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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4557352 No.4557352 [Reply] [Original]

Can't British food get some respect?

>> No.4557359

Too many beans. I'd top two, or even three slices of bread with that amount.

>> No.4557370
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is this british?

>> No.4557374

Of course not. Where is the marmite? And I bet it's not even boiled with mint.

>> No.4557376

it's almost like you want people to call you a homogay

>> No.4557386

I think the problem is that British food is difficult. And amateur efforts are appalling.

>> No.4557396
File: 60 KB, 628x371, british_food_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4557398

Hey, not at all.
That's a just about optimal amount of beans.

Of course, it needs a dash of worcestershire sauce and some finely grated cheese.

>> No.4557401

>not putting a layer of cheese on the toastto keep it from going soggy

fucking plebs

>> No.4557404

>not liking soggy toasts
It's an acquired taste.

>> No.4557408

>liking soggy toast

the whole idea of toast is for crispy bread. the opposite of soggy. your a fucking retard, its not an aquired taste. its a taste for plebs to dumb to know that toast is not meant to go soggy. you want soggy bread? dont fucking toast it you pleb.

>> No.4557412

>the whole idea of toast is for crispy bread.
Are you fucking kidding? Toasting it changes the taste. But I guess you're too focused on
>muh crisp
to pay attention to that.

>> No.4557417

yes, it changes its taste from bread to toast. toast is fucking cripsy bread you dumb fuck holy shit thanks for confirming you are either 12 years old or have that as a mental age.

>being a dumb pleb who likes to make something the opposite of soggy then sog it up like the pleb he is instead of missing the step to make it not crispy in the first place

>> No.4557433

I find it funny how you can measure the amount of mad in a post by the length of the insulting greentext.
Sage for 'u mad' response, I'm tired, sorry.

>> No.4557455

>thinks swearing = mad
>cant handle the banter
>apologizing to me

jesus fucking christ, you really do have the mental age of a 12 year old, dont you kid?

>> No.4557461
File: 58 KB, 634x369, Angry-Kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4557467

Apologising despite not being in the wrong is the quintessential British thing!

I love beans on toast but I do dislike when the toast gets soggy. I find it's kind of like cereal, when it's lovely to have cereal in milk but it's gross to have it soggy.

>> No.4557471

fucking heinz baked beans. around here they are mad expensive and taste no better than the cheap brands.

>> No.4557472

American here. I one time told my dad I was making some toast/melted cheese with some beans on top for lunch and he looked at me like I was the messiah. He said that was the best sounding thing ever. And I said, "Haven't you ever heard of British food?" I changed his life forever.

>> No.4557477

>the quintessential British thing!

get a load of this fucking poofter ponce cunt

>I love beans on toast but I do dislike when the toast gets soggy

then put some fucking cheese on the bread jesus fucking christ you dumb fuck

>> No.4557516

They have a greater bean2sauce ratio, I find cheap brands have too much sauce and not enough beans.
Beans, beans, the magical fruit,
The more you eat, the more you toot.

>> No.4557524

Heinz beans never win a blind taste test here in the UK. Cheaper homebrand supermarket brands often win. Heinz just has powerful marketing, and as the most expensive, something of a premium status if such a thing is possible among baked bloody beans.


>> No.4557534

The more you toot, the more you eat,
The more you sit on the toi-let seat

The cheap brands also usually have more sugar

>> No.4557547

That which article said the big four supermarket's brans have the least sugar and salt. That's not the value ranges, though.

>> No.4557549
File: 331 KB, 1600x1327, Bangers and Mash March 14th, 2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect incoming: I love bangers and mash.

>> No.4557687

No, I can't respect things that don't respect themselves.

>> No.4557719

Sainsburys tinned beans are better than Heinz I think.

The sauce is much thicker, and coats the beans better. Heinz sauce is much thinner, so you're always left with a plate of bean juice. Sainsburys has that nice stickiness.


The toasting dries out the bread, and it wants moisture. It means the toast sops up and absorbs more bean juice. It also leaves you chewy/crunchy crusts