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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 400x296, 01-soba-noodles-400x296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4531245 No.4531245 [Reply] [Original]

going about making soba for the first time, and I'm kinda shitty with noodles.... Any ideas for easier recipies?

>> No.4531251

Easier? A lot of soba recipes are mixing a bunch of asian sauces and preserved vegetables with a little boiling water and putting it in the same bowl as the noodles.

This is slightly harder than ramen...

>> No.4531289

That brand is like 80% wheat and only 20% buckwheat. Not soba.

>> No.4531320

I wish I could get fresh soba at my grocery.
I always assumed that making fresh soba was beyond my abilities, and buckwheat flour is expensive as fuck anyway.

>> No.4531328

Eden Foods sells 100% soba, but yeah it's expensive as fuck. Like 10$ for a package instead of 2.50$ for the cheap stuff.

Try these recipes, all delicious

>> No.4531380

I don't understand why this sort of BS is allowed.

>> No.4531388

Because people are retarded and cheap. Anyone who actually cares would prefer doing their own research rather than calling for regulation that might double the price on their foods, or result on outlawing the product altogether.

>> No.4531395

Consumers see "authentic" on the label and never bother to look at the ingredients.

Still, I use that brand of soba simply because I can't afford to buy 100% buckwheat noodles all the time. It's a compromise.

>> No.4531414
File: 19 KB, 170x236, 1368925865064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What research...?

Are you saying we shouldn't have any info on labels altogether, and people should take all the food they buy to labs for testing?

It's either that, or everything claimed on labels should be 100% proper. There should be no sitting on the fence like this, no using vague loopholes or just blatantly mislabeling because a food isn't native to the country it's being sold in.

>> No.4531418

How can you do your own research? Or do you mean read the label, which exists thanks to food regulations?

>> No.4531446

Hey chucklefucks.

The package says soba, authentic, and buckwheat. It does indeed contain buckwheat, is a soba noodle (no seriously, some "soba" noodles in japan contain ZERO buckwheat), and authentic is a marketing word to cater to people like you.

There is already an ingredients list, and simply reading it should show there is more wheat than buckwheat because ingredient labels are listed in order of quantity.

>> No.4531454

>hurrr libertarian durrrr

>> No.4531473

I usually vote Republican, though sometimes Democrat, and frequently against the incumbent
Nice strawman though.

I always feel it funny that in a country with more than half the population being immensely dissatisfied with the government, often on multiple levels, some groups think federal control of everything and everyone is the answer.

You are being sold a processed foodstuff that does not exist in nature. The ingredients and nutrition are clearly labeled. The company has no responsibility to divulge proportions, as in many cases that is a proprietary secret.

>> No.4531484

Me being able to read the ingredients doesn't change the fact that a ton of other people won't or are too blind/stupid to.

This, in turn, means that the manufacturers will continue putting out crap like this, since they'll see that it actually sells.

And that, in turn, means that acquiring proper 100% (or at least majority share) soba becomes that much harder.

Think of cause and effect before you spout ideological nonsense that only makes things worse for the consumer.

>> No.4531496

>The company has no responsibility to divulge proportions
You realize ingredients are labeled in decreasing order, right?

Also, you have no clue what goes on regarding food safety. You probably don't even understand the significance of mycotoxins and the stringent regulations and surveillance that the federal government does to keep the population from unknowingly consuming potent carcinogens and toxins.

But no, "the federal government should stay away from muh food".

>> No.4531515

The majority are currently blind or stupid.

I have no special attachment to proper or 100% udon, and it's obvious from the progress of the market, nor do most other people. If you don't like it, then you should start your own business and prove me wrong, not expect government to regulate culture for a minority of consumers.

Listen, I gotta go, but you might want to consider that trying to pit government against business over pedantic matters *such as names on cheap dried mass grocer noodles) that consumers don't even agree on might be a waste. That, and you don't speak for everyone.

>> No.4531518

>has a Ron Paul poster above his bed

>> No.4531531

More strawman I see.

I do not listen to Ron Paul. I usually don't even care for radio, though I compromise with my coworkers and we listen to MPR often.

Your argument holds no weight when all you can do is assign false holdings to the opposition.

>> No.4531612

>I'm more of a T.V. guy

Faux news? Faux news.

>> No.4532514

A pretty basic way of having them, but give this ago.

Cook Noodles according to the instructions on the packet.

In a small bowl or cup mix.
1 tsp - Rice Wine Vinegar
3 tsp - Light Soy Sauce (dark is WAY too strong, so don't use it)
few drops of Sesame Oil.

Drain the Noodles.
Put them in a bowl

Then you if you like, you could do what I do. Pour the sauce mix over the Noodles give them a quick mix and enjoy. Or just dip the noodles in sauce.

>> No.4532537

Clearspring Organic do a 80/20 soba and a 100 buckwheat soba I recommend

>> No.4533034
File: 36 KB, 316x600, soba-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The darker soba are easier to fuck up. So use light ones. Also Soba Sauce, don't even think about using Soysauce. If you don't have Soba Tsuyu, use a cold lemon/dashi/sugar mix.

>> No.4533503


Are you the guy that uses strawman incorrectly in every thread where someone disagrees with you, even though you are bat shit insane and always wrong? It seems like the only thing you ever do on here is post about about government and how unhealthy food isn't healthy. guess what? un healthy food isn't healthy because it's unhealthy and government shit belongs in /pol/. You've been warned. Use the word strawman to describe a valid response to your pol bullshit again and I start reporting.

Yes I am THAT white knight fag.