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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-06-09_08-19-24_928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4549807 No.4549807 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently british beans are different than american beans.

Lets find out!

>> No.4549811

I've always wanted to try those blue ones.

>> No.4549812
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-06-09_08-20-06_504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These british beans better be good. I paid $2.50 for the motherfuckers. American beans were $0.69. Pricepoint goes to america.

>> No.4549813

>different types of beans cooked in a different manner are different from each other

Never would have guessed

>> No.4549815

American beans are sweeter, usually having molasses in them.

British beans are less sweet, in a tomato based sauce.

>> No.4549823
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Nutritional information for you /fit/fags. This point is really irrelevant to my interests so im not giving any points on this basis.

>> No.4549826
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The british beans smell like tomatoes. Like a mix between ketchup and stewed tomatoes. Not necessarily an appealing smell to me, but im not a huge fan of tomato dishes.

>> No.4549832
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The color is white, whereas american beans are brown. Im no bean expert, but I think this indicates we are dealing with a different variety of beans here.

>> No.4549837

Open the American beans. I've never had canned beans before, despite being 'murrican.

>> No.4549841
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The taste is how the smell would indicate. Tomatoey. There wasn't any molasses sweetness like is present in american beans. I wasn't sure I liked them after the first bite or two, but it soon grew on me and meshed well with the other salty breakfast foods.

>> No.4549846
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The texture was a little different too. The britsh beans were soft in the middle, but the outside had a slight firmness to them. I liked this. Sometimes american beans are too mushy.

>> No.4549847

I have had beans in tings, but I have never seen an american just heat up the contents of a can of beans and just eat it

>> No.4549853

I do it all the time. I love beans.

>> No.4549885
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Overall they both have their merits. The british beans are a better breakfast bean. American beans can be a bit heavy and sweet for breakfast foods. The tomato flavor of the british beans melds well without the other breakfast foods. If I had eaten it with eggs, id imagine it would be a more socially acceptable version of putting ketchup on your eggs. Im all for putting ketchup om my scrambled eggs by the way.

If I was having a burger or some pork chops, I think I would prefer american beans. I don't think the tomato flavor would mesh well in that regard. In short for breakfast, get british beans. For dinner, get american beans.

Ill be buying the british beans again. For the $2.50 price point I probably wont have 3 cans on hand in the pantry, but for when I feel like making an all out breakfast, ill be calling on the blue can.

>> No.4549893

That can in tescos is 68p.

>> No.4549900

Im guessing the higher price is because its exported

Thanks for the OC OP

>> No.4549901

Their texture depends a lot on how much you heat them. You can get them to be mushy if you heat longer.

>> No.4549905

I just had heinz beans with toast (and cheese and chipolatas and worcestershire sauce).
Good stuff.

>> No.4549910

>SEVEN sausages

>> No.4549926

Heinz do a sausage and beans that is so good for breakfast on toast.

>> No.4549943

They are, American ones are made with sugar and British ones are made in a tomato sauce. Where do you come from, Bongistan or Burgerland?

>> No.4549959

That's not really a fair comparison. I can get own brand beans here for 5p. You are paying for one of the well known brand leaders and then throw import fees to it.

>> No.4549972

The last place I lived had a grocery store with a small British import section. Heinz beans, Branston Pickle, canned haggis, the works.

I only ever got the beans, though. Wish I'd gotten some Branston Pickle as well.

>> No.4549973
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a challenger appears

>> No.4549974

Yes. Yes you do.

>> No.4549975

Branston is great on a cheese sandwich. There are two varieties, crunchy and smooth. i like the crunchy one for the texture.

>> No.4549980

Moreover, no sandwich compares to a good ploughman's

>> No.4549984

As you made a thread about British beans, I feel this is as good a place as any to ask a few questions. What exactly is it with Americans and their revulsion of beans? I have been to B&B's with Americans and they were gagging at the sight of the beans and have spoken to other Americans that have been on group tours here, funnily the one guy who "wasn't freaked out" as he put it, by them loved them and gets them in America when finances are allow.

Every single time it is brought up Americans just go crazy talking about how "gross" they look and eating beans for breakfast is disgusting. I just don't understand it, I thought baked beans were invented in America and are the stereotypical cowboy food. Is it just because to Americans say British anything = microwaved dogshit?

>> No.4549990
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This is a ploughmans if anyone is interested. It is basically a small platter of cheeses, pickled onions, boiled eggs, breads, apples and vegetables. It was a farmers lunch, thus the name plough mans.

For the sauce, i have to disagree with you on the Branston, Piccalilli is clearly the best one for the Ploughmans.

>> No.4550003

Beans cause gas.

Making any kind of bodily noise in America (fart, burp, stomach noise, making noise while in a public bathroom, mouth breathing, and chewing loudly) is frowned upon and met with shame. People will stop, stare, huff, and walk away.

Saying that you like beans means you like pissing off the people around you, which makes you a hated asshole.

I actually do enjoy beans, though. I just don't talk about them in public.

>> No.4550013

It probably depends on what part of the country the people are from. Beans are more associated with the whole southern BBQ scene than anything else, but are still pretty widespread. Beans for breakfast is completely foreign here. You probably saw lots of rich, yuppie, tourists where I'd imagine baked beans aren't common cuisine for them.

>> No.4550073

I was referring explicitly to its sandwich form
Piccalilli is awkward in sandwiches

>> No.4550090

Yeah, they're haricot beans.

>> No.4550093

> You probably saw lots of rich, yuppie, tourists

This, this, and this.

Every EU breakfast buffet (hotel) I have ever been to had smoked fish and all the fixins necessary to make lunchmeat sammichs. I admit it seems odd, but its delicious too. I couldn't imagine being "freaked out" about it. What a bunch of pansies.

Also, "soup beans" are quite popular in the US. I had those at least twice a week growing up. There is no sauce, tomato, or catsup. Its just pinto beans cooked until mushy. It makes its own broth.

The "baked beans" are flavored with a gravy/glaze of brown sugar (not molasses). Traditionally, baked beans are a picnic food, ie something simple to take to outdoor family gatherings or xmas parties. Growing up, the only time I saw baked beans, cole slaw, deviled eggs, potato salad, or hot dogs was at picnics and other family gatherings. Therefore it would be weird to be eating picnic food for breakfast.

It would be equally weird to go to a family gathering at the park and eat scrambled eggs with toast and pancakes. Agreed?

>> No.4550144

Heinz Vegetarian Beans are about the same as Heinz British Beans.
Heinz sells American style beans, as in with pork or molasses in certain places like Pittsburgh.

If you want good American beans though, go with Bush's or B&M

>> No.4550152

Beans tend to be associated with the lower class and are usually considered "poor people food."
Like beans & cornbread.

>> No.4550211

Goddamn now I'm hungry and it's nearly bedtime.

>> No.4550218

It is only 4:45pm. Are you 80 years old?

>> No.4550224

>hurr what are different timezones

>> No.4550229

It's 4:51 where I am, not my fault you have the lifestyle of a senior in Florida.

>> No.4550248

Belgianfag here
I'm pretty sure brits are about the only ones that eat these for breakfast. Maybe the germans as well.

To Brits: do you eat this on weakdays as well?
If I even get breakfast at all it's usually just some yoghurt & fruit, maybe some bread+chocopaste/jam, I could never wake up earlier than I have to and actually start cooking breakfast before going to work...

>> No.4550255

Beans are God-tier. I could eat them with every meal.

I read that the American beans are just ketchup, water, navy beans, and bacon. Anyone tried it before?

>> No.4550256

It's called baked beans. And there are only beans, no pork or anything else. Sometimes not even tomato sauce.

>> No.4550257

>i have to disagree with you on the Branston, Piccalilli is clearly the best one for the Ploughmans.

Just get the fuck out. Until you live in a land where Branston is unobtainable, you have no idea how essential it is.

They have picallili everywhere, but right now I would gouge out my grandmother's eyes for a cheese and pickle sanger.

>> No.4550263
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>To Brits: do you eat this on weakdays as well?

We generally only eat a cooked breakfast with beans on a weekend. And we eat it mid morning and generally skip the mid day meal afterwards so it's more of a brunch.

Some people eat it everyday (fatties) and most cafes serve an 'all day' breakfast because it's a popular meal.

I generally cook this as: 2 fried eggs, 2 back, 2 sausage, mushrooms, black pudding, beans and crumpets. But everyone has their own way of doing it.

>> No.4550276

The British have schedules and lives just like you, you idiot. If we have time we might have a cooked breakfast with baked beans. But generally on weekdays we don't have time, so we don't have cooked breakfasts.

>> No.4550277

what exactly is in black pudding anyway?
The only pudding I know tasted like vanilla or chocolate...

>> No.4550289

Blood pudding is a more appropriate name for it.

I hope you can figure it out from there.

>> No.4550298

pigs blood, barley, other stuff. im not kidding. there are lots of places in the world that have 'blood sausages'

>> No.4550301

we eat that, but it's sausage-shaped. Call em blood sausage..
Never had it for breakfast though.

>> No.4550306

Ya it can be in any form you want. Hell, you can make blood patties and make a blood burger.

>> No.4550314

Sheep's blood, oatmeal, and onions

>> No.4550316


Its basically a sausage made using pigs blood.

>> No.4550339

>American ones are made with HFCS

>> No.4550342

American here (from Texas, which probably does matter). I love beans, and don't know anybody that doesn't.

>> No.4550354


>> No.4550357

in sweden we have a thing called blodpudding which translates to blood pudding
not a sausage though

>> No.4550386

top lel

>> No.4550420

Texas also and same here, but never had them for breakfast. Wouldnt be apposed to it as long as it wasnt that sweet baked bean, or pork and bean shit.

>> No.4550426
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>from Texas

It does matter. Texan here, beans are great. Keep them out of the fucking chili though. I've never had them for breakfast though, they're more of a side dish for lunch and supper. Refried bean master race.

>> No.4550446

Ugh, please don't do that. That shitty meme still haunts me.

>> No.4550444


>> No.4550454
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Those are good, get the ones with jalapeno or sweet onion. But, pic related. Get on my level, plebeian.

>> No.4550480

Beans belong in chili you immense faggot.

>> No.4550484

no u

>> No.4550485


>> No.4550501

I like chilli with beans.

Chilli with just mince is just fat.

>> No.4550524

Using minced beef for chili. Guys, get a load of this one!

>> No.4550529
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>> No.4550568

HFCS *IS* sugar though

>> No.4550572

Nice bean thread we got going here

Beans in chili? Yes
Beans for breakfast? Yes
Beans cold out of the can? Yes

call me a poorfag but I love me some beans

I'm still trying to find the elusive blue can beans though, but I did find a can that says "original recipe" on the front and they list tomato paste as one of the ingredients and the pic looks more like brit beans

>> No.4550575
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Go to the Indian store. You know, the one that doesn't exist in your town.

>> No.4550580


maybe I could try my luck with the asian market which we have enough of

>> No.4550598
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>> No.4550601

Not in New England

>> No.4550920


The pudding part of the name is an old term, back when pudding was used to refer to things that were liquids put in a casings, then cooked to set. It's where Christmas pudding gets its name too, as it used to be tightly wrapped in cloth, then steamed to set the shape.

If you call it blood sausage everyone will know what you mean though.

>> No.4551030

>britbeans 3 main ingredients
>beans, tomatoes, water
>ameribeans 3 main ingredients
>water, beans, HFCS

Is there any American food that doesn't have HFCS in it?

>> No.4551053


i lol'd

>> No.4551067

I know it's hard to understand seeing as you probably live in a third world socialist country shithole like Venezuela, but here in America we have millions of choices.

Don't want HFCS in your food? No problem. Just get the pure cane sugar variety.

>> No.4551089

that really only applies to soda.

>> No.4551164

lol pretty much the best use I've ever seen of this reaction face

>> No.4551222

Funnily enough, most major ketchup brands have stopped using it. Lots of types of foods offer alternitives to HFCS as well, not just carbonated beverages.

>> No.4551234

Chili is literally defined by its lack of beans. Chili has beef, poulty, and in some rare cases pork or even seafood. Not beans. Never beans. Once beans go into it is no longer chili. It is called "chili, with beans."

Once you throw beans into a chili it's also disqualified for literally every reputable and widespread chili competition so you're clearly the one being an immense faggot.

>> No.4551268

No, not really. In your average supermaket you can get non-HFCS options for the wide majority of things.

>> No.4551274

Then why is chilli with meat call chilli con carna?

>> No.4551354

Lol you guys and your crazy ass currency, it's like Harry Potter

>> No.4551374

>chile con carne
because it's chiles with meat.. how is that complicated?
it's just like how chile con queso is cheese made with chile peppers because that's what the name means, literally.

>> No.4551380
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Almost got me.
Especially when you reached waaaaay up in your ass to grab that 'chili competition' part.
I do appreciate you people on /ck/ though.
Makes for an entertaining thread.

>> No.4551385
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Chili trolls aside, this has been a very nice thread OP.

We need more of these.

>> No.4551392
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Heinz bbq beans are much tastier.

>> No.4551597
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I bet your coinage doesn't even make a shield.

>> No.4551605

A thread about beans and no black eyed purple hulled peas mentioned?

For shame.

>> No.4551647


tin foil and paper plates, are you poor or just dislike washing up?

>> No.4551655

Shit, poor folk can't afford to waste tin foil like that.

>> No.4551663
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our coins spell FREEDOM

>> No.4551670

Haha sweet

>> No.4551681

Go home beans, you're drunk

>> No.4551698

So, if I'm going to a week-long festival where I'll be eating mostly canned food, which can would you recommend? As in, I'll be eating them straight out of the can with a spoon.
I'm thinking the not-so-sweet variety.

>> No.4551705

Haha, that's pretty neat.

My coins just got moose and shit on them.

Feels bad man.

>> No.4551782

Fuck, well, you got us beat there, freedom man.

>> No.4551786

If there is anything spending a week inna woods has taught me it is that the majority of "camping" foods are sweet based and you get real fucking sick of sweet after a few days. I would bring a mixture of the two so that you don't get sick of one over the other. Bring tobasco and dried chili and garlic flakes for a bit of taste difference.

>> No.4551798

Of course, when you carry your own food, you want calorie density and carbs to fuel yourself. Can't beat sugar there.

>> No.4551822

I agree but you just, can't take it any more. That's why I make dough and bring it with me, put it in containers and bury them/submerge them in water to keep them cold. Fresh baked bread for breakfast, you become the king of the camp.

>> No.4551876

Wouldn't it be better to compare beans of the same style? You are comparing pork and beans with bean in tomato sauce. They will taste completely different regardless.

Try comparing two of the same kinds. Like 2 pork and beans cans from different countries.

>> No.4551912

I didn't even know campell's made pork n beans.

>> No.4551922

Yeah, they suck. Campbells even has a spaghetti...

>> No.4551941


That I knew. Did it just come out within the last few years or something because admittedly I don't go to the grocery often at all.

>> No.4551944

Nah, they've been around for ages, it's just most stores don't bother stocking them because the likes of Bush's and Van Camps have the baked bean market is cornered.

>> No.4551948


I see, well at least I know I'm not missing anything.

>> No.4551950


Heat them in the pan you fried some bacon in (drain off excess fat first so they're not too fatty)

Tastes amazing.

>> No.4551971

For British eyes only

>> No.4552082

Thanks, bro. Sounds like a good idea.
Baked bread, too, although I won't have access to any kind of heat source. Do you've any other recommendations for innawoods foods that don't require heating? That aren't those DIY military rations.

>> No.4552090

Go redneck:
vienna sausages, potted meat, saltine crackers, sardines (mustard coated if you don't care much for fish flavor), smoked oysters, fuck, any meat in a can, especially the high salt and fat content ones.

>but..but...but isn't salt and fat bad for me?
When you're doing nothing but sitting on your ass, yes, too much is horrible for you. When you're out in the woods sweating your ass off trying to make sure you're still alive in a month's time, you want both. Amusingly enough, there's already a mention of hyponatremia on /ck/ today, but it's a really big deal in survival situations. Ever notice how salty sweat is? That's sodium leaving your body. Sodium plays many important roles in your body, but one of the biggest ones is IT MAKES YOUR NEURONS WORK. Google "sodium pump". Now, you don't need a super amount of salt, but you'll probably be drinking a lot of water and sweating so you'll need much more than usual.

As for the fat? Calorie density. In survival situations we're talking quantity, not quality. We want to keep you from chewing on boiled shoe leather for as long as possible. To do that, we need to keep your calorie intake as high as possible with as little food as possible (because you'll be carrying shit).

>> No.4552093

Pemmican is a Native American food that's actually really great for survival situations too: it's basically dried meat mixed with fat with a few berries and shit mixed in. Google can show you how to make it.

As for survival type foods, the more milk and sugar it has the shorter the shelf life.

>> No.4552123



Not the same guy, but just sayin.

>> No.4552138
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>high fructose corn syrup

bloody america

>> No.4552137

Welcome to the future of baked beans.


>not cooking your beans for a long time to reduce the sauce

>> No.4552139
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>> No.4552183

Anyone have a good baked bean recipe?
Is it still baked beans if you make them with cannelini beans?

>> No.4552205

I hate the way it is, but it isnt impossible to get around. I just dont buy almost any processed goods.
Can of beans? Nope, just buy a bag and cook them myself

>> No.4552215

>implying he's not reusing that tin foil

>> No.4552282
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Also, eggs and beans for breakfast, get on my level, ese.

>> No.4552503

So much more filling than the normal ones.

>> No.4552538

I fucking love Heinz beans. So much better than our national brands. I can't stand overly sweet beans. Heinz beans and Ranch Style beans are pretty much the only canned prepared beans I'll eat. I also make my own homemade Ranch Style beans every so often, and my own baked beans with practically no sugar in them. Did I mention I hate sweet beans?

>> No.4552582

What's your recipe for baked beans?

>> No.4552593

brb, I'll retrieve it.

>> No.4552620

W...Where's the meat..?

>> No.4552638

I've always held that as soon as you start making competition out of poverty food like chili, you aren't actually making poverty food.
If your recipe for red beans and rice includes saffron, you might win all the competitions, but you're still a cunt and that still isn't proper red beans and rice.

Beans increase the nutritional density and decrease the cost of chili.
Chili is a poverty food.
as soon as you stop caring about the nutritional density and cost, you aren't making a poverty food anymore. You're making a spicy goulash aperitif for some richfag and dressing it up as poorfag food so the rich can claim to have an "authentic" experience.

Also, their rules would allow you to add celery, prunes, or okra, but not beans or pasta? 3-4 hours cooking time ONLY? they're a bunch of fussy faggots. Fuck them. Competition rules aren't how you make chili. It's how you make "competition chili."

>> No.4552642

campbells cant into any soup except chicken noodle and tomato even then its meh

way better canners out there than that mass produced garbage

>> No.4552649

>in the woods
>no access to a heat source
Seriously? Make a damn fire.
Otherwise... Beef jerky, real stuff not slim jims. And hard cheese. And cured sausage like salami.
I could fucking live on salami and aged chedder.

>> No.4553971

As I said, I won't actually be going innawoods. I'll be attending a music festival, and I won't be able to light a fire, but I figured I could at least benefit from some of the innawoods tips.
But thanks, cured meats sound like a good idea.

>> No.4554503

Is that some motherfucking Charles Dance? What's the gif from?

>> No.4555156


i rarely heat them up. just makes a bowl dirty. open the can, grab a spoon, and away i go. its a real handy mini-meal at work or when traveling.

also once i filled a windex bottle with blue kool-aid and a mayo jar with vanilla pudding and proceeded to eat vanilla pudding out of mayo jar chasing down with koolaid windex in a busy public park. it's actually quite enjoyable to watch people's reactions.

>> No.4555208

make an alcohol stove

all you need is cotton balls a soda can and some everclear

>> No.4555227

almost pissed my pants

>> No.4555254

lol read the whole thing in a Jamaican accent
>I have had beans in tings
Good. I can't say the same; it's family tradition. That tradition extends to any canned foods.
>campbells cream of mushroom
>any campbells really
>chef boy ar dee
Family favorite?

Shit's gross, yo.