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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4517386 No.4517386 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Guilty pleasures

>> No.4517422
File: 40 KB, 319x500, EveryMealOfEveryDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab a sleeve of saltines, and top it with this stuff. i can eat that shit every fucking day.

>> No.4517424

>frozen chicken pot pies

>> No.4517442
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So good. So bad.

>> No.4517451
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I can consume a can at a time with a bag of tortilla chips.

>> No.4517495

>gas station hot dogs
I can't help myself

>> No.4517509

Instant burritos. They're so..passable.

>> No.4517513


Not with crackers.. but I will eat that salad at all points in time given the chance.

>> No.4517614

Exact same guilty pleasure for me, OP, same brand and flavour and all. You're still a filthy person and should be ashamed of yourself, but you're not alone.

>> No.4517619

>picking the ugly cashier so the good looking ones don't judge your shitty easy cooking food
I wish my store had self checkout

>> No.4517626

Frozen Lasagna

I would never buy it myself on principle, but if ever anyone else buys it and serves it to me, my inner voice is saying "praise jesus".

>> No.4517629


You really think the cashiers care what you eat?

>> No.4517632

All the cashiers where I shop have to know I'm an alcohol but I've come to terms with that.

>> No.4517689

>I'm an alcohol
You're doing awfully well in spite of that.

>> No.4517713


>Have to know

You're like the 15 year old kids who buys cough syrup from the same pharmacy every week of course they'll know if you don't rotate shops

>> No.4517727
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It's good.

Also: pic related

>> No.4517745
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>> No.4517760

Coming from a person who lives in a small town, rotating shops doesn't really help. They all eventually become to know you as "that ______ guy" where the blank is whatever you always buy. I'm the Honey Brown Guy where I go.

>> No.4517782
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>> No.4517792

cheeseburger flavoured chips.

>> No.4517956
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so good~

>> No.4518038

with the exception of salt and vinegar flavour, I will easily devour any large bag of crisps/doritos in a single go without even stopping no matter what size the bag is, especially cheeseballs

pretty much the same for any large chocolate bar (sxcept for mint chocolate)

>> No.4518056
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These two, on their own, out of the tin.

>> No.4518084

So I'm not the only person who does this. I do this all the time though because I don't feel sexually threatened by the ugly ones and I don't spill my spaghetti then.
Those self checkouts are a crapshoot though. Half the time they break and blink and make noise for someone to come help your fatass because it wouldn't scan something.

>> No.4518091


>> No.4518144
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>They are delicious

>> No.4518153

Spam over rice


>> No.4518171

I put ranch dressing on pizza
I put cheese on ramen
I put jalapeños on fucking everything
I put spicy mayonnaise on fried chicken
I put hotsauce on cottage cheese

I usually hide when I eat so people can't see all of the disgusting shit I do to my food.

>> No.4518183
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I'm like a crack addict with these- this flavor, specifically. So goddamned amazing. I can't ever have them or I end up eating the entire box within 2 days..

>> No.4518187
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not me personally, but the other day some fat bitches at work were talking about eating condensed tomato soup straight out of the can. Put a fat hand on her fat titties and tossed her head back and said "Mmh! I know girl! Decadent!"

fucking Texas

>> No.4518191
File: 21 KB, 292x315, yes fucks yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though surprisingly hard to cook right/cook without ruining the pan

>> No.4518193

>ketchup on steam rice

>> No.4518201
File: 22 KB, 763x330, heroimage-HerringFilletsHotSauce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brunswick brand canned herring in louisianna hot sauce.

I eat it cold, right out of the tin.

>> No.4518204
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And sometimes I get the plain flavour. I eat it out of the can as well.

>> No.4518208

Brown sauce sandwiches.

>> No.4518212

mayonnaise and ketchup sandwich

>> No.4518220
File: 60 KB, 535x400, IMG_26052013_0713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting pastries at the CIA every morning on my way into the office, thing is... I graduated 7 years ago...yet can't leave the place alone.

Hold me.

>> No.4518276
File: 14 KB, 276x400, 1360951539418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

store bought potato salad. just fucking tamp that tangy, ice cold, yellow starch mash down my throat. i don't know why i crave it so.

>> No.4518282

snorting a small amount of cherry cola up both nostrils, just enough to hurt, so that for some time afterwards whenever I swallow it tastes mildly of cherries.

>> No.4518356

I don't think these are that bad for you, and Mrs T's makes good ones. My problem with consuming them is that I practically deep fry the things with onions and tumeric - I must be consuming about a 1/2 cup of oil per dozen.

>> No.4518369

What about that makes you feel guilty?

>> No.4518409

Me too. That samebrand, so tasty and convinient. Hard to cook to end up with aa thick sauce and yeah, sticks to the pan like a mofo

>> No.4518437
File: 314 KB, 1632x1224, paleo-macadamia-nuts-clusters[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costco sells jugs of these salted caramel chocolate-covered macadamia nut clusters.

Holy fucking shit they are AMAZING.

I finished the jug within 24 hours.

I hate myself...

>> No.4518462

Bread crumbs with soy sauce.

Microwaved cheese on a wheat tortilla.

>> No.4518511

Yeah I always thought that tagline was hilarious for some reason.

>> No.4518515

Have you told anyone else about this behavior?

>> No.4518523

These are amazing...

>> No.4518524

you monster

>> No.4518646

Should we form a support group? I eat this exact same flavour every time I come home drunk. Always feel guilty in the morning.

>> No.4518669

That looks SO good.

>> No.4518692
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>> No.4518705
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Don't judge me.

>> No.4518829


why would I do that? they might copy me and steal my awesome technique.

>> No.4518851

Seasoned Salt on toast

>> No.4518870

chocolate cake/cupcakes covered with doritos

>> No.4518873
File: 29 KB, 285x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw shit man I love putting Tony's on buttered toast.

Also just plain buttered bread with Sriracha or Tony's on it is really good.

>> No.4518904

i love these things

>> No.4518910

me too. I love slapping it on some boring white bread with bbq sauce

>> No.4518934

Good god, fried up with onions and ham in oil

I could eat all day

>> No.4518939

i wrap the tortilla around the string cheese before microwaving it and then put tomato sauce over it. it's like breaded mozza sticks kind of

>> No.4518981

I put sharp cheddar on tortilla and microwave it and after it is done to my liking I would them spread on about a tablespoon of strawberry jelly.

I think I discovered this by seeing a friends sibling do it and I was hooked ever since.

I could eat that shit and never get tired of it.

>> No.4518984

As a kid I used to do such gross things to food.
>melted butter and sugar on white bread
>tomato sauce and cheese sandwiches, sometimes microwaved
>entire blocks of Philadelphia cream cheese, on their own
>Peanut butter and salt and vinegar chip sandwiches
>Milo, Nesquick and Nutella spoonfuls from the jar
>Whole can of condensed milk, on its own, never again.
Surprisingly, I wasn't a fat kid.

>> No.4519372
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I used to do this when I worked night shifts(7-Midnight) at a grocery store. It was a bad time.

perdue premade chicken nuggets, cut up into pieces
Country Crock Loaded Mashed potatoes
1 can of corn
maybe add hot sauce or extra butter

Mix it up and microwave it for 3 minutes
Eat slop while watching tv or youtube videos at 1 am.

I gained around 50 pounds during that time, but lost it all a year later so it's ok.

>> No.4519384

I fucking LOVE potatoes, just the other day i made mashed potatoes with cheddar cheese/cream cheese/butter/cream/seasonings and ate way too much of it >.< Potato chips also get regularly over-consumed, but I just got my wisdom teeth out so I'm on a diet...

>> No.4519390
File: 249 KB, 580x326, 1042-277740-subcategory-pasta-sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, in Canada these are all subsumed under "Sidekicks"... I love the pesto one.

>> No.4519424

I've accepted it. I only eat it very rarely, but when I do i think that I should eat it more

the cycle continues

>> No.4519450

I wasn't a fat kid either, but when I was younger I had a bad knack for

>eating margarine sticks covered in sugar and cinnamon
>making butter sandwiches
>eating entire blocks of Velveeta Cheese
>raw beef
>drinking black olive juice from the can

I stopped eating the margarine sticks after my mother was cleaning and found one that had, presumably, been underneath a couch for over half a year.

>> No.4519453

>Melted butter and sugar on white bread
I still do it, it's one of those things you suddenly get a craving for.

Guilty pleasure of mine is a McChicken with Nutella.

>> No.4519563
File: 361 KB, 600x550, holy shit this is the best tasting thing on the planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll put like three of these in a thermos and chug it on the way to work. I'll also add about 200ml of sour cream and crumble some crackers in it.

>> No.4519568


nothing to be ashamed of mate. looks tasty.

>> No.4519569

Pot Noodles.

I'm sorry.

>> No.4519573

That's acceptable.

Supermarket own brand instant noodles are low. Like, lower than dirt.

>> No.4519587

Ugh I knew a guy a uni that just ate Asda's Smart Price Chicken Noodles. 19p a pack.

>> No.4519598

frozen chicken fingers in a white bread sandwich with mayo and some hot sauce

>> No.4519604

You do cook them right?

That's practically a fish finger sandwich, but with chicken. No shame in that.

>> No.4519633

That...does not appeal. My former roommate would get the ham and cheese hot pockets and smear/dip them in Bama grape jelly. He usually washed it down with a milk "shake," made with milk and a bunch of partially stirred strawberry syrup.


>> No.4519657

It's delicious.

>> No.4519658

Reading this thread and adding half of this shit to my shopping list for tomorrow. Going to be a rough week.

>> No.4519707
File: 23 KB, 250x250, jalostaja_ateria-ainekset_kermainenherkkusienijuustopasta_150g_650x650_260811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mackerels /Mackerel fillets straight out the the tin.

Champion-Cheese Pasta, add chopped crispy bacon. Picture related.

Two of my best and worst guilty pleasures.

>> No.4519818

I'm not even a big potato salad person but something about store bought..and mac salad..and pretty much any pre-made side-dish salad when I see them in stores I want to buy them.

I have no idea why..

>> No.4519819

did u know they make cinnamon sugar ones? they r awesome

>> No.4519826

The smaller, but higher end grocery stores near me sell their version of longevity noodles. I always buy a tub of that shit.
Also dat broccoli, raisin, bacon, sunflower seed salad. No clue what it's called, but I could eat that alone as a meal.

>> No.4519829

sardines from a can on toasted bread

fresh sardines fried with peppers is so much better, but sometimes..

>> No.4519851

Oh man that broccoli one is pretty good.

I never buy anything cause I'm frugal but if it's somewhere I'm so happy..
I could eat a plate of just random sides.

>> No.4519986

oh god, what? no! i'd never use those for dinner every night for a month because i was so fucking poor that i had 3 dollars a day for food once.


>> No.4519990

>not putting cheese on ramen

Y-you don't use those dust packets, DO YOU?

>> No.4519996

dust packets? you mean the flavoring packets? of course. they flavor the ramen like they are supposed to. why would I not use something like that?

>> No.4520006

Because those things are sodium incarnate. There are better things to put in ramen. Hell, eating ramen by itself isn't that bad if you don't have anything but the dust

>> No.4520010

new research shows that FDA recommended amounts of sodium are not healthy. At least three times as much sodium should go in your diet for optimum health

>> No.4520049

Social awkwardness level: 4chan

>> No.4520070

Not that guy but I am the opposite. The stuff I get I kind of glance on the side of my eye (I dont like making eye contact much) to see if the cashier is impressed with the stuff I bought.

Like they could be thinking
>oh anon I am so impressed that you buy and cook these things. you must live so healthy and a good cook. I wish to perform sexually on you one day

>> No.4520100
File: 137 KB, 566x344, still not enough dakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend loves that stuff. I do too, but not as much as her.

Mine is this:
Hotdogs wrapped in tortilla shells, smothered in Taco Bell Mild Sauce. That shit is fucking delicious.

>> No.4520119

I use to worry about cashier judging me. As someone who works as a cashier whilst at uni I can easily inform you nearly all of us don't give a fuck what you buy. Most have seen both sides of the spectrum from people buying insanely healthy foods to people buying absolute trash. The only time we will remember something or maybe judge someone is when dirty old people (male and female) buy shit like lube and/or condoms, shit like that. After scanning thousands of items a day, someone buying ramen is way down on the list of things to give a fuck about.

>> No.4520128

Sainsburys Basics chicken noodles are so damn tasty

>> No.4520133

Oh god. One of the girls at my work, she's a checker, said that an old woman (70< at least) came in and bought a tube of lube.

>> No.4520137

Really cheap tacos. Not even Taco Bell, like hole in the wall mexican joints.. I know they're shit. But I can't stop

>> No.4520140

I love to get a sharing bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, and smash them up in the bag. Heat up a jar of storebought bechamel sauce, and add the biggest block of grated pepperjack cheese you can. Stir that up until melted, and then empty the bag of Doritos in there. Mix that in, and eat it with a spoon.

Try it.

>> No.4520141

but arent hole int he wall joints supposed to be better then mainstream ones? like the more obscure it is the more likely the food is better?

>> No.4520148

You sir, need help

>> No.4520149

How smashed up? Into a fine powder or just lightly breaking them into medium to small pieces?

>> No.4520150

Sounds like a entire week worth of ducking calories to me... Also sounds delicious.. Maybe one day...

>> No.4520162

if they're decent yeah. im talking cheap ass shit

>> No.4520164

You ideally want some to be powdery to mix in, a lot of small pieces and a few medium to large sized pieces.

You don't want uniformity. You want contrast.

>> No.4520216

i sometimes eat plain nutella straight from the jar

>> No.4520219


Mah nigga. So good, but only when they go in the oven. Dredge that chicken with buffalo sauce. Mmmm.

>> No.4520261

I still ball up slices of American cheese until it gets kind of mushy and gummy like play-doh. And then eat it carefully, scraping pieces with my teeth.

>> No.4520265

Devil's food cookies and a gallon of milk. I literally won't stop eating until I run out and then sometimes I make a trip to the store....

>> No.4520304

Mazo + Peanut Butter + Nutella

Pancake + banana + clotted cream + maple syrup + (optional nutella, and/or ice cream)

Chip butties. Basically a sandwich full of greasy chip shop chips, smothered in ketchup and vinegar and salt... all that good stuff.

Leftover mac 'n' cheese, covered in baked beans and extra cheese.

I used to make dough, as in pastry dough and then eat it raw.

Bubble and Squeak with a slab of ham, followed by Christmas pudding fried in butter and topped off with double cream and brandy sauce.

A few times I've made grilled cheeses, the details of which are too horrific to be put into writing.

I can eat a whole treacle sponge pudding with custard on my own. Same with a trifle or a tirimisu.

All I can think of right now. Damnit, I'm.. a monster.

>> No.4520314

>A few times I've made grilled cheeses, the details of which are too horrific to be put into writing.

Now we must know.

>> No.4520360

Oh lawd - think several different types of cheese (whatever I'd have to hand), picture that in excessive amounts. Then add onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, pickles, bacon.. I think fish fingers have been involved.. again, any meat I could get my hands on. Apples have been in there... nuts probably. I know I've used peanut butter a few times. Slather on some BBQ sauce, ketchup, mayo, mustard. Take two thick slices of homemade bread and cover them in more butter than is appropriate considering the size- layer on the fillings so the slices of bread have no possibility of touching. Fry that shit in an excessive amount of butter. It doesn't hold together. Melt more cheese on top to hold it together. It's too cheesy! Drench that shit in olive oil, ketchup, (optional: béchamel sauce). Season with salt and black pepper.

I haven't had one since I was about 16 and never shall I again.

>> No.4520371
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Fried Chinese chicken wangs
(8-10 at a time)
lemon spaghetti with margarine and fresh pepper
circus peanuts
chili Doritos until the recipe changed
Thin crispy tostitos
pecan spinwheels

>> No.4520375

Buttercreme frosting

Why does it have to be so easy to make?

>> No.4520381

> clotted cream

I have had this insane urge to eat scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream lately. It's hard to find the right milk.....

>> No.4520414
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Buffalo chicken wings, even frozen ones that I know won't be good
Multiple packets of beef jerky every week, specifically jack links carne seca
Those frozen taquitos covered in cheese and baked
Fucking hot dogs wrapped in bacon
Hot italian sausages
Microwave burritos from the grocery store
and these fucking things

>> No.4520442

Just a giant bowl of broccoli with salt. Maybe butter.
I guess fried spaghetti is weirder though, I don't make it if people are home... It shouldn't be that weird since it's just spaghetti, buttered and tossed in a pan with garlic..

>> No.4520565


My eyes watered and I cringed.

>> No.4520599

Mine dint, I just got hungry.

>> No.4520665

Jesus tittyfucking christ yes.

>> No.4520686
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Liver and onions. Constant shame every time,
Fuck you, it's good. Sorry you've never had it prepared correctly so it doesn't taste like pennies n piss.

>canned fish in general
>chinese fried chicken with pork fried rice

>> No.4520692
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>McChicken with Nutella
Are you preggers?

>> No.4520731
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I'll make 2-3 frozen waffles and slather it in butter, then pour on some maple syrup, then either eat them separately or stack them and chow down. All that with a cup of english breakfast or just plain milk.

I have a filipino friend whose mom makes the best fucking spaghetti with meat sauce, and bakes it in the oven with a table cream sauce ontop of it. So good. I can eat a lot of that shit in one sitting. What she lacks in English skills she makes up for in cooking skills. Also she makes this cassava and coconut dessert that is just...Last time I went to one of their parties, I ate half a tray of it, plus a big bowl of the spaghetti. A few hours later I got the shakes and almost puked. Worth it.

Sometimes I'l get a big bag of assorted nuts and add a bag of M&Ms to it, and just nosh on that, washed down with a cup of milky tea. Good for when you're playing vidya.

>> No.4521467

how do you prepare it correctly?

My guilty food is eating at carls junior's about 1 a year! those goddamn 6 dollar burgers are really good