 KB, 316x238, Bandit_Keith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because peanut butter is the most American of butters. If you don't like it, then you can just get out of here...
In America.

>> No.4563687
File: 60 KB, 353x300, Kirkland-Peanut-Butter-from-Costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this stuff from costco like a week ago for the first time, already half way done with 1 jar, shit is BALLIN

>> No.4563698

my grandma used to eat peanut butter sandwiches with butter. pretty good stuff.

>> No.4563703

Us Canadians like peanut butter too. Although a brown friend recently called me super white for liking peanut butter; I never knew that was a stereotype. Peanut butter is fucking awesome!

>> No.4563706

Like with many food products, brand is the key. Don't knock PB because you got a shitty brand (also chunky is a lot more dry compared to smooth, just saiyan)

>> No.4563723


>i'm going to get fit by eating peanut butter and bread

Please stop listening to those jackasses.

>> No.4563732

gonna go make a pb&j
kraft smooth
fuck yourselfs

>> No.4563743

Why not make your own peanut butter? It's just blended up peanuts

>> No.4563771

If it's too dry, add a little mayo. Personally, I like it.

>> No.4563863
File: 95 KB, 437x437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you make your own honey? I'm not sure about you but I don't shit out a golden sugary mess when I enjoy nectar

>> No.4563899

Of course it makes your mouth dry, idiot. It's peanut butter! That's why smart people use jelly to add moisture to a PB&J sandwich.

>> No.4563900

Don't be stupid. Smart people melt it down with hot fudge and mix it in with vanilla ice cream.

>> No.4564040

preeeetty sure that IS that recipe. no flour. that does not make cookies, it makes fire.

>> No.4564042

get creamy peanut butter, put it on toast with honey
Best thing ever, and the honey makes up for the PBs dryness

>> No.4564045

>not toasting the bread first
>not putting butter on the toast first
>not using smooth peanut butter
>not putting that peanut butter on top of the piece of toast that has already been buttered

Man i really need to try that again one day, i had very weird tastes as a child

>> No.4564046

It works well with meat, if you can get the ratio right.

>> No.4564052


All I had to search for to find grandma's no fail kid pleasing recipe. 15 minutes total, including clean up.

You can adapt the recipe any way you like, but simple and easy just can't be beat.

Grandma used brown sugar, and thus, so do I. The darker the sugar, the chewier the cookie, and you get a crisp bottom on the cookie too.

>> No.4564054


>> No.4564098

Bread+peanut butter+good thick layer of sambal oelek+cold slices of cucumber

It's fantastic.

>> No.4564111

Peanut butter, sliced banana and sultanas on rice cakes is pretty fantastic

>> No.4564130
File: 121 KB, 300x300, 2CRJars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff, man. Unsweetened, unsalted, unflavored, unemulsified. It's awesome.

>> No.4564175

> Although a brown friend recently called me super white for liking peanut butter; I never knew that was a stereotype.

Ha. Peanuts went from being pig feed > main staple of slaves > mainstream.

>> No.4564197

Think of peanut butter as a spread or condiment. It is best when it is working together with other ingredients. That's why mustard sammich is too tangy, mayo sammich is too greasy, and peanut butter sammich is too dry (give your dog a spoon of it sometime its hilarious. They slurp, smack, and lick the air for 15 minutes all while walking around in circles).

Some things I've found it works well with: milk, bread (plain or toasted), chocolate, grape or strawberry jam/jelly, bananas, apples, graham crackers, cinamon + brown sugar cookies, celery, vanilla or chocolate ice cream, soy sauce... Pretty much in that order.

The milk, jelly, toast and chocolate I cannot stress enough. I can think of anything that goes better with any of those things.

>> No.4564364

captcha volcanic ssookme
lol suck me

>> No.4564372


pretty much. Peanut butter is delicious but inedible without a glass of milk.

>> No.4564537

Here's my simple peanut butter toast.

>peanut butter
>normal butter
>parmesan cheese (optional - any pungent dry italian cheese will work)

First, toast your bread. This works best in a toaster oven because of what we're going to do later. Once your bread is brown and toasty, take that shit out and butter it. Turn your toaster oven back on while you do this. After the butter is melted, slather some peanut butter on there. The more organic and simple the peanut butter, the better. That shit should have three ingredients: peanuts, salt, and oil, or better yet, just peanuts and salt, but I suppose you gotta take what you can get.

Once you have your peanut butter on your toast (not that thick of a layer, you just need enough that it mixes some with the melty butter), pop it back in your toaster oven that has been kept hot. You shouldn't need to turn it on since you had it on while buttering your toast. Once the peanut butter is a silky melted consistency, you're good to go. The optional cheese is dusted on top, something a friend and I came up with one day while we were stoned. It was fucking delicious.

If you don't have a toaster oven, this will be a bit harder. Once your toast pops up, you need to butter it and peanut butter it and then pop it on top of the toaster slots while the toaster is on again. The rising heat will toast the bottom of your bread over the slots, so don't overly toast your bread to begin with. Once your peanut butter is melty and of a silk consistency, you are good to go.

>> No.4564635

mah nigga

>> No.4564663

spead it on warm toast, it melts like butter; not dry. you fuck witt faggot loser if i ever find you irl ill end you

>> No.4564752

>listening to /fit/

a shiggity diggity

>> No.4564917

also try it with bannanannnana or hunny
>inb4 hunny

>> No.4564926

Eat it on wheat with a glass of milk. It's heaven OP.

>> No.4564929
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>> No.4564955

That sounds delicious negro.

>> No.4564998

The oil separates. Use a spoon and mix the entire jar up regularly, makes it substantially more moist.

>> No.4565231
File: 87 KB, 450x430, algood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Will read the whole thread later.

Found other 2 brands. One is a national one (I think) and the other one is called "Algood". They cost practically the same.
Have any of you tried it?