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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4552892 No.4552892 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I still a fat fuck, /ck/?

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
>always order salad at fast food places
>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
>only have chocolate bars every other day
>use milk instead of cream in coffees
>sometimes get brown bread
>no butter only jam on toast

I've been doing this like 6 months now and still no change. My family is all fat too so I know its partly genetic but what else is wrong? Help me with my food, /ck/.

>> No.4552893

Go low carb.

>> No.4552896

>diet soda
Drink water/tea/coffee

>baked potato at Wendys
Bake your own potatoes instead of eating fast food

>chocolate bar every other day
Stop it entirely

See a dietician or nutritionist and work out a diet/work out plan.

There is a possibility you have hypothyroidism if you're morbidly obese and simply cannot lose weight (like 300+lb).
If this is the case then see an endocrinologist.

>> No.4552897

Go meat free.

>> No.4552900

what is that?

I think I'd starve. how the hell can you even do that? just salads?

>> No.4552902

See a dietician. Anyone can say that they are a nutritionist without any training.

>> No.4552905

I dont know how much meat you have on your daily intake but lessening it aint a bad idea to something like 50-130grams max.

>> No.4552906

No grains or sugars or starches or processed shit. Generally under 75-100g of carbs in a day is considered low carb. Keto is hard mode but in my personal experience by far the most effective.

Eat vegetables (green ones, mostly - not all vegetables are low carb), meat, dairy if it agrees with you, nuts, eggs... There's a lot of information out there. However, it is frustrating at times, and requires a pretty devoted individual. It's got its pros and cons but yeah, check it out.

>> No.4552907

this has got to be a troll

>> No.4552908

Salads are the only food you can imagine without meat? Are you an Inuit or something, wtf?

>> No.4552909
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thats 'CAUSE you are on /ck looking at cupcakes vs muffins instead of rtfsticky on /fit

>> No.4552912

OP, do you know what portion control is? Just because you're eating a salad doesn't mean eating an entire portion complete with cheese, croutons, and an entire packet of dressing. Eat half a meal at one point in the day and save the rest for later. Also cut out that soda shit, diet or other. Water it up and I promise you will see weight loss.

>> No.4552930

Agreed with this guy.

There's no way this is real.

>I drink exclusively diet soda

That's your red flag right there.

>> No.4552950

not necessarily. There are a lot of ignorant people out there, and people need to learn OP in particular that just cuz it says diet on something does not make it healthy for you. Water only OP.

>> No.4552961

Don't do what these idiots are telling you.

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky. That is what I did. I used to weigh 122kg. With what I learned through the sticky I am down to 85kg.

Learn what a calorie is, how many your body needs to lose weight and how to track them.

>> No.4552964

OP here... sadly not troll. would time stamp my fucking flab if it would not be such a brutal kick to myself-esteem (the little I have) to post it.

I hear going vegeterian is good but its also kinda gay and people would give me shit here. its seen as something only faggy hippy types like in san fransisco do. my dad would not put up with that.

also no money for dietician be poorfag too. gotta do it on my own. i keep seeing ads online for things like boflex that say they can get you in shape for like 30 min of exercise a day. is that true? also what should I eat because I hear you gotta do exercise and eat good too. should i go to subway more?

>> No.4552965


i can't see how anyone could be that ignorant... this has to be a joke.

>> No.4552970

No. If you go vegetarian you will turn into a flabby, weak piece of shit. You need protein to look good at all, which is your aim after all.

>> No.4552973


Volume and lack of exercise.

It doesn't matter if you're ordering salad if you're eating it pounds at a time slathered in ranch and cheese with croutons.

It doesn't matter if you get a baked potato if you're pounding back 5 burgers in a sitting.

It doesn't matter if you're only eat chocolate every other day if you're eating twice as much or ridiculous amounts.

And it doesn't matter whether it white or brown bread if you're eating it a loaf at a time.

>> No.4552974
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>I know its partly genetic
pic related
Here is the revolutionary only proven way to lose fat ever:
Eat less
Move more

That's fucking it.
Go on a walk everyday then bump up to a run. Eat less, whether you need to count calories or bump down from 8 to 3 meals a day.

Read the sticky in /fit/ and for God's sake don't post a "I'm fat how do I lose weight and get ripped" thread because it's all in the sticky.

>> No.4552979


Diet Soda isn't good for you, but it won't contribute to fatness. Just high blood pressure.

>> No.4552977

I struggled gaining muscle on a steak and milk diet for most of my teenage years. Then I gained 40 lbs of muscle in two years after going vegetarian.

>> No.4552978

also, boflex/p90x shit is just a cardio scam. You will never look like the people who do it on tv. join a gym and lift weights.

>> No.4552980

It's simple OP
You're still eating enough calories to match your daily energy output or more.
You have to eat less and move more.
Try tracking your caloric intake with an online tracker, you may be surprised at how much it all adds up.

>> No.4552981

>40 lbs of muscle in 2 years
0/100 see me after class.

>> No.4552983

This, on the very minor chance that this isn't a troll thread.

>> No.4552996

start getting excersize you fat fuck. 1 hour per day of power walking (buy a treadmill and watch your fav anime on tv while u do it so ur fat ass wont get bored)

not even joking.

>> No.4552997
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i'm just pleasantly surprised at how understanding and helpful you co/ck/s are...

when i read OP i thought for sure a) troll? or b) poor guy that is so misinformed.

so if a) 7/10 made me reply, if b) then props to all.
OP, listen to these co/ck/s, they know whats up.
this guy >>4552974 pretty much said it. if you eat more calories than you burn, you keep them (get fat) if you burn more calories than you eat, you lose them (get skinnier).

oh and one more thing:
it takes 3 months commitment for anybody else to notice...
good luck

>> No.4553000

40lbs of muscle in two years is common for people just starting out gaining muscle. When I started weightlifting at 14, I went from being a 120lb pencil to a 165lb muscle head in a little over a year.

>> No.4553004

You need to manage your calorie intake, cut down if you're eating too much. Raise your protein intake, lower your carb intake. Build muscle.

>> No.4553008

Ask yourself this: Did a corporation cook for me? Learn to cook for yourself. That way you know what goes in your food. Sign up, it's fast and free.

Whole grains & vegetables. People who eat whole grains weigh less.

Eat reasonable portions, about the size of your fist or a deck of cards. Why? That's around the size of your stomach.

Take 30 minute walks everyday in the morning and evening.

I went from over 180 lbs to under 130 in six months.

>> No.4553015


>Only good response gets ignored by OP.

That's why you're fat

>> No.4553018

Still drinking soda
Jam over butter
Candybar every other day


>> No.4553025

The diet soda pop is the culprit. Read up on it, and you'll find out why it actually makes it harder to lose weight.

>> No.4553033
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OP, I'm about 90% sure you're a clever troll, I'll play along though. >>4552892
6/10 troll.

>diet soda
drink only water, unsweetened tea and black coffee. Lots and lots of water.
>always order salad
Most salads have at least as many calories as a burger. between the dressing, croutons, cheese, chicken, etc., you might as well eat a fucking burger.
>baked potato
worse than fries. do not do this.
>caesar salad at Olive Garden
again, salads aren't good for you unless your dressing is vinegar. I can't be assed to look it up but I promise that salad as at least 500 calories
>stopped eating chips and ice cream
good. those are two of the worst things you can eat
you should only have a very small portion once a week, tops
>milk in coffee
hopefully skim milk. any milk in coffee isn't recommended though, drink it black.
>brown bread
try not to eat bread at all
>no butter, only jam
jam is fucking sugar with no nutrients. butter would actually be better
don't eat fucking toast. not filling, high calorie, low nutrient.
I've lost 35 pounds in the last three months by basically giving up all the bullshit I used to eat and getting off the couch. It isn't genetic, it's laziness and no self control. My family is fat too because they are lazy and have no self control. Not genetic.

>> No.4553050

aside from what >>4552896
said, because she/he is absolutely correct, there's more you're not telling us. I can almost guarantee you're not exercising, you're eating fatty foods that are exceeding the 2000 calorie limit per day, and you think it's a thyroid problem and not the fact that you're a fat fuck with no willpower. do exactly what >>4552896
said, get your ass off your couch and just walk for 30 minutes to an hour around your block just to get some sort of exercise in your life, and start calorie counting.

>> No.4553053
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>> No.4553054

No it's not it's physically impossible. 120 to 165 lbs is a 45 pound difference. If you honestly think 40 of those pounds were pure muscle that you have absolutely no concept of the human body and lack common sense. Most of that gain was fat, water weight, and probably bone from height.

You can gain at most a few pounds of muscle in a year, by non conservative estimates.

>> No.4553066
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>> No.4553069
File: 5 KB, 297x170, britbongs are fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you are fat OP

>> No.4553081

Went from 340 to 285 in four months just by cutting calories consumed daily to 1800. Weekly loss rate is decreasing, so next step is to increase activity.

>> No.4553082

> My family is all fat too so I know its partly genetic

No. It is absolutely not. Your entire family is fat because none of them have a healthy lifestyle. This is why you are fat; no one has taught you how to live and eat in a healthy manner.

>> No.4553093


This is also absolute bullshit. 1lb of fat is equivalent to 3000 calories.

(-200 Kcal)(30 days)(4) = -24000 Kcal per day

-24000 / 3000 = -8

only cutting 200 calories a day for 4 months will only net you 8 pounds lost. Stop giving fat OP false hope. He needs to start exercising and change his diet

>> No.4553101

Except at 340 my bmr was 2800 and I was consuming 3000 Calories a day.

>> No.4553103

Some of it could have been water, and his calorie counting could be off.

>> No.4553109

Food log. Within the first week I transitioned from logging to planning. I already know everything I'll be eating for the next two weeks.

>> No.4553113


55 pounds is way too much of a lose for just calorie restricting even if you starved yourself to drop the water weight (which is stupid because water weight will come back as soon as you start hydrating again). You obviously did more

>> No.4553117

Because calories in >= calories out.

>> No.4553122

diet soda causes an insulin response just like real sugar, telling your body to store fat.

don't drink diet soda, or soda. just drink water, or tea, or coffee.

>> No.4553140

Actually with really fat people that isn't true. To maintain at 300+ even with a sedentary life style, you'd need probably around 3000 calories a day, so that "200" calorie restriction is more like 1200.

>> No.4553142

I was hoping this was a joke but everyone is taking you seriously... wtf your diet sucks.

#1 stop with the soda. diet or not you're still putting shit into your body.
#2 get the fuck out of fast food places! this is probably one of the reason's you're fat to begin with.
#3 no more candy. A candy bar every other day!? WTF

Limit the amount of bread products you eat, or at least try to and eat whole wheat when you can. Start taking small steps to change your diet and develop an exercise plan. Go to /fit/ and read the sticky.

>> No.4553149

My belt is 8 notches tighter. Two weeks ago I had to buy new pants, 46's down from 52's

>> No.4553152

adjust to your new lower calorie diet and then go on an even healthier diet

>> No.4553154

>start with unhealthy lifestyle
>change a few largely insignificant factors of that unhealthy lifestyle

>> No.4553164


Hmm. Okay, I'll believe it. I've never done any fact checking for MORBIDLY obese people and your body does need to burn more calories just to move your fat body around as opposed to others. So okay, you win

>> No.4553171


Also, I must commend you for having the willpower to maintain a diet of 1800 calories for 4 months. That's a really hard thing for fat people to do.

>> No.4553179

The victory is in having lost the weight.
As I said the next step is to increase activity now to sustain the 3 pound a week loss till I get to 225 and then maintain by sticking to 1800 and a higher activity level.

>> No.4553186

Op, consider using both /fit/ like this guy says and also fitocracy. Both have really supportive communities.

>> No.4553188

Willpowed and commitment. OP needs both and to honestly evaluate his eating habits and total intake. Like others have said little things don't work.

>> No.4553195


It really is. Start easy and slowly increase the intensity so you don't give up. Losing weight honestly takes a lifestyle change so welcome to the start of your new life, Anon

>> No.4553292

OP, you're obviously not reducing calories.

Go here -> myfitnesspal.com, register, and log EVERYTHING that goes into your fat mouth. EVERYTHING.

>> No.4553298

>Fast food salad
>potato with butter instead of potato with oil
>caesar salad at OIL GARDEN
>Chocolate bars
>Milk in coffee
>impying brown bread is not shit

IDK OP, it's probably genetics.

>> No.4553317

Why am I still a skinny fuck, /ck/?

>basically just drink water
>breakfast every morning is 3/4 cut of oats, tablespoon of peanut butter, cup of whole milk
>lunch is sandwich, maybe sometimes chips and water
>dinner is pasta or some other carbs

I've been doing this like 6 months now and still no change. I only weight 120 pounds but I'm a 21 year old guy. Help me with my food, /ck/.

>> No.4553322

You eat more calories than you expend.

>> No.4553327

start taking a multivitamin. add 500 calories of nutritious food to your current intake. Eat fruit, eat sweet potatoes, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta in addition to your current diet.

>> No.4553328



>> No.4553334

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
Implying diet soda is good
>always order salad at fast food places
Eating at >fast food
>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
Again >fast food
>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
Implying Olive garden is healthy in anyway
>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
Good for you
>only have chocolate bars every other day
Stop being a fatass and quit that stuff
>use milk instead of cream in coffees
I hope skim is the milk you use or don't be a pusy and drink it black
>sometimes get brown bread
No bread. Bread isn't that good.
>no butter only jam on toast
I hope this isn't an everyday meal.

5/10 not sure if OP is trolling.

>> No.4553374

Fatfag here used to be a fatterfag but started this simple routine and dropped about 30 lbs in about a month and 3 weeks

>cut anything with corn and grains out of your diet

>drink only water/black cofee/tea
>stop eating starches and go for lean meats and veggies
>drink a shitton of water, double your intake of cold water if you rarely drink cold water then triple it
> do pushups, do as many as you can in a night till you cant do anymore
>this is your nightly limit, your goal is to increase it by ten every week, take two days a week off preferably wed and fri

>> No.4553379


learn to appreciate tap water in all of its forms.
no soda.
no diet soda.
no juice.
no milk.
only tap water.

drink it with every meal in place of every beverage. learn to love it. if you don't love it, don't drink anything for a couple hours and see how you feel.

only then can you start to tone down the rest of your diet, lardass.

>> No.4553395

>No bread. Bread isn't that good.

i dont care what anyone says. from my cold dead hands will you take my bread away from me.

>> No.4553399

don't drink soda, unless you drink it occasionally as a treat/desert.

salad is good, just watch the dressing, croutons, cheese, etc. as they can add up the calories quickly.

plain baked potato or with a little butter/sour cream is probably better than fries, but realistically, if you want to lose weight you shouldn't be eating fast food enough for it to matters.

again, salad is good, just watch the additional ingredients. get dressing on the side and add a small amount to your salad yourself.

not eating potato chips and ice cream is good, a chocolate bar every other day not so much. you can still eat these foods, but you need to moderate them. a chocolate bar can last me 3 days easily.

a splash of cream or milk in your coffee isn't a huge deal. don't load it up with sugar.

brown bread/whole grain breads are good. try to get a dense sourdough bread. you can put butter on your bread, and go easy on the jam. again, butter isn't bad for you, but it's easy to go overboard with it. you're not making an open-faced butter sandwich, just spread a thin amount on the bread to moisten it.

DRINK WATER. water is good for you and most people are dehydrated. DO NOT make the bulk of your diet with premade foods. you need fresh meat, vegetables, fruits. if you get sugar cravings, make your own desserts. the work put in to making your own desserts will make you not always have as much to eat. a better option is to buy mature, colored fruit and let it ripen until it's very soft.

>> No.4553401

also, if you eat toast with jam for breakfast every day, that's not great either. make a couple eggs, have a couple pieces of toast, and try to get some fruit or vegetables in there too. ideally, every meal should contain starch, protein, and a vegetable.

>> No.4553405

How fat are yoou?

>> No.4553433


you can eat bread without being fat...just pick whole wheat or rye and make it at home...and then actually do shit that burns it off. i eat bread often and i'm not fat (i have to wear kids clothes... i'm a boys size 12 in pants, and a boy's medium in shirts), but i run and walk every day.

it's making the healthier choice + being active that makes eating shit like bread/rice/pasta ok.

>> No.4553436

Diet soda will bloat you worse than regular. If anything drink cane sugar soda, but only 1-2 servings a week.

Cut the fucking fast food, jesus christ. Seriously, do not go to another fucking restaurant.

>milk in coffee
Take it black, faggot.

>chocolate bars


>> No.4553439

Also remember when you lose weight, you won't 'immediatley' notice it.
You won't just magically melt fat from one specific area overnight.
Any diet that 'targets' certain areas is bullshit.
When you burn (and gain) fat, it gets taken and distributed over your body as a whole.

Unless you're black, or a woman, then it all goes to your ass and tits.

>> No.4553443

Don't you mean if your black or woman then it goes to your ass and tits? My fat goes straight to my stomach and face.

>> No.4553453

I have such a bad control problem that I have to just give up foods completely... dairy, bread, all sweets. I basically eat bananas and apples, veg, beans, chicken, eggs, and nuts. If I buy any sort of chocolate or ice cream it will all get eaten. Butter and bread cannot be had together or separately. And I cook everything, no buying anything premade. I can't control it when it's in my house, I eat to punish myself so I'll feel bad and continue being a failure.

>> No.4553458
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>> No.4553462

troll or not, theres some useful info on this thread for people that want to lose some pounds

>> No.4553480

without reading the thread to see if it's been answered, and it probably has been
1) you're probably slathering your dressing in ranch or some other cream dressing. fail. oil + vinegar of some various kind only. lemon is also good
2) baked potato isn't much healthier and still full of carbs. you're probably slathering sour cream and/or butter on it for more fail.
3) use skim milk
4) never have white bread
6) the jam probably has tons of sugar in it as well
7) exercise a bit, too. the more calories you burn, the less there will be in your body

>> No.4553487
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I know this sounds retarded, but is there anything any of you here tell yourselves to keep from overeating or binging on something unhealthy?
I'm a recovering food addict that's made some pretty steep lifestyle changes over the last six months and underwent bariatric surgery within the past month.

I've been holding up alright on my physician's diet (which doesn't allow me to eat over 1000 calories a day) but I would say the majority of my thoughts are stuck on thinking about food. Hell, I'm even on ck.
I'm just plagued with thoughts about eating food. Just today I took a nap and had a dream that I had went to a McDonalds and bought six of some sort of non-existant steak wraps with avocado and hot sauce. I woke up in a panic thinking I had ruined my diet, my stomach even felt like it was full-up in the dream.
These dreams have been recurring.

I'm not sure if I should legitimately get therapy or if there's something I can tell myself to brainwash the thoughts away.

>> No.4553491

And at the opposite end of the spectrum, there's me.
>move to a new place 11 days ago
>been unpacking and putting things in order all this time
>while unpacking more things today, found the bathroom scale
>weigh myself
>lost 14lbs in since the last time I weighed myself, 12 days ago before moving

I lose weight very, very easily and I don't understand why. I don't have an intestinal parasite or anything, either. :: shrug ::

>> No.4553510

Eat reasonable portions by putting your food in a dish about the size of your fist.

If you are still hungry, have nuts like almonds at the end of your meal. Be careful, nuts, other than almonds, are high calorie so only a handful.

Toasted seaweed is also a satisfying low calorie snack.

>> No.4553515

Dreams are your subconscious trying to solve problems. If you feel they are hindering your quality of life, seek help.

>> No.4553521

I don't think you are a troll. I think you are a genuinely stupid fuck, and should either go to >>/fit/ or neck yourself

>> No.4553529

don't listen to these bullshitters about how stop drinking diet soda, give up bread and chocolate bars bs... you have been trying really hard and prob you don't enjoy life as much... eat whatever you want to but add or substitute healthy things you ENJOY already. don't go on a diet just make lifestyle changes you are comfortable with SLOWLY. This and Hydroxycut, it's completely safe unless you have a heart condition combined with some form of exercise once a day, going for a walk, playing with the dog, or just practicing your ninja skills in front of the bathroom in your mirror. the pounds will melt away, you'll have reduced apetite, better focus, and more energy. there's other brands out they are but it's mostly just caffeine.

>> No.4553547

OP I will admit that in the end there's a slight difference in calroies burned do to genetics and the like. I have seen it first hand myself. But that's not really an excuse anyways. Other than that the guys here are all right. You have to make a lifestyle change and you have to stick to until that becomes the new normal.

What did for me was joining the Army. Don't know what's going to work for you. I do know however that you're going to need to excercise. Walking and swimming are great ways to easy yourself into things as both are low impact and easy on the joints. Also, foooood. Explore low calorie options and go easy on carbs. A good low calorie variety of foods that you find palatable also helps.

>> No.4553548
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OP, don't listen to this guy. "Carbs make you fat" is what middle-aged housewives gossip to each other about, it isn't in any way true. Eat fruits and vegetables, take it easy on the fat whether it be from animals or nuts

>> No.4553559


>thinking you have to eat less to lose fat


>> No.4553566

small changes don't help that much sometimes

to be honest, what will affect you most in the long run is this: eat healthy food in moderation and get an hour of vigorous exercise a day. do this for your entire life.

>> No.4553574

Because you haven't eaten less food and moved more than you usually do in a day.

>> No.4553577


>> No.4553581


they should give up diet soda, that shit is awful for you. there's no reason to ever eat/drink anything diet or with artificial sweetener in it... as for bread, giving up white bread is good (plus a lot of store bought breads have high fructose corn syrup)... chocolate bars don't need to be given up completely but there's no reason to eat an entire bar, and there's no reason to eat a chocolate bar that's full of ingredients you can't pronounce.

eating food with simple ingredients (and making most of your food yourself) makes it much easier to stay healthy and be at a proper weight.

there's no reason to take shit like hydroxycut, but yeah exercise is good and playing with dogs is actually a really good workout (i run around the house with the dogs all the time/jump from couch to couch with them when i'm bored.) and that in addition to walking or running + whatever else you enjoy is always good.

the caffeine thing does work, but it's better to have it in the form of green tea or coffee (which are both better for you anyway) than anything else... plus warm drinks tend to be filling.

you're right in the sense that everyone needs to find what works for them though and it has to be a lifestyle they're capable of living... but some of the tips in here were fine.

>> No.4553592

ok, here is why you're still a fat fuck:

>you drink diet soda exclusively
>you eat at fast food places
>you eat a baked potato at a fast food place
>you eat caesar salad that is probably drenched in dressing and croutons
>you eat chocolate bars 3-4 days a week
>you still eat bread
>you put jam on your toast
>you probably don't exercise

>> No.4553596


>you still eat bread

What does that have to do with being fat?

>> No.4553600


Glycemic index yo

>> No.4553604


what is a carb

>> No.4553606


Seriously, Anon.

May be the best decision you'll ever make.

>> No.4553608


that's bullshit though... you can eat bread without being fat as long as it's not made out of shit ingredients, isn't white, you're not eating massive quantities, it isn't every meal, and you do something like run/walk to work it off.

i'm 109 pounds and i eat bread probably about 3 times a week.

>> No.4553610


A clean-burning source of energy that powers the body. I think you're thinking of fat, which you don't have to worry about in bread

>> No.4553613

read my words
doesn't matter what you eat, just eat less calories than you spend each day.
therefore your body will have to use your FAT in order to live. that's how things work. you can eat whatever you want, but remember to keep low the calories.

note: you should also find something to distract you, stop thinking about food. this works for everything, even if you are hungry.
also, diets are "good" beacause they keep you healthy with low calories AND, more improtant, they keep you full. they do not aim to keep you away from chocolates, ice cream, etc.

it's so ignorant from people to say "this makes me fat", things works really different than that. and also simpler.

>> No.4553615


nothing wrong with fat depending on the kinda fat you're eating... avocados and olive oil are both high in fat but it's good fat and eating them is beneficial.

>> No.4553619

you don't even need to do excersive, but if you don't wanna be a disgusting fluffy person, you will have to.

>> No.4553621


They're healthy in that your body handles them well and they're useful. They'll still make you fat though, because that's what fat does. Eating fat will make you fat unless you're starving yourself as well. This is a survival mechanic, not necessarily unhealthy to put on a little fat for a short period of time like many animals do during the winter, but it's unhealthy to keep all that fat on your body and continue gorging on fatty foods

As the saying goes, "the fat you eat is the fat you wear"

>> No.4553623


you can lose weight just eating less calories sure, but what you eat does matter don't pretend it doesn't...starving your body nutritionally doesn't do anything good for you, and it's not really a sustainable lifestyle choice.

of course you could lose weight eating chips and cookies every day...but does that mean anyone should do that? of course not.

>> No.4553625
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Holy fuck you're retarded. Three times a week is miniscule compared to most people you stuttering skank.

Just ignore that whole glycemic index thing.

>> No.4553627


Tell that to paleo advocates.

>> No.4553632


anything can make you fat if you eat a lot of it, but actually good fats in food can affect help you lose fat around your stomach. i don't starve myself, and i don't use olive oil sparingly either (or even add it in when i've counted calories i just genuinely don't give a fuck) and yet i've got a 26 inch waist and weigh 109 pounds.

obviously eating massive quantities of anything will make you fat, but you don't need to starve yourself to enjoy foods that are high in good fats.

>> No.4553635


eating bread is eating bread...people are telling OP to stop eating it altogether rather than just cutting back on it (which is all you actually need to do) so what exactly did i say that's retarded?

>> No.4553636

yes, you still need to fullful your nutritional needs, my post aimed to say that you can still eat whatever you want, but keeping on mind about your calories, which is the main thing.
>AND BECAUSE OF THAT, if you just eat less overall you will probably do fine.

of course it's wrong to eat chips and soda all day long even if it's under your calories daily needs.

>> No.4553637

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
Found your problem.
Also L2 portion control and caloric intake.

>> No.4553638


>> No.4553639


>anything can make you fat if you eat a lot of it,

Fruitarianism proves that's wrong as an example. The one diet that says "eat as many calories as possible" as long as it's coming from simple sugars in fruit and very low fat and protein, and they lose weight and maintain extremely lean physiques

>> No.4553641

diet soda is worse for your teeth than meth.
trying to give it up

>> No.4553642


it's hard to eat an overabundance of calories when you're eating fruit...saying "eat as much as possible" and then just filling up on shit like that makes it pretty much impossible to eat a ton of calories.

i eat plenty of fruit and vegetables (it's mainly what i eat) and there are days where i'm too full to even hit over 1000 calories cuz it's just physically impossible for me... but if someone were physically capable of eating fruit in massively high quantities they'd get fat from it.

>> No.4553645


>it's hard to eat an overabundance of calories when you're eating fruit

Don't even make me bring up Durianrider and his 70 bananas a day on top of countless dates and even refined sugar

>> No.4553647

>not a troll
pick one

>> No.4553648


hard to not make someone bring up something they've already brought up now isn't it?

>> No.4553657

Avoid eating when you're distracted like in front of the TV or with music on. This is so you can pay attention to when you feel full. If you're salivating, you're still hungry. If not then, you're not.

>> No.4553658


+ just looked the guy up...he obviously exercises which is probably why he can eat that much food... if you don't move and you eat too many calories you're going to get fat.

>> No.4553660


Why is it so hard to believe that eating fat will store fat? It's FAT. A huge part of its purpose is for energy storage, whereas a carbohydrate is meant to be readily used by the body as its main energy source

>> No.4553664
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>low carb
>meat free
>fat makes you fat

This is what you get when asking /ck/ for dietary advice.

>> No.4553665


Majority of his time is spent making youtube videos and eating bananas. Daily he bikes about half an hour, which is nowhere near enough to make up for eating 6000+ calories

>> No.4553667

Why do you turn this into dogma?

>> No.4553671


>paleo advocates

Ha. Ahaha. Ahahahahaha. Aha.


>> No.4553672

you probably think eating dietary cholesterol increases your blood cholesterol as well?

>> No.4553673


I already posted the science behind it. There's no dogma here, you're choosing not to believe what's true

>> No.4553681


you know everything he actually does cuz you know him personally and follow him around?

>> No.4553682


The guy makes like 20 youtube videos every day. I watch them

>> No.4553690


you realise you're exaggerating right? i'm on his youtube right now...he doesn't make that many videos or even close to it.

besides i know people who make youtube videos for a living, it doesn't take tons of time.

>> No.4553693


+ you were going on about 70 bananas a day...what i saw when i looked him up was 30... that's a 40 banana difference right there... just saying. for someone who actually pays attention to this guy you don't seem to know what you're talking about.

>> No.4553697


His website is called 30bananasaday.com, but watch his videos and you'll see 30 bananas blended into a puree is a typical breakfast and he still eats much more throughout the day. He talks of eating up to 80 bananas in a day pretty often

>> No.4553719
File: 148 KB, 249x211, mayonegg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
>always order salad at fast food places
>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
>only have chocolate bars every other day
>use milk instead of cream in coffees
A mcdonalds salad is as bad as a big mac

>> No.4553724

you have got to be kidding
>drink almost exclusively diet soda
drink only water
>always order salad at fast food places
don't go to fast food places. Those 'salads' can be 800 calories
>always get baked potato instead of fries at
again, don't go to fast food places. Everything is calorie dense.
>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
Don't go to olive garden. Don't drench your salad in dressing.
>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
good. Cut out the rest of your junk food.
>only have chocolate bars every other day
Quit eating candy.
>use milk instead of cream in coffees
Drink black coffee if you must, but just having water is better
>sometimes get brown bread
only use brown bread
>no butter only jam on toast
don't use butter or jam on toast

>> No.4553816

drink water or tea (no sugar, no milk/cream)
don't go to fast food places
don't go to olive garden
don't have candy ever
drink your coffee black
stop eating bread

eat plants. move around a lot. ask /fit/.

>> No.4553923

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
>always order salad at fast food places
Those aren't salads, stay away from those places if you truly want to drop the weight
>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
good :)
>only have chocolate bars every other day
snack on some cheap toasted/salted nuts or fruit
>use milk instead of cream in coffees
milk is bad, if it's almost fatless milk okay it won't matter that much
>sometimes get brown bread
sometimes? stop doing shit halfassed
>no butter only jam on toast
so not both the most fattiest and sugariest thing to put on bread, the most sugariest. Lean ham, vegetables, humus etc. that's what you put on bread if you want to lose weight

>I SAW 0.0 EXERCISE????? YOU NEED TO MOVE TO DROP WEIGHT! Go out and half an half an hour walk after breakfast. Will get your body burning calories and you will digest your food better. I take a walk after every meal, did what I told you to do and lost 23 kilograms

>> No.4553957


You have to be trolling.

>Why am I fat
>drinks DIET soda
>eats fast food SALAD
>eats chocolate bars every OTHER day

Why am I bleeding? I stab myself in the foot instead of the eyes!

>> No.4553965

You're probably still eating too much my friend. I started suffering from diabeetus symptoms due to my diet so I changed to fresh fruit and veg, regular meals, white meats, diet soda, etc...

I'm still as fat because I eat more, it's just the quality of food has increased. I feel better but if I really want to lose weight I need to exercise more to get my body more efficient.

Losing wight is hard work, there's no easy way out, that's why so many of us remain fat, because it's like a massive mountain you have to climb.

>> No.4553967

Nigga this aint rocket science. In order to lose fat you need to burn more calories than you injest. Eat less and move more.

In order to be healthy you have to pay more attentiont to macro and micro nutrients. You need protein, carbs, fibers and fat. And you need vitamins and minerals.

Don't eat at Olive Garden and Wendy's, learn how to cook basic and filling foods (Rice and lentils, lean meats preparations, salads with seasonal vegetables, fresh fruit).

Done. It's not genetic.

>> No.4553993


>> No.4554014


>drink almost exclusively diet soda
Stop it, drink greentea/red tea with lemon/soda water instead

>always order salad at fast food places
Salad with massive amount of dress is just a burger in disguise

>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
Cut fast food to maxium of twice per week

>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
Cook yourself with lean steak and some steam veg, healthy, cheap and tasty

>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
Well done

>only have chocolate bars every other day
Have some fruit instead

>use milk instead of cream in coffees
unless you drinking 3 cups a day this doesn't really make a difference

>sometimes get brown bread

>no butter only jam on toast
butter is better than margarine, that shit is vile

Slap on some weight exercise and you are good to go. check the sticky at /fit/

>> No.4554020

Stop eating anywhere but your home.

>> No.4555301

So much misinformation in this thread.

>eating carbs is ok
No it obviously isn't. Ever heard of Atkins? Laugh all you like, his diet worked because it made scientific sense.

>avoid diet drinks
They have no sugar, fools, it's aspartame and sugar is what results in fat

>baked potato worse than fries
Baked potatoes don't have half an ocean worth of salt

>> No.4555336

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.4555342
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This sort of attuide is why you still are fat. Yes you do have to strave yourself to death pretty much,
Just think of it this way. You are going to die cause you are really fat anyway, so at least die trying change your life. If that helps.

>> No.4555350

Why has no one pointed out this isn't healthy at all?
Diet soda isn't healthy.
Salad at fast food places isn't healthy.
Baked potatoes aren't fucking healthy.
Caesar salad isn't fucking healthy.
Brown bread isn't much healthier than white bread.
Jam on toast isn't the fucking pinnacle of healthy either.
Fucking fucking idiots fuck fuck no one knows fucking anything.
>"I'll have my chicken sandwich but instead of buns put it on a bunch of barely healthy lettuce please"
>Oh and make it three orders, just for me
>But I'll have a diet soda so it's okay.

>> No.4555409

>They have no sugar, fools, it's aspartame and sugar is what results in fat

There's a fair amount of research suggesting that 'zero calorie' sweeteners promote metabolism of carbs into fats.

>Baked potatoes don't have half an ocean worth of salt

Unless you have hypertension salt is fine

>> No.4555424


Go pull this troll over at /fit/. Will b laff

On the off chance you're not trolling and are really this fucking stupid, you're still fat because you're not burning more calories than you're eating.

PROTIP: Diet Soda still has a lot of calories in it. So do baked potatoes, though those aren't inherently unhealthy.

Find an calculator online that will calculate how many calories you burn per day, then structure yourself a diet that will give you about 300-500 calories less than that. /fit/'s sticky has more details on this, specifically what nutrients you need to get in your diet while still controlling calories.

>> No.4555451
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>> No.4555706
File: 22 KB, 345x416, Atkins1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No it obviously isn't. Ever heard of Atkins?

This fatty? He died obese and with heart problems, his diet is a sham. If you want science, read the work of Dr. John McDougall, who's actually lean and healthy


Most of the time when people think of "fattening carbs" they think of something that has a ton of fat in it. When I tell people fruit doesn't make you fat, I've had people actually say back "no, those are GOOD carbs. I mean BAD carbs like cookies and pizza" as if cookies don't have whole sticks of butter and eggs in them, or pizza isn't filled with olive oil and coated with cheese. People ignore the fat and blame carbs

>> No.4555852


> Corn

May I ask why? I've never heard of just plain normal corn being bad for you in any way. What's wrong with it? If its eaten fresh or out of a tin without anything on it, how is bad compared to any other vegetable? I'm genuinely curious now.

>> No.4555856


You're just as stupid - you seem to think there's good and bad calories, depending if they come from carbs or fat.

>> No.4555860


Ever hear of metabolism, dumbass? There's no "good/bad calories," there's just good/bad sources of calories. Carbohydrates are used by the body as energy and very rarely and very sparesly are ever stored in the body as fat, whereas the fat you eat is stored very readily because that's what fat is good for. Not necessarily bad in small amounts, but it's not meant to be consumed in excess

Different sources, different effects. If you're going to call somebody stupid, don't be an idiot yourself

>> No.4555864

>Carbohydrates are used by the body as energy and very rarely and very sparesly are ever stored in the body as fat,

This isn't true at all. See the rise of American obesity during the rise of 'low-fat' food.

>whereas the fat you eat is stored very readily because that's what fat is good for

This isn't true either. Actually your body has a shorter metabolic pathway to store carbs as fat, but it's not enough to really matter.

It's calories in/calories out. You're a fucking retard that doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.4555883


>See the rise of American obesity during the rise of 'low-fat' food.

This never happened. I always see this mentioned but when was there ever a time when the American diet was centered around fruits and vegetables and rice with no added fat from butter or cooking oil or whatever else? This never happened

This isn't true either. Actually your body has a shorter metabolic pathway to store carbs as fat, but it's not enough to really matter.

Chick-checkity check: >>4553548

You'd be a complete retard to think everything that goes in the body is metabolised the same way. Carbs to fat is inefficient, fat to fat is nature's way of bulking up to survive the winter

>> No.4555893

>Carbs to fat is inefficient, fat to fat is nature's way of bulking up to survive the winter

Nice citation for your broscience. Fat is broken down to glucose first, then excess glucose is stored as fat by the liver. Carbs require far less processing by the body to get to glucose.

You really obviously don't know about this. Do you think your body just takes pig fat cells you eat and says "oh, that'll do!" and sticks them on your ass or something?

> but when was there ever a time when the American diet was centered around fruits and vegetables and rice with no added fat from butter or cooking oil or whatever else?

That's not what the low fat trend did, and you're confusing the issue. It did replace fats with simple carbs, and obesity did shoot through the roof. Carbs have calories as well, and often don't satiate.

Fiber does satiate, which is why a diet based on whole grains and fruit and veg will have less calories. Shoving white bread in your mouth is going to make fat though, regardless of if there is fat in the bread or not.

>> No.4555904

that's retarded, carbohydrates are easily converted to sugar. what do you think happens to that when the body doesn't need it? hurp it's stored as fat

>> No.4555911
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inb4 /fit/ sees this post and shits fire

>> No.4555918

I know OP is probably long gone. But from my own experience, you have to be honest with how you're eating. Keep a food diary of everything you eat and the calorie count. Also pay attention to how much physical activity you get. I'm willing to bet you're not as active as you think and you're eating a lot more than you think. It may seem like you're hard-dieting because you're coming down from eating like a cow. A choclolate bar every other day is not a diet. And if you're doing that kind of shit, surely you don't get a baked potato every time you eat out. You probably smother it in butter/salt/sour cream too. And salads from fast food places usually aren't much better than the rest of their food. Caesar salad isn't healthy. It's got croutons and a fattening dressing and cheese. Cheese isn't bad on its own, but you have to watch that shit. You need to cut down on your breads period, not just subbing wheat for white. Use 2% milk. Stop eating out.

And it's going to take longer than 6months. A pound a week is 52 pounds a year. Double that, and you're doing good. You can lose a shitload more if you work hard. But at the very least shoot for a pound a weak. If you're not losing that much or you're maintaining weight, you either need to cut your food or increase physical activity.

>> No.4555922

>And salads from fast food places usually aren't much better than the rest of their food.

In the case of McDonald's, most of their salads were worse for you than a Big Mac

>> No.4555923
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>Nice citation for your broscience.

I literally linked you to an image of science talk with a URL that links to a medical article full of citations

>Fat is broken down to glucose first

This can only happen when your diet is void of carbohydrates completely and your body has to work overtime converting fat into glucose to make up for not having an actual energy source. Carbohydrates naturally break down into glucose every time, then are stored in the gloycen stores, with excess carbs being burned off as heat (facultative dietary thermogenesis)

>Do you think your body just takes pig fat cells you eat and says "oh, that'll do!" and sticks them on your ass or something?

We can SEE different fats in fat tissue. People eating a lot of trans fats carry trans fats on their body. People who eat omega-3 fats have omega-3 fats in their fatty tissue. You put on the fat you eat, that's fat's main purpose, to store itself for future energy use if you're starving

>That's not what the low fat trend did, and you're confusing the issue.

No no, don't back out of it now. The American diet was never low-fat. Adding more carbs into a fatty diet isn't going to give results obviously, as the only way for fat to not pile up on you is to starve yourself so you don't get the calories you need and the fat has to go to work immediately. People on a high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet eat every carbohydrate they see and don't gain a pound. Look up fruitarianism

>> No.4555929


>> No.4555930


>what do you think happens to that when the body doesn't need it? hurp it's stored as fat

Facultative dietary thermogenesis. Why ignore the image I keep linking to? Stop getting your nutritional knowledge from The View

>> No.4555937


>gloycen stores


>> No.4555943


>I literally linked you to an image of science talk with a URL that links to a medical article full of citations

Not sure who the you you think I am is, but your one link is a crank.

>with excess carbs being burned off as heat (facultative dietary thermogenesis)
That must be why you run a fever whenever you eat sugar! It's not true.

>We can SEE different fats in fat tissue
No. Extremely wrong. Your body is not storing olive oil in your fat cells, which is what you seem to think happens.

Your body does store energy in fat. Energy is passed in the body from glucose, which comes from ANY caloric source.

>Look up fruitarianism

You're a one-man shit science machine!

People eating only fruit have a very very hard time gaining weight due to the high fiber content of whole fruit. Whole fruit isn't calorie dense. Fruit juices are.

But let me guess, the entire medical establishment is wrong, and your magic knowledge is right.

>> No.4555945

>an image of science talk

That's the same thing as peer review!

>> No.4555949

Guys OP can't even handle simple dieting. I doubt throwing around technicalities about nutritional biology is going to solve his problems. He'll probably just skim all this shit, feel confused, and go eat a bag of low-fat cookies and cry.

>> No.4555955

All this, plus exercise, even if it's just a little bit. Watch what you eat OP and exercise.

And cut out diet soda. Even though it says it's diet, it's still pretty bad for you. Kick that stuff for a few months and try tasting it again. Trust me on this, you won't regret it.

A little fat is okay but don't go overboard and reward yourself too much.

>> No.4555958


Says the guy getting his knowledge from misunderstandings on a site promoting asparagus as a arthritis cure.

I say misunderstanding because you're saying 'carbs' and equating simple carbs with whole grains. Which, while they contain carbs and should be used sparingly during weight loss, have much less effect of insulin than simple carbs.

In other words, fat has nothing to do with it. The idea that excess calories from a magic source are burned off automatically is snake oil.

>> No.4555960


Then let him go hit the /fit/ sticky. He posted here instead in hope we'd offer a rationalization for him eating at Wendy's and being fat.

>> No.4555970
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>all this carb = fat, fat = slim talk

High-fat diets are synonymous with the west. So is obesity. High-carb diets are synonymous with the east. So is being lean. Why would fat make you lean?

>> No.4555973

>High-fat diets are synonymous with the west.
I work with hmong people. You are horribly wrong.

>> No.4555978



Watch it and weep, Dr. Momscience. This guy eats more carbohydrates than anyone on the planet. Meanwhile all the guys pushing high fat, low carb diets are fat as fuck

>> No.4555983


Oh, it's romanticizing the mysterious orient that is causing you to make up your own science?

France eats much more fat than the US as a percentage of calories, and has lower obesity and heart disease. Try again.

>> No.4555986

This is as wrong as you can be.

>> No.4555988

Diet drink have shit ton of sodium, which makes you retain water. Go suck mutiple dicks.

>> No.4555987

>crazy guy on youtube
>proof positive that the body gets fevers from sugar so it's not calories in / calories out

You're waiting to be picked up by a cult

>> No.4555989

>Watch it and weep
>I don't know anything about evaluating scientific information

>> No.4555990
File: 44 KB, 250x220, 1262918583662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>world-famous cyclist and nutritionist
>"he's just some crazy guy on youtube"

I guess that's more convenient than having an argument

>> No.4555992


>world famous
>because I say so

Here's a hint - when you try to argue from authority, pick an actual respectable authority

Again, I've stated multiple times how easy it is to disprove your crackpot theory. Go eat a bunch of starch, and take your temperature. If it doesn't go up, you're full of shit.

>> No.4555999



You ever been on TV?

>> No.4556006



>durr, stuff I wasn't taught in high school biology isn't real!

>> No.4556013

Keep posting. I'm curious as to how many ways you can further be wrong.

>> No.4556022

This thread belongs on /fit/ and derailed a long time ago.

>> No.4556035

i hope youre a troll, if not go to /fit/ they know more about food and nutrition than /ck/
>drink almost exclusively diet soda
water or tea
>fast food salad
>caesar salad
dressings are probably very calorie dense,
>baked potato
still calorie dense
>chocolate bars
both bad

losing weight is a commitment. you cant halfass
which after 6 months it is obvious you arent committed enough.
the only one that works is not having ANY carbs for 2-5 days, its called ketosis, probably the most efficient diet
dont waste money on a dietician because anybody can do their job
no specific food will make you fat, the only thing you need to pay attention to are calories
but seriously go to /fit/ doesnt look like anybody here really knows what theyre talking about
only way to lose weight is a caloric deficit
best calorie burning activity is weight lifting, fit will help with that too. just READ THE FUCKING STICKY
were all gonna make it

>> No.4556043


>go to /fit/ they know more about food and nutrition than /ck/

What, the board that tells people to drink a gallon of whole milk every day and eat fried chicken and ice cream to build muscle?

>> No.4556124
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thnx for the advice guys, i am skinny now

>> No.4556144

>eating / drinking carbs
stop eating carbs ya dingus

>> No.4556148
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>drink normal soda, don't give a fuck
>run a mile and a half twice a week
>work out

Dropped 22 pounds from the start of the uni year. Feels goodman.

>> No.4556156


Yeah, don't eat fruit, fruit will make you fat. Eat cheese instead, that'll help you lose weight

>> No.4556203

Fruit has sugar, retard. Also cheese has good fat in it. There are 4 types of fat. Learn2science

>> No.4556219

>cheese has good fat

A little good fat, and a shit ton of bad fat. Know what else shares the same fat with cheese? Butter. Is butter good to eat by the stickful, you horrendous lard?

>> No.4556240

Cardio is also great at burning carbs if you don't want to have to get on a protien-heavy diet

>> No.4556538

get off your ass and exercise, i ate all the shit i wanted when i started to lose weight,


>> No.4556543

if you expend more calories than you ingest, you will lose weight.

Eat less, do more. Either, or both.

How are people still not understanding this?

>> No.4556601
File: 29 KB, 612x612, g5pi3ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even tell if you guys are all in one this or if the OP is the only one who knows he's trolling

>> No.4556607

1500 calories plus 2 hours of walking a day

even though its only 1500 calories, try to eat less carbs/starchy stuff; for your dinner, try to fill up more on meat and veg instead of rice/pasta/bread etc.

If you're going to drink soda, even diet soda, don't drink it like its water. just have a glass of it with your dinner. otherwise drink water or tea

the consistent exercise is very important though. some will tell you to lift/do cardio/run etc, but personally I find the longevity of a walk helps keep your mind off eating (not that theres anything wrong with the others)

>> No.4556608

he probably is a troll, but there are still others following the thread that can still take away from it without having to browse the homoerotic 'oatz and squats' circlejerk that is /fit/

>> No.4556620
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just let me in bro

>> No.4556624

>falling for trolls
why are you even alive?

>> No.4556629

>Drinks soda
>Goes to fast food places
>Eats chocolate bars regularly
>Eats white bread
>Eats sugary as fuck jam

>No exercise

I'm willing to bet you eat more than 3 times a day

That's why

>> No.4556636

Sounds like a possible troll (I don't come here as often as I used to, so I'm not up-to-date on copypasta.) However, I have met people who are actually like this, so here's the breakdown.

>Caesar Salad at Olive Garden = 610 calories (40 g fat)
>Consuming fast food salads (I'm going to guess with ranch or Caesar)
>Eating at Wendy's at all
And I'm going to also assume you're not exercising. Because otherwise, there would be some difference.

Avoid dairy-based dressings, along with dressings high in sugar. If fact, I'd say make your own salads and your own vinaigrette.
Fast food (especially Wendy's) is full of fat and sugar. Avoid it. On the go? Get some portable food. Bananas, baby carrots, and milk cartons, oh fuckin' MY.

Getting brown bread, while sometimes better for you (depends on the brand, sometimes it's just as bad), is not going to help you lose weight. Best to just cut down on bread.

Run, guy. Lift shit. Do some pushups, squats, etc. MOVE, NIGGA. You need to exert yourself at least 30 minutes a day (no, a light stroll through the park does not count.) As you get more into moving in general, come up with a more structured and detailed exercise routine. If you need help, there's tons of info online, and you can usually contact your local gym for a consultation.

Don't use your family as a crutch. In fact, they're probably crutchin', too. To be of a larger build can be attributed to genetics. Being a fat ass cannot. Judging by the list, your family's diet sucks... you'll need to fight how you've been eating your whole life.

You do all of this daily, and you don't drop at all, then you need to contact your doctor and the press, because that is AMAZING (in a bad way.)

>> No.4556637

go go /fit/, faggot

>> No.4556705

top lel

>> No.4556790

>diet soda
>Drink water/tea/coffee

Why? Because insulin bullshit? ITS A RUSE YOU SHEEPLE. Artificial sweeteners are completely harmless. Also, you might not want to consume caffeine, it used to make me feel super dizzy and fatigued while I was trying to lose weight. I was getting under 1000kcal/day though.

>> No.4556797


Fat people feed their kids the same shit that made them fat, thus the whole family is fat.

Just stop eating a lot of refined carbs, I could put back so much bread it's insane.

>> No.4556835

I agree, but I think what a lot of people are getting at is that drinking a shit ton of that stuff can actually make you hungry cause the artificial sweeteners can trick your body into thinking its getting regular insulin spike when its not (leading the body to suddenly want an actual spike) and that drinking only water will not do this

personally I find drinking large quantities of water, diet soda and regular soda ALL make me fucking hungry, so I don't drink much at all. but I seem to be an exception

>> No.4556853

>Also, you might not want to consume caffeine, it used to make me feel super dizzy and fatigued while I was trying to lose weight.

ru havin a laff m8

>> No.4556857


No it doesn't, it's been suggested in more recent studies that if anything the opposite is true (regarding hunger, obviously there's not going to be an insulin downspike but it doesn't affect insulin levels).

>> No.4556858

Holy shit, I know this thread is long already, and everyone has probably said everything there is to say, but is this much food ignorance normal?

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
Stop drinking soda, period.
>always order salad at fast food places
That's great, keep doing th-
>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
Breat crutons and a dressing that is about as healthy as drinking syrup, great. Stop ordering salads if they have dressings and shit on them.
>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
While baked potatoes are healthier, they are still rich in carbs. Eat less carbs, but of course, don't stop eating it completely.
>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
>only have chocolate bars every other day
Why the fuck would you eat it at all? Stop eating chocolate already, nitwit.
>use milk instead of cream in coffees
Doesn't matter at all, do whatever the fuck you want if you're drinking coffe. You should probably stop drinking it, though.
>sometimes get brown bread
Want to know how much I care? Not one bit. Cut down on all breat, stop eating all white bread. If it's not 100% whole grain bread, don't touch it.
>no butter only jam on toast
Yeah, because jam is so great when you want to lose weight, right?
Eating only butter instead of jam on toast is actually healthier, but seriously, cut down on the bread.

>> No.4556860

OP, it's simple. You eat more than you run. Either you run more, or eat less.

run>eat = fat loss
eat>run = fat gain
eat=run = no change

this is simplified, but if you follow it, you'll succeed. don't want to run? eat less. don't want to eat less? run.

>> No.4558213


you're probably dehydrated from all the moving, buster

drink a water dogg I bet you have brown piss

>> No.4558247

>underestimating your calories

Buy a weight scale. Figure out how many kcal everything you eat is roughly. After a while you will have a good idea how what foods and how much of them will get you to your daily intake goal. Also, eating a shitload of carbs and doing no exercise can't help.

It is doable OP. Just be disciplined.

>> No.4558348

>208 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.4559323


>Go eat a bunch of starch, and take your temperature. If it doesn't go up, you're full of shit.


>> No.4559502

lol, so many serious responses on a obvious troll post
It is for shits and giggles OP, right? Cos if not, you're genuinely retarded...

>> No.4559637

it's ok anyways, who says you are a "fat fuck" I don't mean huge, but some persons and famiies tend to be large. you don't have to join a gym, but if capable, walk.your body is defensive. ( wanting to store fat for hard times) but even a little movement helps. and after that if still not "perfect" in societies eyes so what? many people struggle with weight. don't cut your self down.

>> No.4561530

>only have chocolate bars every other day

[217 replies] [24 images]

how are you all this fucking stupid with a dead giveaway like that. Assuming of course his references to constant fast/processed food weren't also a giveaway. what the fucking shit. Are you really this easy to troll.

>> No.4561809

Losing weight is 1% knowing what to do and 99% discipline/commitment/having a reason to do so.

You dont have to count calories.. its easy to judge when you are eating enough to loose weight, youll be hungry about 1/3 of the day.

Eat simple whole foods and nothing else. Fruits, vegies, rice, beans.. Go easy on meats/dairy/eggs and nuts.. i mean really easy, like cutting it out altogether..

With this, you dont even have to exercise, you could be stagnant, and youll loose weight.. you just have to stick to it. Also wanting to loose weight for a goal can be counter productive, its more of a lifestyle change with lots of discipline and strictness and you get used to it and enjoy new things instead of food.

If you have any unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking stop them.. youll be amazed at what happens to your body when you go puritanical and strict and change in that way over time.. pounds shed off like butter.

You dont even have to exercise.. sometimes it can be disappointing for someone with bad health and theyll say fuck it im just going back.. they go through this for years... start slow and give it lots of time and patience. You have to develope new kinds of enjoyment that dont come from eating.

>> No.4561822

You sound like an idiot that doesnt want to actually loose weight.. ive known lots of people like you and they are ferocious, autistic hambeasts.. go fucking die in a fire then.. you have to be more serious than that.. maybe you can start there.

>> No.4561832

LOL you people are really ignorant about fitness.. You dont have to move at all to loose weight.. your body is burning calories all the time.. you can loose plenty of weight through calorie deficit and heal your body to better health and be totally stagnant.

If youre somebody that has been unhealthy for a long time or really fat you are going to have to do this before becoming active.. Its gonna take some time before lots of people can start jogging or else theyll be misled and let down.. youll hit a brick wall.. these people dont tell you this because they dont care. You gotta lean into things slowly.

You are in poor shape, your body has to heal first and become healthy. Thats where your diet comes in.

also the people that talk about vegetarianism and have a tim taylor attitude are idiots.. i wouldnt want this idiocy in charge of my fitness either.. gotta be smarter than that.. if you actually believe that then you are truly stupid and probably believe the earth is flat.. vegetarian is healthy as shit.. you dont have to do it all your life.. eggs and beans are currently the cheapest source of good whole protien since tuna is fucked now.

>should i go to subway more?


>> No.4561837
File: 1.69 MB, 350x272, science.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vegans are desperate as fuck to push their unhealthy macfag fad to pet their own egos instead of actually eating healthy

>> No.4561839

exercise, bro

>> No.4561855

>obvious troll thread
>219 posts omitted
Way to go /ck/

>> No.4561868

TWO WORDS: SUNFLOWER SEEDS.. You can eat them nonstop and not go over 1000 calories.. they are easy to be occupied with and eat slow.. very difficult to eat them fast all day. Miracle cure for alot of habits. Buy them from the bulk bin or else youll be spending alot of money.

>> No.4561884
File: 580 KB, 960x1280, 123124235423234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, buy your fat ass a sand bag, preferably 30 to 40 kg. Next, pirate the book "YAYOG" (You are your own gym)

After that prepare a workout program with the instructions in the book and different techniques on a sandbag. Watch videos on how to hit the sandbag, i learned it in my former gym.

Pic Related: No weights, but i'm planning on using them.

>> No.4561894


They are not difficult to eat at all and if you eat them all day you get such dry lips due to all the salt.

>> No.4561900

Im pretty sure most people have read basic instructions or statistics about weight loss, fitness, health, vitamins etc.. but dont actually have really good relationship with health.. lots of people torture themselves for a goal (most).. that isnt healthy, youre just following instructions for a goal that will go away because you dont actually enjoy what youre doing.

Ive been a health nut for years and also a nut on enjoying life.

These people that just say calories taken in must be less than energy energy output and thats all there is to it are missing ALOT of information about health and fitness and practicality. Health is only easy to put into numbers like that if youre a beginner reading simple instructions. I always cringe when i hear the common kinds of info posted on the net and its always so mechanical.. as if thats all there is too it, just calories. NOPE.. not even close. There is nutrients, vitamins, minerals, certain kinds of fat, sugars, chemicals, salt, fiber, how processed a grain is.. thats just science.. There is also practicality.. you literally couldnt eat nothing but kale, it you take to long, if you juice certain things you wont be able to stomach them.. literally.. you can put things on paper that dont work IRL.. statistics mean little. You can eat something that is 1000 calories and the size of a golf ball and feel hungry all the time because your stomach isnt full and your brain isnt receiving stimulation becuz of that thinks its hungry.. Its common sense not just #s.
There is also exercising facts that ppl dont mention because of ego.. You have to exercise in a certain way or else youll burn yourself out and throw your energy off balance muscles alone dont = health.. you have to ease into things for optimal health short term and long term.. lots of egotism exists in the world, its always misleading.. i wouldnt just listen to an egotistical meathead without questioning everything. I used to be a weightlifter too.

>> No.4561906

Theyre easy to regulate if youre doing something.. someone that is dying from an addiction doesnt care about salty lips.. just get the unsalted kind.

>> No.4561913

what is unsalted sunflower seeds

>> No.4561914

Here again.

By the way, if you want to burn fat real quick, try out the "Tabata protocol" a nice side effect of that method is that you're increasing your V02. Good for people who are short on breathing or martial artists.

>> No.4561934


Too bad the unsalted ones don't taste nearly as good but I guess if its just to abide the addiction that doesn't matter.

In addition they are high in calories so they aren't suited to be eaten all day if you want to lose weight anyway.

>> No.4562173

You have a common misconception about health.

You can change your diet to be as healthy as you want but if you still eat it by the gallon you'll still be fat. You have to eat healthy and have stupid small portion meals to lose weight. Also exercise. It kind of sucks sometimes, I'm losing weight right now. Down about 15 pounds in about 20 days. It's a long road.

>> No.4562176


>he thinks unsalted sunflower seeds are unhealthy

How fucking uneducated are you, I don't even eat them and I know they're a healthy source of fat and protein

>> No.4562220


Not the guy you're talking to, but there's a limit, man. People talk about "healthy fats" and whatnot all the time as if them being healthier than something like saturated animal fat means you can eat all you want of it. Your body needs very little fat daily, and excess fat's just going to store on your body

>> No.4562230

Just count your calories, it's the only way. Much easier if you don't eat processed food, some of them simply lie about content.

>> No.4562235


They also have a free app for you phone that can scan UPC codes. Makes logging really fucking useful, and it almost becomes a sort of game to try and keep under the calorie limit for the day.

>> No.4562240



>> No.4562247


It's not even about picking healthy bread. The reason many people ditch bread is because that shit is insanely calorie dense.

It's damn easy to eat 1000 calories of bread in no time flat at all.

>> No.4562255

either this is a troll or you are incredibility stupid.
Go read the sticky on /fit/'s front page.

>> No.4562291
File: 53 KB, 500x647, Not again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start counting calories
>Realize I was eating like 3-4k calories a day
>Cut back to under 1950 and start logging
>Stupid hungry all fucking day

>> No.4562296

Get on my level 1550

>> No.4562299


then eat something more sensible worth 2 Calories and you will not be hungry.

>> No.4562300


lol. left out a "k" there. i guess it's obvious, but with the autists on the board...

>> No.4562303


Couldn't do that at an appropriate weight. 6' 5''. I'm just trying to get into the habit of normal eating patterns while I lose the weight.


The fuck is there that's worth 2 calories? Even a fucking carrot has like 25.

>> No.4562304

>weigh 141.8
>eat entire box of pasta, covered in parmesan and olive oil. Wash it down with black cherry sorbet.
>easily 3500 calories
>12 hours later weigh 142.2
You mad fatties?

>> No.4562309


Why? That's expected. A lb of fat is about 3000 calories. You gained pretty much what is expected, maybe a little more.

>> No.4562312

>drink almost exclusively diet soda
still drinking soda

>always order salad at fast food places
eating fast food

>always get baked potato instead of fries at Wendys
replacing potato with potato

>get caesar salad at Olive Garden always
caesar salad. nuff said

>stopped eating potato chips and ice cream
the one good move you actualy made

>only have chocolate bars every other day
eating junk food every other day

>use milk instead of cream in coffees
drinking milk (it's super high cal, look into milk subsitutues if you must)

>sometimes get brown bread
I bet it's still WonderBread or some other big brand bread as opposed to actually going to a bakery/using the grocery store's bakery

>no butter only jam on toast

>being this fucking retarded
I am convinced that this is a troll thread. No one is as moronic as OP. 10/10, OP due to 200+ replies

>> No.4562375

Start exercising you fat fuck good god why are you so stupid? Just fucking exercise. Join a gym, walk in the park, start dancing, anything to get your lardass moving you fuckshit. If that doesn't work just start smoking at least a pack of cigarettes a day every day.

>> No.4562384

Diet soda is as bad as regular soda
Fast food salad has very little nutritional value
Potatoes are carb heaven
Dressing will make your salad more fatty than a burger
Bread is real bad for carbs, limit it if you are looking to revitalize your metabolism

Also eat more vegetables and take a walk or jog.

>> No.4562397

I used to be obese and when I say obese I mean really obese. Like the kind of obese people laugh at and say shit like "Oh my god why are you outside? You're a disgrace to society." and throw empty candy bar wrappers at me while saying "Lick it fatty. Lick that wrapper."

I went vegetarian with a very low carb intake, drinking only water and walking for a hour every day. Now I weigh 167lbs at a height of 5'6.

>> No.4562420
File: 71 KB, 1680x1050, LIFT SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the sticky.
Lift heavy shit.
Count your calories.

Google Cron-O-Meter for calorie counting.
Look up Harsh's Worksheet.
Do what this picture says.

Do those three things 100%, no excuses, all the way, and I guarantee you'll get results barring you being some freak of nature.

AND DON'T CHEAT WHEN YOU COUNT CALORIES YOU DICK HEAD. There's one study in particular that tested severely obese people trying to lose weight, and tried to see if they had any actual genetic/metabolic problems, or what might be keeping them obese when they're dieting and exercising.

3 to 4% actually had some special issue. the other 97% consistently under-reported their food intake and over-reported their exercise. Don't lie to yourself otherwise you're just a pathetic sack of shit that doesn't deserve to be fit.

>> No.4562424

>sometimes get brown bread
>brown bread

What the fuck is "brown bread"? Is it rye? 100% whole wheat? Pumpernickel?

Are you stupid?

>> No.4562425


Or do none of it and just count calories, because you don't actually care about being "fit" and just want to be thin.

>> No.4562733

stop drinking fucking soda period and drop the fucking fast food fat ass

>> No.4563403

I lost 37lbs without changing my diet. I was 187 at 5 11''. I had to exercise a lot to lose the weight. Weight loss is not rapid, it will take time. My weight loss took about a year and was gradual. If you are serious about losing weight then you should go talk to a nutritionist who can help you design a healthy diet. Don't do any of this weight watchers bullshit because YOU DON'T NEED IT. Weightless is 90% exercise and its going to suck dick trying to lose weight, but it can be done. Get a gym membership and just start walking on a treadmill, for at least an hour, every day if you can, or even around where you live. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so putting on a little more muscle will help increase the amount of calories you burn without exercise and. SO, WHEN YOU WAKE UP DO AS MANY PUSHUPS AS YOU CAN UNTIL YOUR MUSCLES FAIL. DO NOT STOP WHEN THE ACHE ONLY WHEN THEY GIVE OUT ON YOU! Do The same thing with crunches and squats. Never, NEVER weigh yourself, it will only discourage you. Good luck up. it will suck and it will take time, but it can be done. Also, don't eat anymore fast food or soda, just drink water.

>> No.4563423

One will lose fat faster if they lift weights.