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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 480 KB, 1500x1485, where were burgers invented.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4558731 No.4558731 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4558737


>> No.4558736

hamburger is the city's denonym

>> No.4558738


>> No.4558739

hamburger is literally meat prepared in the hamburg style

next you'll tell me that buffalo wings aren't named after buffalo, NY

>> No.4558740

youre an idiot. i twas tulsa oscar bilby did it.

>> No.4558741

Why are there cherry tomatoes on that cheeseburger?

>> No.4558742
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>> No.4558743


Cherry tomatoes -and- non-grilled onions. Literally the worst image of a burger one could have picked.

>> No.4558750

not to be rude, but kind of a dumb question. like when was beer invented. or sandwiches. "Polish sausage. ramen or any noodles . people been frying chicken along time before the col.

>> No.4558753

In 'murika of course. Unless you mean a cooked ground beef patty, which is a Hamburg steak.

Disputed, but the first Hamburger was credited to Lou's Lunch.

>> No.4558760

Wikipedia agrees.

>> No.4558782

NO you shitter it's the wings of a buffalo

>> No.4558838

In Hamburg, Germany of course.
America invented the fatties

>> No.4558877



>> No.4558925
File: 43 KB, 588x471, roman burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Rome

>> No.4558941

it's called a hamburger because it was made for the duke of fucking hamburg, not made in the town you dickhole

>> No.4558944

Hamburg just invented the meat, which is indeed called a hamburger, however the idea to put the entire thing between 2 slices of bread originated in murrica.

>> No.4558949

the idea to put meat between bread was already invented by the earl of sandwich

>> No.4558950

The idea to put that meat specific meat was new.
Also a hamburger is just a special sandwich

>> No.4558959

McDonalds had a patent on hamburgers until 1970 or something.

>> No.4559136

Hamburger was invented where bread and beef was available, idiot.

>> No.4559166

The trademark name of cheeseburger came to be in Denver, CO.

>> No.4559173

hamburger is just derivative of pav bhaji with disgusting nonveg
true claim to hamburger belong to India :)

>> No.4559237

best korea

they were personally invented by Kim Jong Il

>> No.4559273

yup in hamburg

>> No.4559284
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>trademarking common food by American rules
>"that means I invented it!"

This is the correct answer. If you want to be picky and refer to the name itself, it probably was Hamburg.

>> No.4559307
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>> No.4559317

>Ancient Rome
I cannot dispute a recipe in Times New Roman.

>> No.4559318
File: 53 KB, 375x375, 1365370630385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America by German immigrants.

A lot of the German immigrants came from Hamburg, Germany, so the name of the town got associated with the sandwich.

It was really just a delicious street food item that German immigrants created to sell to make a living in the US.

>> No.4559402

Prior to the disputed invention of the hamburger in the United States, similar foods already existed in the culinary tradition of Europe. In the 12th century, the nomadic Mongols carried food made up of several varieties of milk (kumis) and meat (horse or camel) during their journeys.[11] During the life of their leader Genghis Khan (1167–1227), the Mongol army occupied the western portions of the modern-day nations of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan,[12] forming the so-called Golden Horde. This cavalry dominated army was fast moving and sometimes unable to stop for a meal, so they were often forced to eat while riding. They would place a few pieces of meat in the form of fillets under their saddles so that it would crumble with the constant jogging and be cooked by the heat from the animal. This recipe for minced meat spread throughout the Mongol Empire until its split in the 1240s.[13] During the Mongol Empire's existence, it was common for Mongol armies to follow different groups of animals (such as herds or flocks of horses, sheep, or oxen) that provided the necessary protein for the warriors' diets.[11] Marco Polo also recorded descriptions of the culinary customs of the Mongol warriors, indicating that the flesh of a single pony could provide one day's sustenance for one hundred warriors.

tl;dr: Ghengis Khan invented hamburgers in the 12th century

>> No.4559494

the process of making the meat was started in Hamburg, Germany but the "hamburger" was invented in America

>> No.4559505

>They would place a few pieces of meat in the form of fillets under their saddles so that it would crumble with the constant jogging and be cooked by the heat from the animal.


>> No.4559526

I would eat that before I ate at McDonalds.

>> No.4559661


Did you read the recipe? It is for a meat loaf. The burger is not served on the buns. Also no reference to a historic cookbook. I think some fag with catholic school latin invented that recipe.

>> No.4559735

Those were named for the tiny wings cut off buffalos faggot.

>> No.4559787
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America may have invented obseity, eating challenges and super sizing, but it didn't invent everything.

>> No.4559791


Wow that was so hard to do.

>> No.4559815

I seen the origins of the Hamburger on the History channel. However, I can't remember the city it came from. Definately US origin though

>> No.4559837

so's my dick up your colostomy bag

>> No.4561788

Its probably impossible to know.. All it is is ground beef on bread. IM guessing sandwiches have existed long before, so the idea of meat and bread together are nothing new.. way to basic to pinpoint.

>> No.4561790


>> No.4562081
File: 93 KB, 450x370, 1330806760417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grilled onions on a burger

>> No.4562084

It's the second best topping behind sauteed mushrooms, pleb.

>> No.4562089

For stuff between two slices of bread, it was invented by our Brit friends, Sir Sammach.

>> No.4562197

Look it up on the Google. FFS dude, that's what the Internet is FOR.

TL;DR Nobody knows for sure.

>> No.4563336

Does it really matter where its from, its here now and that is what truly counts

>> No.4563347

i thought the internet was for masturbating to pictures of feet

>> No.4563837

oh wow,aren't you a fucking jumped up culinary prat.

>> No.4564502

The burger was obviously invented in Hamburg, everybody knows that.

>> No.4564504


>> No.4564507

That's what I use it for, anyway.

>> No.4564577


>> No.4564594

In its modern form as we know it, it's an American invention. One with European antecedents of course but still distinctly American.

>> No.4564638

Almost assuredly the US. The name is thought to derive from a regional variation of steak tartare that was popular in Hamburg, Germany though.