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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 757 KB, 918x592, screen-shot-2012-06-29-at-8-50-31-pm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4532645 No.4532645 [Reply] [Original]

>not cooking your hot dogs with a lighter

What are you, gay?


>> No.4532651

Watched for 10 seconds, closed the tab before he even took a lighter or hot dog out.

They say that you can tell everything about a chef by looking at his kitchen. I simply cannot take anything said by a man with that kind of kitchen seriously.

>> No.4532656

>not watching long enough to see his bathroom

His NEET level cannot be registered by normal equipment

>> No.4532666
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>that fucking OP pic

>> No.4532671

As much as I like Masao, I can't respect a man who actually eats hot dogs.

>> No.4532681
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, new-york-hot-dog-mhlb2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hot-dog thread?


>> No.4532683

Is that the guy who defrosted his meat in the bathroom?

>> No.4532685
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>> No.4532692
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>> No.4532694
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>> No.4532697

>implying you wouldn't eat the fuck out of anything itt

It's not pleb if its delicious

>> No.4532729

This is just torture.

>> No.4532744

>What are you, gay?
who DOESN'T love a hot wiener in their mouth?

>> No.4532777


Jews and Muslims?

>> No.4532787
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>> No.4532950


haha i remember this guy, make sure to check out the turkey cake video where he chokes at the end

>> No.4532988

It's pretty expensive to cook your dogs that way, you would need a lighter per hotdog. Why not buy an oil lamp ?

>> No.4533000

I haven't eaten a hotdog in years because it's impossible to find good sausages with real skins.
It's all disgusting factory sausages with fake brown coloring on the outside suspended in cans of brine.

>> No.4533161

when reading this i had to lol,

then i found the vid, watched it and went nuts.


by the way, is this guys serius.. ?
i mean, with everything cluttered in the house. it seems to me tho, as if he didnt care about it anyway

>> No.4533217


>Hasn't seen the steak vid

How new are you?

>> No.4533228

>being this new


>> No.4533242

I eat hot dogs with ketchup.

They're not exactly some holy writ of cooking like steak or risotto, guys, you should be able to just fuck around with them.

>> No.4533253

I don't care about that pleb stuff, hot dogs are just disgusting. Especially boiled ones.

>> No.4533283
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>hot dog cake

>> No.4533293

so happy hes going to beat that fat dyke

>> No.4533301

>not knowing Masao

>> No.4533306
File: 40 KB, 599x387, it keeps happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god


Sides have vacated the premesis

>> No.4533345

What. The. Heck.

>> No.4533356

Man, I miss his old videos. The few newer ones he uploaded were nowhere near as entertaining as the old ones.

His interpretation of egg whites cracked me up.

>> No.4533358

>not boiling your hot dogs

Stay pleb.

>> No.4533402

Do you think it's like an abandoned house that he's just broken into to make these vids? I know people do live like that but I dunno man, I think the way in which he makes sure you see how disgusting everything is makes it seem deliberate.

>> No.4533450

I don't know why, but this thread reminded me of this vid.


>> No.4534375

It's his house. Sometimes he films in his sister's house which is much cleaner.

>> No.4534391

>not cooking your hotdogs by electrocuting them with a board, two nails and an electrical cable
Who's the real pleb here?

>> No.4534428
File: 501 KB, 900x800, 188-625520-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cooking your hot dogs with a beam of focused sunlight

>> No.4534432


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this is the hardest i've ever nostalgiad on 4chan jesus christ bro 10/10

>> No.4534646
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I'm finding my "field kitchen" neater than his.
And that stovetop with barely enough room for the burners... It's a fire waiting to happen and I'd welcome it. Somehow I feel a massive fire would make the place cleaner.

>> No.4534673

no, troglodyte

>> No.4534785

>not sticking a hotdog between your butt cheeks and rolling on the carpet

>> No.4534814

Masao had fun with fires.
"It's just oil, what the fuck?"

>> No.4534835


>> No.4534843

>by the way, is this guys serius.. ?
Yeah, concensus seemed that he's sincere, just has a mental abnormality, like a degree of autism or something. He's addressed the question himself in a couple vids, and while it was meandering and nonspecific, it provided some insight into how he thinks.

>> No.4534889

Oh cool, this faggot Masao acting like an autist for views that everyone on /ck/ circlejerks about.

>> No.4534935
File: 176 KB, 1600x1063, 1365029309918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I abandoned this thread for some reason.

I think France was having difficulty with its rearview camera.

>> No.4534944
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>> No.4534939
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We're getting to the good spot, too.

>> No.4534945

>ruining your apartment for the sake of views

>> No.4534988

He's like some human who discovered earth and these weird things called kitchens, he moved into one and taught himself how to cook.

>> No.4534994
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>> No.4534999


I recently made hot-dogs using the onion hot-dog buns I had made, they were gathering ice crystals in the freezer.

The buns were stale. I don't think it was an amazing success. I also made this amazing condiment to go with them. It was absolutely fantastic.

Sadly, the wieners here are all shit with collagen casings, or no casings at all. The whole fucking thing was fucking ruined.

It was disgusting, but delicious. I didn't even take pictures of it.

>> No.4535000

>Not having a sausage candle.

>> No.4535002

>not cooking hot dogs inside your asshole

>> No.4535022
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>> No.4535118
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Hot Wieners

>> No.4535123
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>> No.4535124
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>> No.4535127

why is there a toilet in his kitchen?

>> No.4535196

please just stop before I buy a ticket to murrica

>> No.4535286


>> No.4535363


God what a retarded thing to say. I can just imagine your big dumb self satisfied expression when you typed that stupid post and hit the submit button.

>> No.4535420


The fuck's in the glass?

>> No.4535423

Milk and cola.

>> No.4535448
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 1352016991193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-Please be trolling me... I can't stand the thought of any human not just living that way, but thinking that way.... Please no. Please.

>> No.4535453
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>> No.4535466 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4535487
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>> No.4535500


What country are you in? I've never seen a hot dog or sausage in a can except for vienna. Also, a sausage is different than a hot dog

I think my favorite moment with his is when he started the fire with the peppercorns all over the burner and then put it out with juice

>> No.4535507

sarlacc pls

>> No.4537373

>they don't even know he's a lawyer

>> No.4537403

>There are people on 4chan who do not know who Masaokis is
Why are you guys such massive faggots

>> No.4537412

I wish someone would voice over his vids with a Plinkett imitation. That's exactly what I imagine a real life Plinkett would do and how he would live.

>> No.4537460

I'm still waiting for my fucking pizza rolls to arrive. I think the mail carrier stole them for himself.

>> No.4537477

masao is so need his sister had an intervention and has him live at her place

>> No.4537484

no hes not even the uploader anymore his original youtube account got banned

>> No.4537526

>masao is so need
>so need

>> No.4537604

is he retarded? why does he live alone?

>> No.4537609


>> No.4537621

This guy is definitely fake, but that filthy dwelling is real. And that's what frightens me.

>> No.4537782

He's had a new account for fuckin ages, it's masaohf
How many times do I have to post this shit before you guys get it

>> No.4537837

How the fuck is this guy living?

>> No.4537928

Because it's fake. It might or might not be his dwelling pit but the videos are all fake bullshit made for entertainment purposes.

>> No.4539753

no he trys most of his food

he gets really drunk

>> No.4539784

he has another, clean apartment too

>> No.4539786

prove it

>> No.4539789

>He washes his hotdog with soap
Please be joking

>> No.4539820

hes not

he has mental problems and his sister made him move in with her so she can take care of him

>> No.4539908

check the christmas whatever it was. He almost barfs.

poor guy

>> No.4539916

>all meat is the same. labels are just a capitalist conspiracy to make you spend more

seems legit

>> No.4539917

>see "not cooking your hot dogs with a lighter"
>immediately think of Masaokis
>open link
>it's Masaokis


>> No.4539930

that's the christmas shit

most wtf video on the youtube

>> No.4539932

Holy fuck this guy lives in shit.

I imagine the SA means he's a goon?

>> No.4539935

hes a mentally ill drunk

his sisters place is pretty nice his family also money

>> No.4539941

He closed down his account.

Some guy from SA had saved the vids and reuploaded them.

>> No.4539945

Normally I feel pretty bad for people as mentally crippled as this, but cooking hotdogs with lighters is some real hardcore survivalist shit. I'm sure he can take care of himself fine. I dare say he's almost /k-level-innawoods prepared for shit day.

>> No.4539949

he does not have the executive function skills to live alone

he started a fire making coolaid

>> No.4539961

but heres the kicker
hes a successful lawyer

>> No.4539964
File: 65 KB, 737x758, 1288252435020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is depressing as shit

>> No.4539985

how to deal with fires

>> No.4539991


He's a sick person but he's aware of it. It's pretty hilarious though.

>> No.4540413

As someone from /k/, I winced. He'd be more like a /b/tard loosed upon a forest. A lumbering, sweaty, confused beast.

>> No.4540493
File: 40 KB, 500x334, 20120206-sausage-city-franks-n-dogs-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4540499
File: 22 KB, 440x305, pinks-dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried a pinks hot dog? i'm going there in 2 weeks for my cheat day and was wondering if they're all the craze. i was thinking of getting a chilli cheese dog.

>> No.4540502
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>> No.4540522
File: 19 KB, 380x380, hotdiggitydogger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend just picked up a Hot diggety dogger.
Havent tried it out yet.

>> No.4540532

The hotdog on the right looks absolutly fabulous.

>> No.4540539

>My friend just picked up a Hot diggety dogger.
>My friend just wasted their money on a kitchen cluttering bullshit appliance that will be use less than five times.

>> No.4540639

Lol his mom bought him the hot diggety dogger for the NBA finals. We'll get some use out of it on occasions like that. This guys dad is famous radio personality in Chicago, theyre loaded.

>> No.4540643

Yes. All the hate I've ever seen is... how do you put it, hipsterish in tone? Yeah, it's probably not worth waiting at peak hours when the line stretches down the block, but what is? If you're in the area outside of a normal meal time/lunch break, roll up and get to the front of the line in no time. Food is good. I still need to try one of the burgers. But if it's your first time, I'd recommend more than one of the smaller hot dogs.

Fries and onion rings are decent too, but if it was a choice, I'd get more hot dogs.

>> No.4540645
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This is the one he has.

>> No.4540671

oh no

>> No.4540677

This place opened up near me.


It's not bad. High quality stuff, good beer, good "frites." But as tasty as the various dogs are, they're a little undersized in my opinion.

>> No.4540683
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see, it's kinda undersized.

Like it's...maybe 75% of what you'd think a dog should be.

>> No.4540692

try hebrew national hotdogs

>> No.4540696

this along with quesadilla makers, ice tea makers

>> No.4540723

I used my iced tea maker all the time, until the pitcher finally broke.

>> No.4540727

Does it steam them or something?

>> No.4540736

If you want to cook hot dogs properly, you don't need anything special.

To steam them, simply set up a small skillet with a little water (or better yet, beer), with a few seasonings in it, bring to a boil, and place two wooden spoons across the top, place the hot dogs on the spoons, and put the lid on until they are steamed to your liking.

The other alternative is to grill them, which I don't need to tell you how to do.

>> No.4540742



>> No.4540746
File: 344 KB, 580x800, BETTY-WHITE-HOT-DOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never get between a girl and her Hot Dog!

>> No.4540747

why would you want a toasted hot dog?

>> No.4540796

for the last fucking time

>> No.4540797


i've heard it tastes like a cola float

>> No.4540809
File: 78 KB, 630x492, cumboat_to_flavortown-2622567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a cumboat to flavortown

>> No.4540827


Sure is summer around here.

>> No.4540834

I don't know what's worse, this or Krabby Patty Kid.

>> No.4540854

a spider?

>> No.4541012

At least the Krabby Patty kid had the excuse of being legit retarded. In all honesty, that video just made me cringe because I couldn't believe the asshole filming it let the kid eat completely raw ground beef.

>> No.4541416

My favourite part of that whole incident is when he very nearly chooses highly-flammable camera film to hold up his metal grill.

The book was also a good, flammable choice

>> No.4542924

I love how calm he is when his kitchen starts to flame

its really fucking surprising how hes a successful lawyer with 3 houses