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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 480x317, vegetarian-protein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4530719 No.4530719 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/

i'm a vegetarian college student on a smallish budget. i'm looking for some quick, simple, and delicious dinner recipes. i'd particularly like dishes that are substantial (trying to gain weight) and even fatty (in a healthy way).

any suggestions?

>> No.4530721

quit being a vegetarian

>> No.4530735

Stir-fry, pasta, roasted or mashed potatoes, bread, nuts/nut butters. Those are good bulking foods

>> No.4530736

Caribbean cuisine minus the meat I guess...
Lot's of rice for carbs and beans for protein.

Also vegeterian pastas with a lot of shrooms and bread as a side dish.

Corn and spuds are a plus for gaining weight. Potato salads, etc.

>> No.4530740


i can't ethically justify financially supporting factory farming

there's good, scientific reasons to believe that animals (the ones you eat) are organically and cognitively complex enough to experience qualitative sensations such as pain. one need only to observe an animals behavior when pain is inflicted for evidence that they suffer similarly.

maybe i won't be a veg forever but i'm in college and super earnest.

any recipes?

>> No.4530752

unplugged the internet
locked the door
called the cops
called my mom

>> No.4530768


Just use a fuckton of oil for cooking. Also stuff like avocados, grapes and bananas have a surprising amount of calories.

No more water for you either, only liquid calories from now on - milk, fruit juice, beer ...

>> No.4530770


Who cares, we're at the top of the food chain for a reason. Animals eat other animals, it's a part of life.

>> No.4530775

rice and beans
cheap, high calorie, comes in bulk, stores for a long time, easy to cook, easy to eat.

and also fuck your vegetarian ass

>> No.4530786


You're fucking stupid. A rhino has no predator either, it's on the top of the food chain, but it still eats plants and doesn't mess with other animals

>> No.4530790


>> No.4530791

I don't think you understand how the food chain works and lions used to eat rinos all the time before humans went and killed them all for their horns. You don't see it much now because they are almost extinct.

>> No.4530798

Post a picture of your body and we'll see if you are part of the food chain apex.

lol something tells me you won't make the cut

>> No.4530804

'animals eat other animals' brings us no closer to the answer of the question 'should we eat animals?'


>i am an animal
>i don't eat animals

if your view is that eating other animals is a necessary (and not contingent) part of being an animal, then, on your view, i am not an animal. the fuck??

humans are intelligent enough to make a choice

>> No.4530809


>lions used to eat rinos all the time before humans went and killed them all for their horns. You don't see it much now because they are almost extinct.

That doesn't even make sense. If we killed a bunch of them, the lions would be able to finish the job and actually make them extinct. But rhinos aren't extinct because the only thing that kills them is humans, and humans don't kill them for food

When you say "we're" at the top of the food chain, I want you to go into the wild and face off against a tiger or a rhino or some other dangerous animal. You have no natural gifts, the only hope you could possibly have is to bring along a gun that someone much smarter than you invented. YOU didn't make your way to the top of the food chain, one smart man dragged your ass up there with him, and you still slide back down to scared scavenger status when you don't have the extra help

>> No.4530811


>Animals eat other animals

Except for the 90% that don't

>> No.4530815

>college student on a smallish budget

I don't care about the rest of your post. Ramen.

I think the real question is, "Are we herbivores, omnivores, or carnivores?" Going by dental evidence and nutritional requirements, I'd say we're omnivores.

So we should eat other animals, but under the condition that we also eat plants. I hear insects are a pretty big food sourse too. And by big I mean abundance, not size, because come on. They're puny.

>> No.4530821

>the lions would be able to finish the job and actually make them extinct
they are not abundant enough for the lions to hunt, they go after what is easy and right in front of them, they aren't going to search the landscape for rinos to eat.

>You have no natural gifts, the only hope you could possibly have is to bring along a gun that someone much smarter than you invented
I have a brain and I can kill any animal with it. Why can't I make traps and tools? apes use sticks and rocks to kill animals, spiders dig pitfalls and trap doors they hide in and wait for something to stumble in, birds use twigs to stab grubs hiding in places they can't get to.

Why so much bias against humans? why are other animals allowed to use tactics and tools but when it comes to a human you say get naked and go wrestle that bear and see how you do?

if I wan't to kill a bear I will kill it without it even knowing I was coming because my hyper intelligence is the only gift I need.

>> No.4530823


yeah, i forgot about ramen. thanks.

evolution is happening right now, my friend. we ARE what we CHOOSE. reflecting on the past won't tell us what to do in the future.

don't mistake 'is' for 'ought'

>> No.4530825

That ratio is a product of natural equilibrium. If there were too many predators, every animal would end up extinct.

>> No.4530829

>reflecting on the past won't tell us what to do in the future.
guys I think giving all the power to one person and letting them rule the rest of us as a king might be a bad idea. What? no way, why the fuck would you say that? the past has no bearings on the future at all dumbass.

>> No.4530831

>we ARE what we CHOOSE.
Well that's not how evolution works.
>reflecting on the past won't tell us what to do in the future.
Except it will tell us what not to do in the future. For instance, "In our past, we as a species came together in societies and looked after one another to avoid extinction. Let's not be complete assholes to one another."

>> No.4530837

Who gives a fuck? Killed a hog last week and he tastes scrumptious! I know the animal died ethically because it was a one shot kill.

>> No.4530838
File: 36 KB, 200x200, 1265702670454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, so go into Tiger country bare-handed and naked, make your traps and tools, and see if you kill the tiger with your amazing intelligence before he kills you with his dinky claws and teeth and speed

Jesus, you rednecks

>> No.4530839

Most of us don't think like that man. I hope so at least.

>> No.4530844

>Well that's not how evolution works.
Look into transcriptomics.

>> No.4530848

>my hyper intelligence

all my lol

>> No.4530858

>tigers are nocturnal so I move during the day
>camouflage myself in the trees at night since they rarely climb and will not climb while hunting
>bide my time tracking a tiger I have my eye on in the area, learn it's patterns and daily behavior
>set up a snare trap in a common route it takes
>when it is trapped I strike from behind with a spear

you really think people did not kill tigers before guns?

>> No.4530876

If you're on a budget stick to grains and legumes. Lots of calories and nutrients.


>> No.4530918

Admit it, you get out of breath climbing up two flights of stairs.

>> No.4530940


>You have no natural gifts

You are selling our entire species short.

Lets go back tens of thousands of years ago when our ancestors, armed with nothing but pointed sticks and clothed in nothing found an animal (That was likely faster and stronger than them) and thought "That. I'm going to eat that." and then proceeded to chase that motherfucker as long as necessary until it gave up and died or slowed down enough to poke with their sticks. There was no stopping for anything, not hunger, injury, overheating, exhaustion, until it was dinner time. Not even lions do that, they give up on prey that is too fast for them and look for something easier.

You wouldn't know it at first glance but humans are remarkably durable and stubborn. They are also opportunists, and will take the easy route unless they have to find another way. Go read up on survival stories, fat lazy people are still capable of incredible things when forced into it. And as far as using technology someone else invented, how is that any different from farming crops?

>> No.4530942

>died ethically

>> No.4530948

>vegetarians try to make fun of meat eaters by calling them out of shape
>desperately scramble to find recipes to battle their constant risk of malnutrition

>> No.4530952
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my natural gift is my intelligence and the military industrial complex that rose from it.

>> No.4530953


btw, try to find the rhino or tiger in that pic

>> No.4530955


>> No.4530965


To make it fair when I'm hunting I leave a gun out for the deer to use but I've yet to see even one take me up on that offer.

I assume they must think they already hold the advantage. They're very sporting creatures.

>> No.4531038

>risk of malnutrition
A meat and dairy heavy diet is far more at risk for malnutrition. Where do you get your fiber and micronutrients? Where do you get your phytochemicals?

>> No.4531269

Because non-vegetarian ONLY eat meat and never anything else.

>> No.4531285

Yep, on average Americans don't even come close to the daily recommendation for fiber, since they eat mass sugar, dairy, and meat with quite few fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

>> No.4531295

>You have no natural gifts, the only hope you could possibly have is to bring along a gun that someone much smarter than you invented.

>People didnt hunt before there were guns

>> No.4531298

Actually, I can link sources, proving that the ONLY micronutrients that plants are better at providing, are potassium, and vitamin C. Every other micronutrient has an animal-based source that provides it better. I'm talking about nutrient dense foods like liver, sardines, whole eggs, whole milk, etc.

>> No.4531342

Which is why vegetarians have longer life expectancies, a 20% lower chance of cancer, and 25% lower chance of dying from heart disease.

So many phytochemicals are only found in plant foods. Like lycopene. You'll get way more nutrients from eating plant foods than animals.

>> No.4531343


Citation for those statistics from a large meta-analysis..

>> No.4531383

Vegetarians tend to be more conscious about their diet than average americans. Doesn't make their diet healthier. The data only shows the organic-vegetarian crowd lives better than average, white bread eating amerilard.
A conscious meat eater would be much healthier

>> No.4531386

It's not just America these studies have been done in, but in many Asian and European countries as well. All the studies come out the same: vegetarians live longer and have less risk of disease.

Plants are the pinnacle of nutrition, not cheeseburgers, so it's not a big surprise.

>> No.4531399


Because vegetarians are more conscientious of their food choices and as such can be expected to be less likely to shovel copious amounts of shitty food into their mouths.

>> No.4531401

Try eating a vegetarian diet without any kind of supplement of B12.

>> No.4531402

>vegetarians are more conscientious of their food choices
Yep, that's why they go vegetarian in the first place.

>> No.4531403


so if a non vegetarian still ate lots of vegetables then problem solved

>> No.4531405

Vitamin B-12 is only present in animal based foods. Without it, you get permanent brain damage. Might take a couple of years though.

100% plant diet for humans is a cheat enabled by modern technology.

>> No.4531409

Because average people don't give a shit if their food is healthy, as long as it tastes good enough or is convenient for them.
Vegetarians tend to care more, since they control their diet at least a bit. Most of them are uninformed (mistaking common sense with actual nutrition data) but they are generally more informed. Eggs are the pinnacle of nutrition, followed by meat. Vegetables are also important. Meat eaters that live on low-carb diets live much healthier than vegetarians because they are not only conscious but also pragmatic enough to take what works and what doesn't.
In other words, fuck you, eating meat doesn't mean eating on mcdonalds everyday. Most of the food I eat is veg and fruit, followed by lean proteins from chicken and lean cuts of beef and pork. I probably eat more fiber than many vegetarians, and that with animal protein as well.

>> No.4531426

>What are bacteria

>> No.4531428

>Implying meat eaters eat NOTHING but cheeseburgers, steaks, and more burgers
>Implying there aren't other meats
>Implying they don't eat vegetables
>Implying they can't eat healthy in general
>Implying vegans are healthy without vitamin supplements
>Implying veganism isn't a shit tier diet

>> No.4531429

>100% plant diet for humans is a cheat enabled by modern technology.
How is obtaining vitamin B12 from bacteria directly, versus obtaining it from bacteria via animal products, a cheat?

Also, why is modern technology bad? Are you trying to use the, "hurrr natural" argument? Just go out and say it.

>> No.4531433

>Implying they can't eat healthy in general
The majority of them evidently can't.

>> No.4531434

You realize all but the most expensive B12 supplements are analogues of cyanide right? Go do some research about it.

>> No.4531442

>[Citation needed]

>> No.4531444

>cyanide is bad so synthetic B12 is too!!!!

>> No.4531447

B12 is produced by bacteria in fermentation vats.

>> No.4531449

>Has no idea what he's talking about, misses the point and makes no point

Vegan general

>> No.4531451

Look at the number of overweight/obese people. They obviously can't feed themselves and the vast majority eat meat.

>> No.4531480

most people who are obese are obese due to eating excess amounts corn, soy and bleached wheat

>> No.4531488

How much is your budget? Also, are you a decent cook?

>> No.4531498

Americans don't eat that much soy.

And if soy is such a big deal, why aren't Asians so fat?

>> No.4531503

Have you ever looked at a food label, you yuppie? Soy is in damn near everything.

>> No.4531511

See: >>4531447

I think you missed the point.

>> No.4531514

Americans eat like ~250 calories of soy daily.

>> No.4531516

That's 8-12% of your daily food intake...

>> No.4531521

That isn't exactly making everyone fat. If someone eats 2000 calories and 250 of them are from soy, why is this making them fat?

Why do you think soy is inherently worse?

>> No.4531530

He cited it as one of the things that make americans fat, he also mentions corn and wheat, so pretty much nails most of america's health problems with those two

>> No.4531534

Lol, these threads, man. Killing life is okay but if there's a risk of pain... oh the humanity!

Lol, it says a lot about the person.

>> No.4531707

>Vitamin B-12 is only present in animal based foods
B-12 is produced by bacteria that live in soil. When animals consume plants with soil on it, they indirectly consume the B12.

The source of all nutrients is plants. The reason meat has nutrients in it because either those animals ate plants, or they ate other animals that ate plants. I say cut out the middle man, just get the nutrients from the source.

>> No.4531728

herbivore threads are always so fucking shitty
if it's not trolling then it's just fileld with really stupid shit
it should be legal to kill and eat vegefags

>> No.4531730
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>> No.4531746


>> No.4531762


veggy is murder

>> No.4531771

Better video:

>> No.4531779

and this is a counter argument how?
>implying the biology from a venus flytrap is the same as a human's
you /b/ faggots can't be this dumb

>> No.4531780
File: 146 KB, 640x1550, 1327034453176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit vegan.

>> No.4531782

Ceasing exploitation of animals is really just an extension of the social justice movement. Of course, since even today we have widespread sexism, and tens of millions of people still living in slavery, hard to imagine a world in which people care for animals when we don't even care for ourselves. I see people in these arguments always arguing for the superiority of our species, but if you look at the things we do, human trafficking, genocide, torture, slavery, war, we're about as fucked up as it comes.

Doesn't matter much that we have iPhones when neurologically we're simply upjump primates running loose.

>> No.4531785

>/b/ faggots
They aren't /b faggots, they are the Meat Cult.

>> No.4531791

Every living thing on earth kills something else to survive. Why are you surprised humans are no different?

>> No.4531793

>OP coming to us asking for substantial recipes because he is evidently malnourished
>tries arguing that vegetarians are healthier

Yeah, I've got a recipe for you OP. Go find a nice pile of steaming hot shit, and eat that.

>> No.4531801

What do non-carnivorous plants kill to survive? Bamboo isn't out there slaughtering everything in sight.

>> No.4531807

Have a look at this. Plants wage war on each other.

>> No.4531812



>> No.4531815

You said "all living things on earth." Obviously there are plants that do these things, but out of the tens of thousands of species, no, not every plant kills. The majority do not.

>> No.4531819

What does bamboo intentionally kill?

>> No.4531836

We used to think animals were either carnivores or herbivores, now we now better, most if not all are omnivores. Also we used to think cannibalism was rare, again thanks to scientific inquiry it looks like there isn't an animal species that doesn't eat it's own. We're now finding out plants are very aggressive towards each other and we''ll probably find out the majority do.

>> No.4531842
File: 31 KB, 371x400, DYEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People on the left
>Those chicken legs

Being skinny is not the same and being fit.

>> No.4531845


>Not notifying Homeland Security


>> No.4531848

No one wants to look like a power lifter. The dude in that pic would have to pay women to sleep with him.

>> No.4531855
File: 1.08 MB, 180x200, CM Hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No shit, pretty much every creature in the animal kingdom has some reaction to things trying to kill it. It's an evolutionary reaction.

However, this shit has been going on long before humans and will be going on long after humans. Animals eat other animals.

All you're doing is attempting to elevate yourself above others over something completely asinine because you're an empty shell of a person that is, in every other respect, competely mediocre and nondescript.

tl;dr You're a self-righteous douchebag and probably can't squat your bodyweight

>> No.4531867

>i'm a vegetarian college student on a smallish budge
just eat raw vegetables

if you are going to be that ridiculously picky you shouldn't expect actual meals

>> No.4531875
File: 101 KB, 700x486, veg_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that haters OP

>> No.4531888


>So we should eat other animals, but under the condition that we also eat plants.

Wait a second, faggot. Are you seriously suggesting that human beings should have a varied and balanced diet that provides them with all of the calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients in a cheap and efficient manner?

You, sir, are a moron and I shan't converse with the likes of you any longer. I bet you also suggest that people exercise regularly.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.4531893

It's worth it to eat better tasting food.

>> No.4531896

>cheap and efficient
Meat production is the most expensive and unsustainable form of agriculture in existence. It's only affordable because we subsidize the shit out of it with tax payer money.

Takes 13 lbs of grains to produce a single lb of beef. Over 10x more fossil fuel, water, and land resources are used. Meat is a joke.

>> No.4531901

Yes, but we get to eat delicious meat.

>> No.4531908

It's not the meat that is delicious, it's all the vegetarian foods you use to give it flavor. Pretty much no one eats raw, unflavored meat. You add salt, peppers, herbs, garlic, onions, spices, all vegetarian foods to make it taste good.

>> No.4531924


Please do. PLEASE

I need to take this shit to the three vegetarian faggots on /fit/.


Do these studies you love to cite compare vegetarians with EVERY meat eating idiot, or just the ones that eat a balanced diet and aren't fat as hell?

Comparing fat meat eaters to not fat vegetarians ruins the comparison between eating meat and not eating meat. You have to control for other factors that affect the chance of cancer and heart disease.

For instance, I bet meat eaters smoke much more than vegetarians do. This is why they have more cancer, not because of meat.

>> No.4531927

So sashimi isn't a thing?
that's because feeding livestock grain is retarded. cows turn pasture on resource-poor land into beef, and pigs and chickens turn scraps into tasty meat.

>> No.4531929
File: 153 KB, 1200x800, it's a good thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked meat led to us having bigger brains.

>> No.4531934


>The source of all nutrients is plants

The source of all plants is the sun. Therefore, the source of all nutrients is the sun. But I don't recommend you eat only fused hydrogen either.

>> No.4531942

he killed it pretty much instantly, that is the most ethical way to kill an animal

>> No.4531944


Sexism exists because men and woman are fundamentally different, with different abilities and potentials, and are therefore treated differently.

This is why men play defensive line while law (and least in western society) bends over backwards to protect women from violence.

Humans and animals are also fundamentally different. Each species of animal is fundamentally different. This is why we eat chickens and not dogs, and why we put a shock collar on a dog, but not a human.

>> No.4531950

I think the faggots would stoop to save their lives.

>> No.4531954

ever eaten a plain beef hamburger, maybye with a little bit of ketchup?

>> No.4531962

Actually dark meat on chickens and turkeys and stuff can be pretty great without anything on it.

>> No.4531965

Which is why people only eat it after smothering it with plant-based marinades, or put it in a bun made from grains, with lettuce, tomato, and sauces?


>> No.4531971

No, that's because most human aren't ideological nuts and eat an omnivorous diet.

>> No.4531974


Steak is plant based?

Almost all mother sauces are dairy and stock based, not vegetable based.

>> No.4531978


>Implying all powerlifters are heavyweights
>Implying you can't have legs that aren't noodles without being a fatwad

You really are an idiot, aren't you? Listen, go to bed. Tomorrow, wake up, go to the store, and buy yourself a whole bunch of whole milk, fish oil, and whatever form of animal you find tastiest. After you stick all of that shit in the fridge, go the gym. We're going to make you a man sooner or later.

>> No.4531979


See me after class

>> No.4531981

steak + salt + pepper is pretty tasty in my book.

also bacon. dark meat poultry, seafood. most of this shit can just be seasoned lightly with salt and pepper and taste delicious if cooked correctly.

>> No.4531987

marinades improve the flavour
lettuce and tomato are for texture-(maybye thats just me)
the bun makes it easier to eat with just your hands

>> No.4531991


And those 13 pounds of grain aren't going to have any iron, while that one pound of beef is full of it, AND human bodies actually absorb the iron in red meat well, while all other sources are shit.

This is the part about providing the required nutrients and such, shit head.

>> No.4531996

can of kidney beans
can of black beans
2 cans of chickpea (important to have 2 for proper ratio)
cut up celery
cut up carrot (if you like)
diced fresh cilantro ( if you like)
buy a bottle of salad dressing ( i use italian)

1.drain the cans ( if this even needs to be said)
2. Dump everything into one bin
3. Stir while adding dressing to taste.
4. guten apetit

Makes big ass salad thats good for 3-4 days, Though may have to add more dressing if eating in multiple sittings.
I'm not a vegetarian but don't eat meat often.

>> No.4532015

So, what these vegans are saying is that I'm an irredemable monster because I choose to dine on swine? Even tough I volunteer at soup kitchens, work for the local Co-op, and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Is that the basic jist of it?

>> No.4532036

Didn't you hear? Vegans are just plain better than other humans.

>> No.4532041

i don't know anyone who's calling you swine...

but Kant's Categorical Imperative says there are 2 universal principles, the most relevant one is Universability.

It means its immoral to act in a fashion that all cannot act in.

since the earth doesn't have enough resources to support several billion pigs and cows... Its immoral to shove your face full of nothing but meat.

There's nothing wrong with eating meat, we're omnivores. But there is something wrong with being so mindlessly self indulgent you shove your face full of meat at every fucking meal.

>> No.4532046

Dine on Swine means eat pork you dumbass.

>> No.4532048

You kidding me, you can get 100% DV of iron from plant foods without breaking a sweat. I eat meat because I like the taste. No one in their right mind eats it thinking it's healthy. When people want to make their diet healthier they eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. They don't eat more steaks.

>> No.4532055

>you shove your face full of meat at every fucking meal.
This. We don't have to stop eating meat, but we do sure as hell have to stop eating so much of it. Meat industry is the #1 environmental crisis right now.

>> No.4532059

I thought human overpopulation was the world's number one environmental crisis.

>> No.4532061


I'm sorry i briefly glanced at the post and understood it purpose.

Thanks for adding value instead of just pointing out trivial mistakes!

>> No.4532066

I love how any thread about this just immediately becomes awful..

Most dishes are vegetarian. It's not that hard to come up with something. This is a cooking forum. Look at yourselves.

>> No.4532068

implying over population hasn't lead to a monstrously unrealistic meat industry.

>> No.4532070

this thread has encouraged me to eat more meat. i think i'll go cook up a steak.

>> No.4532073



>> No.4532076

Leave. Really, just leave.

>> No.4532077


Yea, I think people should try to eat less meat, eat less processed meat especially, and when possible buy locally grown/free range/organic or whatever. Even helping a little is helping. If someone wants to be vegetarian that's their choice.

But I think anyone who can afford to should make an effort to reduce their consumption of factory-farmed meat for ethical reasons, and reduce their carbon footprint for environmental reasons. If everyone in america who could just did that a little bit, it'd have a large impact.

Besides, meatless monday is the new thing right? And most cultures have meat as a small portion of the diet, it's cheaper and good for you so why not.

>> No.4532079

And we blame the meat industry as if humanity won't continue to consume resources and alter this world in an unsustainable matter whether they are vegetarians or not.

>> No.4532082


"hey /ck/, got any recipes?"


Why do you care what she eats?

>> No.4532093

>If someone wants to be vegetarian that's their choice.
and if someone wants to eat a bunch of meat, that's also their choice. i'm sure they're tired of hearing all about how they're destroying the earth in the same way that vegetarians are sick of hearing about how they're a bunch of pussies.

>> No.4532094

I's what she doesn't eat.

>> No.4532114
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>i'm a vegetarian college student

>> No.4532122
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>> No.4532128


>> No.4532131

>if someone wants to eat a bunch of meat, that's also their choice.
When it involves another life, I think it stops becoming a personal choice.

>> No.4532133


so then eat meat

you gonna stop cuz some bitch on 4chan disapproves?

Doesn't mean we can't have a nice vegetarian thread.

>> No.4532136

anything with Tortilla chips or nacho's with cheese might fill you up, it's incredibly easy to make aswell

>> No.4532139

i guess we should start putting animals in prison for muder then, shouldnt we?

those of us who eat meat will continue to do so regardless of how much you people want to cry about it.

and plants have lives of their own, you dumbass.

>> No.4532144

what i was getting at is that people shouldnt stop because some bitch on 4chan disapproves.

and that's a good question. it's probably because of all the trolls making the "meat is murder" type of threads.

honestly, if we ever had a good vegetarian thread, i might even give some recipes a shot, but it just doesnt happen.

>> No.4532148


meant to say "good point, but it's probably..."

>> No.4532153
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How about we stop whining over meat here, op came here for recipes not for bitching about being a vegetarian.

>> No.4532162

my favorite part about vegetarians complaining about meat eaters has got to be that they're probably leaving a much larger environmental footprint than the native americans who use every part of the buffalo.

>> No.4532166


yea and? she said it was for ethical reasons primarily.

and the meat industry doesn't exactly use the whole buffalo. I bet you think most leather comes from cows killed for their meat, huh?

>> No.4532174

>she said it was for ethical reasons primarily
>leaving large environmental footprints is ethically sound

if that bitch wants to be on the moral high ground, she should go live in the woods.

>> No.4532195
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> mfw threads about food ethics

Why do people care and why do people want to shitpost about it here?

>> No.4532197

>bumping the thread for this

and as for your question, do you even know what website you're on?

>> No.4532198


It was already on page 0.

Yes but I still like to imagine the best in people.

>> No.4532204

Marinades are meant to manipulate and accentuate the flavor of meat, but not replace it.

>> No.4532206

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.4532282

I heard on the news of someone that ate chicken and died of salmonella. In fact, chicken is the #1 killer among all foods.

>> No.4532287

>rather than blaiming the girl's mental health, normalfaggots blame veganism
yes, all vegans eventually die in 5 months

>> No.4532290

It's not meant to be a counter-argument for fuck's sake. It's meant to be a more amusing, yet similarly stupid picture like OP's.

>> No.4532325

"Leafy greens like lettuce and spinach, while healthy for your body, are the leading source of food poisoning, a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.

What jumped out at the researchers was the role fruits and vegetables played in food poisonings, said Griffin, who heads the CDC office that handles food-borne infection surveillance and analysis.

About 1 in 5 illnesses were linked to leafy green vegetables — more than any other type of food. And nearly half of all food poisonings were attributed to produce in general, when illnesses from other fruits and vegetables were added in."

>> No.4532328

1. Always rinse produce
2. Don't let raw chicken touch anything you aren't cooking or decontaminating
3. Make sure to thoroughly cook any meat you don't trust
4. Don't eat something unless you know what it is or you trust the person serving it

My flatmates don't do 1 and 2 and it drives me fucking mad

>> No.4532330

I suppose all carnivorous animals ought to be extinct then, if killing another animal to eat is inherently evil.

And rest assured, if your average carnivore could figure out factory farming, it would absolutely enact it, for the sake of efficient calories.

>> No.4532338

>plebs thinking it's about carnivore being inherently evil
>implying there's good and evil
>implying efficient calories and protein are only found of red meat
>implying carnivores are not absolutely a minority when compared to animals they prey on
>implying carnivores appeared out of nowhere already being carnivores rather than adapting
>using what ifs as an argument
You coat your sentence in punctuation, but your argument is absolutely retarded. Not to mention severely uniformed, and blatantly biased.

>> No.4532342

The central thrust here seems to be that killing animals to eat is immoral. I realize there are other (debatable) arguments like nutrition and the environment, but those seem to be secondary to the main one. So what does that make carniverous animals?

And when did I say anything about red meat? You're putting words in my mouth.

>> No.4532343

You can argue that the lives of animals have moral value even though you can't attribute moral judgments on them

cf. children or the mentally insane/disabled

>> No.4532347

Is the argument here that Vegans live forever? Because if so I have some bad news for you...

>> No.4532349

So because animals are essential non-intelligent it's alright when they kill each other? That's bizarre.

>> No.4532350

>So what does that make carniverous animals?
No one has been suggesting all species are Ghandi. When a mother emperor penguin's child dies, she often tries to steal another penguin's baby, trampling it to death in the process, for example.

Murder, rape, stealing, etc. are common place in many species, and are natural parts of human beings. Does that mean we should do them? Should we give in to our base instinct and disregard the suffering of others for our own satisfaction? History says no, as as a society we slowly have come to empathize and try to live in peace with one another.

>> No.4532355

So we should police carniverous behavior in ourselves but not in other species? Why should they have all the fun?

>> No.4532386

It's not that it's "alright," it's that saying it's right or wrong just doesn't apply

>> No.4532388

>Should we give in to our base instinct and disregard the suffering of others for our own satisfaction?
dont see why not. after all, morality IS subjectivbe.

>> No.4532595

Lentils are your friend, they are chockfull of proteins and you can even make cookies with them!

>> No.4532638

>implying killing a living being is unequivocally Bad™

>> No.4532640


>> No.4532647

dat correlation and causation confusion

>> No.4532648

>whole grains

>> No.4532679
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>I'm a vegetarian
That sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I came here to laugh at you.

A couple of my friends are vegetarian, but one straight up doesnt like meat, and the other cant eat it due to health reasons, which are valid reasons. "T-Think of the animals" is such a pussy reason.

>> No.4532684


Let me guess, you're also a liberal and an atheist. It's called the college student phase, you might as well get a head start on your peers and grow out of it now.

>> No.4532752


Not the guy you're responding to.. but I'm not in college and I've gone vegan for the same reasons. Some of us actually grow out of being meat eating faux news zombies. It takes a brain though, and not all of us are qualified.

>> No.4532754

I don't think people grow out of being atheists. Maybe they grow out of being anti-theists, but not atheists.

>> No.4532762


>has complex making him believe in invisible sky-daddy that grants wishes
>calls others immature

>> No.4532780

Here's some of the things people grow out of:
Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, God.

>> No.4532816

And America is the only country in the world then?

>> No.4533179

Let me guess, you're a republican and Christian

We're waiting for you to die off so we can acutally have reform in the U.S.

>> No.4533227

Heres a question. Say you vegan types get what you want and everyone in the world switches over to veganism. What next? What do we do with all the cows, chickens, sheep, ducks and all the other animals that we have raised for food?

>> No.4533374

The world isn't going to go vegan overnight, so the question is pretty moot. It's a very gradual change. As demand slowly goes down, so will production.

If aliens invaded Earth tomorrow and demanded we all go vegan or face extinction, then yeah we would have to figure out the logistics of feeding and housing all the animals. But since we already subsidize the meat industry in America with billions of tax payer dollars, I don't think it'd be that much of a financial issue, just a matter of redirecting resources.

When banning slavery was being considered, "What do we do with all the slaves?" was of course a huge question too. Far bigger of a problem than the one of what to do with farm animals. And in the long run we solved that issue--most all agree for the better--so I'm sure society is up to the challenge.

>> No.4533399

>But since we already subsidize the meat industry in America with billions of tax payer dollars

I think you're confused. It's the vegetable farming industry that we subsidize so heavily--mainly corn. Which is why there's HFCS in everything.

>> No.4533412

>i'd particularly like dishes that are substantial (trying to gain weight) and even fatty (in a healthy way).

Beef and bean burritos.

>> No.4533414

And the reason why they feed animals copious amounts of corn.

>> No.4533434
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>If aliens invaded Earth tomorrow and demanded we all go vegan or face extinction
>Equates eating meat with slavery


>> No.4533494


This is an indirect subsidy of the meat industry (which also gets plenty of direct ones), since the majority of our heavily subsidized crops go to animal feed.

>> No.4533509

le /r/atheism feiz :)

If you want to be an hedonist piece of shit, no one has the right to stop you. But you're an hedonist piece of shit.

>> No.4533527

>missing the point and attacking the legitimacy with actual shitposting and poor punctuation
typical /b/ shitpost

>> No.4533528


Wrong... So wrong...


This is very true. Our government overlords realized how versatile corn was after world war II and structured policy so as to make us a world super power based around corn. They do this through heavy subsidies. Other countries can't even grow corn because we sell corn on the world market at below market rate. If you try to grow corn in another country, no one will buy it from you, because they will buy it from America instead for cheaper. You will end up having to sell your corn at a loss, or get your government to cover the loss with subsidies. This gives us a monopoly on one of the most versatile and productive sources of food on the planet.

This has had the side affect of cheap meat prices (through indirect subsidization of the meat industry) and HFCS in everything. Which is all part of the governments plan (started back in the 50s) to make sure we were all fed very well so that we could fight off the russians.

>> No.4533543

We feed something insane like 80% of corn and soy to livestock. That's why meat is so dirt cheap.

>> No.4533557
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when is obongo going to nuke the south?

>> No.4533569

Stop being a faggot. It"ll raise your testosterone.

>> No.4533573

Stop being a hick. It will raise your IQ and your chances to get laid with more than hambeasts.

>> No.4533712

if you want to gain a ton of weight:

vegetables (of whatever sort)
tofu or seitan or tempeh or whatnot
the usual shit you'd put in this faux-malaysiany stuff, like citrus juice, garlic, etc.
tons of peanut butter

stirfry veg, sauce it up, get a ton of peanut butter in there, serve over vermicelli or white rice.

you will gain a billion pounds.

>> No.4533742


>When people want to make their diet healthier they eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. They don't eat more steaks.

That's because most Americans already have a healthy (or excessive) amount of meat in their diet.

>> No.4533750
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>mfw this idiot says this and then supports abortion

>> No.4533759


I'm paranoid about chicken. Just making chicken cordon blue I end up washing my hands a dozen times through the process to avoid getting chicken on EVERYTHING.

And then after this my roommate's cat sneaks up and starts eating any pieces of raw chicken lying around. Fucking animal.

>> No.4533762

A fetus in the body isn't another life.

>> No.4533768


>faux news

It's things like this that make is incredibly obvious that you are a moron incapable of intelligent, rational argument and dismiss everyone who disagrees with you as some evil liar capitalist pig or some combination of that. Instead of actually arguing, or considering another point of view, you sit around, marinating in your own smug self-righteousness, dismissing opposing points of view with condescending insults requiring very little thought.

GB2Gaia, you faggot, it's about your level of intelligence.

>> No.4533770

They only allow abortions up to a certain time period for a reason.

>> No.4533775


>Reform in the U.S.

You mean like Obamacare and Dodd-Frank and exceptionally incompetent/corrupt morons running the IRS and Justice Department?

Your "reforms" are a continuation down a slippery slope of an incompetent nanny state that fosters a culture of dependance, laziness, and ignorance.

>> No.4533776

>guys don't make fun of my favorite entertainment news outlet

Hilarious. Are you rapidly loyal to your favorite fast food conglomerate too?

>> No.4533790


>Completely evading the point with more halfwitted insults

This is kind of what I'm talking about.

As far as fast food goes, I don't give much of a shit as long as it's fast, cheap, and gives me the calories I need for dat dem dere bulk. About the only things I won't eat are Wendy's and Subway.

>> No.4533808

>dat dem dere bulk.
Is "bulk" the new equivocation for obesity?

>> No.4533812

I don't like Fox News and I agree with him, you're full of shit.

>> No.4533826

>I'm paranoid about chicken
You should be. 52% of chicken has salmonella/and or campylobacter virus

>> No.4533836


I means going from Hungry Skeleton mode to Builtfat mode. This causes me to have denser bones, a stronger heart, and generally increased physically ability that allows me to be better at a variety of activities, such as athletics, moving furniture, and carrying drunken idiots.

Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general. Everything else being equal, the strong are also happier than the weak.

>> No.4533837


This goes away when I cook it properly, right?

>> No.4533848

>Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general
"Starting Strength" fags sound like Bible Humpers, to be honest. We do not live in the age of Roman gladiators, physical strength will do jack shit to increase your life expectancy, sorry bud.

Sports, sure, but depends on the sport.

>> No.4533853
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>> No.4533854

Yeah, cooking will kill salmonella etc. Problem is that simply handling the meat and cooking it exposes your kitchen counter, utensils, hands, clothes, and other surfaces to the bacteria and viruses.

If you clean up well, you won't be at risk. Personally, I'd rather just not cook with foods that are full of deadly diseases in the first place.

>> No.4533861
File: 218 KB, 550x400, Dwight-Schrute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general.

>> No.4533873


Wow, only in America everybody, deep fried moussaka

>> No.4533876

I worked at a vegetarian place. The shit they did with food was absolutely disgusting. A bunch of anti-conformist faggots who don't know anything about food safety. Doesn't matter if it's meat or starch. If it isn't handled properly, it's just as dangerous, no matter what. Also, saying "full of deadly diseases" is the typical exaggeration of a person trying too hard to make their own choice seem more logical than it is.

>> No.4533878


Like what?

>> No.4533890

Hey yeah, question, wasn't there a salmonella scare with vegetables not too long ago?

>> No.4533901


That wouldnt make much sense, mayeb youre confusing with eggs scare few years back

>> No.4533906

yes, melons used to get it a lot, though it's not as bad now (still can pop up from time to time) and spinach and sprouts are notorious for it
usually it's due to unsanitary farming/transportation

>> No.4533907

Its an italian dish you idiot.

>> No.4533911

Wasn't there a massive E-Coli scare with Spinach and Lettuce a few years back?

>> No.4533916


>> No.4533918

>implying everyone who eats meat is fat.

While i am not vegetarian.
Eating meat more then twice a week, is just rubbish.

>> No.4533919

You're all wrong. E. Coli is not salmonella.

While deep-fried, the original has the eggplant neither breaded nor sliced so thickly. it is sliced thin, salted, pressed, washed, dried, deep-fried, then used analagously to lasagne ribbons. It is also not meant to be a vegetarian dish. Our original has pulled brisket in it.
I suspect the breaded, thick-cut version was borne out of a desire to drastically shorten the cooking time. Personally, I don't care for the Americanised version as I feel the thick cut of the eggplant leaves an unpleasant texture, but I can rarely be fucked going through the bullshit involved in making it the proper way, either. I either avoid it or wait to go home home on holiday when mum'll make it for us.
Also good and less involved is parmigiana di zucchine. The zukes don't need to be salted and pressed, just sliced thinly and deep-fried.

>> No.4533921

Humans are a naturally omnivorous race. We need a balanced diet of fruits, grains, vegetables, nuts, and meats. While its entirely true that we eat entirely too much meat, meat should be four times a week at most. And what about cloned meat?

>> No.4533924

you're fucking stupid and can't even use google

>> No.4533927

What are blithering on about?

>> No.4533930

>You're all wrong. E. Coli is not salmonella.
No one implied that.

>> No.4533933

2 word searches so fucking hard

>> No.4533941


>Implying stronger bones and heart won't help your life expectancy and quality of life.

Granted, contact sports will often offset any such improvements, but at least then we can have fun and glory, and if nothing else complain to the young whiners about how back in our day everyone was a badass. Plus, everyone eventually comes into a situation where they have to move something heavy. A stronger person will be able to do with with considerably less consternation or risk of injury.

Also, getting stronger has improved my golf game. Considering this, it's hard to say strength is useless in any other sport.

>> No.4533950

Rice and lentils in bulk all day every day until you get a job.

>> No.4533984

Alright, maybe it was E. Coli.

Still, seems fascinating that you've got contaminated veggies and saying meat is disgusting.

The whole point of eating meat nowadays is to cook it, anyway. Unless it's sashimi or something.

>> No.4533986

I linked to the top rate salmonella outbreaks with those particular vegetables

jesus h christ you people are going to give me a heart attack before my red meat ever gets a chance

>> No.4533990

You wouldn't have a heart attack if you learn to calm the fuck down and shut the fuck up, you prissy queen.

>> No.4533993

I'm the only one who is speaking any truth in this shit thread, and you want me to shut the fuck up
yay fucktards

>> No.4534065

I've struggled with the debate of whether or not I should be a vegetarian for a few years now, and it got to a point where I had to decide based purely on how I felt rather than logic as I couldn't find a clear answer in all the articles I read from both sides of the argument. I still eat eggs and cheese but I just can't eat flesh without getting bizarre and disturbing imagery in my head.

I have a similar situation with alcohol. I have come to associate it with the rough times in my life and now I can't have a social drink without feeling stress about it, so I choose not to drink.

I get along with drinkers and meat eaters just fine, as I don't do things like offer criticism that isn't warranted or justified. I would advise to not start your thread with such an inflammatory image if you are actually interested in discussing vegetarian meals in order to avoid all the pointless argumentation.

>> No.4534110


>Emoting on 4Chan


>> No.4534151

If eating meat bothers you that much, don't eat it, eat what you like, just make sure to get your vitamins and macros. Vegetarians act like people who eat meat shovel handfuls of raw red meat into their gullets while shooting an M60 into a herd of cattle while laughing heartily. Vegetarians can't shut the fuck up about their lifestyle and how it's better, and this in turn makes everyone think they're a pussy.

>> No.4534157

>Vegetarians can't shut the fuck up about their lifestyle
You are just so used to all the meat lobbying, "hurrrr moar meat" commercials, etc. that you don't even notice them.

>> No.4534167

Is it that there is a lot of meat lobbying... or just that you're looking too into it?


>> No.4534171

The whole retarded "bacon is best" thing, EMT, Heart Attack Grill, every fast food ad ever, etc.

>> No.4534176

Yeah, why don't they greentext and use epic memes like the rest of us? How uncool.

>> No.4534178

>implying red meat gives you cancer
>implying researchers didn't arbitrarily count heavily processed meats like hot dogs and cold cuts as "red" meats
>implying that didn't unfairly colour the results

>> No.4534183

this bacon shit rustles my jimmies a little bit, and i love meat. i dont understand why neckbeards wont shut the fuck up about bacon ever.

>> No.4534186

>implying researchers didn't arbitrarily count heavily processed meats like hot dogs and cold cuts as "red" meats
No they don't. You honestly think every single study that finds something you don't like makes this huge error?

One second on Google Scholar:

>Larsson and Wolk (2012)

>Eleven prospective studies, with 6643 pancreatic cancer cases, were included in the meta-analysis. An increase in red meat consumption of 120g per day was associated with an overall relative risk (RR) of 1.13 (95% confidence interval (CI)=0.93–1.39; Pheterogeneity<0.001). Red meat consumption was positively associated with pancreatic cancer risk in men (RR=1.29; 95% CI=1.08–1.53; Pheterogeneity=0.28; five studies), but not in women (RR=0.93; 95% CI=0.74–1.16; Pheterogeneity=0.21; six studies). The RR of pancreatic cancer for a 50g per day increase in processed meat consumption was 1.19 (95% CI=1.04–1.36; Pheterogeneity=0.46).

>Findings from this meta-analysis indicate that processed meat consumption is positively associated with pancreatic cancer risk. Red meat consumption was associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer in men. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings.

>> No.4534198

Low-carb; what's the vegan take on that?

>> No.4534209

>vegetarians act like
>hurr durr don't generalize me as an omnivore

Seriously. I'm a veggie, but I don't flaunt it or try to "convert" people unless they legitimately bring on the conversation and seem interested.

I hear all about how vegans/vegetarians are self-righteous assholes online. Many veggies I've met online have been. The ones I've met AFK have been genuinely interesting and nice people.

tl;dr shut the fuck up about vegans being stuck-up, you are

>> No.4534213

Do veggies/vegans really feel persecuted?

>> No.4534217

>Vegan/vegetarian threads
>245 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

never change /ck/

>> No.4534223

Right above a tipping thread with 260 replies.

>> No.4534383

Rice and lentils is also pretty good, cheese and spices can combine pretty well with it, otherwise it's kind of tasteless. When I was a vegan I would just put salsa with it and it was delicious.

>> No.4537557

Vegetarian, not vegan? Eggs.They're cheep as fuck and go with most anything. Just add a source of starch and spices/sauces for flavor and you're good to go.

>> No.4537560

If you're in it for the ethics, why vegetarian and not vegan? Chickens are treated like shit whether they're being killed for meet or kept alive for eggs.

>> No.4538210

>Chickens are treated like shit whether they're being killed for meet or kept alive for eggs.

Not all chickens. I grow my own layers and broilers, all free range on pasture.
Can everyone do this? No, but many people could keep a pair of hens in their backyard. Humanly raised fresh eggs are a great food source.