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4517458 No.4517458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Italyfag here. How the fuck does the pricing system work in the US food industry?

So let's say I go to the restaurant in Murrika. I order a burger and fries for 9$. I eat and then I tell the waiter that I want to pay.

Are you telling me that I have to pay 9$ and a mandatory tip? And taxes as well (Added after? Wat?)

Or let's say I order pizza. I have to pay the pizza, the tip, the driver's fee and taxes? WAT

Or let's say I go to the restaurant with a bunch of mates. I have to pay tip, taxes and a gratuity fee for the large number of people. WAT WAT?

Get yo shit together. Here in Italy I go to the restaurant and if the pizza is 4 euros I pay four euros. Taxes are already included in the 4 euros.
If I go to a more upscale restaurant and the waiter does an exceptional job in serving me I will tip him, yeah. But your Murkin system is pig retarded

>> No.4517459

No, you're retarded, faggot.

Yeah that's right, and your mom is fat. Now what?

>> No.4517463

You crazy motherfuckers arrest scientists for not being able to predict earthquakes and you complain about tipping?

>> No.4517466

>Here in Italy

Stopped reading there. Enjoy your AIDS, you smelly, greasy, slimebag.

>> No.4517468

if you went to a casual dining with a waiter and got a burger and fries for 9 bucks, you pay 10 bucks with tax. if you feel like paying a tip you would tip about another buck. so you could be paying 10-11 bucks.

with pizza, say it was 10 bucks. most places dotn have delivery fee anymore and you'd tip the driver a buck if you feel nice. so with tax it'd be maybe 12 or 13 bucks

if you have a large party, the tip and the gratuity fee is the same thing and its usually 20% which is just above the norm for tipping anyways, so although it sucks they force you to tip, you'd be a dick if you didnt tip a server who dealt with you and youre 9 unruly drunk ass friends for the last 2 hours.

tl:dr yes we pay taxes on food, no we dont have to tip unless it's a big party or we feel nice

>> No.4517470

Well you see here in 'murrika we dont pay our wait staff minimum wage. A large portion of their income is in tips. In theory since a large bit of monies depends on tips they try harder. Then idiots pool tips and ruin the system. Also you're a meatball.

>> No.4517474

>Italyfag here.

Go back there then, facist.

>> No.4517480

>want to buy something in glorious Europe
>it costs 10 Euro
>go to cashier, give him 10 Euro and it's mine

>want to buy something in Americlap
>it costs Dollar 10
>go to cashier, try to give him Dollar 10
>he says sir it's more than ten Dollar (wtf the sign said $10, not 10$, but whatever)
>have to pay extra tax that's not mentioned anywhere
>have to pay the dude too because his employer doesn't pay him wtf

Truly the dumbest country ever.

>> No.4517483

only in white america is tipping still common

I live in california and tipping at asian and mexican places which make up at least 80% of the total number of restaurants in my city, is unheard of

this is one good thing about the immigration problem. foreigners don't tip and they break a number of other social conventions thus freeing the remainder of us from things like tipping, recycling, volunteering, being friendly, waiting in lines, not cheating on taxes, teaching children to behave in public, etc...

>> No.4517484

>no we dont have to tip unless it's a big party or we feel nice
You're a piece of shit. Every server and delivery person in America hates you right now. I hope you know that

Always tip wait staff in restaurants. The only exception is if the service was truly shit. 15-20% is customary. Tip less for lacking service(not food quality) and more for excellent service. Only cheapskates think tipping is a kind gesture and not expected for people that only earn $2.13 an hour at times.

>> No.4517485

Try not being so poor, mad wop greaseball.

>> No.4517487

>have to pay extra tax that's not mentioned anywhere

Does this really happen in the US? Isn't that a bitch to calculate in the head prior to purchase?

>> No.4517488

When in Rome...

>> No.4517489

I've been tipped while handing out fast food (I work drivethrough). Honestly, I was stunned.

I think the current tipping system needs to be revised, but until then, you really ought to tip waitstaff at proper restaurants (but not us fast food workers, we're paid a proper wage).

>> No.4517491


Why? White people eat fast food too.

>> No.4517493

Yes, but not everywhere. Sales tax is a state issue, so some states charge sales tax and some don't. It's very confusing. Some products might have higher tax than others too depending on individual state or county laws (like how the NY governor wants to charge more for HUGE fucking sodas).

I'm not sure what you mean. The reason tipping is a thing is because waitstaff are usually paid drastically under minimum wage, and tips are expected to cover the gap. Fast food workers like myself are paid actual minimum wage so we don't require tips. I was glad to have the few bucks, but I was also terrified my manager would assume I was stealing from the register.

>> No.4517496

ITT: Cheap ass Yuros that don't understand the ways of a first world nation

>> No.4517503

Reported for making an obvious tip raging thread.
>Are you telling me that I have to pay 9$ and a mandatory tip?
Tips aren't mandatory.

>Or let's say I order pizza. I have to pay the pizza, the tip, the driver's fee and taxes?
Again, you don't have to tip the driver. Also, the big chain pizza places like to joo the customers and their drivers. You can either pick up the pizza yourself, tip the driver(the cool ones snag you some free stuff for you), or not order from them at all.

>Or let's say I go to the restaurant with a bunch of mates. I have to pay tip, taxes and a gratuity fee for the large number of people.
Gratuity fee is to be expected. Again, tipping is not mandatory.

>> No.4517511


Your analysis fails.

Tips are commonplace outside of restaurants and have nothing to do with wages. Many people earning well above min-wage receive tips.

Tips have evolved sociologically and culturally and there's a lot of information about them you can find fairly easily online if you take the time to google and do a little research.

They are connected to traditional american culture, like so many now seemingly vestigal artifacts of our past, through our protestant, puritanical roots.

There are numerous other aspects of society that can be traced back to our 'do goody' puritan forefathers. Take the time to look and compare to other cultures and ethoses.

>> No.4517515

Dominos and Johns uses that fee jargen, I usually give the driver a coke or hand em a twenty, so no change and I close the door. he gets like .90 to a dollar tip. however ive started making my own pizzas to avoid that mess
>Bomb ass thai place in Deridder called Thai Basil, pumpkin curry anomnom
> eat in for once, usually order to go
>this bitch as on the bill TWO "suggested" tip amounts. Fucking give het a dollar, every time
>that death glare
>whips the reciept away from me and storms off

guess ill be ordering to go from now on

>> No.4517516

>Becuase it's traditional in US it's therefore bad and wrong
You libs disgust me.

>> No.4517519


so do I

>> No.4517524

yeah tax (and sometimes other hidden costs) is added after. which is ludicrous, coming from an australian who has visited there a few times. just jewing you out of more bucks.

in australia you pay the price that is advertised.

>> No.4517529

I used to deliver pizza for PJs. When I knew I would be stiffed by assholes such as yourself, I always went to your house last on my run and if you tipped nothing you would get a shaken soda with your pizza.

Drivers don't even make min. wage now at the big chains plus they use their personal vehicle to make deliveries with little compensation(<$1 per delivery at times) because customers are expected to tip. Servers make much more cash day to day than drivers as they don't use up gas throughout their workday and wear and tear on their car.

>> No.4517541


you are a fucking carpet if you allow someone to shit on you like that. At my old server job I was the only guy who was paid minimum wage because I fucking made them. If I got any tips I would keep them if it was cash. If they had card I would zero put their tip slot myself

>> No.4517543


No one cares.

>> No.4517547

>hurr tipping is weird. I dislike things I don't understand

Also not listing tax is for psychological effect. It's a marketing technique. $9.99 sounds a lot more attractive than $10.22.

>> No.4517549

The dollar sign goes before the number. Why does no one understand this?

>> No.4517551

America uses a tip based economy to keep the proles subsidizing other proles. And they wonder why crime and violence is rampant.

>> No.4517553

I don't tip my tailor for making me suits.
I don't tip my mailman for delivering me mail.
I don't tip my lawyer for handling my patents.
I don't tip my secretary for passing me phone calls.
I don't tip the supermarket lady for telling me where the gourmet section is.
I don't tip the florist for the bouquet I ordered from her.
I don't tip the mechanic or his employees for fixing my car.
I don't tip doctors or nurses for taking care of me.

Why? Simple: because they all have their salaries and exceptional gratifications for extra work strictly specified on the contract they agreed to when they first signed for their work. It's a fully functional system that benefits both parties involved.
Does it lead to staleness and uncompetitiveness? Theoretically it does, but the demand being bigger than the offer makes sure that doesn't happen (at least in the public sector, unless you are living in a 3rd world country).

This considered, why should I tip the barman for making me the drink I paid him for? Why should I tip the waiter for bringing me the food I ordered? Why should I tip the delivery guy for bringing me the food I paid for, which already includes the delivery fee? They contractually agreed to getting paid less than the minimum wage, so they should live with their "mistake", not bother the customers who keep the business alive, which led to them having a job at all.

Employers being able to pay less than the minimum wage to their employees is the problem here, not the god damned customers. Nobody should be able to pay less than the minimum wage stipulated by the country to their employees. If no one had the gut to bring up that issue publicly, I say you deserve to keep getting underpaid until you do it yourself.

>> No.4517558

In America, they don't include sales tax on the listed price, the sales tax is always calculated and added on at check out (in restaraunts, this means when you ask for the bill). So if you walk into a store and see a coke for a dollar, it's not actually a dollar, it's a dollar and 6 cents or something like that (the exact tax varies by region), but you won't know it until checkout, because the price on the shelf will say a dollar and only when you ring it up will they go "And that'll be a dollar six". It's confusing as fuck, yea, but that's the way it is there, just Amurikan stupidity as usual. In restaraunts it's basically the same, when you ask for your bill they add sales tax to the price listed for the food and then give you a bill higher than what it should be.

As for tips, American waiters are generally payed less than minimum wage and depend on tips to make up the rest of their salaries (yes, this is legal there) so tipping is generally expected and it's only considered acceptable to not tip or to tip less than 15% or so in cases where you recieved extremely bad service. Many restaraunts have a mandatory service fee of 15-25% for large groups, and a few very upscale restaraunts have that service charge for all diners, but from what I understand tipping isn't usually expected when they hit you with a service charge.

>> No.4517571

Honestly, it's a shit job and a shit situation, but it shouldn't be the customer's responsibility to pay you. They are buying from you, they are the customer, they are not your employer, they should not have to take up responsibilities as an employer just to get a pizza.

The delivery dynamic should change and actual managers should pay people properly and compensate drivers for gas at the very least.

>> No.4517577

>As for tips, American waiters are generally payed less than minimum wage and depend on tips to make up the rest of their salaries

I doubt you could even get away with this in a banana republic.

>> No.4517580

>It's confusing as fuck

Only if you can't do basic math.

>> No.4517585


Tipping, while an American tradition, is simply in place to pay people less money. While this sounds awful, food prices/margins are really thin and the system allows business to hire more workers. If they paid people a true minimum wage, food costs would soar and probably be more expensive than a 15% tip, especially since less people would be ordering because of the raise in prices.

>> No.4517592
File: 7 KB, 192x249, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be $153 plus 16%, sir.

>> No.4517607

Except there's these things called computers that do the calculation for your dumbass when you are checking out, pigfuck.

>> No.4517616

>can't do 15% of $150

>> No.4517617

Also, no state has a sales tax that high; that I'm aware of.

>> No.4517624
File: 107 KB, 499x626, 1336526635948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I don't date americans

>> No.4517627
File: 33 KB, 480x426, fat_cat_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly 30 years old. I've lived in america all my life and i've never tipped once. Ever.
Its one of those polite 'social' things you're supposed to learn to do just because everyone else does.
Its never required.
I don't tip the mailman. I don't tip the guy who bags my groceries. So why the fuck should I tip the guy whos JOB it is to bring me food?
Fuck off with that bullshit.

>> No.4517630

The pricing system is pretty simple here in the USA, I suspect that it's the same for most places.

Over the cost of the a specific item, charge as much as the market will bear.


Network - Money speech

It's just math.

>> No.4517647

I used to wrk for Dominos.

It is truly one of the worst jobs I've ever had in my life. Yea sure the employees you work with are cool but being the delivery driver is just asking to be ripped off.

Don't blame the customers, blame the unethical big chain pizza places.

>> No.4517656

Or anyone for that matter.

>> No.4517684



I bet you think all the waitstaff in America are assholes who spit in your food and take forever to bring you anything, don't you? either that, or you never eat at the same place twice out of shame.

>> No.4517693

Plenty of people used to, and many still do, tip their mailmen, their delivery men, their tailors, and so forth.

>> No.4517701

Shh, don't say that to tipfags, it only makes them mad because they know it's true.

>> No.4517725

tip are not mandatory in usa

it's a gamble the server took when they accepted the job

and no one earns 2.13 an hour for waiting in america. employers must make up the difference to minimum wage

>> No.4517726

Do you pay for your own gas? How is it a rip off?

>> No.4517729

i tip my mailman and tailor
sometimes i tip my mechanic with beer

the guys i guy guns from tip me when i send customers thier way

>> No.4517750


Because unlike your mailman or bag boy, servers aren't paid hourly.

>> No.4517754

>and no one earns 2.13 an hour for waiting in america. employers must make up the difference to minimum wage

And that has happened exactly never.

>> No.4517762

sure thing buddy

worst turk pls go

>> No.4517779

They rip off the customers by charging the customers a Delivery Fee which the delivery drivers don't even get.

At the end of the night you have to report your tip earnings so Dominos can calculate whether to pay you minimum wage or not.

You can skip the tip reporting with cash tips and a nice manager, but not with credit card transactions.

Delivery drivers do not get reimburse for gas. You can deliver pizzas for eight hours with maybe 20 bucks in tips. If you're lucky you will get minimum wage but no way will you be going home with tips earned after you refill your car.

Depending what state you're in, your car insurance company won't even cover you if you're delivering pizzas on the clock.

So if you get into an accident then you're just out of luck.

>> No.4517799

Yeah, where I worked you got fired if you didn't make enough tips. The excuse was your performance must be unsatisfactory. Really it's just guys like that asshole who don't know how tipped wages work in reality; it would be fine if he was right, but people who own restaurants are some of the greediest motherfuckers I've ever met and love not having to pay their employees (they even try to pay people who provide them services with food and alcohol.)