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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4540195 No.4540195 [Reply] [Original]


I have mastered the sourdough, what type of bread should I make right now?

>> No.4540199

Tan loli bread.

>> No.4540196

Anon-kun, you're such a fucking faggot holy shit

>> No.4540201

Sourdough, obviously.

>> No.4540203

what the fuck is a CK?

>> No.4540212


obtaining a non-digital qt 3.14 gf to be your wifu

>> No.4540222

Sourdough recipe:

Step one: Make a fucking starter
>two cups of flour
>one cup of water
>a tiny bit of sugar
>Mix it, faggot

Step two:
>Feed that fucker every twenty four hours.
>remove half of the starter
>add one cup of flour, and a little less than half a cup of water. (the dryer it is the more sour it will smell, but you still need to add a good portion of water.)
>Mix it faggot.

Step three:
Make the goodness (two loaves of greatness)
>mix 1/4 a cup of de-bubbled starter into 2 1/2 cups of lukewarm water
>heat about 1 table spoon of oil and sugar in the microwave, mix that sugary fatty shit up and let it cool a bit
>stir in 5 1/2 cups of white bread four, 1 cup of wheat, 2 table spoons of salt, and your oil/sugar mix
>knead for fifteen minutes or so.

Let that shit rise in a bowl for 20 hours, all fermenty and good, covered with a damp towel.

Shape into loaves (loaf pan or rolls or whatever you want.) try not to lose all of the CO2 in the dough.

Let it double in size for a few hours

cook dat shit

>> No.4540229

You need to keep feeding the starter for a week or so to get a good yeast and bacteria mixture.

If it smells like buttholes, start over. It should smell like wine or sourdough.

>> No.4540289

trips dictate you make sourdough, dems the rules opie

>> No.4540296

>waiting a week for fucking bread
Or you could pay a dollar and go buy a loaf.

>> No.4540308

Or you could make a shit ton of delicious bread for about 33 cents a loaf

>> No.4540312

I'll probably make some sammich rolls and a loaf of sourdough then.

>> No.4540342

Time is money, and you wasted so much time making that bread that it's not worth saving a dollar.

>> No.4540362

The sense of smell can evoke some powerful memories, man.

One of my most fond memories as a child involved my mother baking a loaf of bread in the oven. My god, the smell of rising dough, it really takes me back. Every time I pass a bakery now I can't help but feel nostalgic over those days.

>> No.4540380

>being on 4chan

>> No.4540392

it really only takes twenty minutes, the week is to grow a yeast culture, and you only do that once

>> No.4540548
File: 48 KB, 636x800, 4ca1fec801f1dc25370a1c9246c1211b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of loli calls a girl a faggot right to her face? do you want to get raped if its true?

>> No.4541721

Sourdough recipe plz

>> No.4541766

it even says sourdough recipe right there you dumbass

>> No.4541819

4chan takes no effort. Taking a week to make some loaves to gloat about on 4chan about saving a dollar takes much, much more effort than it does for me to sit here.

>> No.4542084

Not really.

You mix some stuff in a bowl for about ten seconds, once a day, for seven days.

You play with playdough for about 20 minutes, you could even use a power mixer if you wanted.

You bake it the next day.

Eat all of the bread while fapping to your shitty images on 4chan.

Play with more play dough.


Boom, you now have made four loaves and saved four dollars.


>> No.4542106

B-b-but what about mah diabetus?

You could also make a double or triple batch, SIX LOAVES.

Holy fuck! now you've almost saved what you make in an hour at your minimum wage job.

Shit Titties! If you could live off of nothing but bread, a $7.50 25lb bag of flour could feed you for 20 days, at a little over 2000 calories a day.

You now have money to feed your alcohol problems, sending your downward spiraling 4chan existence into a gleeful inebriated 4chan existence.

Fuck. With all of that saved up bread money you could probably even go out to a bar and meet that qt3.1415, bring her back and make her a fucking delicious sourdough grilled cheese, with bacon. That shit took you no time at all and she thinks you're a god from making the simplest foods fucking amazing.

You are now off track to being a wizard. Future destroyed.

I see where you were going. I'll just eat hot pockets from now on.

>> No.4544296

Haha, that was hilarious. Congrats you witty bastard.

>> No.4544343

Brioche, nigga.