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File: 346 KB, 850x832, Coca-Cola-Art_Coke_Bottle4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4494934 No.4494934 [Reply] [Original]

Is coke from glass bottles really better, or is it some sort of placebo effect?

I can't help but buy it in glass and people look at me funny when I say it tastes better.

>> No.4494946

it does taste slightly different.

in my area there's a huge difference because the only glass-bottled coke we get is from mexico and actually has real sugar in it and not high fructose corn syrup.

even amongst coke of the same formula there will be slight differences in taste between can/plastic/glass, just because of the material and slight differences in the shape of the aperture

>> No.4494945

In the US at least, glass bottled coke usually means its coke that's imported from Mexico. Unlike the rest of the world, the US just loves to use high fructose corn syrup but this Mexican coke uses real cane sugar. Although some people can't really tell the difference, I believe I can as it tastes...less artificial. Idk, I have tried and compared other soft drinks that use corn syrup or sugar and I can clearly taste the difference in those.

>> No.4494961

Plastic is partially porous, so the soda in plastic is overcarbonated to compensate. The plastic does affect the taste slightly. Soda tastes better in glass bottles, which are sealed much tighter and are chemically neutral

>> No.4494981

>the US just loves to use high fructose corn syrup
the US government forces people to use HFCS through corn subsidies and imposing tariffs on sugar that doubles the price and makes it extremely impractical for large scale production

thanks obama

>> No.4494996

Ok, so I've been boycotting sugar for a month or 2 now, and had my first coke in a long time today, never realised till now how shit it actually is, it's fucking carbonated sugar water and it sucks.

>> No.4495005

>thanks obama
Yeah, corn subsidies didn't exist until Obama. This is why all the midwest votes Democrat now.

>> No.4495003

I've had the little coke glass bottles with HFCS and they taste better than plastic too

>> No.4495025


You think he was being serious with that remark?

>> No.4495043

>live in based New Zealand
>we still have real sugar in our coke
>no metal bottles though
>I literally import mexican coke just for both in the same place
>don't even like coke very much

>> No.4495054

In the UK, we have glass bottles in supermarkets made with real cane sugar. All our sodas are sweetened with cane sugar.

I wonder if any countries sweeten their soda with anything different, like beet sugar etc...

>> No.4495060

I stand by them. Between the glass bottle and the cain sugar of "mexican coke" it just has a different old school soda fountain type of taste. Glad to see that my Costco is actually carrying them in a fairly white bread area.

>> No.4495063

It has a lot to do with the fact of how the drink hits your mouth and taste buds as opposed to other methods.

Which is why bottled beer is better than canned 90% of the time.

>> No.4495090

Beet sugar is chemically identical to cane sugar. The beets are just a different way to grow them in different climates.
However, High Fructose Corn Syrup(which is NOT a sugar, no matter how much the corn growers try to say it is) is not.

>> No.4495091

The other ten being for when you just want to get drunk off natty ice

>> No.4495102

I'm just gonna be flat out honest corn is shit and the worst crop to be grown, fuck this shit and fuck my country for thinking it's a good idea to over produce it.

>> No.4495105
File: 47 KB, 600x541, Corn-Im-in-Everything3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4495117
File: 22 KB, 629x476, fuckingflyingfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4495121

>is it some sort of placebo effect?


>> No.4495124

> Implying any industrially produced chemical is 100% pure

Yeah the sucrose is identical but there's different contaminates

>> No.4495251

W-what about corn by itself?

>> No.4495254

we really can't digest corn it pretty much just goes through our body. It's actually the reason live stock have so many problems because they weren't meant to eat corn.

>> No.4495257

My thoughts too.

>> No.4495258

You don't like the taste of BPA I guess.

>> No.4495279

Not all glass-bottled Coke is the sugar type. Sometimes the regular corn kind is sold in glass.

I get the most psychological satisfaction from cans. Cans feel colder, and they've got that wonderful pull-tab. I like listening to a soda can open.

>> No.4495351
File: 56 KB, 500x324, 1336496951963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico has a different- and honestly much better-recipe for Coke. Yes, the sugar makes a difference in texture, but the recipe overall has more bite to it.

The more you know.

>> No.4495364

>High Fructose Corn Syrup(which is NOT a sugar
Fructose and glucose aren't sugars? You'd better inform all those scientist that have it all wrong. And while you're at it, fix the wikipedia articles.

>Not all glass-bottled Coke is the sugar type.
I've even seen imported mexican coke with HFCS in it.

>> No.4495369

>implying anyone gives a shit about Mexico

You can buy Coca Cola with sugar anywhere. I don't buy it though because I was raised by people with common sense and I know that that garbage is terrible for me.

Keep reinforcing those American stereotypes, you worthless piece of garbage.

>> No.4495376
File: 977 KB, 499x281, 1366745279741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your anus is torn up a little bit.

>> No.4495401

What kind of plebian would drink coke?

>> No.4495406

In addition to the cane sugar, the citric acid in cans also leeches into the metal, and imparts a tinny taste to the drink. Glass avoids this problem.

>> No.4495420


It does taste better.

I'm not sure why.

>> No.4495421

Actually, glass bottles do often preserve the taste of coke better than plastic.

When you open a bottle of coke, you also let out the pressure. The carbonic acid, which makes the coke taste good, will then start to seep out. The difference lies in how fast it will seep out. A plastic surface is often not as smooth as glass, and will contain many pockets in the surface. These pockets allow the carbonic acid to gather up in bigger bubbles. These bigger bubbles are able to reach the surface and escape the coke, while smaller bubbles will implode again. Therefore, if you have more pockets in your surface (such as in a plastic bottle), the carbonic acid will escape more quickly.

That is why coke in a glass bottle tastes better.

>> No.4495423
File: 33 KB, 512x415, hook-line-and-sinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4495428

You typed this while pouring candy water into your fat head. Pretend I gave a shit if it helps you sleep tonight.


>> No.4495429

But maaaan...corn on the cob, fresh off the grill, lightly seasoned and buttered...It's like concentrated summer in your mouth.

>> No.4495431

>the citric acid
coke doesn't contain citric acid

quit trying to sound smart when you clearly aren't

>> No.4495437


Wrong. Shut your mouth.

>> No.4495446

>coke tasting better out of glass bottles is a placebo
my entire life is a lie

>> No.4495469
File: 48 KB, 468x274, you_are_THIS_dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Purported secret recipes
LEL, I'll keep my mouth open to catch your delicious tears.

>> No.4495523

>implying citric acid isn't a natural flavour

>> No.4495529

It isn't.

>> No.4495534

1. Glass Bottle


2. Dispensed Coke from a pub jet with ice and lemon


3. Big 1.5 litre plastic bottle or over
4. Can


901. Tiny Can
9001. Small Bottle

>> No.4495541

Basically, fuck corn.