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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 500x332, hotdogbun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4531006 No.4531006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods you have trouble eating because of their appearance.

>Hot dogs/some sausages. The ends look like an anus. If it is so enveloped in toppings that I can't see it, they're fine.

>Stews. Visually reminds me of vomit. Can eat if hungry enough.

>Chunky soups. See stews.

>> No.4531039

I don't shun any foods based on appearance. Texture is a different story.

>> No.4531146

Yes texture has to be the most off-putting when it's unpleasant. I can't stomach onions or bean sprouts for that reason.

>> No.4531148

how old are you? I have this theiry about evolutionary pressure that i think would make your dilemma meaningful.

>> No.4531152

not op
do post

>> No.4531173

Turned 20 in Feb. Your theory?

>> No.4533521

eggs, unless in an omelette or scrambled

consistency of semen and smell of shit.

>> No.4533539
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pork hock..just looking at my hand and then at this cut..I just see my wrist or my ankle. also, when its in a stew or something, the skins shrinks around the meat and looks like a rubbery ring. damn if I don't love the marrow and cartilage though

>> No.4533721

God damn. Hot dog buns are my dim sum guilty pleasure.

>> No.4533784

I have trouble with garishly colored sweets, but that's more of a learned thing than an aversion because of looks. M&Ms are a perfect example - if it were good chocolate they wouldn't need to dye it red, blue or fucking green. Same goes for drinks. If it's some outrageous neon color I'm not drinking it, because I know it's going to suck.

>> No.4533805

braised pork belly

I love bacon though

>> No.4533863

Cauliflower. Cant even touch it. Looks like HPV warts.

>> No.4533867

Friends from uni referred to vomit as "chunky soup" and vomiting as "making chunky soup."

>> No.4533872

Sheep heads and such. I'll eat it, but it wouldn't be a first choice.

>> No.4533893

The colored part of M&Ms is sugar.

>> No.4533897
File: 81 KB, 459x327, RockyMtnOysters4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocky Mountain Oysters, they're actually quite good but holy crap is it hard to get over everything about them, especially the shape.

>> No.4533902

regarding this, I can't stand beans or cooked peas.

>> No.4533915

caged eggs.
all that PETA marketing has traumatized me.

>> No.4533922

Yeah, I don't care for them personally. I've had them numerous times over the years (grew up on a ranch), but the taste was never so awesome that I wanted to eat them regularly, since it always took some working up to anyway. But, I knew lots of people who loved them.

>> No.4533937

cottage cheese because it looks like yeast infection vaginal discharge.


>> No.4533940

god damnit /ck/
I love cottage cheese, don't you put this image in my head

>> No.4534137

so you think you're clever ,by being vague about what they are ..and feel all smug because somehow you think that eating testicles is diffacult because you know what they are ??

or am I just misunderstanding your post ??

>> No.4534169

How do you eat your cottage cheese?

Started eating it a month ago. I usually just put a bit of wild blueberry jam and walnuts in it and stir.

>> No.4534191
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>> No.4534197

i can't eat OP's mom's vagina.

it looks too much like an old, stale, soggy roast beef sandwich and i don't eat beef because i'm hindu.

>> No.4534218

Not that guy, but I eat it plain. Most of my family (dad's side) just serves it as a side, many of them just sprinkling salt on it. I'll eat the stuff straight from the tub, a few tablespoons a day for a week or so.

>> No.4534240

No shit, but good chocolate does not require brightly colored sugar. That's my point: when you see garish colors on sweet things you know they're going to be shit quality.

>> No.4534237

usually, I eat it plain.

When I want it sweet, I dice an apple and add it with 2 teaspoons of sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon. some pureed pumpkin instead of the apple might also be good.

>> No.4534255

way funnier than it had any right to be

>> No.4534319

I can't eat any seafood what so ever. Just the thought makes me violently ill. I've only ever had fried tillapia and I managed to stomach feta-and-pesto stuffed tuna steaks. They were amazing. Other than that, I gag and can not swallow.

Same happens with Peppers. I just plain don' t like them.

>> No.4534328
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Yellow Rice. The smell, the taste, the look, everything. I don't know how you can take the perfect side dish and make it taste like congealed vomit.

>> No.4534342

>I can't eat any seafood what so ever. Just the thought makes me violently ill.

I used to be mad at people who didnt like seafood, but nowerdays I just feel truly sorry for them. Fish is delicious and I have never once in my life thought it was disgusting, or disliked the smell. Also every kind of fish is different, not to mention encompassing all seafood writes you off for so many delicious meals you are really doing yourself aterrible favour not trying to enjoy it.

>> No.4534345

it's not that I'm not trying to enjoy it, it's that I can't.

>> No.4534412

People who turn crunchy foods soft.
>be a small child
>love carrots
>mom makes roast beef
>throws carrots in to absorb broth and make a nice side
>carrots turn to mush
I can't take it when people do that. I understand the idea and all, but I personally can not stand what happened. I just want to eat food.

>> No.4534441

as someone who likes seafood, both of those things you listed sound absolutely god awful disgusting.

no wonder you don't like seafood.

>> No.4534453

no, those are the two things I CAN eat.

>> No.4534457
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>The ends look like an anus.

I'm dying over here. Are you really that scared of buttholes?

>> No.4534494

I make the most delicious oatmeal. The trouble is it looks like snot so people won't touch it. Their loss.

>> No.4534500

I bet he's never even had bollocks, either.

>> No.4534579

If nothing else, we can at least have a frank discussion of hot dogs and sausages.

>> No.4534599


>> No.4534609


>I used to be mad at people who didnt like >seafood, but nowerdays I just feel truly sorry >for them.

Please don't.
I am Catholic, and thanks to only being able to eat seafood every Friday during Lent I have developed a deep dislike of seafood in general.


>> No.4534621
File: 241 KB, 800x572, SomethingEdible-Cast_Iron_Barley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating plain barley. As a kid my mom would have barley every night for dinner and I absolutely hated it. They look like eyeballs and they feel like eyeballs.

>> No.4534636

>Hot dogs/some sausages. The ends look like an anus. If it is so enveloped in toppings that I can't see it, they're fine.

Why not slice the ends off then.

>> No.4534643

Cheese curds
Ketchup and mustard

>> No.4534644

Not that sure we should talk about it any furter.

>> No.4534651

Appearance doesn't bother me personally, but my mom can't eat quinoa because they look like sperm.
Cruel plot twist, I was the one that put the image in her head.

>> No.4534652

>eating steak
>cut a piece
>there is a tendon in it

>> No.4536113


When I was little I watched a GooseBumps episode where worms were being mixed with spaghetti. Since that day I can usually only eat one helping of spaghetti. And I fucking love spaghetti too! With well done meatballs, its nothing short of god tier.


When I was young my sister mixed her Barbie's hair into my sandwhich and I got a mouthfull of hair and peanut butter. Disgusting. I've only now just started appreciating peanut butter again. I don't think I'll ever mix jelly with it again though. Also, at my house people are plebs who don't care, so they'll mix the peanut butter knife with the jelly jar, or vise versa. The result is waking up and wanting to butter your toast, but seeing that jelly is smeared all over the butter-- and not just peanut butter either. Any kind of butter. My mom and dad just stare dully at me and say something like "what does it matter? it mixes in your stomach anyways". The Rage.

>Mac n Cheese, especially box mac n cheese

Over ate it in my youth. Half the time my family prefered mac n cheese to be soupy rather than thick and creamy. I hated that shit. eventually I just stopped eating it.

>Rice crispys.

Over ate it.


Smells like shit when mixed with milk. Tastes like shit in general. Don't know how people prefer that dog food to bran or oats.

>> No.4536129

Anything blue or purple, aside from veggies and fruits. It's not that I mind the color it's just that I know it's gonna taste like disgusting coloring.

>> No.4536240


>shit quality

Confirmed for retard. M&Ms are master-race because they were developed specifically for the U.S. military SO IT WON'T MELT IN YOUR FUCKING HAND. The colors make them fun, dipshit. Who wants to eat neutral graphite-colored M&Ms to begin with?

>tl;dr eat shit and die

>> No.4536252

Well that's just shitty butchery. I'd be pissed off if I bought a steak and found tendons in it.

>> No.4536338
File: 479 KB, 500x235, tumblr_mbnpg5LN7A1r6h7wh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw every piece of meat you've ever had has had a tendon in it.
>There's such a thing as meat without chewy gristle in every bite?
Actually, I take that back. A rich friend took pity on my poorfag ways and took me to a mid-class steak restaurant once. Had a filet mignon. feelsgoodman.jpg.

>> No.4536381


filet mignon confirmed for master race steak

anyone who says they like gristle and fat-laden steaks are lying claps who can't afford to eat anywhere else than cracker barrel

>> No.4536385

Agreed with anybody who says tendons/pieces of gristle in meat.

It always makes me dry-wretch when I find a piece of it or get it in my mouth by accident. I absolutely loathe being at somebody's house if they're cooking a roast for example and have bought a crap one with lots of fat or gristle.

Trying to swallow that rubbish and pretend you like it while your entire body is resisting can make for a pretty horrible dining experience.

>> No.4536389

But the colours melt and leave my hand sticky and dyed the colours of the rainbow.

>> No.4536439

Your hands are uncommonly warm.

Filet mignon is the most overrated cut of cow ever. Yeah it's a tender cut of meat, but it's not worth near what's charged for it. Especially considering it's the least flavourful of the common cuts of cow.

>> No.4536475

Fillet steak is tender and good, but I find other cuts to be tastier, but nowhere near as tender. Going by taste alone, I prefer brisket and flank. Going by tenderness alone, I prefer fillet steak. Going by price alone, cube steak/minute steak. Taking taste, tenderness and price each into account leads me to: strip loin steak.
Strip loin tastes better than fillet and minute/cube, but not as good as brisket or flank. It's more tender than brisket/flank and cube/minute, but not as tender as fillet. It's cheaper than fillet, but not as cheap as brisket/flank or cube/minute.

Strip loin steak is the perfect median and the steak I purchase and cook most often.

>> No.4536508
File: 57 KB, 600x401, laughinggirls.2jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he can't afford chateaubriand and gets the baby cut!

>> No.4536510

Oh poor baby.

>> No.4536519


>implying $25 for a perfect filet breaks the bank over a $17 t-bone
>least flavorful


Go be a poorfag elsewhere.

>people pretending not to like filet mignon because they secretly can't afford it

>> No.4536522


>implying I don't buy 10 pounds of tenderloin straight from the butcher for my annual christmas party

>> No.4536524
File: 13 KB, 155x324, images-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Filet mignon is grapes, you are fox.

>> No.4536528


And that's your food budget for the year?

>not serving beef wellington

stay pleb

>> No.4536540



You are the reason /ck/ is shit.

>> No.4536547


>eating pâté

Confirmed for pleb. True blue-bloods look down on garbage parts of animals like that. I bet your ground beef is 15% pink slime, too. Lols.


No, /ck/ is shit because people like you pretend to like terrible foods like gristle and bone scraps.

>> No.4536578
File: 108 KB, 400x416, beyourguest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look down on garbage parts of animals like tha

While I'm sure your pedestrian diet might impress in the sticks, in cities where it takes more than a double wide to be considered a man of consequence foie gras is considered a delicacy.

Please, though, continue on my unwashed friend. Hopefully your steady diet of McDonald's and cheap steak will bring you some form of happiness.

Also, ground beef? Hardly.

>> No.4536587


I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of you unwrapping your Kraft Singles.

>> No.4536611


You must be mistaken my friend, I don't eat processed cheese. Perhaps a wrapper from your government cheese is stuck to your foot and causing the disturbance? Or did you perhaps sit upon the packet of Lunchables you keep in your cargo shorts?

>> No.4536618


I had to Google what a Lunchables was. I feel dirty just looking at it. If you aren't a clap, why would you even acknowledge the existence of that?

>> No.4536628


it looks and tastes like snot

>> No.4537149

Most Wellington recipies i know of call for Duxelle, not pâté. I do not know where you got that idea.

>> No.4537175
File: 34 KB, 450x192, salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish, because of all the dead parasitic worms in it.

>> No.4537189

>dead parasitic worms
but they're dead. that makes them delicious!

>> No.4537201

White chilli, it looks like vomit. That and certain Indian dishes that look like baby shit.

>> No.4537290

I wouldn't call it scared. My mind tends to cut off into intrusive visualizations when I see them. Sort of like JD from Scrubs scenes. I could glance at a hot dog end and briefly picture an opening and closing anus. Then just be put off.

>> No.4537301

I'm a she, but no I haven't tried them. Would if given the opportunity.

>> No.4537307

Every since I saw horse semen on jackass I cannot bring myself to drink milk

>> No.4537304

For some reason the bottom of an empty banana peal made me sick to look at.

Haven't had a banana in like 15 years

>> No.4537443

Head cheese. If I even see the stuff I switch to fight or flight mode and just about grow wings. We used to sell it out of our store and fuck, there was always that brick of it in the cooler staring at me. "It's not bad, just different, give it a try."

I would sooner eat a bullet.

>> No.4537459


>>Hot dogs/some sausages. The ends look like an anus

Actually, they probably do have a lot of pig and cow anus ground up into them

>> No.4537489


I don't particularly mind the taste (not my favorite, though), and I can eat shrimp if it's been minced, but I cannot stomach whole/tail-on shrimp. I used to keep aquarium shrimp, and when they die their bodies would curl up and turn opaque, and I would always have to sift through my aquarium looking for those little fuckers.

>> No.4537494

my captcha
>then texeemen

>> No.4537501

Can't eat ranch, tartar sauce, and other white fluidy things because semen.

>> No.4537506


I thought I was the only one who did this.

>> No.4537539

You guys need to man the fuck up. I used to be a paramedic, and back before they had one way barriers to give mouth to mouth, a dude puked into my mouth. It was chicken alfredo, I tasted it.

It is still one of my favorite italian dishes today. Grow some balls.

>> No.4537551

I only have that problem when it also tastes bad. I can see visual cues that my food is not to my pleasing.

>> No.4537564

Stop being a trauma shamer. Just because you didn't get scarred from a food experience doesn't mean other people aren't allowed to.
I've seen grown men turn down blueberries because mum forced a burnt pie on them.

>> No.4537616

thank god for lucas machines nowadays, huh?

>> No.4537620

What kind of semen are you eating?

>> No.4537632

if you can't enjoy a good beef stew, then i'm sincerely sorry for you

same for sausages

>> No.4537686

Man I swear I totally get really weird and random food issues, I used to have a ton as a kid that I eventually grew out of (For instance, I'd never eat the tip off the slice of the pizza, I'd cut it off). I wish that people I cook for know that I'm totally willing to accommodate their bullshit.

Also, I've tried and failed to eat shashimi. I had it in my mouth and loved the taste of it, but couldn't get over the fact that it was slimy raw fish and gagged it out.

>> No.4537698

not >>4533897, but no thats just what theyre called...at least here around the Appalachians they are. People are gonna look at you funny no matter what you call them, mind you, but thats because 1. Rocky Mountain Oysters are a fairly common "polite" name for them so everyone knows your ordering testicles and 2. just saying "Id like some cattle testicles please!" also just doesnt sound right.

>> No.4537711

I dont understand disliking ALL seafood, since its so diverse, but at the same time...there are some days when i come home from work with a migraine and the smell of whatever fish my mom's cooking just makes me die a little more inside. Mind you, thats the migraines fault, but i could understand someone developing an aversion to fishy/seafood smells if it triggers stuff like headaches/nausea in them, or has a lot in their past.

>> No.4537719

>trauma shamer
u wot m8

>> No.4537721

Sashimi shouldn't be slimy. Maybe it was a one-off?

>> No.4537729

Yeah, if you were served slimy sashimi, never go back to that establishment. Also, tell everyone you know to avoid it.

I am very much a seafood lover, but I have this same problem. Sometimes when I'm feeling lousy (especially after a night of heavy drinking), or just on certain days, the smell of seafood really bothers me. But that happens with other foods I love as well, such as cheese and pickles.

>> No.4537766

>>4537711 here. Other food does it as well, yeah...but nothings quite as bad as seafood on an off day...except for hot cooking oil smells. When it starts to get little burnt bits in it and starts to give off that tiny bit of smoke...its like i cant go anywhere in the house without smelling it, and it clings to EVERYTHING. My roomate in college used to bread tofu slices and pan fry them and the smell...that fucking smell...Im surprised it didnt peel the lead paint RIGHT OFF the walls of the shitty apartment we lived in

>> No.4537769

Hummus looks like chewed up food and it smells bad so I have never had it.

>> No.4537779

I can't handle lasagne.
Especially with bechamel sauce, fuck..

My friend was telling me about a porn she saw where the guys pulls out of a girls ass with shit on his dick, shoves it in her vag and says "Who wants lasagne?!"
That and her friend who is a drunken mess and sleeps around a lot is names Anya so it just gives a face the whole thing

I can't man, I just can't.

>> No.4537780
