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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 1105x720, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4504143 No.4504143 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a vegetarian but I can't shake the meat cravings. What do?

>> No.4504150

Make a terrible movie of images meat spliced with horrible things like syphilis infested genitals and cannibalism and george lopez and force yourself to watch it while high off a heroic dose lsd while youre strapped down and your eyes are held open ala clockword orange
Viddy well little brotha

>> No.4504155

Does this fucking shit ever end?

>> No.4504156
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>> No.4504164
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>not realizing its the parasites in your body that needs meat to survive and releases hormones that stimulate salivary glands when you're around meat

>> No.4504166

I'm thinking that's bullshit but following your logic that means that the cravings will go away once they die from not having meat?

>> No.4504167

Cows and chickens have been bred for thousands of years to be stupid and docile. At this point they're not much more than brainless bags of meat with alternative functions of producing milk and eggs.

You do as much harm eating plants as you do eating meat. You're a human, a superpredator, the baddest motherfucker on this planet and you're pussying out. It's disgusting.

Go ahead and starve to death if you're so fucking selfless that you can't bare eating another living thing to support your own, clearly superior, life. Or go ahead and eat meat and whatever the fuck else you want because you're literally the greatest thing on earth and you deserve it.

>> No.4504168

Just eat meat. Stop neglecting your body and give it what it needs.

I have a t-bone atleast twice a month and a ribeye atleast 6 or 7 times a month.

>> No.4504172

Wow. I can hardly believe you would humour the idea. Youve got to be a woman. Or literally retard.

>> No.4504175


kek go away

>> No.4504187

chickens are actually rad. dumb but rad (but you should still be willing to kill and eat them)

>> No.4504226

>being literally retard

>> No.4504268

>Are you literally retard?

>> No.4504288

Eat meat once a week.

>> No.4504325
File: 58 KB, 500x375, steak (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat meat.
Human beings are omnivores; there's a reason you crave meat.

>> No.4504332


>Human beings are omnivores

Yeah, let's ignore biology

>> No.4504333


Please tell me more.

>> No.4504335


Just pointing out before you start the whole "CAVEMEN ATE MEAT, SO WE'RE BIOLOGICALLY ADAPTED TO EATING IT AND IT'S JUST FINE FOR US" that animals sometimes eat things they aren't supposed to eat if it means the difference between living and starving. A hungry deer will eat meat. A hungry wolf will eat plants. They aren't meant to be eating these things though. Humans ate meat out of necessity and now it's a cultural tradition we've kept because of the art of cooking. Eat all the meat you want, but don't pretend we're omnivores

>> No.4504339


That means and proves exactly nothing. Just because you say it, doesnt make it so. Point me towards something legit.

>> No.4504340

I second this motion

>> No.4504346

You are a moron, and your argument is nonsensical.

>> No.4504347


Just because you deny doesn't mean it isn't so. Shit about this gets posted all damn day on this board and people ignore it every time in arguments. We're not biologically omnivores, only culturally, just like we smoke tobacco because of culture, not because it's healthy for us. We aren't tobaccovores but people choose to do it anyway because they enjoy it

>> No.4504352

Eat meat you dumb shit

>> No.4504353


You did it again.

Refer to >>4504346

>> No.4504356
File: 160 KB, 602x403, Opposite day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because you say it is doesn't make it so
>I'm right because I'm right, empirical evidence doesn't mean shit, if you disagree with me you are wrong because my feelings

>> No.4504357

You's about a dumb motherfucker

Delete this thread and fuck off

>> No.4504359


Feel free to disagree, just have an argument of your own

>> No.4504360

Proof or fuck off.
No, feelings don't count

>> No.4504365

Eat Meat to satiate your hunger.

>But muh suffering animals
There are wonderful organic farms that treat the animals very well. If this concerns you go to one, there's many that love giving free tours. The little organic farm that's 30 miles from where I live will even show you how the hogs and cows get killed.
>But Muh Health, Vegetarians Live Longer
Yes, they live longer than people whose diets are based around copious amounts of meat (aka the Western World). Read the "The China Study", the conclusion is that you should have a plant based diet, but it doesn't mean you have to deny yourself some meat every now and then.

Meat tastes good, nay exquisite. Your only going to be on this spinning globe for so long, why deny that wonderful flavor. Chickens and Cows are idiots, they're okay with you killing them.

I agree with vegetarians and vegas in a lot of respect, we are killing animals for their meat, and we're often horribly wasting meat by wasting it with shitty dishes. But there are few things as good as a steak that melts in your mouth, it's simply an experience everyone should have.

>> No.4504363


Oh wow. The burden of proof is on you, mate. "Just because you deny it doesnt mean it isnt so" - this is true, but you are the making claims about humans not being "biologically omnivorous". I'm not a biologist by any stretch of the imagination, but to me it seems that us having teeth for meat and a digestive system that can handle meat = we're omnivores.

Like this guy said>>4504360

Feelings dont count.

>> No.4504366
File: 70 KB, 535x550, 1299385169_l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plus the fact that all of our close relatives are frugivores and herbivores

>> No.4504368
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 1270027592334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4504369


>us having teeth for meat

Feel your teeth, man. They're flat. You aren't going to eat a raw carcass with your human teeth

>and a digestive system that can handle meat

You need to cook it to have any chance of digesting it, and even then you have to deal with the meat festering in your guts, saturated fat, and cholesterol, which carnivores don't deal with because of their tiny intestinal tracts that pass the meat quickly

>> No.4504373

A table isn't proof. Cite sources please.

>> No.4504377

do you even incisor? canine teeth?

you can eat raw meat. sashimi,steak tartare etc.. stop being a dimwit

>> No.4504378

i dont think anyone believes we are strictly carnivores, what the argument is, is that we CAN eat meat, we always have eaten meat, but it shouldn't be the staple of our diet.
Roughly 15 to 20% of our diet should be meat and no more, but the western diet is incredibly gluttonous when it comes to flavor, therefore we get all of these people who eat meat that are unhealthy because they eat too much.
It's a fine line, and to generalize like you are doing is ignorant and moronic

>> No.4504379
File: 28 KB, 120x149, 1265507509933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That isn't research data, that's basic knowledge of animals laid out in one picture

>> No.4504381
File: 34 KB, 300x288, horse-teeth-male[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>incisors and canines

Are horses ominvores too? Tons of animals of all diet types have those teeth, they're useful teeth for more than eating meat

>> No.4504382


Right, we CAN eat meat, but that doesn't necessarily mean we should. It does more harm than good

>> No.4504385

Bonobos are omnivores and they're the closest living relative to Humans.

>inb4 they're not supposed to be omnivores!

>> No.4504388

what is the source? If its basic knowledge then it should be easily verifiable

>> No.4504390

Look you're the fuckhead who said our teeth are flat. Canines and incisors are not flat

>> No.4504391
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now move your finger to all the teeth past your first 4 teeth. You feel dumb yet, kiddo?

>> No.4504392

not necessarily, it's like anything else, if done in moderation it is fine, but ANYTHING taken to excess is bad for you.
eating too many brussels sprouts can kill you, and that's defiantly not meat

>> No.4504394
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, Downright unsett'lin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by that logic a wolf is a herbivore
>feel dumb yet kiddo?

>> No.4504395
File: 72 KB, 542x542, 1362961925163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dumbass, you said teeth are flat and they are in fact not. Quit changing the subject you little shit.

>> No.4504396


Feel to google any of those facts. If you want me to list 30 individual links, I won't do that. If you want to test its accuracy, you can choose which ones you want to look into. I gotta say though, I'm surprised you don't already know most of those. That's what they teach in elementary school

>> No.4504398


Right, just like ice cream and cake. They aren't good for you in the first place, so of course excess is bad. None is still better than moderation

Now if I was stuck in a forrest and all I had to eat to survive was ice cream and cake, I'd eat the shit out of them

>> No.4504399

awww... babby's first argument not going so well...
guess you gotta say that you dont have to have evidence, all you need is >>4504356

>> No.4504400

fuck man, i eat the shit out of it anyways, that way i have fat stores for thats stuck innawoods o/k/asion

>> No.4504406

why would I feel dumb? When did I say we don't have molars?

>> No.4504410

So can you explain >>4504385

Because if Bonobos are Omnivores that sets the precedent that are closest relatives eat meat too.

>> No.4504411


>> No.4504420


Majority of the bonobo diet is fruit, once in a great while they'll eat a small animal they find, just as a deer will, or just as a wolf will eat leaves sometimes. That doesn't change its biology, and that's why it's hardly even part of its regular diet

>> No.4504424


then why are you arguing that people shouldnt eat meat? You are self defeating

>> No.4504426

If you look at our vegetarian relatives, they all have a huge sagittal crest for all their jaw muscles to attach to, since they're just grazing on plant all fucking day.

We don't. Most we get is a slightly pointy shape towards the sagittal suture in our male's skulls. Females don't even have any sort of remainder of that, since their skulls are nice and smooth.
I WONDER WHY. Oh, it's because we're not supposed to be sitting on our asses just chewing plant all day.

>> No.4504429


>> No.4504430

So what's the problem with us eating meat every now and then.

I'm totally in agreement with all the leading doctors that we need a Plant Based Diet, people consume far more protein than they actually need.

But a couple strips of Bacon every now and then? A nice steak? Not going to affect you in the long run.

We're omnivores, we digest animal proteins, it's not the best for us an we probably shouldn't eat it more than once a week or small small amounts of it. But cutting it out completely is extremist babble.

>> No.4504432


this one written by a vego

>> No.4504434

Weird how an ugly website written in comic sans by a crackhead isn't scientifically sound.

>> No.4504438 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 190x198, partay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that battle pet addon everyone uses to find out breeds and etc.?

>> No.4504439

This is why people hate vegetarians.
"Hurr hurr we're meant to be purely vegetarian, no meat ever!"
"Let me show you some terrible articles I've found while scouring the Internet to verify my beliefs."

Meanwhile they're taking vitamin pills so they don't die.

>> No.4504440

lol another nut from the pro vegan PCRM. real unbiased research there.

>> No.4504441

Makes you seriously wonder how the fuck early man ever survived before cooking.

>> No.4504444

Well, actually, if you study evolutionary biology, you would learn the answer: there was no "early man" before we started cooking.

Cooking allowed us to get more nutrients out of the food we ate, which allowed our distant monkey ancestors' brains to develop into the complex thinking organs that they are today.

No cooking, no brains.

Likewise, eating meat gave us a more efficient food source than plant matter.

Thus, when vegans talk about how we aren't evolved to eat meat, not only are they wrong, they're demonstrating how fucking stupid plant eaters are.

And when "raw vegans" talk about how much better for them raw plants are than cooked, they're demonstrating how seriously fucking stupid raw vegans are.

I'm not even making this up, and not even remotely joking.

Here, have a science-for-dummies summary:

>> No.4504445

Horry shittu. I got the deathquads.

>> No.4504446

Our diets slowly evolved with us.
It wasn't like we woke up one day and said "oh fuck, I need to eat a cow or I'll die."

Just sprinkle in a few dead animals when you're feeling fancy, like Bonobos.

Strangely, the OP picture isn't making me hungry, but that tomato thread is. This must be a sign.

>> No.4504447

>You need to cook it to have any chance of digesting it, and even then you have to deal with the meat festering in your guts
Just came here to point out how retarded this post is.

>> No.4504451

Not only do vegetarians have the diet as Lucy, but they also have the same IQ.

>> No.4504459

>Cooking allowed us to get more nutrients out of the food we ate, which allowed our distant monkey ancestors' brains to develop into the complex thinking organs that they are today.
That's only one of the theories. There's another saying mankind evolved near the coast, and the protein and omega-3 rich seafood enabled us to develop larger brains.

>> No.4504483
File: 39 KB, 320x180, 1369067983836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans eat more meat than ever
>still the shitty barbaric society
>humans are actually getting dumber

>mfw humans go on a 100% meat diet and get sick and die but a 100% plant diet and you thrive

>> No.4504509

>and george lopez

Cracked my sides to oblivion. Thanks.

>> No.4504695

Hey dumbass
A wolf is a carnivore
A deer is an herbivore
A wolf will die if it eats only plants
We won't
A deer will die if it eats only meat
We won't
We're fucking omnivores
>baby dies because vegan mom's breastmilk has no nutrients

>> No.4504709


Archeological Record

As far back as it can be traced, clearly the archeological record indicates an omnivorous diet for humans that included meat. Our ancestry is among the hunter/gatherers from the beginning. Once domestication of food sources began, it included both animals and plants.
Cell Types

Nearly all plant eaters have fermenting vats (enlarged chambers where foods sits and microbes attack it). Ruminants like cattle and deer have forward sacs derived from remodeled esophagus and stomach. Horses, rhinos, and colobine monkeys have posterior, hindgut sacs. Humans have no such specializations.

The short canines in humans are a functional consequence of the enlarged cranium and associated reduction of the size of the jaws. In primates, canines function as both defense weapons and visual threat devices. Interestingly, the primates with the largest canines (gorillas and gelada baboons) both have basically vegetarian diets. In archeological sites, broken human molars are most often confused with broken premolars and molars of pigs, a classic omnivore. On the other hand, some herbivores have well-developed incisors that are often mistaken for those of human teeth when found in archeological excavations.
Salivary Glands

etc. etc.


Humans are classic examples of omnivores in all relevant anatomical traits. There is no basis in anatomy or physiology for the assumption that humans are pre-adapted to the vegetarian diet. For that reason, the best arguments in support of a meat-free diet remain ecological, ethical, and health concerns.

[Dr. McArdle is a vegetarian and currently Scientific Advisor to The American Anti-Vivisection Society. He is an anatomist and a primatologist.]

I didn't copy everything because it was too long, but here you go.

>> No.4504739

I live in Turkey and even I haven't seen strawberry Topkek. Only chocolate or fruit.

>> No.4504767


Very true. It's a silly argument though - simply because we evolved to be able to use a food source doesn't mean it's either optimal or moral. If through engineering we can provide a better nuitrition from another source, our having evolved to be able to use meat doesn't discount that.

Not a vegetarian btw, but I just think the evolutionary argument is pretty much a red herring.

>> No.4504777

>Not a vegetarian btw, but I just think the evolutionary argument is pretty much a red herring.
I agree with that too. If you are happy with your diet, why try to justify it to others with flimsy reasoning?

The same people that say, "hurrr we were meant to" will also say, "just because it is natural doesn't mean if is good, dihydrogen monoxide blah blah blah".

>> No.4504894

>believing meat everyday is bad for humans.
>not thinking it's everything else we tend to have with meat that's bad for humans.


inhumanexperiment.blogspot dot com dot au/2009/09/two-brave-men-who-ate-nothing-but-meat.html

>> No.4505037

cook the meat then chew it, swallow it and digest it like every other omnivore

>> No.4505041

Every other omnivore cooks meat???

>> No.4505047

eat some damn meat. Unless you're doing it for religious reasons what's stopping you? It's not some slippery slope into a meat binge and voting republican. I've been a vegetarian for 7 years now and I've eaten meat on holidays and special occasions. (or when someone has made me something, as to not be a rude asshole) It's not going to kill you it's not going to destroy our morality or whatever you're holding onto.

>> No.4505048

Yeah, obviously, how do you think they eat it?

>> No.4505055

your instead of our*

>> No.4505057

>Unless you're doing it for religious reasons what's stopping you?
You understand that there is no real difference between "I don't eat meat because I don't want to" and "I don't eat meet because of my religion"?
Medical reasons or some reason that means you can't access it are the only thing's actually stopping you

>> No.4505063

>can't shake the meat cravings. What do?

Your body is telling you that you have a nutritional deficit somewhere. Figure out what nutritent(s) your diet is lacking and eat vegetarian foods that contain those nutritents.

I suggest keeping a journal of what you've been eating for a week or so, then look up the nutritional content of that food and see what you are missing.

this sort of thing is typical whenever you cut out whole food groups from your diet.

>> No.4505066

Yes, stop hanging out with soulless, mindless sociopath tryhard meat eaters.

>> No.4505068

more or less... I've been fighting the realization that people actually treat their diet as more of a belief system than a fucking diet. Then I see obese people calling their diets healthy and shit. All falls into perspective after that.

>> No.4505087

>humans are actually getting dumber
Citation needed. I don't think we industrialized and created increasingly advanced technology from getting dumber.

>> No.4505105

it's not so much that, the innovations and creation of tech is being done by a smaller number of people. With things become more and more "user friendly" less though is required. Not many people have hobbies anymore either just self-gratification 24/7. So is it any wonder the average IQ is declining by 2% a generation?

>> No.4505109

You're pulling facts out of your ass based on your personal experience. I asked for a citation.

>> No.4505112


>> No.4505141

I should have mentioned before you dug that up though that IQ isn't a very accurate way to measure intelligence. It was created in order to help predict the learning ability of children, which is does fairly well at, but the results are inaccurate for adults. There are also a lot more complex processes it doesn't take into account.




>> No.4505151

you can either
a)get defensive about your generation and take it as a personal attack
b)accept it and get on with your life
c) do something about it (do et faggot)

I can see that you're picking A so I'll just pick b.

>> No.4505178

>what do

xD Obvious troll. But I like how yall not FALL into it but will eat eachother about other peoples eating habits. Love these threads.

>> No.4505247

>accept false things because it's sooooo hard to put effort into finding out the truth
Sorry I'm not buying your bullshit, try selling it to someone else.

>> No.4505258


d) pout like a bitch and dwell on it while every one moves foreword.

>> No.4505292

Humans will die on a 100% meat diet dummy
>baby dies because vegan mom's breastmilk has no nutrients
ignoring the millions children birthed by meat eaters who die from malnutrition

>> No.4505362
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As a vegetarian, I can say that meat will always have the ability to look and smell good. Once I'd been vegetarian long enough that I'd long stopped accidently eating meat (vegetarians will understand the typical "...shit, I forgot this contains meat" scenario) I let myself try small (I mean small, don't make this a cheating thing) amounts of meat that friends/family had. Once your body has adjusted to a vegetarian diet, meat because very bland and "meh" texture-wise. Probably the most tempting taste test I had was a sausage roll my mother disliked and was about to throw away (that alone tempted me to eat the whole thing. Food shouldn't be wasted, kids.) It had a very creamy, lovely texture and tasted heavily of rosemary, with a hint of onion and pepper. Fuck the meat, I wanted that amazing rosemary taste. I unwillingly threw the sausage roll in the bin after my tiny bite. It makes me so grateful that the bakery near work also sells amazing, creamy textured cheese and spinach rolls.

>> No.4505363

>I'm still mad so I'm gonna keep shitpostin lel thatll show em

>> No.4505370

I still don't understand how vegetarians think it's acceptable to eat milk, eggs, etc. I mean, for the ones trying to save animals and shit... egg chickens and milk cows get the same shitty treatment. If you're trying to say we are all supposed to be herbivores, then it simply makes no sense to have dairy and eggs. Not to mention the fact that the majority of you eat fish.

I'm an omnivore and I eat all of these things, I just don't understand the vegetarian logic.

>> No.4505415

I didn't stop eating meat to save animals... one person refusing to eat them won't make any difference to meat farming.
I simply feel healthier when not eating meat. My stomach feels lighter and I'm more energetic. I really should cut back on cheese, since I like to eat it in excess, but one thing at a time.
Also, whilst I recognise pesce-vegetarianism as a fine diet, I dislike that people who follow pesce-vegetarian diets try to just call themselves "vegetarians" and make us look like a bunch of twats who don't understand the meaning of the word.

>> No.4505416

This means you aren't a vegetarian.

>> No.4505424


How so?

>> No.4505464

To be fair, they probably just say they're vegetarians for simplicity because "I'm a pescetarian" will raise a lot of annoying questions.

>> No.4505507

seriously, having to give the same talk over and over again is infuriating. Just saying "I'm vegetarian" kinda solves it. Because it more or less gets across what you will and wont eat. But leaves the reasoning to be your business.