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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4542772 No.4542772 [Reply] [Original]

How much a week do you spend on food? What do you eat?

>> No.4542792

I try to live on $10 a week, usually rice and lentils

>> No.4542801


Depends on if I'm lazy and just eat out every meal. Can live off of like 60$ a month with dem beans, rice, pork, chili, and soup recipes.

>> No.4542803

That's not living, that's merely surviving.

>> No.4542813

Can eat out for lunch 5$ a day, cook dinner at home 5-10$. Toast for breakfast. Buy coffee in bulk.

Spend more on alcohol though $60 - $80

>> No.4542815

probably around 30-50euros a week, i like eating out and there's this sweet little place that serves lunch everyday apart from weekends for only 3euro's.
Also i isually get my food free for weekends since i visit my parents and eat there then.

>> No.4542818

If i knew how to cook Tofu and other vegetarian dishes, other than stirfried asian veggies, id be a happy man.

Meat is a waste of fucking money.

>> No.4542820

But then I probably spend £5 on food while out and about too.

>> No.4542824


Salmon fillets
Lots of broccoli, spinach and peas.
Chilli con carne
Slow cooked ragu
Wholewheat Pasta/Brown Rice/Puy Lentils/brown breads
Chicken/Turkey Stir Fry

>> No.4542854

I frequently buy 2-3 of the following and barely hit $50 a week: ribeye steak, bacon, whole chickens, various sausages, shrimp, catfish, etc.

The $50 includes re-upping on staples and vegetables. Butter, milk, eggs, sour cream, corn meal, flour, collard greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, okra, corn, onion, celery, bell pepper, herbs and spices, etc.

Although I always have a 50 lb. bag of extra long grain rice and an assortment of beans (usually totals between 10-20 lb.) on hand. Pinto, Great Northern, and navy are the most common and abundant. Occasionally I'll buy black beans.

People that don't eat at home are tards.

>> No.4542892

around $200aud.
thats for two people with lots of organic shit, fresh seafood, beer and wine.

>> No.4542926

About $100.

Used to be less, but now that I've got a job I end up having to get lunch at fast food joints most days.

>> No.4542935

Not a whole lot on food, probably $35 or so for foods. But then muh cigarettes, and muh tequila, and muh coffee, and muh weed. That stuff gets expensive.

>> No.4542941

I want to eat Sunny and drink her breast milk.

>> No.4542951

>dat sunny
and its usually 40 bucks then add more dependign if im buying fruit or not. i tend to eat 8 bucks worth of anjous in a day`

>> No.4542971

Poor Koreans.

>> No.4543003

Around $200 a week.

I eat out between two and three times a week in a restaurant for lunch. Around $10. Once a week I cook for a group of friends and it comes out to around $75. The rest is spent on grocery shopping.

>> No.4543021

I work 5 days a week so I get free food there (restaurant) and I spend about 10 euro on food for the other days

>> No.4543022

I cook almost every meal (I maybe eat out once or twice a month, so I'll neglect that).

I eat Paleo (so no grains or legumes), and eat a lot, probably on the order of 4k calories on an average day. I eat mainly pork and chicken for meat, as well as some cheap cuts of beef (that is stupidly expensive here, seriously Europe WTF). Then whatever veggies are in season, cheap, or happen to look really good in the store.

I'd estimate that I average about 85 euros a week (currently expattin in yurop), so under $115 per week, or about $17 a day.

>> No.4543023

got er down to $30/wk

why? cause I'm conditioning myself to survive on less. I eat very high quality food too. lots of veg, beans, eggs, olive oil, occaisonly fish and meat and I supplement, vitamin c, and d, and omega 3.

>> No.4543494

I spend $50/mo on food and $150/mo on alcohol.

>> No.4543546

About $150 for four people per week. I eat a lot of organic vegetables and udon. We make sushi with avocado and vegetables. Lots of green tea and a little wine. We try to eat traditional diets for health and we always eat whole foods.

I put garlic in everything. I dream about little dancing garlics laughing and playing.

>> No.4543753

that's not healthy. you're going to die young.

>> No.4543772

About $200 a month for two people. Whole grains, tofu and vegetables. Mostly asian dishes with occasionally american/italian food.

>> No.4543788

I eat out at fast casual restaurants once in a while. A tasty burrito or burger for less than four bucks, yes please.

>> No.4543847


all I eat is cheerios in Glenlivet blue

>> No.4543954

How are the gains treating you?

>> No.4543975

about 40-50 bucks, I mostly eat fruit and veggies, muesli with yoghurt for breakfast. Also eggs, beans, nuts and rice. No bread or meat, and very little sugar.
Also never drink fizzy or coffee, they make me sick, so pretty much just water and tea, or wine/cider if I'm going out.

>> No.4544008

Average $100 a week between two people, sometimes as low $50.. Mexican cooking is cheap as fuck. For meats I just buy chicken thighs/leg pieces, ground beef, pork shoulder, and beef shoulder/round steaks. None of these cuts is more than $3/lb. Rice and beans are the main side dishes, and veggies are carrots, potatoes, squash, and corn.

Mexican is the ultimate poorfag cuisine.

>> No.4544018

20-25$ I believe when it is converted to dollars.

I usually just eat danish ryebread with different toppings like liverpaste or some sausage and fruit in the weekdays, and then make some good proper food in the weekends.

>> No.4544065

$20-30/week food
$20/week alcohol
au$, vegetarian.

>> No.4544068

Pretty much the same, for 100/130 euros

>> No.4544142
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>that junkie who buys his food with food stamps and then spends his actual money he had the whole time on beer/cigarettes

>> No.4544148

if i wasn't forced by capitalist society to work for some elite's corporation 40+ hours a week i'd be growing my own food and spending my money on beer/cigarettes anyway. food stamps are just one of the capitalists tricks to sedate the masses into continuing to work for them.

personally i am going to try to never have to collect food stamps/unemployment.

>> No.4544152


Wait, what's stopping you from growing your own food? Gardening doesn't take that long for the basics

>> No.4544156

Normally spend about $100 bucks on food each fortnight.
I buy meat in bulk and work in a wholesale food place so I can get dry foods like rice, beans, breakfast cereal and any other staple for next to nothing, all organic too.

>> No.4544162

I just spent over thirty bucks on kfc and only ate two pieces of chicken. I dont ewant to eat anymore. I have heaps of chcken left.

That was my last thirty dolars.

>> No.4544165
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>hates capitalism and corporations
>speaks of "sedating the masses"
>drinks beer and smokes cigarettes

>> No.4544167

About £15 a week and eat a pretty wide range of stuff. I get a free meal from my parents once a weekend and I hardly ever drink alcohol. If you're interested in saving money I'd recommend eating oatmeal, which I have for breakfast probably 4 times a week. Also pay attention to offers in shops and avoid wasting anything. A fair bit of my diet is based on what's on offer in local supermarkets, so I constantly eat different things as the offers change.

>> No.4544555

I usually spend about $7.50 on lunch and about $10 on dinner.
Because of my work schedule, I don't have the time to cook and clean
On Saturday I'll make dinner at home, and Sunday I'll make lunch and dinner at home.

>> No.4544620

you knew it was your last 30 bucks and you spent it all at once on KFC? no sympathy

>> No.4544672

now that ive stopped smoking, yearsh right.

>> No.4544711

Around $150 for 2 people, all meals home cooked. I make a huge variety of things but some of the staples:

steak (tri tip is probably what I buy most)
green onions
black beans
other fruits if they're on sale (fuck spending $5/lb for strawberries that will probably taste like shit)

>> No.4544740

£35. I could eat quite well for £20 a week without any trouble, but my living costs are otherwise pretty low and I really fucking love food, so I'm happy to spend a bit extra and fill each day with glee and anticipation. Because I cook all my meals, it goes reasonably far- I'll blow some money on good cheese, game or expensive cuts of meat or fish, but I'll get 2-4 excellent meals from it and it will still cost less than a single mid-range restaurant main. I also do a lot of exercise (running, working out, fencing, climbing), so I keep around a lot of fruit, nuts, seeds, raw vegetables, dairy and other protein-rich foods at home and in the work fridge so I can easily assemble snacks or an emergency second breakfast as needed.

>> No.4546593

You're... going to be single soon unless you met her here or she's morbidly obese. It's healthy to get out of the cave.

>> No.4546638

Usually more than I want to, and that's only because I eat mostly organic and that's fucking expensive. I would have gladly paid less for food, If all the non-hipster food did not taste like plastic and was not loaded with chemicals. And, no, adding spices does not change the hint of fish in a 'regular' tomato and I freaking hate the stale taste of a 'regular' yogurt. Don't even get me started on non-free range eggs, out of season fruit/vegetables etc. And I am a smoker, aren't smokers supposed to be taste buds handicapped?