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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4508733 No.4508733 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /ck/,
What is the most hipster vegetable?
Love, Anon.

>> No.4508735
File: 45 KB, 460x360, brussels-sprouts-fd-lg-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4508734


>> No.4508736

Tomatoes. They try so hard to be something else.

>> No.4508744
File: 14 KB, 310x446, ttar_leek_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not saying leeks
Are you even trying, /ck/?

>> No.4508743


>> No.4508748
File: 17 KB, 175x236, bimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kale? That's so 20th century. Cool kids eat bimi - it's a hybrid of kale and brocolli.

>> No.4508750

Kale is so 2009.
Even my grandma eats kale chips. Therefore, they cannot be hipster.

>> No.4508749

Does wheatgrass count?

>> No.4508832

could be cabbage, I have been seeing a lot of slaw lately

>> No.4508833

What the fuck man, everybody eats leeks.

>> No.4508838


Um, you probably haven't heard of it, it comes from this little hole-in-the-wall place downtown.

>> No.4508859

fuck vegetables
I only eat things that have their own phylum

>> No.4508861

purple carrots. Purple carrots were a thing before the dutch created the more popular and sweeter orange carrots. Purple carrots a thing again.

>> No.4508879

fingerling potatoes

>> No.4508892


>not corne de gatte

Are you even trying, hipanon?

>> No.4508897


>> No.4510329

>it's not a vegetable

>> No.4510332

Ow. I just cut myself on that edge.

>> No.4510335

>no Kohlrabi

yeah, Kale's really hipster. Faggots.

>> No.4510339

I d-don't think you know how to use that phrase properly

>> No.4510343


1998 called, it wants its vegetables back

>> No.4510804
File: 2.15 MB, 3648x2736, bitter-melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitter Melon is a good candidate. Too bitter for most people.
Otherwise, Natto, too icky for most people.

>> No.4510866

It's not very bitter if you know what to do with it. Once halved, cleaned, sliced and salted (in that order), the bitterness of the final dish can be controlled by the very next step:

wash it in boiling water and it will be very bitter
wash in warm water and it be less bitter
wash in tepid/room temperature water and it will be even less bitter than that
wash in cold water and even less bitter
wash in ice water and it won't be very bitter at all

Once washed, it should be drained and dried completely before proceeding to cooking properly. I like to stir-fry it with eggs, pork, tomato and onions.

>> No.4510875

Bok Choy

>> No.4510897

I talk to people everyday who describe Natto as one of their favorite foods. I can't stand the stuff but its definitely not hipster. Neither is goya

>> No.4510899
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, Fractal_Broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romanesco broccoli maybe?

>> No.4510914
File: 12 KB, 260x194, seabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4510923

dandelion leaves

>> No.4510929

way too mainstream

>> No.4510934

hops shoots would be a good one, except they're too expensive for most hipsters

>> No.4510952

but think about it, Hop shoot stirfry with bitter melon, elephant garlic, with organic tamari served with an IPA with too much damn hops somebody made in their basement while listening to Animal Collective

>> No.4511079

That is fucking cool looking dude.

>> No.4511168

The answers so far are really disappointing.

I think the answer is sweet potatoes. Hipsters wouldn't dare eat potato chips, french fries, etc. but if you make them out of sweet potatoes it's suddenly OK.

And of course they have a whole set of reasons for why they're healthier and better for you. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter. Do you think a hipster really has the intelligence to be so discerning? Exactly.

I think for something to be hipster it has to have a pleb counterpart. Kale really doesn't have anything, in my opinion.

Hot sauce is pleb, but chili garlic sauce (a.k.a. sriracha) is OK. Potatoes are pleb, but sweet potatoes are OK. Pizza is pleb but Neapolitan is OK. See?

>> No.4511170

assparagus or truffles

noo i love dandies. they're free and very healthy

>> No.4511180


it's a vegetable

>> No.4511202

Tomatoes, because they are a fruit and a vegetable.

>> No.4511250
File: 13 KB, 400x273, kohlrabi-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was eating kale chips in undergrad when Interpol was playing Nancy Raygun.

also, purple anythings except beets

>> No.4511276

it's so mainstream it's hipster

>> No.4511359


>> No.4511367


>> No.4511377

Okra (if you're a white northerner)
Anything free-trade, organic, local, non-GMO, etc.
Aubergine (which is the same damn thing as Eggplants but no one outside of the UK calls it that except for hipsters)

>> No.4511380

>motorized toaster
>in a toaster

>> No.4511394


It's so your dog can drive to get your newspaper.

>> No.4511726

endives, ramps, kohlrabi, celeriac

>> No.4511737

>ctrl+f 'parsnip'
>no results

are you even trying /ck/

>> No.4511743

You mean that nobody calls it eggplant except the US.

>> No.4511746


>> No.4511748


>> No.4511776

Micro Greens

>> No.4511805

I was gonna say kale, but looks like everyone else beat me to it. I think that other people have said more obscure vegetables, but there is a posery element to being a hipster, which makes me say that kale is probably the best answer still.

>> No.4511887

sorrel, carrageen, salsify, parsnip, papalo, myrtle, kuchai.

>> No.4511905

Miner's lettuce, fern curls, alexanders, daylilly bulbs... am I missing something?

>> No.4511943

terfez, good king henry, cardoon

Fern curls are called bracken

>> No.4511969

fuck you, arugula is a hardy delicious green that grows prolifically where i live.

i eat that shit on everything.

>> No.4511977

yeah arugula is salad tier, like lettuce and leeks, hey I live in chiapas mexico and I get tons of arugula!

>> No.4512219


What kind of trendy, hipster things are done with parsnips? Just curious about this one as it's a really ordinary vegetable here.

>> No.4512256


>> No.4512258




>> No.4512268


>> No.4513346

are those fractals?

>> No.4513363


Parsnip soup is wicked, m8. Nothing hipster about parsnips. My wife's grand-dad won't eat them because they used to be pig food when he was a kid or something, but he's a mental or senile or something.

Parsnips are an everyday food in Britain, so british hipsters can't eat them.

>> No.4513373
File: 94 KB, 540x464, 2008_04_07-Fiddleheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had these once at a museum. no idea where to find them now

>> No.4513392
File: 211 KB, 512x384, 1347033479458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kale is cheap as fuck and pretty nutritious, Just like PBR.
I dont think its fair to label something hipster when its inexpensive.

>> No.4515192

Japanese pickles sometimes contain them. They cause cancer, by the way. Nice taste though.

>> No.4515201


it's only a problem if you eat a ton of them which, if you eat them when they're in season instead of pickling and hoarding them, shouldn't be a problem.

no wonder japan is so obsessed with giant mutant monsters, btw. they ate too many fiddleheads.

>> No.4515963

Really? No one has said heirloom tomatoes?

>> No.4515989

Bitter melon is one of my favorites, but I think of shishito peppers as hipster.

>> No.4516010

I learnt about a year ago that Neapolitan bitter peppers ("puparuol' ro' ciumm' " which translated from Neapolitan literally means "river peppers") are the same as Japanese shishito peppers. They are one of my favourite things ever.
Does this make all of Naples hipster or just me because I currently live in America?

>> No.4516020

heirloom tomatoes are diet hipster. If my doughy chowhound dad can stick half a dozen heirloom plants in the ground and manage to have a heap of maters hanging around on his kitchen counter all through the season for basically no effort....