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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4494427 No.4494427 [Reply] [Original]

>not watching Anthony Bourdain

Step it up /ck/

>> No.4494432

If I ever met him at a restaurant I would crawl under his table and jerk him off purely out of respect.

>> No.4494431

Talking about Bourdain now that he's super mainstream and not when he was shooting "A Chefs Tour" and was the most hipster chef in the world.

>stay pleb OP

>> No.4494433


>being a dirty hipster

nah I'm alright

>> No.4494454

Bourdain is a slimey, boring piece of shit who's lame personality is matched only by his legion of fans that consist of middle aged whores and stoner dimwits.

>> No.4494461

>stoner dimwits
Yeah, thats me.

>> No.4494463

those are some big words for Guy FAIRY! how did you learn all of those!

>> No.4494466
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>> No.4494477

his new show cnn is pretty good. but then again it's the same as his travel channels shows

>> No.4494503

Who's a better option when it comes to food television? At least he doesn't act like a complete dickhead like the majority of the faggots on food network.

>> No.4494527

"Parts Unknown" is a little less food and a little more ... sociopolitical, whereas No Reservations was more food and a side of philosophy on the side (although it did get ... slightly preachy in its waning years). I dug the fuck out of the recent episode in Tangier, though.

I think it's more or less he could go (and be sent) more places under CNN's banner than he could Travel Channel. ...and Travel Channel's hitting about the same quality as Food Network did when he bailed out of A Cook's Tour.

>> No.4494537

I agree, Tangier was a great episode.

I guess you could say the one in Libya isn't based on food as much, but it highlights the struggles the Libyan people faced

>> No.4494543

Started to watch him when I was 12. I still do today, but my cooking skills are lackluster. I think I'm here to stay.

>> No.4494739

He sucks.

'nuff said.

>> No.4494748

i had no idea Paula Dean was a 4chan visitor

>> No.4494749

I don't really like it. I preferred when it was more about the food, strangely.

>> No.4495246

I would not say that Tony is a chef anymore. He is a food talking head with a New York personality. He is entertaining and a hot head but he is wrong about the Ramones being better than the Grateful Dead.

Just an ex Junkie who pulled his life together and is doing what alot of people on /ck/ would love to do.

>> No.4495249

>Just an ex Junkie
He really likes to push this, doesn't he?

>> No.4495267

I would not say so. He talks about it in his books but never really spent much time on it in the show we know him from.

>> No.4495314

You do realize that the other tv personalities are far from being chefs these days as well. The up and comers are still working in a restaurant but I bet a guy like Bobby Flay has way too much other shit on his plate to actually step into the kitchen of his restaurants and actually start cooking with his crew.

>> No.4495321

I agree. I don't think that Flay or most others are cooking on the line at any given night, I don't think Tony plays himself up as a good chef, but he is a good eater.

>> No.4495334

I think the episode of no reservations where he goes back to his old restaurant to cook pretty much say that he's a shit cook these days. He said many times that what he really wanted to be was a writer. He gave up his cooking gig to travel around the world and film shit for his first show(which btw I think was the best one he made). Apparently he still writes for his current shows even though they're much bigger productions and have a bunch of researchers and writers employed.

He even released a couple fiction novels.

>> No.4495354

But the ramones were better than the grateful dead. Whoo, a bunch of useless hippies masturbating with their instruments. Sweet bro, let's follow these assholes for decades. No thanks, I'll take leather, bad attitudes and actual fun any day of the weak. Yes, the ramones were shitty musicians. Yes, they wrote terrible songs. And it doesn't fucking matter. They and their contemporaries saved music from the masturbatory prog horseshit that made the late 70's such a dark time for music (don't even get me started on disco) by making music FUN again.

>> No.4496153

>Yes, the ramones were shitty musicians. Yes, they wrote terrible songs.

>> No.4496160

Seriously man, you must be a real cotton-eared joe to think the Grateful Dead are better than the Ramones.

>> No.4496171

>I don't think Tony plays himself up as a good chef

Quite the opposite in fact. He frequently calls himself a cook rather than a chef. He also points out that when he was working as a chef he was NOT avant-garde or anywhere near the same level as many of the people he meets on his programs. I've never seen him claim to be an elite chef; he seems quite humble about it.

>> No.4496172

Not that guy, but it all depends on tastes. Objectively, the Grateful Dead were much better musicians and incredibly talented technically.

I didn't know Ramones vs. Grateful Dead was even a thing.

>> No.4496174

>useless hippies
Jerry Garcia had $40 million. Let me know when you start making $50k a year.

>> No.4496175

You're always spoiling my fun!

>> No.4496177

He even wrote a comic.

>> No.4496183

FUCK the Grateful Dead. Fuck them.
Why? Not because they were bad musicians, (because I do like some of their music), but because they spawned the worst, most useless fan base of idiots and drug addicts I've ever known.
Also, if you can't into punk, I have no use for you.

>> No.4496185

>I hate people who ingest Cannabis, LSD, and Psilocybe
>Punk rules

Oh look, a conflicted straight edged kid

>> No.4496207

>go on /ck/
>see bourdain thread
>discussion about drugs and music

Right on topic

I'll just add that the cinematography in his new show is breathtaking, especially the Columbia episode. He and his crew know how to make good television, even if his writing and narration sometimes seems redundant and unimaginative.

>> No.4496216

>his writing and narration sometimes seems redundant and unimaginative.
I've only seen his show a few times on the airplane, but this was my impression too. I felt his writing was contrived and he was taking himself too seriously.

>> No.4496221


Agree. Their only decent album was workingman's dead. They were more famous for their fans, who are the very definition of ineffective nostalgia addicts.

>> No.4496226

What the fuck makes you think I'm straight? I'm just not fucking retarded. You've got a lot to learn, kid.

>> No.4496237

>What the fuck makes you think I'm straight?
Don't worry, nobody is suggesting you're straight.

>> No.4496243

Herp derp look at you trying to sound clever.

>> No.4496295

>talks shit about America all the time when he is abroad
>can't stop saying how much he loves NY when he is back home

I used to enjoy his show(s), but his shtick just got to be too much. He tries to be this intellect that makes his opinion known throughout the episode multiple times. He loves being the old dude that's still hip, but it comes off as kind of sad. I wish he would just stick to traveling and keep his opinions/shitty comments to himself.

>> No.4496311

Agreed. I find him to be a bit of a faux-intellect that thinks writing with a more cynical Kerouac tone equates to depth and creativity.

The whole, "I'm still hip guys" thing is just sad. If you are cool, be cool. Don't consciously try to put on an act of being too cool for mainstream. That shit is alright when you are 16.

>> No.4496325

>America = New York

>> No.4496333

While I agree that the cinematography is generally excellent and that his programmes are eminently watchable notwithstanding the occasionally reiterating and derivative nature of his composition and storytelling, I'm mainly here for the drugs and music.

>> No.4496335


I like him a lot. and thank god parts unknown exists, because after no reservations ended, the layover was a poor replacement.

"Watch Tony, as he visits large American cities and gets drunk at dive bars and eats shitty bar food".

>> No.4496609

I like Bourdain, a lot. but some of his old hipster punk opinions don't hold true for me.

>but he is wrong about the Ramones being better than the Grateful Dead.
does he really think this?!

the Ramones sucked ass, I don't care what "tru punx" think, they sucked. I don't care if you're anti-hippy or whatever either, the Dead were a good band albeit masturbatory sometimes. but thats like hating on someone like Miles Davis for the same thing.

>> No.4496612

ok, you're talking about "FUN"?
like only dimwitted punk can be fun?

go to a grateful dead show [somehow] and tell me its not a fucking blast

>> No.4496614
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I am the same for Ina Garten

>> No.4496619

I really liked Koreatown also. Good balance of Culture and food

>> No.4496637

He an old, annoying wannabee chef, who's only actual talent is being a semi-competent tv show host, and convincing his audience that he isnt a talentless drunk

>> No.4496639

would you do it
in a garden?

>> No.4496651

>go to a grateful dead show [somehow] and tell me its not a fucking blast

I did go to a dead show in 1993. Punk shows are way better.

>> No.4496661

What it in Nevada?

>> No.4496687


No, Phoenix, Compton Terrace.

>> No.4496704

I hate that fat pretentious cunt. I saw an episode where she was in Paris buying a loaf of bread from a dirty French street vendor who had sweat and soot all over him. Disgusting.