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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 360x477, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4497842 No.4497842 [Reply] [Original]

>and how would you like that steak?

>> No.4497845

Burnt to a crisp and drenched in ketchup, please.

>> No.4497846
File: 35 KB, 407x482, 1286605503919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done please

>> No.4497847


>> No.4497848

medium well, breaded, with some nacho sauce on top

>> No.4497849

Rare with sauted onions and mushrooms. No A1 for me, I'm not a pleb.

>> No.4497851

Would you also like it cut into strips so you can dunk it in ranch?

>> No.4497852

Well done. Do you have any Heinz Ketchup? That'd be great. Dr. Pepper to drink please.

>> No.4497854



>> No.4497855

poorly done

>> No.4497856

Medium rare. You best not fuck this up nigga.

>> No.4497859

>be a kid
>during the salmonella epidemic
>mom wouldn't let me eat any pink meat
>dad makes some steaks
>accidently gives me a rare one
>take a bite
>fucking delicious, amazing, juicy, saucy, and flavorful
>mom notices it's pink
>puts it on the grill for a few minutes
>microwaves it
>gives it back
>it's brown, dry, and rubbery

>> No.4497862
File: 188 KB, 341x512, Wayne Cohen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium-rare with a side of curly fries and a PBR tallboy.

We classy nao.

>> No.4497865

the very fact that temperature is even optional tells me you chef is a incompetent dolt

>> No.4497866

>pbr anything

>> No.4497863

>I'll have it medium rare please
>Gets steak
>I-is this pink? I think I can see blood...
>It's raw inside....
>Please take it back

>> No.4497864
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>that one old fat guy who always makes a scene at the restaurant because his steak is too pink or too brown

/ck/ mod for sure

>> No.4497872

I was being sarcastic.

On a related note, what kind of beer goes well with steak?

>> No.4497874


>> No.4497887

Deep fried with a side of taco bell fire sauce please!

>> No.4497888

A good brown ale.

>> No.4497889
File: 123 KB, 268x265, 1368811958849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I ordered my hamburger medium and I got it well done and literally so chewy that I had to send it back but the waitress was nice enough to take it off my bill

It doesn't happen very often that I send food back but that piece of meat was so tough that it wasn't enjoyable at all.

>> No.4497896
File: 203 KB, 800x800, 1335116435848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to start off with an appetizer platter, featuring five jumbo deep fried gulf shrimp, served on a disk of salted butter, with 15 of your potato bacon bombs and a big bowl of pork cracklins with your cheese and butter dippin’ sauce ...

then, i'd like to visit your mile long soup and salad bar featuring bacon and cheese cream soup and five heads of ice burg lettuce He-Man salad, served in a punch bowl with 18 pounds of ranch dressing, pork stuff deep fried croutons and, what the hell, a couple of corn dogs ...

i'd then move on to the steak ... a 55 ounce Lost Mesa, He-Man steak slab, served with a deep fried pumpkin, stuffed with buttered scallops and 53 of your potato bacon bombs

>> No.4497898

Medium well

>> No.4497900

You forgot your diet coke bro

>> No.4497901

I'll take it extra well done with a side of ketchup

>> No.4497903


You'll suck a dick on the golden gate bridge before I bring you a mixed green salad, buddy.

>> No.4497913

Yes, my good man, I’ll have the milk steak, boiled over hard, and your finest jelly beans ... raw

>> No.4497911
File: 872 KB, 982x658, MAXIMUM_BROFIST_by_Defiant_Ant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy ... this guy right here ...

>> No.4497919



>> No.4497927

epik xDDD niggers !!!

>> No.4497931


>not parboiling jelly beans with milk steak

stay pleb

>> No.4497948

No, no! "Rare" implies dangerously cooked. When I say rare I mean just let it look at the oven in terror, then bring it out to me.

>> No.4497949
File: 23 KB, 360x270, 73371_1223565184386_360_270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture.

>> No.4497952

Well Done

>> No.4498077

I would like it delivered to my table sir.

>> No.4498083

Black and blue.

>> No.4498092

medium well with a nice bearnaise sauce

>> No.4498097
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I smell dog!

>> No.4498127


Blue rare. Come at me, faggot.

>> No.4498132



>> No.4498135
File: 477 KB, 666x721, 1344463243226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium rare and bring some A1.

>> No.4498145

Still mooing. Lol, I'm such a riot.

>> No.4498162

Tenderized, marinated, battered, and deep-fried, with cream gravy and black pepper on top, please.

>> No.4498168

Blue-rare with a little bit of cracked pepper, sauteed mushrooms and roasted garlic on top.
A piece of either ciabatta or french bread on the side to dip in the buttery-goodness of the sauteed mushrooms.

>> No.4498226

Oh god this thread never change /ck /. Who else looked in thread just to see how many responses it was before well done with ketchup I cant be the only one. I was impressed it was the first. Bravo.

>> No.4498232

Shiner bock

>> No.4498237

>blue rare
Mah nigga

>> No.4498252

>ordering restaurant burgers anything but well done

Enjoy food poisoning.

>> No.4498260
File: 37 KB, 313x343, 1345272469685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium rare

Though rarely, I'll cook my steak until it's well done

Living dangerously

>> No.4498268
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 20110516-cowboy-steak-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium Rare with a good crust, salt and pepper, and slice of garlic butter on top.

>> No.4498309

microwave it for 10 minutes
on a bed of Cheetos

>> No.4498327
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, the-hobbit-ori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either blue rare or uncooked at room temperature

pic unrelated

>> No.4498331
File: 102 KB, 731x620, gollum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to us raw and w-r-r-riggling; you keep nasty chips

>> No.4498333

Well done. I don't want worms or colon cancer.

>> No.4498334

How good is the steak? How good is the cook? If they're shit, and I'm hungry, burn it. If they're excellent, however they want me to eat it.

>> No.4498336

not systematically exposing your body to pathogens so you build an immunity to most conventional forms of illness. I bet you don't even lick your hands after riding the subway or going up stairs.

>> No.4498340
File: 149 KB, 500x281, 1364038314642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the Harrah's Steakhouse in AC
an "acquaintance" of my friend orders the filet mignon well done and asks for 2 pieces of bread then proceeds to make a filet mignon hamburger with some mashed potatoe as a topping.

>> No.4498342

Marry me. It seems like no one else gives that school of though any merit or are too ashamed or grossed out to try it.

>> No.4498345
File: 53 KB, 599x415, stak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this picture have any truth to it? I've always ordered mine medium or medium-rare, am I fucking up?

>> No.4498347

Lmao your mom must have seriously hated you

>> No.4498348

Burgers are supposed to be well done you retard

>> No.4498351

If you're ordering medium-rare, you're doing it right. Medium is kind of pushing it.

But hey, it's your money. If I were having dinner with you, I wouldn't give a shit how you eat your steak, unless I was paying for both of us (in which case I'd make you order medium-rare or rarer).

>> No.4498384

There are several of those floating around, this one is the most accurate although blue rare is not true. Its not gel like and can be more enjoyable if done correctly

>> No.4498385

Jesus Christ I'd eat a cold raw steak off of that guy's dick is what. OP's pic is hot.

>> No.4498387

Looks about right. Realize that it can always be thrown back on a grill, but to much cooking can't be undone.

>> No.4498395


>> No.4498408

are you a lady? if so we shall be wed

>> No.4498448

how can it be chewy if its well done?

>> No.4498454

I used to work in a burger joint
the burger patties and chicken breasts would often be left out for half the day or longer to thaw
on my last day I found burger patties defrosting in the cool room still in their delivery box not transfered to plastic tubs like they're supposed to as the boxes are cardboard and sure enough they were leaking and they had been stacked on top of the vegetables and they were leaking on top of them

>> No.4498456

Salmonella may be on the surface of meat, cooking will of course sear the surface and this wil sterilize it and you'll be fine
Mince, hamburger patties, etc churn up all the meat so it could be anywhere so cook it all the way through
Chicken has salmonella all through it, never ever eat it pink if a restaurant gives you chicken that is not cooked dont ask for them to remake it just leave

>> No.4498458

I'll have a tartare please

>> No.4498460

how do you know when to turn the steak over?

>> No.4498464

See http://www.facingtherisingsun.com/japan-travel-tips-eating/raw-chicken-sashimi-torisashi-toriwasa

>> No.4498467

Doing a hospitality course, I repeated what we've been taught

>> No.4498470

slow cooked medium rare and over easy please

>> No.4498479


I do this, too

>> No.4498480

thats the japanese, they eat toxic blow fish

>> No.4498493

What's your point?
I made a counter to your arguement about chicken being contaminated through and through with salmonella, and you respond with " they jpnese."

>> No.4498502

Killians Red

>> No.4498553

>not eating steak sunny side up
get a load of this fag

>> No.4498571

I actually like mine medium well. I take shit for it, but then again I don't like mushrooms or steak sauce either.

>> No.4498586

Liquified and injected directly into my anus, if you would please.

>> No.4498597

Perhaps you should stop looking for logical arguments on fucking 4chan

>> No.4498625
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 1348644534857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4498676

red wine.

>> No.4498731
File: 144 KB, 1294x624, 1369121740215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4498735


No, medium rare doesn't have a sandwich layer of gel through the middle. Someone doesn't know how to let their steaks come to room temperature before cooking. Aside from that it's not completely wrong.

>> No.4498758


Um.. what you are describing is medium. The middle part that you are describing is the "rare" part of "medium rare."

>> No.4498762


>> No.4498771

I don't get why people rabidly argue about how a piece of meat should be cooked.

Maybe it is because I have never been poor and my parents have good taste and worldly experience, but a cut of beef isn't exactly the most exciting thing to me.

It is one of the most common meats available. What's next, getting upset about how people like their chicken or pork cooked?

>> No.4498820

>It is one of the most common meats available. What's next, getting upset about how people like their chicken or pork cooked?

get a load of this faggot.

should we actually be complaining about how we like our panda steaks? cunt.

>> No.4498851

Welldone with french fries and a side of gravy please

>> No.4498853

>one buffer between leather and a perfect steak

seems logical

>> No.4498856

well let us explain it to you then...again. Over cooking anything ruins the flavor and nutrients of the food and under-cooking can lead to less flavor to because of less time to develop the flavor. this is just the more basic of basics. welcome to /ck/

when i mean basic i mean basic because one can write a paper about how proper cooking is affects flavor, texture, etc

>> No.4498859

Also, i think you are seriously dumb. If you arent poor that means you should have tasted chicken prepared at least 10 different ways. Good food is wasted on you. Let's not forget about respecting ingredients too.

>> No.4498887

Hey man, getting steak right is hard

>> No.4498895

>a cut of beef isn't exactly the most exciting thing to me.
This. I couldn't give a fuck about steak. Sure, a dry aged rib eye is fucking delicious, but I've had plenty of them in my life. And with so many other exciting things to eat out there a slab of beef, even a nice cut simply isn't that compelling.

>> No.4498900
File: 1.57 MB, 1366x768, 1363158868719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe this.

>> No.4498904

"Y-you too."

>> No.4498906

>“‘Saving for well-done’ is a time-honored tradition dating back to cuisine’s earliest days. … What happens when the chef finds a tough, slightly skanky end-cut of sirloin that’s been pushed repeatedly to the back of the pile? He can throw it out, but that’s a total loss. He can feed it to the family, which is the same as throwing it out. Or he can ‘save for well-done’—serve it to some rube who prefers his meat or fish incinerated into a flavorless, leathery hunk of carbon, who won’t be able to tell if what he’s eating is food or flotsam. Ordinarily, a proud chef would hate this customer, hold him in contempt for destroying his fine food. But not in this case. The dumb bastard is paying for the privilege of eating his garbage! What’s not to like?”

>> No.4498940

Thanks, Tony.

>> No.4498968
File: 5 KB, 236x199, jmlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, it's funny 'cuz it's true.

>> No.4498973

Medium Well

enjoy your salmonella, rarefags

>> No.4498988


>> No.4498994


>> No.4498997

I don't eat steak. I don't know why you assume I'd eat steak.

I would like some chicken though.

>> No.4499005
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>> No.4500535
File: 113 KB, 783x501, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should be more careful with the opinions you express around here. A mod might ban you.

>> No.4500571

>vegan here

I'll just have the house salad with some olive oil drizzled over it please.

>> No.4500596
File: 13 KB, 256x256, 1320123548886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foie gras appetizer
>medium rare with some garilc mashed potatoes and a half bottle of champagne

>> No.4500601

Boiled into beautiful uniform greyness.

>> No.4500604

Medium Rare.

Not like I can tell the difference anyways.

>> No.4500617
File: 132 KB, 1205x721, 1331741712278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how terrifying

>> No.4500620

>I'll only suck a few dicks in the alley
>gotta build up my immunity to aids

>> No.4500625


>implying that's not how magic Johnson defeated it

>> No.4500626

Medium. I'm neither a show off nor a pansy.

>> No.4500632

This is so true. The place I used to work at also had us handling raw burger patties, raw fish, bread and fresh vegetables all at the same station.
Food isn't handled completely safely in most restaurants, especially any restaurant that employees high school students, but most people still don't get sick from them.

>> No.4500636

>Certainly. That will be $15. Would you like to overpay now or later?

>> No.4500645


in the industry we call that the idiot tax

>> No.4500656

Pittsburgh rare.

>> No.4500667

Medium rare. I wish to enjoy the flavor of my steak with the choice of accommodations the chef wishes to provide me with.

>> No.4500672

New York strip medium-rare
mignon side medium-well.

>> No.4500681


that's exactly why only idiots order porterhouse, the two cuts need to be cooked on their own.

>> No.4500694
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Passed through a warm room, please.

>> No.4500724


>> No.4500732

Medium. Why? Because you're dumbfuck chef will always cook me a medium rare or well done steak. So go ahead and either bring me out the steak I want or let me leave.

>> No.4500753


>> No.4500761

I don't care for a steak today. I'd like a side salad with ranch and an iced tea with Splenda on the side.

>> No.4500775

>keep getting dragged to a certain restraunt with family
>want medium rare
>order medium rare
>get medium well
>next time
>order rare
>get medium
>next time
>they bring me raw peice of meat with the outside charred 100% black
>excuse me wtf is this

only time i've ever sent back food. i wonder if they're trolling customers or just incompetent.

>> No.4500782

A touch past mid rare. Tell the chef if he nails it i'll get him a hooker

>> No.4500808

Medium please, with extra sauteed mushrooms and a medium sized baked potato with sour cream, crumbled bacon, and sharp cheddar.