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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4522033 No.4522033 [Reply] [Original]

Now, I'm not coming to be like "oh look at this crazy bitch and her terrible restaurant blah blah blah", but I am more wondering: how on earth does a restaurant become like this?
Seriously. How? How does this happen? I must know!

>> No.4522037

>mafia based income from based Samy
>this guaranteed income means customer service/being nice to your employees isn't necessary as Samy/Amy are getting funded anyways

>> No.4522038

If I were to start a restaurant today I would maybe have to put down 20000 usd. Any other business you can think of costs a lot fucking more then that. That is why.

>> No.4522047
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a big part of the reason is for whatever reasons people who have NO business in the food industry think its ok to start a restaurant.

you never hear random fucking people say shit like "im an accountant, but in saving up for my dream, to open a muffler shop"

restaurants and bars attract amateurs like probably no other business, so we naturally end up with a bunch of fucked beyond imagination establishments. amy's baking co was maybe uniquely fucked up, but ass-backward retarded restaurants and bars are not unusual.

>> No.4522052

>you never hear random fucking people say shit like "im an accountant, but in saving up for my dream, to open a muffler shop"

No shit, tire shops are where it's at. Easier regulations, less equipment, simpler training, quick customer turnover, why wouldn't you open a tire shop?

>> No.4522060

you know that was not the point i was trying to make, but i have noticed a lot of thriving Mexican tire shops that make bank and run on unskilled labor. not bad.

>> No.4522096

Yeah, I was having a giggle. The thing about restaurants is that there is a romanticism about operating one, built on a creativity foundation similar to art or invention. People don't realize it's a demanding, time consuming, stressful job.

About the tire shops though, the reason I brought it up was the last time I was at one it was a constant stream of customers mostly getting things like patches that took five minutes.

>> No.4522133
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I don't normally come to /ck/. At all.

But today I did.

And this was the first thread I saw.

I had no idea who the OP's image was. So I reverse image searched it. "Crazy Amy." Alrighty. Then I looked up the result on youtube.

Now, my friends... I've seen some shit.

I have SEEN. Some shit.

>> No.4522134

As an accountant I approve of this comment.

>> No.4522140

Is that real?
He's legit has mafia connections?

>> No.4522151


Yes apparently

>> No.4522158

Yes apparently?
Source? Aside from his "I'm the gangster" comment?

>> No.4522166



>"Or launch an investigation into whether the whole restaurant is a money laundering scheme after the idiot husband claimed he has Mafia ties. That’s another thing that could happen."


Sammy admitted it himself that he has ties to the mafia.

>> No.4522176

All that refers to is the "I'm the gangster" comment he dropped.

I'm not ruling it out. I'm just saying.

>> No.4522184


Yeah well that's life

>> No.4522199


>> No.4522201
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>> No.4522202

He is facing deportation and is already banned from two European countries. Fucking Israelis.


Probably better articles out there but that was the first one that came up on google.

>> No.4522215

I wouldn't deport him.

Not for that.

Kick him in the balls several times, but not deport. Shit, man. I don't wish him upon ANY country.

>> No.4522400

Then why do you wish him on MINE? Send him back to wherever he was spawned.

>> No.4522405

>The thing about restaurants is that there is a romanticism about operating one
I agree, there seems to be this notion that it's quite glamourous to own a restaurant

>> No.4522429

I'm sure it is in some small way.

>> No.4522438


Sammy appears to have shitloads of money from his gangbanging days. This is assuming, of course, that his gangbanging days have ended, there's a lot of theories going around that the restaraunt is actually just a money laundering front.


He was arrested in Europe for drug distribution, threats and extortion and is banned from entering Germany and France because of it. Apparently he lied about this on his immigration application and is now facing possible deportion.


>Fucking Mizrahim

Fixed that for you.


That would be Morocco, not Israel.

>> No.4522475 [DELETED] 

>how on earth does a restaurant become like this?

well, her husband is a jew....

you telling me you didnt have your suspicions about his heritage? wow it sure is bluepill around here.

>> No.4522477


What is that, some ron paul /k/tard shit? Get the fuck off this board, stormfront.

>> No.4522484

oy vey ive hit a nerve

i didnt realise JIDF ventured to this board

>> No.4522494
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Jews gonna jew.

>> No.4524965

What was your favorite part about her, friend?

>> No.4524987

>Shity reference from an okay-at-best movie.

Seriously, everyone told me I HAD to see the Matrix because it was such a great movie. Then I saw it and it was just disappointing.

>> No.4524988

Not the same guy, but I loved how the server just asked, "Are you sure?" to make sure the order was correct. And the bitch just flips her shit! Amy has some serious developmental issues and needs to get professional help. You can tell by niether of them wanted help, they just wanted to be on TV.

>> No.4524989

It was pretty good fourteen years ago. I guess if you're just now seeing it, though, it could seem a bit dated.

>> No.4525017


Stfu Right now. This is ck, we don't talk bout that shit.

>> No.4525032

Sammy says he spent 1 million opening the restaurant.

>> No.4525338

Somewhat related: Gordon says at the end of this episode that this was the second time he couldn't help a restaurant and had to leave because the owners wouldn't listen in the entire kitchen nightmare series. Anyone knows which other episode he means? Link/name?

>> No.4525545

The part when she threw a bitch fit before Ramsey gave up was so much better.

>> No.4525560

for publicity and it worked

>> No.4525571


Likely one of the restaurants from the British series, in which he helps on a personal level rather than just yell and throw $20,000 worth of renovations at them.

>> No.4525606
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remember the 6 billion !!

>> No.4525610

Has Gordon commented on this? Surely some journalists tried to contact him after all that internet racket.

>> No.4525616
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>> No.4527198 [DELETED] 

most restaurants done by professionals or non-professionals are crappy!

people who went to culinary school come up with the same plane "food" MOST OF IT LAZY DISGUSTING AND BLAND!

that's why the market was taken over by all sort of international foods


some Japanese gramp
or some Chinese granny
some old Mexican aunty
or that old Thai UNCLE
they all make better food and more exciting dishes

go take your bland canned food somewhere else

if you season every fucking dish the same fucking way
you might be a chef but you are making cat-food in my opinion

everything you guys do sucks

want prove compare for example number of Michelin star restaurants in Tokyo with those in any city around her

>> No.4527341

>fucking mizrahim

yeah, you're totally going to teach people names for the different strains of jewish race.
people who aren't jews are totally receptive to that sort of thing.

>> No.4527393


Holy shit. IBM is up.

>> No.4527417

The power of Linux.

>> No.4527439

Narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.4527455


Ashkenazim = white Jews from Europe. They're the rich ones you imagine when you hear about a doctor or a lawyer or Bilderberg or the rest of the Jewish stereotypes
Mizrahim = Brown Jews from Arabia, Persia and North Africa. They're basically just sandniggers who speak a weird version of Hebrew instead of Arabic.

It isn't too difficult to remember. There are other smaller ones (Ethiopians, Chinese etc.) but unless you live in Israel chances are small that you'll ever encounter one, for the most part the Ashkenazim and Mizrahim are the two big ones.

>> No.4527458


>> No.4527491

Oy vey!
Quit denying to holocaust, anti-semite. All the goyim know it was six trillion, and that saying anything less is an insult to our people.