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File: 13 KB, 230x285, white_russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4538254 No.4538254 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a white russian, but have neither vodka nor coffee liqueur. I have up to $60 to spend, what brands should I get? I would like to have a vodka that is good enough to sip later, as well.

>> No.4538256

Smirnoff and Kahlua.

>> No.4538270

All I ever see for coffee liqueur is kahlua, are any of the other brands any good?

>> No.4538273

What's wrong with Kahlua?

>> No.4538277

nothing really, just wondering if there was anything better?

>> No.4538278

Tia Maria?

>> No.4538280

You can also try Tia Maria

>> No.4538284

>Sipping vodka

Do people actually do this?

>> No.4538305


Starbucks is awesome if they still make it. It's a little strong, espresso flavor I think, but it's good.

>> No.4538308

Walmart sells a handle of vodka for $10 if you want your money's worth. I don't like Grey Goose and I feel anyone that says it's great is pretentious and young. I love Level Vodka I think it's great, but Beefeater will do too.

>> No.4538309

The vodka you want is Stoli's. Great in a white russian and excellent to sip!

>> No.4538320

Stoli is good, if you're gonna sip get Stoli Vanilla. Great for White Russian's too.

>> No.4538348

beefeater's is gin ya nugg

>> No.4538364


Why buy vodka with such limited uses? Normal vodka can be used in hundreds of different drinks. Vanilla vodka is only useful in a very few, and frankly those aren't very popular. Normal vodka would be a much better choice. If you want vanilla flavor then just use a little vanilla extract, that way you don't end up with a big bottle of nearly useless vanilla vodka.

>> No.4538372

Make a blind russian instead fagit.

Use russian standard vodka, Kalhua (Or even better motherfucking borghetti) and irish cream liquer. You won't regret it.

>> No.4538379

>he thinks liquor is legal to sell in grocery stores everywhere
>$10 vodka

>> No.4538546

>Walmart can sell guns but not alcohol or Kinder eggs


>> No.4538554

May I recommend a dark rum instead of a vodka. A white cuban (as it is known) tastes much richer to me.

>> No.4538578
File: 192 KB, 800x1252, wodkuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for Russian Standard Vodka. If it's going to be a proper White Russian, it should at least have proper Russian vodka in it.

>> No.4538654

califag here , my walmart has booze .
I dont mind buying chocolate and toys separately .

>> No.4538768


100% agree with this anon. Stoli's flavored vodka tastes a little better than most brands, but it still seems kind of pointless to me.

Plain vodka is great, and it also has so much more utility in cases where you do need something flavored. Vodka is ridiculously easy to mix or infuse with ingredients yourself (since it's so mild), and it will taste way better than store bought flavored vodka.

>> No.4538834

why the fuck would you sip vodka? for it's lack of flavor?

you are supposed to just down it, ask any slav.

>> No.4538838
File: 16 KB, 525x683, titos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tito's. Trust me on this. It's not that expensive (~$30) and everyone I know who has tried it unanimously agrees that it's amazing. I've had more than one experience at a bar where I've ordered a drink with Tito's and the bartender has told me that it's their favorite vodka to use. I see it in more and more stores and bars these days, so hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to find somewhere near you.

Again, trust me on this. Great price, and easily one of the best sub-$100 vodkas around.

If you have a Trader Joe's near you and want something cheaper, they usually have a potato vodka.

>> No.4538875

That's what the coffee liqueur is for, doofus

>> No.4538892

Nope, he said he wants good vodka for sipping later.

>> No.4538899

OP here. by sipping, i simply meant one which would be suitable for drinking straight, as in not-mixed