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4508263 No.4508263 [Reply] [Original]

Gin, you have been a good friend.

>> No.4508275

Implying that's not water

Also what does it taste like? Vodka/rubbing alcohol?

>> No.4508283

>tastes like vodka

Naw man. It tastes like pine needles

>> No.4508291

If your tonic water is empty, you don't need to buy new Gin and Tonic. Just buy Tonic and mix it with the leftover Gin.
Fucking autists...

>> No.4508295
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Sometimes when I got really drunk my wife would pour the Tanquery down the drain. I used to say she was making "drain martinis."

pic unrelated

>> No.4508308


Tastes like poverty and garbage.

>> No.4508310

Good gin tastes like sex on christmas morning.

>> No.4508313

>Tastes like poverty and garbage.
so it tastes like vodka?

>> No.4508318

Pine needles and juniper.

>> No.4508323

that picture is a fake its someone pouring an empty bottle filled with water down the drain.

>> No.4508326


So vodka tastes like my life?

>> No.4508328

>empty bottle filled with water

>> No.4508331

by empty i mean it has no soul

>> No.4508347

Implying I would know what that feels like

2nd post for pine needles, is that true? Also what the hell is Juniper and what does it even taste like?

>> No.4508353

Gin has always been my favorite booze, and just recently I tried gin & tonic. Delicious yet simple, my favorite kind of drink.

>> No.4508365

Juniper is a berry, and the primary flavour agent in gin.

>> No.4508369

Juniper tastes like a pine forest

>> No.4508370

>poverty and garbage

Every spirit ever

>> No.4508376

hmmm, maybe I'll go pick some up

>> No.4508434

>Juniper is a berry
No, Juniper is a tree genus and they do not produce berries.

>> No.4508436

hahaha I love this guy

>> No.4508441


>> No.4508447

Did you even read the first two sentences of your source?

>A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers. It is not a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which give it a berry-like appearance.

>> No.4508450

>drain martinis
lmfao you were really drunk

>> No.4508451

haha that's awesome

>> No.4508453

and by no soul you mean it has no spirit

>> No.4508457

The point of posting it was to say they are still called berries even though aren't really berries.

>> No.4508470

Just because other retarded English speakers call them berries doesn't make you right.

>> No.4508484


What about peanuts? They aren't nuts in the true sense of the word.

What about blackberries and cherries? They aren't berries either, they're drupes.

>> No.4508500
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>drain martinis

You sir, are a gentleman drunk. Your story was delightful.

>> No.4508502

Gin is awful. If you're going to drink colourless disgusting spirit don't be a pretentious prat and just drink vodka like everyone else.

>> No.4508503

Cherries doesn't refer to a berry in the name.

Blackberry and peanut are both vernacular names for plants, not descriptions of the fruit.

>> No.4508505
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You should get this, plug the drain, and actually drink sink martinis.

>> No.4508509

>You need to drink Laphroaig, Lapsang Souchong and eat rare steak every day or you can't post on /ck/

>> No.4508527

>drink vodka

I believe people who drink gin do so because they want a drink that tastes like something beyond water and ethanol.

But please, tell us how expensive vodka is better because it has less taste lol

>> No.4508531

I-I-I had sex on christmas once.

>> No.4508544

>flavorless and ordorless by definition
>thousands of different brands all claiming to be the best "tasting", running million dollar marketing campaigns emphasizing how slick and suave people who drink their brand are
>less pretentious than gin

>> No.4508539


Be sure to tell us what hell is like, sinner. It's not enough for Jesus to die for you, you've gotta fuck on his birthday as well?

>> No.4508570

You know when you used to cry and the tears ran across your face and onto your lips and you'd lick them?

At some point in life, you forget how to cry and feel. Gin brings it all back. The taste of despair. Open up a bottle and contemplate what your life could have been like if you weren't prone to periods of devastating depression and crippling anxiety.

>> No.4508588


I just fell in love. Want to keep each other company in a slow duo dance of debaucherous decline, where the only spice is our impotent rage displaced onto the other?

>> No.4508594

But you can do that with Scotch while listening to Tom Waits and actually have a nice tasting drink.

>> No.4508595


>> No.4508606

>tell us how expensive vodka is better Vodka must be the only thing you pay more for less taste where the mark of quality is tasting like water.

>> No.4508608


Bombay sapphire, Hendrick's, or Boodles.

>> No.4508609


Fuck the Russian judge. 8.9/10

>> No.4508617

Gin and tonic used to be my favorite drink. It is a great summer time beverage.

>> No.4508625

me too. always a joy to come on /ck/ and seeing alcohol poured down the sink

>> No.4508630
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>> No.4508646

>implying I believe in Jesus
>implying the bible even saying he was born in the winter
>threatening an atheist with hell

Okay dude. Sure is butt hurt.

Gin is delicious.

>> No.4508696

See how the fluid forms a cohesive border directly below the bottle? Proof that this is simply water. Alcohol spirits have a much lower surface tension and would have a much thinner, "splattered" border.

>> No.4508697

The reviews seemed to point that way, my brother likes Bombay too.

Though I aim low and buy cheap shit, and just ended up buying Gordons (New Am or Seagrams were other options too)

>> No.4508701


>implying your rejection of your savior makes his love any less real
>implying you aren't breaking his heart by condemning yourself to hell

>> No.4508705

While I do enjoy vodka, this is the truth.

Personally, the most expensive stuff I've bought was $16/750mL, it was 100% organic and still cheaper than Gay Goose, also it actually tasted good

>> No.4508708

10/10 post

>> No.4508712

>>4508365 here. I stand corrected. Sorry for the minor drama.

Along with some shitty music... I like his lyrics, I don't mind the instrumentals, but ye gods, his voice. It's like Bob Dylan or Willie Nelson. Awesome musicians/lyricists, atrocious vocals.

>> No.4508723


I have never had a bad experience with cheap gin. In my experience it has almost always been nearly as good as the best gin. Which is interesting. You know how some whiskey's are cheap rotgut and crappy? Gin isn't like that. It is just pretty to hey this is better than the cheaper stuff.

>> No.4508740

>tfw you're too macho to cry anymore
I wish I could. It felt good when I did.

>> No.4508757
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>> No.4508761

I dont pour my liquor down the drain I put it on my bottle stump and shoot it with a bb gun

I put all my bottles on it

its surrounded by a foot thick of broken glass

I had a bottle of early times I only drank half of when I shot it the smell of that shit about made me vomit
shit was gross yo

>> No.4508799

How do you drink it besides with tonic water? Alone?

>> No.4508824

There are plenty of gins that can be drank neat. A local bar actually has gin flights.

>> No.4508826

Oh god I've started a trend

>> No.4508828

gin fizz, gin rickey, martinis, tom collins, long island iced tea plus a bunch more. It plays a supporting role in a lot of cocktails too.

>> No.4508834

>implying anyone on /ck/ *doesn't* drink alone

>> No.4508841


I see what you did there

>> No.4508923


You use vermouth to make a martini.... BTW, never make a martini with vodka. The people who do that are idiots.

>> No.4508928



>> No.4508943
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This reminds me of something...

>> No.4508998
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I've been there, OP.

I'm there now.

Booze is a great friend and a deadly enemy.

>> No.4509007

shut the fuck up

>> No.4509010

Another lonely Friday night?

>> No.4509216

oh my god op what are you doing it's the perfect time for gin lemonades fuck you

>> No.4509223
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>> No.4509229

It's used is so many cocktails its ridiculous. Most of the time I just drink it with lemon or lime juice and ginger ale myself.

Jesus christ this. Vodka martinis taste like Windex

>> No.4509232

>It's used is so many cocktails its ridiculous.
Unless the number is over 1,000,000,000,000 I wouldn't consider it ridiculous.

>> No.4509239

Well the number is slightly under the number of dudes your mom has slept with but I wanted to be polite.

>> No.4509246

I know this feel, currently in narcotics anonymous

>> No.4509308


It amazes us how fucking mad you are. LOL are you really this fucking pissed off?!? FAGGOT. Fucking sack of shit. How fucking mad can you be... PATHETIC. FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. So mad over stupid shit. LOL. Pathetic!

>> No.4509310

And the symptoms of withdrawal rear their ugly head...

>> No.4509347

OP here. Background story is pretty generic.

Went full retard at a party last weekend and pounded straight gin. Nearly ended up in hospital. Spent the entire following day being violently sick.

>> No.4509364

You see my dick? You smell my cock? huh? You want to smell the cheese?

>> No.4509476
File: 15 KB, 305x272, 1369458600210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the most asinine conversation with my brother the other day concerning alcohol.

>at my apartment enjoying a whiskey
>my brother comes over
>Are you drinking alone?
>Because it's relaxing.
>It's not good to drink by yourself.
>Alcohol is a depressant.
>Alcohol is a depressant no matter who you drink it with.
>Well, it's not good for you.
>I don't know.
>I drink it because it feels good.
>It just makes me feel drunk.

And the kicker? Not 2 days before he told me a story about how he blacked out a party and then vomited a figurative ocean of vomit on the guest room's bed. Somehow me drinking alone is worse than him getting blackout drunk and vomiting everywhere?

So ridiculous.

>> No.4509558

I feel ya! Xb

>> No.4509576


As long as you don't drink alone in the dark to slowly numb the pain of how sad and lonely your life has become like I do, you're good to go

>> No.4509584

>Drinking vodka

The ONLY reason people should be buying vodka is so they can make their own homemade bitters, otherwise you're just wasting money that would be better spent on alcoholic beverages.

>> No.4509589

***on worthy alcoholic beverages.

>> No.4509630

Finally opened up my first bottle of gin and made a gin an tonic

seems somewhere between tasteless and bitter, the carbonation keeps tricking me into thinking it should be sweet.

Though on the plus side, the gin seems to go down way easier than any other booze, and I don't even notice. And the smell is like crack, I fucking love smelling it.

>> No.4509637

Awesome on a hot day.
Hand full of ice and a slice of lemon helps too.

>> No.4509676

Just perfect.

>> No.4509680

>never had russian potato vodka

>> No.4509707

Gin is just juniper-flavored vodka.

Don't get me wrong, gin is my drink of choice, it's just, I don't know, people talk about it like it's this whole other thing. It's not.

>> No.4509727

Salty Dog

>> No.4509729
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Waste of good gin.

>> No.4509735

Don't worry, it was just an empty he filled with water to piss off the internet.

He got a good long thread going with it too.

>> No.4509742

>blackberry is not a description of the fruit

...gin has not been kind to you

>> No.4509769
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>> No.4509872

The taste of misery and despair, mother's ruin, why do I keep returning to you?

>> No.4509877
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oi m8 u goh a problem wi' beans on toasties, i's a perfectly good combo u kunt say dat to me face oi'll wrek u i swear on me mums grave

>> No.4509880

good, This is what I thought it was but people kept telling me differently. Probably just the autists.

So far it's the only hard liquor I can take a huge wiff of and love the smell of it, drinks like whiskey can even make me cough just from smell, even though I still drink them

>> No.4509881

I just read this out loud with the most Aussie accent I could conjure,
and then I felt like a dumbass for laughing at myself, fucking booze.

>> No.4510321

There's no cum on your face because it's all in your belly faggot