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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 198 KB, 800x510, bacon-package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4520782 No.4520782 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Bacon Tips.

Here are the problems I have when cooking bacon:

>Comes in package like pic related.
>Not resealable.
>Put it back in the fridge, it will leak bacon juice everywhere.
>Have to cook whole thing.
>Now what? How to store cooked bacon?

>Frying up the bacon in a pan
>platters molten bacon fat all over the stove top and your shirt.

>Everyone eats your goddamn bacon while your cooking it.


>> No.4520789

Just put the package in a freezer bag. It won't leak juice everywhere that way.

>> No.4520814


But wouldn't the freezer bag get gross after a use or two? It would get nasty fast.

>> No.4520817


good thing freezer bags are disposable right?

>> No.4520820

Pro tip: Don't overcook bacon. It's God tier when it's chewy.

>> No.4520824

I know this is a troll thread but I've actually had real live people complain about this shit, as though they've never had any experience frying anything in their lives. How do you people live? If I took away your microwave, would you starve?

>> No.4520822
File: 157 KB, 487x287, 1320866288187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of bacon are you buying that leaks bacon juice?
any bacon i've ever bought has been solid when cold.

>> No.4520833

OP here.

No this actually isn't a troll thread. And I dont own a microwave, I cook often on my stove top.

And yeah, pretty much every time I cook I get fucking oil or grease all over the place because it splatters like crazy and I dont know how to avoid that. Especially with something like bacon.

Call me a retard all you want, but can you give me any advice to stop that?

>> No.4520836


There's a surprising amount of liquid in those bags. If you just cut it open and set it in your fridge, it'll slowly leak out. It's not solid.

>> No.4520847

put the un cooked bacon on a piece of plastic wrap and fold the top/bottom then the sides but don't flip it over so any juice stays contained

store cooked bacon in a plastic bag with a couple paper towels to absorb any moisture/oil

cook bacon in the oven at 350 on a cookie sheet with foil folded up on each side to catch all the grease

>> No.4520866

Freezer bags are gross, but the resealable plastic sleeves that packages food aren't? Whatever. I put mine in plastic freezer bags, too.

If it bothers you too much, buy some glass dishes for leftovers like pyrex.

To prevent spatters, put a piece of loose aluminum foil across the top of the pan. Don't press down or create something that will hold in steam (that's why lids aren't preferable here). Then you can toss it when you're done. If you want to get fancy, buy a food spatter protector thingy... splatter guard or screen is what they're called. Metal mesh, not a shitty plastic one.

>> No.4520882

Use a damn plastic bag. A little juice won't hurt you. Also cook your bacon on a lower temp is the grease is splattering everywhere.

>> No.4520910
File: 373 KB, 595x445, 1291843424572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not resealable.
you don't cook the whole package?

>> No.4520958

Perhaps he's actually not a fat fuck up.

>> No.4520968

Whenever I have unused bacon, I fold it up in the original packaging and then wrap it up tight with a piece of aluminum foil. It seems to keep better that way.

>> No.4520980

pro tip: cook bacon in the oven rather than on the stove. it tastes much better that way, and you won't get splashed with grease

>> No.4520984

>Comes in package like pic related.

A bit small though.

>Not resealable.

What... what are you on about?

>Put it back in the fridge, it will leak bacon juice everywhere.

Cook the entity pack you dolt.
That or seal it in a bag.

>Have to cook whole thing.

No you d-YES!

>Now what? How to store cooked bacon?

In your stomach.

>Frying up the bacon in a pan
>platters molten bacon fat all over the stove top and your shirt.

You will smell like dead pig.
The ladies love it.

>>Everyone eats your goddamn bacon while your cooking it.

You're probably American so shoot them.
Otherwise try electrifying the pan or don't be a beta and tell them to fuck right off.

>> No.4521007

>not cooking bacon in the oven

>> No.4521014

>not liking crispy hotel-tier bacon
The Worst.

>> No.4521052



Do..do you just put it on a like a cookie sheet?

>> No.4521072
File: 147 KB, 427x282, 32759[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frying up the bacon in a pan

stay pleb

>> No.4521077


yeah that works. or a cast-iron or anything oven safe that contains the grease. like others have said, it does taste better... really melts in your mouth. just put your oven at about 350 or so. then flip it once when it looks like it's ready (just like on the stove). takes longer but it's worth it, and less hassle.

>> No.4521094
File: 234 KB, 640x480, sogood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand not cooking it all at once. I have not that level of will power.

also bacon that needs no cooking is awesome as well
pic related

>> No.4521096

Confirmed for sensible bacon fan. Chewy bacon is best bacon.

>> No.4521108

>Comes in package like pic related.
>Not resealable.
>Put it back in the fridge, it will leak bacon juice everywhere.
>Have to cook whole thing.
>Now what? How to store cooked bacon?
Zip. Lock. For both cooked and uncooked.

>Frying up the bacon in a pan
>platters molten bacon fat all over the stove top and your shirt.
Paper towels, you dip. They soak up the grease for easier clean up and keep the splatter from getting everywhere. I hate paper towels and only own them for the express purpose of cooking greasy food.

>Everyone eats your goddamn bacon while your cooking it.
And what are you using to flip that bacon? Hit them with a greasy cooking utensil, they deserve it.

>> No.4521118


I don't even fry mine flat. I just let it get all curled up into lil balls chewy fatty goodness.

>> No.4521129

i prefer putting the bacon on a wire rack or something so the bacon isnt swimming in the grease.

>> No.4521132
File: 1.20 MB, 2000x1003, wright-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, buy some better bacon (pic related). It comes in resealable bags and is easier to cook. If frying in a pan try to use one with deep sides to avoid splatter, and as >>4520882 said fry it at a lower heat. As for people eating your bacon, follow >>4520984 and tell them to fuck right off.

>> No.4521279

if it's splattering like crazy don't turn the heat up so high.
Not sure about your shit american bacon, but the best way to cook bacon is put it in the pan cold, no oil, and let it cook like that, it slowly releases the fat, so you don't need oil.

>> No.4522810


>>Comes in package like pic related.

Stop buying shitty bacon. If your bacon leaks juice that means it wasn't properly smoked or cured, it was injected with flavored chemicals instead. Proper bacon is dry and will not leak liquid.

>>platters molten bacon fat all over the stove top and your shirt.

Again, stop bying shitty bacon that's injected with water. What's happening is that the water is boiling in the pan and that splatters out the bacon fat. Proper bacon doesn't have this problem.

>> No.4522819

>Get bacon
>Cook some
>Put the rest of the raw bacon in a plastic container

>Cook bacon
>Put it on medium-high
>Doesn't explode in my face

What are you doing with your life, OP?

>> No.4522837

As for the storing it after you've cooked it, assuming that everyone hasn't eaten all of it already. I put mine in those little rubbermaid like things you get from sandwich meats, then all you have to do is wash it and you can use it again.

>> No.4523382

bacon shouldn't leak. wtf kind of bacon are you using.

also, BAKE it as low and slow as possible. less than 300 degrees at least, for 30min to an hour depending on your oven. You are much less likely to burn it that way. It also smells amazing and turns out wonderful.

>> No.4523440

make your bacon in the oven, it takes longer but its better

also if you put it on aluminum foil, crinkle it up so it has pockets for all the bacon grease to go into

>> No.4524688

>Comes in package like pic related.
cut it
>Not resealable.
cook it (or put in resealable container.)
>Put it back in the fridge, it will leak bacon juice everywhere.
see above you lazy fuck.
>Have to cook whole thing.
>Now what? How to store cooked bacon?
already answered
>splatters molten bacon fat all over the stove top and your shirt.
turn the heat down a little and dredge the drippings out with a spoon every now and then. also consider an apron or a lid. Stop being a pussy.
>Everyone eats your goddamn bacon while your cooking it.
you're in the kitchen, you have hot bacon drippings and tongs in your hand. No one steals ANYTHING without your permission.

>> No.4524725


What kind of fucked up bacon do you buy that it's leaking?

>> No.4524750

Turkey bacon, problems solved.

>> No.4524785


>10th day of Sceak's ban
>Not cooking several pounds of bacon at once and freezing the strips in a roll of paper towel.
>Not using the weird bits for bacon bits.
>Not putting bacon in your midnight sandwich.

>> No.4524787

Cook it like Epic Meal Time cooks it.
Cooked bacon keeps longer in the fridge than uncooked. Just put it in plastic bags or tinfoil or whathaveyou, it's not hard to store leftovers.
It will last a little over a week cooked in the fridge, or 6 months in the freezer.

>Everyone eats your goddamn bacon while your cooking it
live alone

>> No.4524789

I've never had bacon that "leaked juice" before.
Anyways, fucking bake your bacon, you pussy.

>> No.4524801

>not using a mesh pan cover when cooking foods like bacon
>not buying bacon in 2kg lots and wrapping up 4-5 slices in clear wrap to freeze

>> No.4524805

It's too bad bacon doesn't keep and it's not like it's salted and preserved or anything. And refrigeration is just a myth. I wish supermarkets had plastic bags or something that I could put my bacon in. It'd be nice if they had little ties I could twist to seal said bag.

>> No.4524812


Bulk bacon slabs.

You're an innovator, a pioneer. I like the way you think.

>> No.4524815

>Sugar cured
Every time I think America can't get more disgusting they do something like this.

>> No.4524816
File: 94 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4524817

Or maybe some sort of container, sealable maybe with a lid or something similar, that you could store food in.

>> No.4524821

Sugar is one of the oldest preservatives known to man. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.4524830

1. When you get back from the grocery store separate the bacon into the portions you are going to cook and rebag them into zip lock bags.

2. a fucking lid holy shit

>> No.4524847

I think you mean salt.

>> No.4524849

Nope. Sugar. Salt as well, but sugar has been used as a preservative for nearly as long as we've been using it.

>> No.4524856
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Tupperware-food-plastic-c-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put the open packet in one of these. Then into my fridge.

>> No.4524858
File: 617 KB, 1632x1232, back bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why doesn't America like 'real' (back) bacon?

Much stronger flavour and a bigger meat:fatty bits ratio

>> No.4524860

Most people where i'm from don't have access to that because the grocers all sell the same type of bacon. It's not a matter of not liking it.

>> No.4525060

You could not buy shit tier strips of fat aka American bacon.

>> No.4525063

go to sleep canada, you're drunk again

>> No.4525088

I know its not an option for everybody, but I'm a fan of cooking bacon outside on the grill. Light, put down a nice cast iron griddle or pan, and use the grill lid to simulate that in the oven feeling if you want. Flare-ups are a non-issue if you're not mentally retarded. Keeps the kitchen clean and if you have asshat bacon stealers in the area there's no scent wafting through the place alerting them to the presense of bacon.

Oh yeah, bonus points if you're like me and have bears living in the area.

>> No.4525094

Again? It's Canada. I am having beer for breakfast right now. You are just mad because we are happy polite drunks.

>> No.4525095

>Canada is the weird one for not eating American bacon
I'm not even an eh'hole Cannuck and I laugh at you. You eat strips of fat, not bacon.

>> No.4525321

bacon is a cured meat product and will last for months uncooked, why would anyone bother freezing it?

>> No.4525322

>all bacon is the same

Cool story.

>> No.4525332


>> No.4525348
File: 76 KB, 500x500, Porkjowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all the hate for american bacon? I have had far fattier hungarian bacon and chinese bacon. And the common sliced stuff is not the only kind of bacon we have nor is all of it "all fat, no meat". If one gets out of the local mega market and hit up a butcher shop it is not difficult to find quality bacon. The cheap brands are, but then any cheap food is marketed at people who don't give a shit. I also love the fatty shit too, especially jowl bacon.

>> No.4525402
File: 102 KB, 960x637, 401945_477507815653063_1884077444_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cook it in the microwave between 2 towels

pic related : GOD turtle

>> No.4525432

all bacon is cured, which means it won't spoil quickly.

>> No.4525450
File: 24 KB, 400x300, bacon rack .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4525463
File: 336 KB, 3307x2047, 5knives_UCslicedbacon_pkg3_LOW-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you buy uncured bacon.

>> No.4525475

even uncured bacon is cured. it uses nitrates from celery powder instead of sodium nitrate, but it's the same effect. although legally they are not allowed to call it cured.

>> No.4525478

>American Bacon

>> No.4525933

because it's not bacon. that's like calling crown royal whiskey.

>> No.4525939

>because it's not bacon.

>> No.4525945

It's not, bacon is the crispy shit left over after you render out the drippings. that's why you need pork belly. that back bacon shit looks more like a waste of a good pork chop.

I understand things taste better when your drunk, believe me I do, but we Americans have to work.

>> No.4525953

British people call it "streaky bacon" because they're dumb.

>> No.4525954

I wrap my bacon into portion size amounts, 2 or 3 rashers and put it in a container then freeze it.
It doesn't take long to defrost because it's cut so thin and last for a long time in the freezer.

>> No.4525958

>pretty much every time I cook I get fucking oil or grease all over the place because it splatters like crazy

I cook mine in the oven. Put it on a rack and pop it in a cold oven. Turn the oven up to 400 and let the bacon cook for about 20 minutes.
It comes out fabulous, chewy, yet crisp on the edges. Plus it leaves you free to cook eggs or whatever without having to worry about the bacon.

>> No.4525966

>Turkey bacon, problems solved.

Because OP won't want to cook or eat it?

>> No.4526385


Solves the moocher problem at least...

>> No.4526426

Because they have different cuts of bacon, dumbass.