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File: 427 KB, 1640x1100, garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4486669 No.4486669 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get rid of garlic smell on your hands?

>> No.4486671

Wipe them on stainless steel.

>> No.4486674


>> No.4486677

The first answer works.

>> No.4486688

eat garlic, so you won't sense the smell

the only thing that stops a bad garlic with a gun is more garlic

>> No.4486691

What if I'm into vampire chicks?

>> No.4486697

Clean with bleach

>> No.4486702

Cover your hands in feces, the smell of garlic will be gone.

>> No.4486724

If I ate the garlic my poop would smell of garlic

>> No.4486728

Then re-eat the poop to filter out the garlic.

>> No.4486729

I'm so stupid

>> No.4486730

Fucking summer.

>> No.4486732
File: 916 KB, 720x540, 234234134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love smelling my garlic-y fingers

>> No.4486768


Yup. They even sell "stainless steel soap" for this purpose.

>> No.4486785

I have heard that lemon juice helps.

>> No.4486786

This vegan chick once convinced me to eat raw garlic.

Probably the spiciest thing I have eaten raw. It had a particular quality that made it worse than a raw jalapeno. It just burned.

Raw garlic is super healthy for one's liver, prostate, and general health. How could one go about eating raw garlic? Delicious cooking it, but that supposedly destroys all the micro nutrients and so forth.

>> No.4486811

wash hands with toothpaste.

>> No.4487215


>Raw garlic is super healthy for one's liver, prostate, and general health.

Actually I beg to differ, raw garlic and onions are literally toxic. Cook that shit if you're gonna eat it. The reason you sweat garlic and get nasty breath is because it enters your bloodstream, gets into your brain, and messes up your system

Pilots are told not to eat garlic before attempting to fly because it slows reaction time

>> No.4487228


Also adding on that people forget that most plants don't want to be eaten. They evolve to fend off predators. Soy developed phytoestrogen to disrupt the reproductive abilities of predators, garlic and onions evolved to ward predators off with their strong stinging scent and neurotoxin juices

>> No.4487230

A lot of plants rely on consumption for reproduction.

>> No.4487234


Yeah, things like fruits that carry seeds and can be eaten without the plant itself dying. Garlic and onions don't rely on predators to spread them

>> No.4487382

Super-healthy, nope but whatever they contain is super-bad for whatever bacterial infections you might have. It's healthy if you're sick, actually boosts your immunity a lot.

>> No.4487391

Well shit. That's news to me. Thanks fellers. I'll stay away from raw garlic and onions then.

>> No.4487421

>Buy Garlic
>Use one clove
>Leave it in the fridge for a couple weeks
>Open draw
>Fucker has a green stems growing on it


>> No.4487427

>plant bulb
>grow pretty flowers

>> No.4487428

Trim the stems and eat. Garlic is good for pretty much ever.

Don't keep it in your fridge, though. Now that you already have, may want to open a box of baking soda in there. Garlic stores fine in a cool, dry area.

Also, one clove over the course of weeks? You need to use more garlic, Anon.

>> No.4487442

>open a box of baking soda in there

Biggest scam in chemical company history.

>> No.4487583

>No, it really works. The miracle of baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is in its ability to neutralize pH levels.

>Baking Soda does help with odors in your fridge, but activated charcoal works better. It works so well because it is extremely porous.

>> No.4487595
File: 27 KB, 325x214, tmyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks Anon

>> No.4487603

water and soap?

>> No.4487609

see >>4486671
wipe your palm on a knife. becauseful not to cut yourself!

>> No.4487669

I use medical gloves to cut garlic and onions

>> No.4487674

Get a garlic press.

>> No.4487677

YEAH, be becauseful!!!

>> No.4487690

lemon juice, baking soda or stainless steel will all work

>> No.4487714

you have a mental problem

>> No.4487721

Press, crush or slice it into slivers and use it in a salad dressin with some balsamico vinegar, olive oil or whatever you feel like.
It will give the salad that spicy raw garlic tang but without being overwhelming.
It's very tasty.
Also try a little on a bread roll with some deli meat.

>> No.4487725

Thnak you soy for disrupting the reproductive abilities of countless gormless opinionated vegans!

>> No.4487726


What? That's new to me and very disheartening if it's as bad as you say it is.
I've been eating raw garlic in small amounts as seasoning all my life and I love it.
me >>4487721
I'll look into it.

>> No.4487858

Avoidance is better than cure. Try not to touch the garlic with your fingers, it's not that hard once you get into the right habits.

But where it's unavoidable the stainless steel trick works.

>> No.4487881


not the person you're talking to...but that doesn't seem crazy at all to me, onions and garlic smell awful on skin and you have to wash your hands so many times and for so long to get the smell off of you....gloves seem easier.

>> No.4487924


You clearly don't know the metal trick. Just rub your hands on any piece of metal, such as a spoon or a fork while you wash your hands. You don't need to wash your hands "so many times", you simply need to wash them correctly.

>> No.4487933

use soap with the stainless

>> No.4487939

Doesn't work as well as simply putting on gloves which you throw away afterwards. My mom works in a hospital so she has tons of them.

>> No.4487949

This. I buy a big box of 50 nitrile disposable gloves at the store (specifically at Big Lots, because they're cheap there) and use those when I'm doing things like cleaning whole poultry or other large meats, mixing sausage or other ground meat, chopping mass quantities of onions and garlic, or mixing anything with my hands. It a simple way to keep your hands clean, and costs hardly anything.

>> No.4487964


Perhaps, but gloves cost money and affect your dexterity. Not everyone can steal them from work.

>> No.4487966
File: 7 KB, 240x240, powder-free-vinyl-exam-gloves-562943-MEDIUM_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and affect your dexterity
Do you even know what medical gloves look like?

>> No.4487969


>> No.4487970


Indeed I do. I use them at work (chemistry lab), both latex and nitrile. The ones you posted are particularly bad (vinyl) due to all the wrinkles, which you can clearly see in your photo.

>> No.4488024

Is eating garlic an onions dangerous or not?
I can't find any real research only chakra energy reiki mumbojumbo.
I smell crackpot theories and it isn't garlic breath.

>> No.4488425

You can buy a box of 100 latex gloves for $5.

>> No.4488455
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me too !

>> No.4488463
File: 142 KB, 1000x393, Na5qOXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it possibly be bad for you.
You're a bitch. And I hate you for asking such a retarded question

>> No.4488467

lemon juice helps a little

>> No.4488574

Run your hands with some sugar.

>> No.4488576



>> No.4488652

I like garlic, but it does not like me. I acid indigestion and, fart big time and it is not my imagination. If I eat much, I stink.. but I use it in cooking, if only for others Wash your hands with lemon juice or vinegar and salt. It is unfortunate. I like garlic, I just can't eat it.

>> No.4488828

by not touching that flith.
i swear, everytime there is just a tiny piece of raw garlic in anything, i will feel that garlic taste burn in my tongue so its hurts, and the smell, fuck.

>> No.4488871

What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.4488917

Why is autistic faggotry everywhere these days?

>> No.4488926

You're complaining about autism on 4chan? Seriously?

>> No.4488969
File: 194 KB, 500x375, garlic fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to get rid of garlic fingers?

>> No.4489660


That's why I as a vegan don't eat soy. Used to love edamame even when I ate meat though

Fermentation gets rid of the problems though, so if natto tasted good you could still eat that no problem, and soy sauce is still great