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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4516564 No.4516564 [Reply] [Original]

>currently living with a friend's family
>occasionally served food
>tonight I received cornbread and gulag

The cornbread had onions and green bell peppers. It was a miserable blend of sour, sweet, and spicy, and combined the dryness of cornbread with the sliminess of onions.

The gulag was made of pasta pancetta that was in what could only be very loosely called a sauce. The pasta merely absorbed tomato juice that was not at all cooked or seasoned to reduce the acid taste. This vomit-inspired pasta was littered with onions and green bell peppers to create yet another mess of acidic, sour, spicy, and slimy.

The last time they had anything to eat, it was beef salted beyond safe human consumption and then burnt into a block of brown substance with all the flavor and texture of the wood in the brine of Venice.

ITT: horror stories

>> No.4516577

and yet they're giving you a place to live, you ungrateful prick

also, you're a shitty writer. i bet you have some poetry you've been working on

>> No.4516579


A "supertaster," eh?

>> No.4516596

It's free fucking food you ungrateful fuck

>> No.4516604

Am I missing something here? When did this stop being anything other than a soviet forced labour camp.

>> No.4516611

If you don't like what they are serving, then cook something you do like.

>> No.4516617

I think he means goulash.
can't be sure, though.

>> No.4516633

It's some southern version of pasta with just about anything put in it. I have no idea how to spell it.

Nothing wrong with thinking food is terrible mate. I don't have to delude myself in order to pull my weight.

>> No.4516640

>family is letting you stay at their place
>be a little bitch
Why don't YOU cook for them instead dipshit?

>> No.4516647

>constructs verbose metaphors about how terrible something is
>doesn't even know how to spell a common stew

I think maybe you're just a twat.

>> No.4516654

Yeah, but if they're feeding you and giving you a place to live, you could at least do something constructive like cook for them more often as opposed to going online to make yourself look like an ungrateful cunt. Did it ever occur to you to just decline the food they make and say you'll pick up/make something for yourself?

>> No.4516664


I'm working all night and doing odd jobs out of town in order to catch up with the bills. The only time I can sleep is when they eat dinner, so the only thing I can really do is put money toward groceries.

>> No.4516665

>Nothing wrong with thinking food is terrible mate. I don't have to delude myself in order to pull my weight.
You point is that you care.