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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4502921 No.4502921 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good recipes with rice as the main dish? I've got rice in the cooker and no idea what to do with it. I'm new to cooking, so all I can really think of right now is sprinkling it with salt and eating it like that.

The type of rice is Tamanishiki, but I'm not looking to make anything like sushi. Just something simple, or a way to add flavor to it that's not just salt.

The only recipes I get from google are advanced recipes with ingredients I've never even heard of.

>> No.4502939 [DELETED] 

>The type of rice is Tamanishiki

Of course it is. Get a job so you can ditch the kawaii rice cooker and make something decent.

>> No.4502932

>main dish

make rice

add a sauce

eat it

go get some packets of indian food at your local mart, cook it up and mix with rice

>> No.4502940

>What are some good recipes with rice as the main dish?

Risotto? I mean, you can't do much with rice as your centerpiece, that's why it's usually just something you eat to fill some space

>> No.4502946

What kind of sauce are you talking about? Any kind of hot sauce? I've got sriracha, soy, worcestershire, louisiana hot and I think that's it.

I didn't know what else to get, I just looked up "high quality rice" on amazon and got that.

>> No.4502950

That's rice with cheese, right? Sounds good actually. Do you just heat the rice and stir in cheese, or do you need to use the skillet at all?

>> No.4502952

>I didn't know what else to get, I just looked up "high quality rice" on amazon and got that.

Eating with chopsticks? You actually want the cheap rice, not one where every grain is separate.

>> No.4502957

i mean like a tomato based sauce or something. maybe a curry

>> No.4503013

>Eating with chopsticks?

Why would you bother asking this question?

>> No.4504296

Chicken Tika.

>> No.4504304

fried rice

>> No.4504355

>ancho chili pepper, black pepper, onion, garlic, paprika, spices, cumin, citric acid, Mexican oregano, cilantro, lemon peel, chipotle pepper, red pepper, jalapeño, cocoa, natural smoke flavoring.

This is a spice blend I made my rice with a few days ago, called "Arizona Dreaming."

Cooked my rice with vegetable stock, this seasoning, and some coconut oil, let it refridgerate for a while, and meanwhile in a pan I sauteed some bell pepper, onion, and tomato with some extra Arizona Dreaming sprinkled on it, + salt. Added in the rice, mixed it all about, and bam. Serve it on a plate beside some sliced avacado sprinkled with lemon pepper seasoning. I need to make that shit again soon

>> No.4504374

Kidney beans
Whatever veggies
Creole/Cajun spices

Cook it in a pot you weaboo faggot. Cajuns blow slant eye rice out of the water.

>> No.4504414

Why the hate for rice cookers?

>> No.4504415

Go play with your chop stick collection

>> No.4504431

Don't be a fucking autist. I don't even own a rice cooker, I'm asking a question.

>> No.4504436


>> No.4504478
File: 1.32 MB, 1448x2492, weeaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear /ck/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan

>> No.4504516

pilaf is god tier rice dish

>> No.4504538
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I eat spanish rice as a main dish all the time. Chill it in the refrigerator and it makes a great cold dish on hot days, too.

Basically (I'm not following an authentic recipe) saute onions and the rice in a few tablespoons of oil until the onions are translucent and the rice is getting toasted, then add your spices and get the rice evenly coated in them. Add water and a can of diced tomatoes & chiles (together these should be double the volume of rice you used), bring to a boil, put the lid on, reduce heat to lowest setting and let it cook for 20-30 minutes.

If that sounds doable, here are some actual recipes for reference:

>> No.4504589


White people who live in flyover land and think that asians only exist in movies and viral youtube videos.

>> No.4505358


>that "a weeaboo is" checklist

"I'm NOT a weeaboo! I just like all the things weeaboos like!

>> No.4505433

I like rice salad. It's common where I'm from in the warmer months IE now.

Rice cooked by the Italian method* or just plain, cooked, cold white rice.
Mixed pickles**.
Pitted olives***.
Chopped parsley.
Chopped sweet onion.
Cooked peas.
Tinned or jarred tuna****.
Vinegar or lemon juice.
Olive oil.

Combine all ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

> * Boil water, add unwashed white rice, cook until tender then rinse excess starch away under cold running water. If eating the rice hot, add it back to the pot, set to low heat and lid it to steam it through. Since this is a salad, you can keep it cold, just drain it very, very well before making the salad.
> ** Generally a mix of pickled carrot, cauliflower and vegetable celery. Sometimes chilies, as well.
> *** Optional.
> **** It's either mixed into the rice salad or made into a separate salad with olive oil and sweet onion, but no vinegar, and served alongside the rice salad.

>> No.4505444

That picture is so dumb. It's like "Hey, all these highlighted boards are related to japan, so the whole website must be!"
Seriously, /ck/ is a board for cooking, nothing to do with japan, just like /g/ is a board for technology. Japanese food and Japanese technology can be featured, but that doesn't make this board anything to do with Japan.

>> No.4505578
File: 57 KB, 480x320, chazuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chazuke. This needs 1 day old cold rice, it was popular in pre-WW2 Japan as a fast method to make a hot breakfast.
Put rice in cup, add Seaweed like Nori or Wakame, add Sesame, cold pieces of fish and Dashi, cold vegetables and whatever is left. Drown it in hot green tea. Even better: instead of tea, add Matcha powder and use just hot water. Add Sake for kick.

>> No.4505639

You don't need to use 1 day old rice. Use fresh rice, although it should not be too wet/mushy. If you use cold rice from the fridge, you should run some hot water over it first or microwave it so it doesn't make the tea cold.

Ochazuke is awesome though.

>> No.4507010
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Salmon flakes.

>> No.4507021

Looks like something they'd feed emaciated African children.

>> No.4507023
File: 89 KB, 425x299, 4a4a25d4_6c87824d_small_furikake_bottles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related to >>4507010, try furikake. They're toppings meant to be sprinkled on rice. Usually involve sesame seeds, seeweed, and bonito flakes for the basic ones, but there are a variety out there.

>> No.4507026

I don't know about emaciated African children’s food.

>> No.4507037

You share the same diet. Late in the evenings we have commercials literally begging us to donate food to African children who's diet staple is rice.

>> No.4507048
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>> No.4507052
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Bacon & cheese onigiri.

>> No.4507056
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>> No.4507058
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>> No.4507065 [DELETED] 

Why does your food look so awful? Are you proud that you shit?

>> No.4507071

Why does your food look so awful? Are you proud that you eat shit?

>> No.4507076

>being this insecure

>> No.4507082

Why would I be insecure because he eats shit? I cook my own food and it looks 100x better than this embarrassing homeless shelter "food." That's like saying I feel silly because Kanye wears shutter shades.

>> No.4507097

I just had rice that I cooked with finely chopped yellow onion, chili and some "spicy flavour" spice-mix I found from an old noodle packet. Served it with some chicken, went way better than expected.

>> No.4507105

No, you're insecure because you feel the need to affirm that what other people eat is "shit." If you had any confidence that your food is indeed better than others, then you wouldn't have to blatantly point it out every other post.

inb4 you refute this post by calling OP's food shit

>> No.4507127


Rice Pudding.


Do this, but only cook it for the first 30 minutes, and then only ten after that. If you cook it for a full fucking hour you don't get rice pudding, you get burnt rice.

>> No.4507129

Your rice pics please.

>> No.4507131
File: 26 KB, 400x450, obama_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 you refute this post by calling OP's food shit

The last pic >>4507058 has tater tots and dry sticky rice in it. Do yourself a favor and drop the bias, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4507132
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>> No.4507136
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>> No.4507138
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>> No.4507140
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>> No.4507152
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>> No.4507565
File: 560 KB, 1600x1200, bento-11-04-06b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could make "chirashi sushi", which is basically sushi in a different presentation (i.e., in a bowl)

>> No.4507689

Grind some cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla sugar, a little sour cream to make it malleable but not runny. Sprinkle on rice copiously. Done.


Apple mush or better apples grated on coarse, cinnamon. Sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar, on top.

If you want to be fancy, do the above by interleaving rice, apples, cinnamon in a heat-proof bow (adjust so that rice is both on topmost and bottom-most layerl, bake until rice is browned, cut into cubes, pour the sweetened sour cream on these.

>> No.4507712

Isn't Natto festering insect larva?

>> No.4507715

natto is fermented soybean.

>> No.4507719

Not OP but I have surplus rice and tuna and that sounds nice. I might try that (without anchovies or capers).

>> No.4507731

I was close!

>> No.4507751

No, you weren't close at all.

>> No.4507824


I'm pretty sure you must be some kind of animal, but I can't quite figure out which.

>> No.4508351

No you weren't. It's not perfume but food.

>> No.4510933

Oh, Japan-hater again.

>> No.4512169
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, CIMG0677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy asian video cooking tutorials


>> No.4512185
File: 236 KB, 1024x857, two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks like any regular asian lunchbox meal. Millions of apparently quite happy, healthy and contempt people eat these every day. I don't get what is wrong with it.

>> No.4512209

that looks delicious