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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 251x519, masterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4505802 No.4505802 [Reply] [Original]

>implying any chocolate less than 90% cocoa is even worth buying

suddenly, filthy casuals, thousands of them

>> No.4505810

I love Lindt's sea salt - but really, it's the Hershey's of Europe. Pleb tier op

>> No.4505821

>bitter, hard, and inedible

Your trying way too hard, OP.

>> No.4505842

Nah, Cadbury is the Hersheys of Europe.

>> No.4505845

Milk chocolate eater detected.

Milk chocolate was created to be able to mass produce choco flavored treats.

Real men eat 100% cocoa treats.

>> No.4505852

>chocolate plen

I was once like you, chocolate newfag, young, rebellious. Then I found the dark promised land.

>> No.4505855

>sea salt

so, so grimm

>> No.4505858

>100% cocoa

jesus christ why not just eat spoon fulls of the powder

rub the leaves on your face

>> No.4505861

90% is too high! it's just too high!!

>> No.4505862



Valrhona is where it's at.

>> No.4505863

Cocoa powder + cocoa butter.

>> No.4505867

y'know, I think you're onto something

>> No.4505869

>>real men
get the fuck out of our super speshul club you silly boys.

>> No.4505872
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Stay plebian you filthy milk chocolate eaters.

>> No.4505880


You use Lindt. I use Valrhona.

I am the pleb?

>> No.4505884
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how does that even stay solid?
d-does it melt?

>> No.4505888
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I was a 3 once.

>> No.4505893

it's just cocoa powder pressed into a bar. The other 1% is probably condensed smug

>> No.4505892
File: 482 KB, 950x631, 99-chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating a diluted product
>Not plebian food
Pick one.

>> No.4505891

Brought some back from France with me. Sat on the dash for the entire journey and didn't even sweat.

It's not all that nice. Like many things there's a happy medium point.

I'm partial to 50-70% cocoa. 80% if they can get the beans from a non-bitter strain.

>> No.4505899
File: 129 KB, 800x600, DSCN3360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what REAL chocolate looks like.

>> No.4505901

Yeah, of cock.

>> No.4505903

oh damn son. you told him good

>> No.4505904

dayum, that shit be bangarang

I'll stick with my plebe 70%

>> No.4505908

it's REAL cocoa it's POOR chocolate. Honestly how much craftsmanship does it take to just make it 99% powder than some binding agent.
Take your hipster more bitter is more better logic back to the shitty apple user cafes and microbreweries.

>> No.4505907

85% here. Impressive, OP.

>> No.4505909

85%+ is the true threshold.

>> No.4505911

perfect composition right there

>> No.4505912

I like white chocolate more.

>> No.4505914


>> No.4505918


get a load of this guy

>> No.4505920
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88% master race here.

also saving the big cats of the rainforest.


>> No.4505935

hahaha, now I know youse trollin', niggha

>> No.4505949

>is mauled by a jaguar in paraguay next year

>> No.4505998

ughh sea salt
i love dark chocolate but ive had some with salt a few times and it was terrible. I dont like mixing my sweets with salt.

>> No.4506061
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mmmmmmm, chocolate cocks !

>> No.4506077
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>> No.4506080


You're an idiot then

>> No.4507310

Get out of here you elitist troll.

Anybody who would post Lindt in the first place, regardless of cocoa content, has no credibility anyway... but I guess if you've never tried anything better you have no basis for comparison.

>> No.4507358

>eating chocolate
>Gee, there sure are lots of americans in this thread!

>> No.4507375

>not knowing the difference between cocoa and cacao

>> No.4508092
File: 74 KB, 800x600, B_Marabou_Premium_Cocoa_86_100g[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with my pleb chocolate.

>> No.4508102
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>> No.4508203

about to go to the market now and try this sea salt shit out and the chilli pepper one.

>> No.4508224

I guess you can masturbate while watching it melt in the trash can

>> No.4508233

Alright, whatever you say, OP. I'll be over here eating my dark chocolate that doesn't taste like absolute shit.

>> No.4508238

I enjoy 85+% dark chocolate. I'm not sure what /ck/ approves of since so many of us have really strong opinions about dark chocolate for some strange reason. I'm actually surprised someone hasn't attacked OP for eating Lindt yet though.

>> No.4508244

Sea salt one is good, others are shit except ones with fruit mixed in.

>> No.4508258

I get the dark chocolate bars from Ikea every time I go I don't even know the percentage but shit, it's $1.00.

>> No.4508286
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Green & Blacks Maya Gold is probably the darkest stuff I actively go out of my way to buy, it's pretty wonderful.

Fun fact: It was also the first product to be awarded the UK Fairtrade mark.

>> No.4508325

I, for one, cannot stand high cocoa % chocolate standalone. I use it in my baking and shit all the time, but just on its own? Eh.

>> No.4508327

im back
Sea salt tasted great. The little bit of salt really brought out the sweetness in the chocolate although it was dark chocolate. It was very similar to adding salt on a watermelon or cantaloupe.

The red Chilli pepper tasted alright. Not worth the 2.50$. Would not buy again.THe chilli taste was very hard to pick up, it was almost non existent.

The orange on tasted nasty to me. Why would any one ever mix chocolate and oranges? I Left it outside for the stray cats to eat. Definitely not worth the price. Even if it was cheaper I still wouldn't buy it due to the horrible taste.

>> No.4508333
File: 34 KB, 462x193, Marabou_ap_krokant[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would any one ever mix chocolate and oranges?

It's a god-tier combination.

>> No.4508349
File: 111 KB, 640x800, Chocolate-Orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I almost pity you.

>> No.4508364
File: 114 KB, 380x173, 6077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating compressed tar

Fucking retarded hipster faggots and your shit-tier chocolate.

Picture unrelated to thread, because it's the best chocolate ever.

>> No.4508394

Please explain more about compressed tar??

>> No.4508431
File: 103 KB, 800x800, exaliftin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat milka
So good.

Cote d'Or is still the undisputable GOAT chocolate though

>> No.4508448
File: 152 KB, 799x274, milka_toffeeganznuss_gr_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I brought some back from Holland last month and wish I had more.

>> No.4508471
File: 42 KB, 595x444, Nuggets-and-such-019-595x444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating anything above 2% cocoa

>> No.4508475


>> No.4508481

frozen cum & rabbit turds?

>> No.4508485


Rabbit turds would probably taste better

>> No.4508542
File: 7 KB, 158x153, 1358884456769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extreme-tier chocolate bar.

>mfw we get both Hershey's and Cadbury in Canada

>> No.4508619

Lindt is not that good trolling loser choco. That's the shit you buy from a grocery store because your too lazy to go to a specialty shop.