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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.79 MB, 1936x1936, 1365435045158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4542133 No.4542133 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate

>> No.4542137

>My preference > Your preference


>Liking [the one I don't prefer]

>> No.4542139

Good Deep Dish > Good Thin Crust > Bad Thin Crust > Bad Deep Dish

>> No.4542150
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>> No.4542167
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>> No.4542177

Euorpe, pls go.

>> No.4542181


>> No.4542184
File: 7 KB, 209x200, 1343552838746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant compare the both. It'd be like comparing an apple to a potatoe. The lower picture is pizza, the upper picture is a lasagna without the pasta in a cake bowl.

>> No.4542186

seems about right

>> No.4542195
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>> No.4542205

>Ranch is not a pizza sauce

>> No.4542220

it's not a debate at all because people in chicago don't even eat deep dish pizza, it's nothing but swill for tourists akin to going to times square and eating at bubba gump or tgi fridays

>> No.4542236

I've never had a deep dish pizza. Mostly because I already don't like the tomato sauce on pizza already, at least none of the chains around here.

I adore new york-ish style though. Long flat slices with just cheese.

>> No.4542240
File: 41 KB, 800x479, 1361623897452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.4542247

>yfw that's their appetizer

>> No.4542255

American's are always wrong when it comes to cooking. Chicago pizza is what happens when you give an American an idea to make his own pizza.
One slice is enough for probably all three meals of your day, let alone a whole pizza.

Since I like to eat more, not less, I'll get the much better for you, Italian based thin slices.

>> No.4542264

are there any youtube videos of someone eating a whole pizza this size?

How about that Tiny Tim guy?

>> No.4542268

/ck/, I'm going to make a pizza this weekend. Any tips?

>> No.4542270

Prep all your ingredients while the oven heats up.

>> No.4542275

if you're out of pizza sauce, just make a 1:1 mix of ketchup and corn starch

>> No.4542278


>dat face when opening ranch

you will never know this happiness

>> No.4542283

the fuck is that?
tomato sauce ON TOP OF THE CHEESE?!?!

>> No.4542289

You can tell who is fat and who isn't by what style they prefer.

>> No.4542291


Only one thing's for sure, I think we can all agree that California style is the worst style of pizza.

>> No.4542294

What's a california style? No raw fish?

>> No.4542295


tomato upside down cake?

>> No.4542297

It's actually the best way to make a pizza.

>> No.4542298

You can tell who is butthurt and who isn't by what style they shitpost for.

>> No.4542301

>getting buttupset
I see you like chicago style.

>> No.4542302

make sure to move your oven rack to the bottom. don't drown your pizza in sauce. lay cheese first and then the topping if it's something watery. If it's something you want to keep moist lay it on before the cheese. if you want to trap the moisture/fat lay another thin topping of cheese on top.

>> No.4542304

They're both pizza, but completely different from each other. Both are good, in their own way. You can't compare them, though.
Also, to you faggots who keep calling deep dish things like cheesecake and lasagne, you need to just fuck off. Deep dish or stuffed pizzas, as we know them, are an Americanized version of Sicilian pizzolu and/or Sicilian cheese pie. And historically, that certainly makes sense. Neither Chicago or New York pizzas can be considered "authentic" pizzas, so the debate is pointless, you're all just being huge faggots.

>> No.4542307

I guess you're entitled to your own opinions, even if they are objectively wrong.

>> No.4542312
File: 32 KB, 504x383, THIS_IS_YOU_OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you know your life would be much happier if you just gave up on self respect and became

>Jabba the PizzaHut

>> No.4542310

So you're saying, one is closer to authentic than the other one?
So one clearly is more of what you want?

>> No.4542314

Eat both. Love pizza.

>> No.4542318

As a man, why the fuck would you ever touch something that resembles a penis?

>> No.4542319

Pizza the Hut*

>> No.4542320
File: 168 KB, 500x375, Chez_Panisse_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurp, we are better because we are different!

>> No.4542322
File: 23 KB, 600x450, okonomiake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese pizza is far superior to merican tomato cake and floppy grease taco versions.

>> No.4542324

because things that resemble a penis are not penises.

>> No.4542326

Because we aren't manchildren with the minds of homophobic 4th graders.

>> No.4542327

Goddamn that looks delicious. California Pizza Master Race!

>> No.4542329

I live in California, and I don't understand what the fuck people are on about with "California style" pizza. In my local area, I have New York Style places, Chicago style places, and regular pizza. The only thing I've seen that I'd consider "Californian" is some places offer artichoke hearts as a topping. There's some that do gyro pizza, but those are at the New York style pizza places. Oh, and one place that does Indian style pizzas, with tandoori chicken and whatnot on them.

>> No.4542330

weaboo pls

>> No.4542332

It looks like someone cleaned out the about-to-expire ingredients from their fridge and then barfed on a disc of pita.

>> No.4542334

I don't know what the fuck that is, but that isn't a pizza

>> No.4542336

No, neither can be considered "authentic" is what I"m saying. Chicago deep dish is based on pizzas made in Sicily, and New York pizzas are based on certain Italian pizzas. Both are tasty, both are technically pizza, but neither are authentic.

>> No.4542337

>Italian based thin slices
>implying italian slices are particularly thin
thats a new york thing, new yorks faux italian style pizza is the super thin crust, italian crusts are thicker. Not as thick as that deep dish garbage but thicker none the less

>> No.4542342


>> No.4542349

Nigga, you just described my lunch

>> No.4542352

>implying the Sicilians invented pizza


>> No.4542354

I prefer thin crust

>> No.4542379
File: 331 KB, 1280x960, Okonomiyaki_-_shrimp_and_cheese_okonomiyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually the Japanese invented Pizza back when
Rome was just a bunch of faggits in mud huts.

>> No.4542389
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>> No.4542390

Except that's not pizza.

>> No.4542392

What are you, gay?

>> No.4542397
File: 656 KB, 1600x1200, J.B. Alberto's II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago thin crust > New York = Chicago deep dish

>> No.4542401

If anything it's a drunkard's frittata.

>> No.4542405
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It's Okonomiyaki the original form of pizza developed thousands of years before any other culture copied and bastardized this Japanese culinary masterpiece. We even invented, what is commonly known as the "Chicago cut" as well.

>> No.4542416
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>> No.4542422

Too bad it's shit.

>> No.4542449

i live in italy and 90% of the pictures in this thread disgust me. eat real pizza please

>> No.4542452
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It's actually more healthy and better tasting than later abominations of our culinary innovation.

>> No.4542454

I grew up being allergic to milk (not lactose intolerant), so all my pizzas as a kid were toppings, sauce, and dough, no cheese. It was a revelation to me when I learned about deep dish after growing out of the allergy. I felt a little less bizarre in loving a shit-ton of sauce on my pizzas.

>> No.4542455

looks awful and nothing like a pizza

>> No.4542466
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Aaannnnnnnd, the thread is derailed by weeaboos.

>> No.4542467


>cut into triangle slices...check
>finger food...check

do you even know what a pizza is?

>> No.4542472

do you moron?

>> No.4542473


And nothing of value was lost. How many dumb Chicago meat pie vs. New York Pizza threads do we need?

>> No.4542475
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Terrible effort.

>> No.4542476

So pancakes with mint sprinkled on top and blueberry sauce = pizza, as long as you cut it in triangles?

>> No.4542477

>don't invent a dish
>moan inventor isn't doing it right
Italy: From Rome to the Renaissance to a forgotten Euro backwater with a shit economy that got their asses kicked by Ethiopia and only matters at all because people want to come and look at what made you great centuries ago. No wonder you run around trying to claim something as universally beloved as pizza as your own, since if it was it'd be your biggest achievement of the past 200 years.

>> No.4542478

did i say italy invented it? go get mad somewhere else

>> No.4542481

Not that guy, but not everyone is a nationalist America that gets upset when you make ignorant attempts at insulting their country.

>> No.4542486

I have the final say since my direct ancestor invented pizza outright. NY is best

>> No.4542490

>NY is best
Do your Jew overlords even let you put pepperoni on pizza?

>> No.4542493


Let us? They toss us pork every Thursday before our glorious masters' Sabbath, since they won't be needing it! "Good enough for the goyim" they say as they have their black lackeys drop it off! Oh, it's wonderful . . .

>> No.4542516

Jew York Jew York!
It's a hell of a town!
Shlomo's up while the Goyim is down!
The chosen people get driven around!
Jew York, Jew York!
It's a hell of a tooooowwwwwwwnnnnnnn!
(jazz hands)

>> No.4542550



See, that's the beauty of being a house goyim though. We get musicals and culture and all that.

>> No.4542561

>Indian style pizzas, with tandoori chicken and whatnot on them

I want this

>> No.4542605

Bottom because I have autism and any chunks of anything in sauce makes me gag.

Kill me

>> No.4542623
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>> No.4542627

We do, but not on a regular basis. (I live in chicago suburbs).

My family gets pizza probably 3 or 4 times a month (depending on how busy we are).

However we only get deep dish 2 or 3 times a year, just cause it's pretty expensive and we have to go to a sit-down restaurant for it.

>> No.4542632


>> No.4542718

Dear God what is that abomination?
inb4 lard topping and mayonnaise.
USA pls go.

>> No.4542728

I've allways wanted to try those american style pizzas just to see how they taste, i mean they might actually be pretty fukken good but such is livin in yuropoor where french fries are considered topping

>> No.4542750

The New York style is terrible.

Chicago style can be good, but the best pizzerias are in the midwest. But there's a fucking conspiracy where we don't have pictures of it.

>> No.4542753

>but the best pizzerias are in the midwest



>> No.4542756

>tomato cake
I gross'd.

>> No.4542768

I lived on the East Coast. It's a terribly wretched place full of human cattle and awful food. I do miss the fresh seafood though, but I had to prepare everything myself because if you decided to try a popular restaurant, many had no idea what they were doing and just threw together expensive ingredients hoping the outcome would actually taste good.

The pizza, like the rest of the food, was a popularity circlejerk with no correlation to quality.

>> No.4542771


What part of the east coast? Most pizza outside NYC is shitty regardless of if it's Rhode Island or Ohio.

>> No.4542808

I'm begging.
What's the propper recipe for the dough for deep dish pizza?
That looks so fucking delicious and mine never looks like that...

>> No.4542814


>cake flour
>vanilla extract
>baking powder

great cake base for tomato cake.

>> No.4542819

>vanilla extract
Fuck, that's the first time I've heard about that. I'm gonna try it!

>> No.4542833


>> No.4542898

>Fuck, that's the first time I've heard about that. I'm gonna try it!

plz no

>> No.4542908

>The great debate
What debate? Fucking eat what you like and let other people eat what they like. It's not that complicated.

>> No.4543229


jewyork hater's...a great cake base with your desired toppings and a flavourful tomato frosting are the only way to go.

>> No.4544457
File: 486 KB, 612x612, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want real deep dish pizza gino's lets you order their pizzas from their website

>> No.4544477

I'm an Ausfag so I'm kinda in neutral territory when it comes to pizza wars.
Where I live I guess our pizzas more closely resemble the new york pizza, I'm not sure why but I really want to try the Chicago one.

>> No.4544482

This is yufka tho, not pizza.
And it also gets rolled in a cylinder.

>> No.4544485


You just know that the one in the pink shirt is going to chug that ranch sauce.

Pizza looks pretty tasty though I don't like meat on pizza personally.

>> No.4544489
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> I'm not sure why but I really want to try the Chicago one.

Stick a meat pie in the middle of the sauce, and you've invented the pizza floater - you'll make a million aussibucks. Which is about 14 euros, I think.

>> No.4544497

Don't you mean lahmacun

>> No.4544499


Napoli here - this man is correct. Sicilians did not invent pizza. Sicilians did not invent anything except incest, because htey are basically niggers. Sicily cannot into pizza.

>> No.4544502
File: 277 KB, 1080x720, turkse_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That doesn't look like lahmacun to me. It's too fat and it seems to have a crust. I'm just glossing over the fries on top. Alhtough I do like fries with a lahmacun when I feel like being a fat greedy landwhale.

>> No.4544505

Local kebabs here differentiate between yufka and lahmacun through the presense/absense of fries.

The actual nuances of kanackenfrass are of no value for my german mind.
But honestly, no idea whats the difference.

>> No.4544509

one is a pie

one is a pizza

>> No.4544512
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>thread about pizza
>yerop pls go

Americans actually think they invented the stuff. Top lel.

>> No.4544514

Yeah whatever.
>somehow involve europe, a pie floater and pizza war into new york vs chicago pizza war

What was your logic even coming up with this conclusion?

>> No.4544518
File: 16 KB, 360x358, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was your logic even coming up with this conclusion?

That the rest of the thread was boring, and repetitive and nobody gives a fuck and I had a picture of a pie floater on my hard drive.

Why you so anxious?

>> No.4544527

I'm not anxious, quite the opposite.

Still you don't make sense.

>> No.4544531
File: 67 KB, 550x476, cunt_destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still you don't make sense.

Nor you, since you think my initial post represented some kind of "conclusion".

I'm concerned that you're a little too bothered about this. Is there someone you can talk to?

>> No.4544548

>Is there someone you can talk to?

No, I'm on /ck/ for fucks sake.

>> No.4544564
File: 257 KB, 1024x683, IMG_9577%2B%25281%2529[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real deep dish pizza
>Anything not Giordano's

>> No.4544568

>Deep dish
An affront to the spirit of what a true pizza is, a manifestation of American greed

>Thin crust
Delicious, authentic, healthier and while allowing for a better appreciation of what should be a subtle interplay of the topping flavors

It's not a question of which is better, it's a question of how stupid you are for picking deep pan.

>> No.4544596

>any pizza
>not an unhealthy greasy crock of shit

>> No.4544598

I can understand the confusion, in America it's almost impossible to get a real pizza, certainly at any restaurant that doesn't require a reservation at least a week in advance.

>> No.4544600

>being a faggot
>not leaving America

only Americans are stupid enough to do the following:

think pizza is a vegetable
think all pizza has to be greasy

>> No.4544602

I live in Brooklyn (technically not America I guess), and I can get a proper Neapolitan pie made in a wood fired oven by a guy brought in from Naples for $15 any night of the week. No reservation required, just a ten block walk.

>> No.4544604



>> No.4544613

>a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked

>moon food
>not pizza

>> No.4544614

Again, I understand the confusion. Just like if you'd only ever eaten McDonalds, you might think that a Big Mac was the perfect hamburger but you really have no idea.

>> No.4544615

>implying a Big Mac isn't the luxurious end result of years of research and development

>> No.4544616

It's like they want it to sound unhealthy.

>> No.4544622

They may have poured a ton of R&D it but only an American would think that was to improve the quality.

>> No.4544627

>using savory unironically

the nsg lobby finaaly won. game over.

>> No.4544638


implying that research has anything to do with quality as opposed to how to make it cheaper & easier to produce.

>> No.4544642

I've been to yurop and their pizzas taste like absolute plastic shit. How they even got in the conversation here I don't know.

>> No.4544648

I've been to America and their tacos taste like absolute plastic shit, although I only ever ate at Taco Bell, I decided that that's what all American tacos taste like.

>> No.4544653

no he's right. most pizzas here are garbage

>> No.4544654


>thinks pizza is an American word.

>> No.4544656


>> No.4544661



>> No.4544664

I've had pizza in New York, Chicago (disgusting), Montreal (worst ever), Rome (interesting) and Geneva (wildly overpriced, but ok).

I like Lombardi's, DaFara, Grimaldi's and Totonno's. I like corner slice joint pies, but in the end I'm not a big fan of junk food.

Best I've had still came out of wood ovens, super thin crust, burned edges, fresh mozz and olive oil and basil applied after it came out of the oven. Something to have as a snack with a glass of wine once in a while when the day got too busy to include a proper meal.

>> No.4544686

California Style refers to the super thin cracker like crust used in said pizzas.

Which, actually, is Italian style.

>> No.4544808
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>some kind of meat pie vs pizza

>> No.4544846

They're going to need a bigger bottle than that.

>> No.4544905

I thought California Style was those sort of alternate pizzas like bbq chicken pizza.

>> No.4544947


>> No.4545024
File: 431 KB, 1600x1200, 1354841979254 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting into triangles is for neanderthal beasts.

>> No.4545032

That shit appears not be European. Fries in a pizza with random leafs? Italians hate you forever.

>> No.4545035


And I thought that the base was really crackery, like a matzo almost. Maybe there's no one definition?

>> No.4545036

>getting a really small corner piece
Fuck that. Triangles are master race.

>> No.4545056


>implying merryclappers don't eat the whole thing to themselves.

>> No.4545065

Looks like the kind of pizza you can get at kebab places over here.

>> No.4545066


what kind of asspie would order jalapeño and pineapple?

>> No.4545084

Eh, I love pizza in general, but is it just me, or does that look undercooked?

>> No.4545427
File: 30 KB, 298x400, l_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt really look undercooked to me, but thats too much tomatoes for my liking. Connies in Chicago makes a great deep dish that might look more appetising to some people because the sauce isnt on top..pic related.

>> No.4545442
File: 94 KB, 600x399, Deep dish pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep dish master race. Pic related, best kind of pizza.

>> No.4545445

that's clearly lasagna.

>> No.4545447

>post a pic of lasagne
>say it's pizza

a ruse

>> No.4545456

Its pizza. Chicago deep dish pizza. I know I didn't put the sauce on top of the cheese, but I like my cheese to be browned.

>> No.4545457
File: 181 KB, 554x415, 27444497430793446QnL969Hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oops...here's the real deep dish.

>> No.4545463

Hey, nice pizza-cake.

>> No.4545465
File: 285 KB, 527x355, seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like fucking clay.

>> No.4545497

>the crust is the part nobody really likes
>lets make a pizza with as much crust as possible

>> No.4545508
File: 18 KB, 68x128, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4545512
File: 419 KB, 1200x900, 2013-06-07_18-53-59_839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup, i eat real pizza, no jews or democrat mayors or silly gun bans here

literally just picked this up

>> No.4545519

>literally just picked this up

I'd literally put it back down again, it looks like revolting crossed with a heart attack.

>> No.4545525
File: 75 KB, 700x350, looks like shit bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4545526


> guy who does not deliver complains

go back to your home, bud


>> No.4545547
File: 1.87 MB, 236x224, 435467h7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picked it up at the food bank?

>> No.4545549
File: 109 KB, 640x480, creativege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how cre8ive I am! 1 won't conform to those stuffy-headed crusty rich old white man ways. This shit's real, yo. #YOLO

>> No.4545551


>> No.4545554

Did you scrape that out of your sisters crotch and put pickles on it?

>> No.4545558
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>> No.4545559

Sand niggers are not European.

See: >>4545065 for reference.

>> No.4545573


>> No.4545612
File: 686 KB, 2955x2216, R7E4OXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i choose my pizza

no it isn't vegetarian there's 2 layers of pepperoni under the cheese

>> No.4545624


feed me your poor tears

>> No.4545633

>implying implications
No one ever said Sicilians invented pizza. That poster was referring to Chicago deep dish being an Americanized version of some Sicilian pizzas. What, did you get raped in the ass by a Sicilian or something? Fucking people who overly jump to conclusions rustle my jimmies....

>> No.4545635
File: 98 KB, 600x533, costanza_sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that doesn't look like a shitty forzen pizza with some fake peppers on it
>implying you know what pizza is
>implying that you shouldn't just fuck off and neer discuss food again

>> No.4545637
File: 56 KB, 525x700, 1369534547389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice try cutie

>> No.4545641


Your cat's a spastic.

>> No.4545648

Looks bad


Looks bad.

>> No.4545672



Actually looks suddenly worse. The idea that there's some supermarket baloney hiding under that cheese induces a full body nope. And into the trash it goes.

>> No.4545717


>> No.4546077

Where they fuck else would you get baloney?

>> No.4546217

I hate that fucking image, it got it wrong

>> No.4546270

New York don't require a fork
NY: 1
Chicago: 0

>> No.4546294
File: 540 KB, 1296x972, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Pizza

no, now is the time for a truly blessed country to show their Pizza

>> No.4546312

I didn't know Hell was a country.

>> No.4546322

Is that fucking Worcesterchire Sauce?

>> No.4546328

it's a balsamic glaze

>> No.4546353


It looks like it was cut by Corky from Life Goes.

>> No.4546391

I'm not going to lie like these other faggots;

That shit looks delicious. What temperature do you cook that shit in? You jailbreak an oven to turn it into a flame broiling deathbox?

My shitty one only gets up to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit, but it cooks some good stuff. We made an eggplant-sausage-goat-cheese pizza the other day.

>> No.4546427

I really dig /ck/'s humor

>> No.4546443

looks like a greasy mess with enough ingredients to be split between two different pizzas

and stop drizzling everything, fuck

>> No.4546460

try this:
>walk in to pizza place after the bars close
>buy a single slice of chicago pizza which is handed to you instantly
>eat it with your hands while stumbling home.

NYC suckas.

>> No.4546463

that's okonomiyaki, fool

>> No.4549302

its 2013

>> No.4549307

What's to debate? They're completely different styles, but both are quite good.

>> No.4549312

>explaining yourself for vegetarian food

top lel

>> No.4549330


you can't eat that shit manually. you need a spoon, bowl and some kind of funnel.

>> No.4549333
File: 60 KB, 305x305, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just likes pizza in general
>looks down

You're so right...

>> No.4549339


>> No.4549346


What kind of sauce is that? The pinkish white/red sauce???

>> No.4549361


Probably garlic sauce and sambal mixed.

>> No.4549368

Where is that pizza from. I'm high as fuck and i NEED that much pizza.

>> No.4549384


well, if you're ever on Hilton Head Island for vaca, hit up paulie's

authentic shit right there

>> No.4549425


>hurr everything is subjective

>What is discussion

>> No.4549441
File: 222 KB, 669x332, 90s cups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real italian pizza > NY pizza from a pizzeria that's been around longer than 50 years > pizza from a place that uses these cups (pic related) > any other normal pizza

deep dish isn't normal pizza, so it'd be going up against NY sicilian pizza because they both cook in pans.

if you don't know what sicilian pizza is in NYC then you don't have a right to defend any New York pizza

lastly anyone who's arguing normal pizza vs deep dish is pants on head retarded (sorta like most people from Chicago and New York)

>> No.4549450

4chan should consist of single post threads where OP states his opinion and we nod knowingly, understanding that everything is subjective and there is no need to discuss or become emotionally involved in anything.

>> No.4549452

You can probably see the landwhales with Google Earth and go from there.

>> No.4549460


If that's thousand island dressing I'm seriously going to throw up

>> No.4549485

"real italian pizza" is fucking disgusting

>> No.4549486

How could you possibly think this? What components or combinations are, "fucking disgusting"?

>> No.4549494

When you eat Pizza in a Restaurant, do you eat with your hands, or with fork and knife?

>> No.4549496

Usually hands, unless it actually requires a fork to eat

>> No.4549509
File: 285 KB, 1024x768, dscf0966n[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


step up to the master race son

>> No.4549529

That looks like a shit filled dough.

>> No.4549541
File: 19 KB, 300x300, exps24952_TH10525D41C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza stromboli > pizza calzone > deep dish, stuffed crust pizza > stuffed crust pizza > regular pizza

>> No.4549560
File: 918 KB, 500x375, PizzaTime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4549590



>> No.4549697

>We invented
Not sure if weeaboo or actual Japanese with no idea what he's talking about.
Either way, leave.

>> No.4549712

Chicago pizza is horrific. It's a bread bowl filled with tomato chunks, and that's it.
Jew York pizza can be okay, but most of them are greasy slabs of cardboard.
Just get the most "regular" pizza you can find.

>> No.4549734
File: 255 KB, 1600x1200, tomatopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You plebs know nothing. Behold, the real pizza. The Trenton Tomato Pie!

Yes that crust is thin and crispy to boot. And the sauce is to die for. Your pizza has nothing on this. And when all you real pizza-fags talk about your real pizza this is what you are actually talking about.

>> No.4549747
File: 271 KB, 1031x900, chicago lasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549760

im from ny so im very biased on the pizza i eat. but i remember going to cuse for a weekend and they had some of the worst pizza ever. i was so disappointed.
but brick oven pizza is hands down the best pizza ever.

>> No.4549774


I just heat the oven up to 500F.

>> No.4549776

I really want to try Chicago pizza. I had a frozen "Chicage style" pizza from President's Choice, that was the closest I've come. It was awesome.

Jew York pizza is shitty to me. I always got it when I visited NYC and it is just super greasy, thin pizza with pretty poor ingredients IMO. Wow, the slice covers a huge surface area so I can pretend it is a good deal?

In before shit storm, but I still prefer making pizza at home. More control that way and you can customize it to your tastes (if you know what you like).

>> No.4549779

pizza vs cheese flan

I like cheese but melting an entire cheese wheel melted onto a pie crust sounds like the five point palm exploding heart technique of foods.

I'll take the pizza.

>> No.4549814

Oh wow that looks and sounds amazing.
I'm going to try making it.

>> No.4549822
File: 93 KB, 570x425, the-deepest-dish-lasagna-ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549854

>I don't need a fork because I can just fold it over instead

Why is it that any time I see someone say they like thin, they always fold it until it's as thick as standard?

>> No.4550531
File: 792 KB, 801x549, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating New Orleans pizza

>> No.4550543


Not italian style, the two are not comparable

>> No.4550550

That looks good except the soy sauce.

>> No.4550551

Oh shit would that happen to be some delicious Delorenzo's?

>> No.4550553

>king cake

No seriously, get the fuck out. You've gone too far this time, anon.

>> No.4550556

you dipshit

>> No.4550570

>"real italian pizza" is fucking disgusting
That's just you being a weird faggot (i.e., small meat dumpling, but you knew that). Most people actually like bread, tomato sauce and grilled cheese.

>> No.4550605

I like both but Chicago is a rare treat like lasagna because expense + cost. Pizza in general is a once or twice a month thing, and I usually get a Mama Cozzi 16in supreme pizza for $7 from Aldi's.

>> No.4550637

There isn't such a thing as "italian style"

Pizza is different even in Italy and we go to the pizzerias we like the most.

The only true (delicious) pizza is from Naples, and I don't even live there, but on the opposite side of the country.

Yet, you can find amazing restaurants even up here, a place near the city I live was awarded the best pizzeria by "Gambero Rosso"

NY pizza is eatable though, I have never tried Chigago Deep Dish, so I can't tell.

But I believe the freshness and quality of the ingredients, the traditional procedures and the traditional ovens (woodbrick oven is not enough, they need certain shapes and materials) is hardly beatable

But if somebody can improve that, I have nothing against it.

>> No.4550650

There really is no debate. Chicago style pizza is for tourists, natives might get it once per year, if that.
New York style thin crust is about the worst thin crust you can get, so limp and greasy.

>> No.4550660

Describe this infamous "real italian pizza'' for me please.

>> No.4550724

Thank you for the suggestion anon.
I haven't had those in a while.
The Turkish bakery down the street sells them for 1,50 euro with all toppings and they are awesome.
Tomorrow I'm going to treat myself to two during lunch.
I think I'll pick up a fresh pide bread the day after.

>> No.4552175


New York style is based off of pizzas made in Naples. Extremely high heat, short cooking time, and small amounts of toppings that can cook fully within the roughly 2-3 minutes that it's in the 850+F wood-fired oven.

That said, I like both, but they are different and each has its place.