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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4484815 No.4484815 [Reply] [Original]

Just made a swiss chard fritata for breakfast. Holy shit, best breakfast I've had in years. This is going to be easier than I thought.

Any one else test driving a new diet?

>> No.4484823

not me m8

>> No.4484837



Recipe for this nectar-of-the-gods-breakfast.

>> No.4484844
File: 46 KB, 600x631, 23ef5cf238a3b88085d95adf94c24a25[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggless fritata? Sounds fritarded.

>> No.4484859

Not test driving anymore but have been vegan for 3 years now. Best decision I've ever made.

And that frittata sounds tasty; I'll have to try that.

>> No.4484864 [DELETED] 

frittata is made with eggs, vegan's do not normally eat eggs.

>> No.4484868


Yeah, I would have thought so too, but now that I'm experimenting with replacing eggs it's surprising how unnecessary eggs are, especially in baking. This fritata uses firm tofu with nutritional yeast, and damn so flavorful.

>> No.4484870

I've been on a 1800 cal a day meal plan for the last few weeks and I've already lost over ten pounds. Going pretty good so far and I haven't even really been tempted to cheat.

>> No.4484879

Nice job. How many calories per day were you having before the diet?

>> No.4484892

I wasn't really counting, but I was eating out a lot and drinking lots of juice/soda and eating candy, so it was probably pretty high. I cut all that stuff out and have been cooking at home everyday now.

>> No.4484897

>been vegan for 3 years now

>> No.4484952

i'm on the Eat Less Food diet


>> No.4484958

Can I buy a book or something for that diet? How does it work? Do you need to buy special meals? Are their health effects?

>> No.4484998

I went vegetarian last summer. Been vegan for a bout a month but I've eatan vegan a lot this year, compared to last year when I included egg and dairy.

I love it.

>> No.4485490

Thanks! It's so ridiculously easy though I don't even have to think about it.

>> No.4485832

Yeah, that's what people tell me, that like anything it just becomes a natural part of life and becomes a piece of cake.

I think it'll take me a lil bit to get into the grove of things. Already when I see someone reading ingredients labels in the grocery store I think, "Hmm, 50/50 it's a vegan," haha.

>> No.4485838

fuck diets I water fast the last 4 days of every month. Eat as much and how much I want every other day of the month. Still 130 5'11 feels good man.

>> No.4485857

>130 5'11
>implying that's a good thing.

>> No.4485899

Not everyone wants to be large with muscle. Nothing wrong with skinny.

>> No.4485947
File: 1.65 MB, 864x3052, hirse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been vegan for a year now and I love it. Great decision OP.
I've recently switched to a low carb, no sugar diet (there's this really popular dieting-/cookbook where I live, which has awesomely tasty recipes that won't leave you hungry or craving anything, which Im using as a cooking guide for now. picture very much related)

>> No.4485951
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>> No.4485953
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>> No.4486033

Low/carb no sugar for health reasons, or weight loss?

I'm a complete sugar addict. Could more easily give up heroin than cookies, haha.

>> No.4486078

Weight loss mainly. Works well, so far.
I'm not giving anything up either, that's the beauty of it all: I just replace sugar with agave syrup and the like. For example I'm currently having homemade hazelnut-chocolates made from cocoa, cocoabutter, hazelnuts, almond-butter and agavesyrup. Bretty Gud.

>> No.4486094

Out of spite I am going to go eat a hot dog right now, I just wanted to let you know that I will personally consume enough animals for the both of us.

>> No.4486129

I'm a vegan who eats shellfish and insects

I wish there was a name for my diet. It's anything without a brain, or a skeleton.

>> No.4486137


I can't read the image, what's the almond butter to water ratio there? I was thinking of doing curry tonight and id rather use my already open almond butter than crack open a can of coconut milk that I wont finish.

>> No.4486147

1part water, 2/3 almond-butter

>> No.4486148


>> No.4486149


As this was the only vegan thread on the first page when I got on /ck/ I'm going to assume this is the new vegan general thread.

So, if anyone else starts a vegan thread, could we please direct them to this thread, and tell them to delete their own?

We all know that vegan threads are bait for trolls/shitposting (from both sides), and the last vegan general thread did a pretty good job containing that.

Good idea? Yes? Okay, vegan containment thread, go!

>> No.4486151


The UN just came out advising countries to start eating more insects. Cheap, good source of protein, and better for the environment than eating livestock.

>> No.4486157

Did you start out at that weight, or did you lose to reach that point?

>> No.4486164

By mass?

Also, are they re-using the cauliflower water, since it looks a bit grainy there. I'm wondering how to get the 'thickness' right.

>> No.4486167

Of course insects have brains, and some insects like bees are very complex, intelligent creatures.

Problem is, in agriculture tons of insects die anyway. So is it less ethical to just eat the insects directly rather than have them killed during harvesting and processing?

I only see it as an ethical issue if we start factory farming insects and giving them shitty lives in tubes with no light or ability to move.

>> No.4486176

60gram a.butter per 100 ml water

I guess you could reuse the cauliflower water if you wanted. (I usually leave some cauliflower in it and later use it to make badass soup) Picture just shows my pots being old as fuck and looking scratched.

The sauce will get thick really fast when you heat it. You might even have to add some water later on.

>> No.4486193

I'll eat Vegan food as long as itdon't suck and isn't so pricy. I can do soy milk on my cereal and almond too.

>> No.4486202

There is a thing called being too skinny though.

>> No.4486253

130 at 5'11 isn't unhealthy. I was 120 at 5'10 as a teen before I got into sports.

>> No.4486279

I will definitely be trying this. Looks so good.

>> No.4486290

For someone that's interested in healthier eating, but isn't willing to go vegan, what do you think of Paleo?

>> No.4486313


Going vegetarian is a lot easier than Paleo from my experience. Much harder and inconvenient to give up gluten than meat. More health benefits with vegetarian.

>> No.4486338

Perhaps, but I don't think I could give up meat. Maybe reduce it. Other the other hand, my father has celiac disease and I really ought to get myself tested for it too. And frankly, I think carbs are my biggest enemy right now.

But you're damn right that it's difficult, from what I can tell.

>> No.4486397

If it runs in the family and you think you might have it then yeah probably best to get tested. But at that point just normal gluten-free, rather than Paleo, makes more sense to me.

>> No.4486492

Both gluten free and vegan here.

It is hard, but doable. The hard part isn't the food I can eat, since there's plenty of tasty food on a gluten free vegan diet. It's just what I can't eat that tempts me since bread used to be probably my favorite food. :(

Meat for me is much, much easier to completely stay away from, for ethical reasons. (If you ever want to get rid of your meat cravings, try watching Earthlings or Farm To Fridge. Should do the trick.) Also it's just gross to me. This by the way, is coming from someone who eagerly cut open a frog in biology as the rest of the class screamed "EWWWWW". I guess I'm fine with cutting up carcass, just not putting it anywhere near my mouth. :/

>> No.4486532

are u a grill?

>> No.4486584

>Earthlings or Farm To Fridge
These two videos changed my life. Farm to Fridge makes you never look at meat the same way again, but Earthlings changes your entire outlook of the world.


Free to watch online.

>> No.4487195

Been vegan for a few weeks. This isn't even funny, the amount of energy I have. It's like I'm constantly on a caffeine high.

>> No.4487225


You do know that, short of a gluten allergy, there is no fucking reason not to eat gluten, right? Or do you have such an allergy?

>> No.4487226

Sup veg bro, same thing happened to me actually. Meat and dairy makes you lethargic, a lot of people don't realize it

>> No.4487256

Recently became a vegan. Pleasantly surprised so far

>> No.4487283 [DELETED] 

I started pescetarianism about 3 months ago, and I'm almost ready to transition to vegetarianism! I've tried more things in these 3 months than I probably have in my entire life haha.

>> No.4487286

I started pescetarianism about 3 months ago, and I'm almost ready to transition to vegetarianism! I've tried more things in these 3 months than I probably have in my entire life.

>> No.4487292

stay with pescetarianism or macrobiotics. That way you can have sushi on occasion.

>> No.4487296


>low carb, no sugar diet

I'll start by saying you're a dumbass if you're not eating carbohydrates, and now I have to ask HOW are you not eating carbohydrates on a plant-based diet?

>> No.4487303

I think he means he's not vegan anymore because he switched to paleo or something equally dangerous.

>> No.4487310

Hahaha I'm going to miss sushi so bad. I'm only doing pescetarianism right now because I was afraid I would get sick or give up if I went straight into vegetarianism.

>> No.4487318


Oh. Well still, that's stupid. I hate when people act like not eating carbs, your body's main energy source, is a good idea for a diet. /fit/folk do a similar diet they call Ketosis where you eat only protein and fat and no carbs so your body is forced to burn fat out of desparation, but they do it very short-term because it's a horrible diet that leaves you with no energy or mental focus

Whether you're a normal human being or a fat piece of shit, the best way to get a normal looking body is to carb the fuck up and do some exercise. Diet isn't going to do everything

^ Not directing all that at you either, I'm just using your post to respond with my rant

>> No.4487327

bah, I've been pescetarian for years. I only eat fish like once a week or so. But it's just so damn great to have that nutrient pack natural b12 source. (you only have to eat meat like once a week to have your bodies colony of b12 producing bacteria replenished) Plus it's great to have something you can order and not feel awkward when you go out with your friends.

>> No.4487336

yeah I totally get it. I've done keto in the past fucked up my sex drive for fucking months. And all the fucking estrogen I got from eating so much meat caused me to gain back so much weight after I got off it. (I was a marathon runner and I'd periodically keto my fat [glycogen storage so could run long distance] off when the marathon was over and my training went to a more back to a more normal level)

>> No.4487344

Hey, is this legit?

I'm fat as in fatass and was considering doing keto for some quick weight loss. So you would not advise it right?

>> No.4487345


If you're trying to lose 10 pounds quickly, do keto. If you're trying to lose 100 pounds, get on a bicycle and ride up some hills

>> No.4487347

This is going to sound pretty pathetic but I never learned how to ride a bike...

I do however have an elliptical at home which I've started to use. Will that suffice or am I wasting my time?

>> No.4487349

I know the feeling! I've lost a bunch of weight since I started and I only exercise 2-3 times a week.

>> No.4487350

yeah I'd totally say stay the fuck away from it. The only people who should ever do keto are people who are already healthy and fit and doing it for very short periods of time. Overweight, sendentary, or otherwise unfit people should not. Your endocrine system would not be good enough to take it. You'd risk fucking yourself up way more and becoming more unhealthy for it.

>> No.4487355

Learn how to ride a bike! It's very easy once you get it down. I didn't learn until 7th grade. A friend taught me by doing that stereotypical thing that dads do where they hold on to the handles and then let go.

>> No.4487358


The bicycle thing was more of a metaphor for general physical exercise. An elliptical machine would work too. Whatever you can do to get your heart rate up and burn some calories, while also watching what you're eating

The best advice I can offer you is keep going. So many people give up on weight loss because they spent 20+ years ruining their bodies and then expect to fix it all in a few weeks. Your choice is either put some consistent effort into yourself for a few months, or continue to get worse for the rest of your life. Choose wisely, bro. Good luck

>> No.4487360

You really should learn how to ride a bike man. The eliptical will suffice, but you should learn just because it fucking feels great. Taught myself how when I was 17, been biking for a long time since.

>> No.4487361

B-But I scared.. Every time I've hopped on a bike the first thing I imagine is falling to my side and getting all scrapped up. Thanks for the encouragement though. Honestly I'm an urban dweller so my area isn't that bike friendly.

>> No.4487364

jump rope nigger, it burns about as many calories as jogging and can be done pretty much anywhere.

>> No.4487365

Me too.

My mom wouldn't teach me. I was an inattentive spastic. So, I feel your pain.

Right here especially.
Solid advice here.

>> No.4487367

You don't need to be vegan to eat swiss chard fritata for breakfast. Restricting yourself to a diet is the problem whether it be eating only vegan or avoiding all vegan meals.

>> No.4487371

The vegans and the paleos will duke it out soon, thus casting /ck/ into total chaos.

>> No.4487377

source for cookbook please, your pics drew my attention to the highest point.

>> No.4487379
File: 36 KB, 500x344, 51KcxB+O-wL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatguy here again

Would I look functionally retarded in a tricycle? Imagine seeing a 300lb neckbeard strolling around in a trike. You would think that person has downs right?

>> No.4487383

That would be the most awkward and ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Only a fedora could make it more cringe-worthy.

>> No.4487388

Yeah...please don't do that to yourself. Please.

>> No.4487387

Yeah thought so. Fuck, I guess I need to learn how to into a bike.

>> No.4487390

Most definitely.

>> No.4487392

Holy shit, this looks insanely delicious!

>> No.4487397

Non vegan here, how does one go about making a fritata with eggs? I was thinking of making one, maybe with ham and spinach

>> No.4487399

You're a pescetarian. They eat just fish but as for the insects... you got me.

>> No.4487401

... wait you never learned how to ride a bike?

>> No.4487405


You're a monkey that also eats fish

>> No.4487422

I have a gluten intolerance. Found this out when each time I ate seitan (or other products with a high gluten content) I fell asleep almost immediately, swelled up, woke up in a sweat, and in a confused, grumpy mood.

I can eat gluten, but knowing it causes inflammation in my body like that it's irresponsible of me to eat it. I also have Hashimoto's disease and gluten is one of the foods recommended to be cut out for my condition.

>> No.4487424

Changed mine too. Hard to watch but I'm so glad I did.

>> No.4487429

Oh, and not that long ago I actually went on a gluten binge and ate almost nothing but wheat products for two days. Worst diarrhea I think I've ever had. It was painful.

>> No.4487440

That diet made me the sickest I've been in my life...

It was hard to even lift a pencil to play sudoku.

I don't even remember losing weight, maybe a little. But I think I was actually eating a lot more calories than I usually was so that could have been why I didn't seem to lose much weight.

Would definitely not recommend after my experiences.

Diets should make you feel GOOD.

>> No.4487539

Why is it that every vegan i see who's 40+ and been doing it since they were 20 have that same basset hound looking wrinkly face. And believe me, i've met many.

Im legitimately curious as to what kind of biological mechanism causes that.

>> No.4487548
File: 41 KB, 362x393, 500full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you saw was what a normal 50 year old woman looks like without makeup, which hippies commonly reject.

The meat eaters look like that too underneath those layers of foundation and glop and weekly eyebrow threading and whatever else they get done.

>> No.4487550


Being deathly malnourished

>> No.4487552

Nah m8, its totally out of proportion to middle aged women i meet with low amounts of make up. Its a considerably bigger difference than in that before and after too, if i were to compare the vegan to a middle aged rich white woman.

>> No.4487554

>a dolled up rich white woman
Is what i meant to say

>> No.4487555

>Meets many rich middle aged women who have no make up on
Are you one of those man whores or something?

>> No.4487566

Oh man, i fucking know. That one cute girl in my college class mentioned she was vegan, i mourned for her good looks when shes no longer young.

>> No.4487574


She's going to look 50 by the time she's 30, kinda sad.

>> No.4487579


A college vegan girl is like a college girl who is a lesbian, or a college girl who will sleep with a guy for reasons other than his bank account.

You'll understand what I mean later.

>> No.4487593

I bloody hope so

>> No.4487599

So, how did it feel getting picked on your entire life because girls were stronger than you?

>> No.4487604


>or a college girl who will sleep with a guy for reasons other than his bank account.

Doesn't exist.

>> No.4487608

Thats some low tier fucking auschwitz methods.
I just eat one big meal a day and it keeps me full and its like 1600 calories, barely enough to maintain weight. Also its useful because im lazy and hate cooking often.

>> No.4487659


jeez, what college did you go to? were you already bald or something?

>> No.4487664


Your argument is irrelevant.

>> No.4487707

So what, theres always outliers for any situation. It doesnt mean anything for the general situation to cherry pick one or two very rare cases and go LOOK THATS HOW MOST OF THEM LOOK.

>> No.4487713

>3 out of 4 are black
Nigga pls. That shits unfair and slanted, you know how black people look young for the longest time in comparison to whites. They're up there with asians, except asians turn into a 3 ft oba-chan when they hit maternal age.

>> No.4487719

Some of them arent even vegans, which is an important distinction. Goddamn son you're shit at supporting your case with proper logic.

>> No.4487727

Sounds like they're missing some animal protein or lipids necessary to maintain elasticity of the skin.

>> No.4487740

It's called 'vegan for fit' by Attila Hildmann
It is.
low carb =/= no carb

>> No.4487791

All of them are vegan....

>> No.4487809
File: 82 KB, 522x563, ayi lehyani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more young looking white vegans.

<This is just one off the top of my head who's 53.
Ayi Lehyani.

>> No.4487810

Yeah, that must be it.

>> No.4487846

Not that this says much, but as a vegan of three years people always say I look like I'm fifteen. They're always complimenting me on my skin and asking what I do to make it look so nice. I reckon it does look more radiant these days but I think that might have more to do with exfoliation than my diet since I eat a lot of vegan junk food. Honestly though I've always had the most difficult skin to deal with. It's a combination of dry and oily and my pores have been huge since I was 16 I think due to hormonal issues. So I don't actually know what they're talking about. Going vegan has maybe helped a bit I guess. My skin is less dry at least. It would help more if I ate a healthier vegan diet I'm sure.

When I was donating blood with my mom recently the lady there commented on how young I looked and asked my mom if she gave us a lot of milk. Ha, nope.

I guess the point of me saying all this is 1. my skin has improved since becoming vegan but most importantly, 2. there are many more factors than diet that affect skin quality. Exfoliation and hormonal issues being two, others include things like smoking, diseases (a lot of people go vegan to help with their diseases), sun damage is a big one, and other environmental factors.
So I think it's more important to note the potential of a diet's effects on the skin's beauty rather than the flaws of some who happen to follow a diet. Also vegan diets can vary a lot and not all are nutritious or healthy at all, so you can't just say a vegan diet is unhealthy period. Look at the people who are doing it right and if you're doing it for health reasons, follow their example.

>> No.4487882

>Mimi Kirk - Sexiest Vegetarian
Come on man

>> No.4487891

The problem is, you're just picking out extraordinary people who may have a large variety of different factors, such as genetics, a certain body mechanism or a few things they're not giving out. Its not a very good control as well since they're not exactly a common person, and its still a pretty low number of like 20 people out of hundreds and thousands of vegetarians.

Thats pretty different from the average dildo 50 year old yuppie with the haggard basset hound face.

>> No.4487896

>three years
Hardly long enough, when the question is pertaining to why those 50 year olds have the same odd look to their face from the wrinkles after doing it for 20 years. I've noticed its a mark difference in that group out of ratio to the other groups of 50 year old women.

>> No.4487897

Also, your skin might be healthier not specifically due to the vegan diet, but switching from not giving a fuck about what you eat, to giving a fuck.

>> No.4487901

And this is my last addendum i swear, but using yourself as "proof" is hardly proof, anecdotal evidence is absolutely terrible when its just one person or a few out of a large group. Really, the only time anecdotal evidence has merit to consider is when a large group of people all show a high occurance of something compared to other similar enough groups.

>> No.4487911

I'm a meat loving omnivore, and I still get carded for alcohol and cigarettes even though I'm WAAAAAAY older than that (by many years). So does that mean meat will keep you young? Of course not, it' just means I have good genetics.

>> No.4487916

Actually i lied. This trend was curious enough for me to a bit more research. Apparently the "older vegetarian women have considerably more wrinkles" isnt just a curious trend that me and others have noticed.

There are various studies that have noted that they do indeed get higher rates of wrinkles.


Vegetarians have highly elevated levels of carboxymethyllysine, "a general marker of oxidative stress and long-term damage of proteins in aging, atherosclerosis and diabetes"

>> No.4487928

Im not surprised, humans are a creature of homeostasis. Who knows what obscure metabolic reaction you disrupt through lack or bulk of various organic compounds when you deviate from the required omnivore diet.

>> No.4487936

Im looking around and finding more and more of those "obscure metabolic reactions" getting screwed with by vegetarianism.

You'll probably be interested in this if you're a weight lifter. Although it comes as no surprise to someone from /fit/, that being a vegetarian makes it a metric fuck ton more difficult to gain muscle.


>> No.4487953

>Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) is found exclusively in animal tissues.

Theres that word coming up again.


>> No.4488185

Never said 3 years was long enough, in fact I said the opposite, "not that this says much, but", "but I think it might have more to do with exfoliation than my diet since I eat a lot of vegan junk food."

I have only met one old vegetarian but she wasn't vegetarian all her life and she smokes.


I actually don't give a fuck what I eat at all. In fact I cared more about how "healthy" the food I was eating was as an omnivore because I always struggled with my weight. When I went vegan the weight fell off me so I started eating a bunch of junk food because I thought I could get away with it.


I didn't say it was proof... Again, I said the opposite. Christ, you people have poor reading comprehension. I was merely using my story to make a point.

>> No.4488188
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Just saying.

>> No.4488190
File: 102 KB, 600x669, mimikirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh gee I sure want to look like I'm 60 when I'm 70, that will sure be a huge fucking deal.

>> No.4488195

looks rather 70 to me. hair die and make up is nothing new

>> No.4488196

Calm down boyo, i wasnt specifically talking about you. Just pointing out that kind of logic and making it clearer.

>> No.4488197


Any diet is easy on the first day, sometimes even the first week. But it'll begin to chew on you, and ultimately your veganism will keep itself afloat on arrogance and/or pride while you start to loath non-vegans for not suffering along with you.

>> No.4488198
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Whoo, cherry picking. I can do it too.

>> No.4488201
File: 101 KB, 720x525, Nigella vs Hippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing what make-up, activity, and not over-eating can do.

>> No.4488209

Dont get me started on how little people actually know about diet. Just keep your calories at body weight maintenance level and eat a healthy variety of foods while doing weight lifting every so often and you're all good.

Or even worse, morbidly obese people who delude themselves into thinking they'll always be fat. "It doesnt matter how much i eat, i'll always gain weight". When they can eat 4500 and still lose weight. I struggle to goddamn eat 2700 calories to just gain weight.

If it were somehow true they should donate their whale carcass to science, so we may somehow discover a way to violate thermodynamics and create energy from nothing.

>> No.4488213

>being a vegetarian makes it a metric fuck ton more difficult to gain muscle.

I struggled with gaining muscle most of my life, then when I went vegan I gained 30lbs of muscle within two years.

There are plenty of world class athletes that are vegan or vegetarian. Look at Tim Bradley, the welterweight boxing champion of the world. Vegan, ripped as holy hell, and undefeated in his boxing career.

Or look at Carl Lewis, vegan athlete who has like 10 Olympic gold medals.

>> No.4488217
File: 87 KB, 781x643, nigella lawson argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win.

>> No.4488220

They're an minority and i have no idea how they manage it. They must have some iron goddamn will. And thats just boxers alone, who dont need large amounts of muscle. Vegetarian power lifters are like unicorns, unicorns with test-e for blood.

>Photoshopped image of the governator recovering from a surgery
Step it up son

>> No.4488227

Is that photoshopped?

Didn't know.

Anyway, I originally made the image to show how irrelevant the one with Nigella Lawson was.

There are so many factors that determine how well you age beyond genetics and diet that unless the person looks freakishly young for their age and they have a specific diet I don't think it says much.

>> No.4488229

And speaking of freakishly young looking:

>> No.4488230

>Body builder
>Not on steroids
That shit aint vegan. The leanest lean body mass that has been confirmed to be natural by scientists was 24. Body builders are all 27+ and above. Totally not suspicious at all.

>> No.4488236

You also look at body builders from before there were steroids, and they were all around the 23-24 mark. Its not like weight training has changed since then either, its just picking heavy shit up in a form that minimizes injury.

Shits going to stay the same so long as the human body stays the same.

>> No.4488251
File: 64 KB, 960x710, 550730_411433688911541_1522798804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billy Simmonds, Mr. Natural Universe (no steroids allowed.)

I don't know about Jim Morris and I'm too lazy to look it up, but off the top of my head I know Billy Simmonds uses no steroids.

>> No.4488276

I thought they didn't eat animal products.

>> No.4488285

>not knowing how easy it is to fly under the radar of drug tests

>> No.4488287

It's an egg-less and cheese-less frittata.


>> No.4488289

How easy is it?

>> No.4488313

Bags of someone elses piss tied to your thigh and prosthetic dick, no ones going to be looking straight at it. And the very nature of steroid use. You do it in cycles and can time it so that its at its lowest and undetectable, while maintaining some of your muscle mass. Still not as huge as you'd be at your peak, but still pretty high.

>> No.4488315

>prosthetic dick
Fake dicks these days have gone far. Have you seen the ones on those freaks of cock porn videos? You can look straight at it and not even tell

>> No.4488338

Dunno about the natural ones, but the others, its kind of an open secret. So long as you arent a retard and going full crusing with steroids, and you stay subtle about it.

>> No.4488348

Reminder that (almost certainly) athletes in all competitive sports use steroids or other PEDs, and the use is probably inversely proportionate to the amount of publicity PED use has in the sport (IE, cycling probably has less PED use at this point than, for example, soccer)

>> No.4488391

Whys it even a big goddamn deal?
Its "unfair" despite the incredible amount of research you've got to do on your own, and putting things at risk if you're a retard.

Asides from that the commies used steroids first, so it was un-american and made you a dirty communist.

If its a matter of fairness you could just split between natural and steroid competitions.

Though it'll end up like men and womens sports, no one watching the womens except for the butts.

>> No.4488530

Pescetarians eat eggs and milk though.

Is pescan a good term for it?

The term vegan comes from it being "the beginning and end of vegetarian", so pescan should be trated the same way I think

>> No.4488535

They're a minority because vegetarians are a minority, no other reason.

There isn't a single nutrient that is in animal products that can't be gained from vegan sources. The "meat = strong" image is nothing but a perception created through marketing.

The buffest guy I've personally known was a vegan gymnast (rings specialist) at Stanford. Dude was a fucking beast. No steroids, simply hardcore training since childhood and a great diet.

>> No.4488559

>The "meat = strong" image is nothing but a perception created through marketing.
Not just marketing. Eating meat, particularly beef has a social status element that goes back through many generations in the Western world. This goes double in places where wartime memories of not being able to get meat are still reasonably fresh.

The idea of willingly going without seems to some like selling short their social standing, or failing to appreciate living in a time of plenty.

>> No.4488561

fritata also works well with onion and asparagus.
mfw i have no face to show the glories after my grandmother sent me home with a fuckton of this

>> No.4488567

I can't live without dairy products even if I did give up meat, and plants taste like dirt for the most part. Plus the isms that go with veganism are ludicrously retarded, and I'm happy to be an omnivore.

I've been trying a gluten-free diet and it's been hard as hell, and fucking pricey. Been losing a lot of weight though, and feeling less depressed.

>> No.4488568

Yeah, it is a social image thing as well, but it's not valid in this day and age. It's as ridiculous as thinking eating spinach will turn you into the hulk.

>> No.4488572
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>> No.4488575

>says plants taste like dirt
>is fat and depressed

Big surprise.

>> No.4488580

Doesn't change the fact plants taste like dirt. And cooking them doesn't help either, they taste like stagnant water or dirt with whatever seasonings you put on them.

>> No.4488595

What do you eat? All cuisines are dominantly plant foods. Hamburgers? Bun. Tomato. Lettuce. Spices. Sauce. Plant foods, man. Unless you're eating plain meat 24/7 then you're eating plant foods in all your meals.

>> No.4488606



>> No.4488614


>that valley man

God damn. 111 years old and he's hardly got a wrinkle, and still mentally spry

>> No.4488617


Sometimes vegetarian/vegan is used interchangeably but mean the same thing. She's talked about how she hasn't had animal products since she was in her late 20s

>> No.4488633
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Megan Fox ordered a vegan birthday cake that she ate while on the set of the new ninja turtles movie.


>> No.4488637

Black don't crack.

>> No.4488641


>they taste like stagnant water or dirt with whatever seasonings you put on them

Nigger, plants ARE seasonings. Even when you're cooking steak, you're putting rosemary or pepper or whatever else on it to make it taste better

>> No.4488650

>The "meat = strong" image is nothing but a perception created through marketing.
Not neccessarily. There are plenty of protein and compounds you can only find in animal tissues that make it easier to maintain and gain muscle. Like creatine and carnosine, the studies of which you can see earlier in the thread.

>> No.4488672

>Yeah, it is a social image thing as well, but it's not valid in this day and age
Bullshit. You'll meet plenty of rich kid vegetarians and vegans. They don't need to eat meat to affirm their status. See what happens when you suggest a poor person in the Western world to go without meat. They act like you're trying to cheat them.

>> No.4488688

Valid not in the sense that people no longer think this way, but that it's nonsensical to equate meat to wealth when we subsidize the shit out of meat and dairy to the point that they're dirt cheap.

Poor people in this country are the ones who are most obese. Calories and protein aren't an issue of money for America.

>> No.4488694


Strength and hypertrophy are two different things. Creatine will fill your muscles with water and make them puffier, but a bodybuilder is not stronger than a powerlifter

>> No.4488705

>protein and compounds you can only find in animal tissues
Creatine is made from biosynthesis of amino acids. All that matters is you get those amino acids. You can get it from meat, from plants, doesn't matter, so long as you get the amino acids your body will synthesize creatine.

Not to mention we have supplements available for every thing now, if supplements are your thing. There truly isn't a single nutrient that isn't either in a plant directly, or in a supplement.

>> No.4488736

>it's nonsensical to equate meat to wealth when we subsidize the shit out of meat and dairy to the point that they're dirt cheap.
The wealthy know this. The poor do not.

>> No.4488762
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Why must these threads always derail into fitness and other bullshit? It's called Food & Cooking, people. We have a /fit before for a reason.

That said, I love Gardein.

>> No.4488768

Food is very closely tied to health, which is what /fit/ is half of. And a thread about diets, theres always going to be overlap when it comes to the efficiency of it for certain things, like comparing a high meat diet to veganism for weight lifting.

>> No.4488773

>Creatine will fill your muscles with water and make them puffier
Thats only one mechanism. It allows you to have larger stores of ATP, an energy needed for your muscles to function before having to resort to aerobic reactions, which is considerably more inefficient.

It also increases the number of actual fibers, so it does increase muscle mass and strength beyond water retention.

>> No.4488774

Shits pretty much steroid-lite. Worst side effect is you'll fuck yourself up during the loading phase if you dont drink more water due to pulling most of it into your muscles.

>> No.4488794

>comparing a high meat diet to veganism for weight lifting.
There are ripped omnivores, and ripped vegans. End of story. Consume enough nutrients, work hard, gain muscle. We don't need to have a cock comparing contest between these two diets every day.

>> No.4488801

>we dont need
No, no we do. Its entertaining, if you're not the person who sees an argument as something offensive and worth getting angry over.

>> No.4488836
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veggie burgers give me a hard on, can't lie

>> No.4488861
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>> No.4488864
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>> No.4488872


Vegan icecream does actually taste identical to dairy ice cream. I went to a vegan ice cream parlor in Manhattan, Lula's, and no way in hell would I have known my sundae was vegan.

>> No.4488877

Maybe that's just Lula's. Everytime I've had vegan ice cream it has tasted quite unlike standard. Some have been oversweetened to cover up the soy taste. Really, sorbet should be good enough; it's always vegan and generally good.

>> No.4488878


>> No.4488895

It's the only vegan ice cream parlor I've been to, so can't say. Coconut icecream I can tell isn't dairy, but if soy or rice milk ice cream has other flavors in it I can't tell.

>> No.4488915

what's agave dicksoft

>> No.4488920

I've been using and enjoying agave lately. Got a bunch of random agave products for free, so figured may as well use them, and the maple syrup at least tastes the same as normal maple syrup.

>> No.4488929

agave-syrup. It's a sweetener.

today I found lime and cranberry infused agave-syrup while shopping. So amazing.

>> No.4489038
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Vegetarianism is the cure imo.

>> No.4489255



Pick one. Sure, it's silly, but Paleo isn't dangerous.

>> No.4489275


/fit/izen here to tell reiterate this point. Keto diets are retarded and only the fattest of people ever need to be on them.

>the best way to get a normal looking body is to carb the fuck up and do some exercise.

That doesn't sound like SS+GOMAD

>> No.4489294


If you want to lose weight, all you need to do is eat fewer calories than you burn.

If you want to get healthy, you need to lose weight, and LIFT WEIGHTS. This is important. Lifting weights gives you all of the benefits of cardio, with more benefits. Lifting makes you stronger, it makes your heart stronger, it makes your bones denser. Stronger people are harder to kill than weaker people, and more useful in general. I can't think of a better definition of healthy.

Download Starting Strength and read it, then find a gym and start lifting. It will make you a better, happier, more respected, better liked person.

>> No.4489314

I'm on a "clean gains" diet, whatever that means, but when I'm staying over a friend's that goes out the window

>> No.4489326

>Stronger people are harder to kill than weaker people
>Download Starting Strength
I knew the moment I saw that first line that you'd talk about Starting Strength. A program created by a guy who looks fat.

I'm all for exercise, but seriously, harder to kill? This isn't the age of Conan the fucking Barbarian. Unless you're engaging in Karate Kid fights on a regular basis being stronger has very few practical purposes in life.

Never have I in my life thought, "Gee, I wish I could deadlift 500 lbs, that would come in so handy at this moment."

>> No.4489327

are you sure you get the benefits of cardio from lifting

>> No.4489328


I never understood this whole 'omg so-and-so partisan film changed my life' thing. If a subject interests me, I do some research and think about it. Why go for the pre-packaged memetic imprinter that's expressly designed to modify your behaviour in a manner judged desirable by its authors, regardless of the merits of this mode of behaviour?

This isn't really a vegan thing, more of 'anything a person can get all fired up about' thing, so polite sage for off topic.

>> No.4489336

It might take a while to learn, but don't give up. I was miserable at learning how to ride for years, then just recently it started making sense, somehow, and now it's pretty easy.

>> No.4489338


>> No.4489341

Only if you over-think it and worry. If you want to ride a trike, go for it! I think they're neat - with the big-ass basket in the back, you can easily haul stuff around, which might make it easier to integrate biking into your routine - buying groceries and so on.

>> No.4489349

Same here: hard-drinking, hard-smoking, meat lover, 27 years old, and I still get carded (18's the legal age hereabouts

>> No.4489350

Different mediums work for different people. I personally am most impacted sometimes by just researching things, but for others it takes the music, the narration, and the images of a documentary in combo to make a change.

Documentaries are awesome. People should always look into things themselves afterwards, of course, but documentaries open the doors and are highly accessible.

>> No.4489351

>, 27 years old
Plenty of places card you out of policy if you look younger than 40, so not really surprising.

>> No.4489362

But I like the soy flavour!

As an omnivore, real ice cream's better, though.

>> No.4489391
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Taste preferences are mostly just a matter of time. I hated non-dairy icecream at first, and now I'm addicted as hell to So Delicious' icecream products.

If food culture were reverse ,and soy ice cream was the norm and dairy a minority, most people would go, "WTF, dairy ice cream is weird," simply since it's not what their taste preferences are accustomed to.

>> No.4489434

It's not as simple as swopping things around. Ice cream is the product of the physical properties of cows' milk, and soy ice cream emerged later, to mimic ice cream and cater to the preferences of vegans.

A dessert based on the physical properties of soy milk would be something like douhua (which is delicious) and a cows' milk-based mimic of it would be very odd indeed.

>> No.4489450

Eggs are shit. You can get the same effect with countless forms of flour.

Keep on enjoying ur chicken menstrual discharges though, freak.

>> No.4489455

>cater to the preferences of vegans.
The main market for milk alternatives is lactose intolerant people I'm guessing.

Just replacing milk with soy milk in an icecream recipe will create soy milk icecream. The physical properties aren't that different for icecream, and soy milk has been around for over two thousand years.

>> No.4489457

>Eggs are shit. You can get the same effect with countless forms of flou

True, eggs are extremely easy to replace in recipes without any difference in taste. But, we grow up reading "add 1 egg" etc. in every recipe since we were kids, so it's natural to think eggs are a necessity for cooking even if it's not true.

>> No.4489459

That's going to upset quite a few people.

>> No.4489469

>flour fritatta
oh god i threw up in my mouth

Sounds like unnecessary change. It's up to personal choice I suppose.

>> No.4489544

Replacing eggs has health benefits (eggs are cholesterol bombs) and environmental benefits, since the products commonly used to replace them have less of a carbon footprint, etc. Plus there is the ethical issue of hen-lying chickens treated like crap, and all the millions of newborn male chicks that are ground up alive in hatcheries since they have no economic value.

For something like scrambled eggs, yeah you need to use eggs if you want it to be the same. But for baking, I think eggs are becoming a thing of the past slowly. The company Beyond Eggs is producing a cheaper, healthier version of eggs for commercial production that I imagine most companies will use.

After all, nobody will care whether or not there's an egg in their Snickers or Twinkie if it tastes the same.

>> No.4489560

Dietary Cholesterol =/= Blood Cholesterol

>> No.4489567

Dietary cholesterol is different from the cholesterol that clog up your arteries. Eggs are very healthy.

I'd suggest there are better and easier ways of helping the environment than reducing egg hatcheries, although I agree to a certain extent. I don't buy cage laid eggs etc. unless absolutely necessary.

I'd need to try egg substitutes to see if they changed the texture or flavor though, especially when used in relatively large proportions for baking.

>> No.4489579
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>Dietary cholesterol is different from the cholesterol that clog up your arteries. Eggs are very healthy.
It feels like one study came out, and now everyone jumps the gun on thinking dietary cholesterol is okay, just because it justifies being able to eat as much as you want.

Every health organization still advises against consuming too much red meat, eggs, and dairy due to the saturated fat and cholesterol.

You can't simply look at one study, you have to look at many meta-analysis. And the evidence currently is that eggs, dairy, meat = HELLO HEART DISEASE.




>> No.4489585


so many of you vegans don't know very much about science in general. not all cholesterol is bad. I knew that before I took biochemistry in uni. I noticed that all of my fellow biochem and nutrition majors were omnivores, not a single vegan. yet they're are plenty of vegans in my British literature lecture. wonder why.

>> No.4489590

Again, you and most of the world fail at logic and go ahead with the correlation is causation approach.

>Every health organization still advises against consuming too much red meat, eggs, and dairy due to the saturated fat and cholesterol.
It's not even theory they're throwing out there, it's conjecture. Of course consuming "too much" meat is bad for you, but I'm pretty sure consuming "too much" fucking grains causes heart disease as well. Not to mention overeating those foods is associated with an already unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle.

Lord forbid they learn what a fucking controlled experiment is.

>> No.4489591


inb4 capitalization hurrrr durrr. on the phone.

>> No.4489594

They cause the cholesterol to build up, overconsumption is obviously bad. Just because an item of food has high dietary cholesterol doesn't mean it will impart a similar amount of blood cholesterol. A few eggs aren't going to give you heart disease.

>> No.4489595

>not all cholesterol is bad
nope but its a fact the cholesterol in eggs red meat and dairy is

>> No.4489603

Too much water is bad for you as well. By your logic, we should avoid water entirely. and the correlation causation.

I have a lineup of 10 morbidly obese people, and make the observation they are all wearing khaki pants. because they share that identical feature, the conclusion I make is that khaki pants cause morbid obesity.

see how fucking dumb that is?

>> No.4489608

>"too much" meat i
The issue for Americans is that often they compare their consumption to others around them, and since theirs seems average they think it's not in the "too much" category.

When in reality Americans on average consume 40% more eggs than the world on average, and our dairy and meat consumption rates are out of this fucking world.

What is a "normal" consumption rate to us, is in fact a very unhealthy rate of consumption.

FFS, we consume nearly 300lbs of meat per person every year.

>> No.4489609

But contributes anywhere from 25% to less than 10% of your blood cholesterol (depending on what agency you believe). Consuming animal products also cause the body to produce more HDL.

Also, the CDC site is full of shit. Nuts and seeds have cholesterol too.

>> No.4489611

>it's conjecture
Health organizations make their decisions based upon reading all the available literature and coming to a consensus on it.

You think one study saying cholesterol isn't bad for you overthrows the hundreds of studies showing it causes heart disease? I have a beach front property to sell ya.

>> No.4489612

>Nuts and seeds have cholesterol too

What? Cholesterol is produced by the liver. Nuts and seeds do not have livers. Only animal products contain cholesterol. And a few rare cases of bacteria.

>> No.4489613

That's not relevant to this argument now is it? More faulty logic, somehow you're trying to argue that eggs are inherently bad because of cholesterol, because a bunch of bubbas start the day with four eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy.

America's horrible decay is not on trial here, whether or not reasonable consumption of dietary cholesterol is a major risk for heart disease is.

>> No.4489620

you are hopeless.

hdl, ldl. educate yourself. eggs have hdl, the kind our body NEEDS to function. ldl paired with saturated fats is what is bad. twenty years ago we thought they were the same, but with tech we found the results were vastly different.

Please please PLEASE pick up a biochemistry book, or browse ncbi.gov. you will be surprised at how skewed media and the average ignorant person is.

>> No.4489621

Of course eggs aren't inherently bad, and if you eat them in moderation it won't have any detrimental effects. But that's not really applicable since most people don't eat them in moderation. They have them for breakfast, and then in all their baked goods, so that they end up eating way over the recommended limits.

>> No.4489624

>Health organizations make their decisions based upon reading all the available literature and coming to a consensus on it.
And often no part of it involves proper experimentation. It's just an academic circle-jerk, completely tainted by whatever "common knowledge" is being passed around that year.

Look it up. Some plaints have LDL.

>> No.4489626

>browse ncbi.gov.



Dietary cholesterol raises the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol and, therefore, adversely affects the cholesterol profile. The advice to limit cholesterol intake by reducing consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods may therefore still be valid.


"A widespread misconception has been developing among the Canadian public and among physicians. It is increasingly believed that consumption of dietary cholesterol and egg yolks is harmless. There are good reasons for long- standing recommendations that dietary cholesterol should be limited to less than 200 mg/day; a single large egg yolk contains approximately 275 mg of cholesterol (more than a day's worth of cholesterol). Although some studies showed no harm from consumption of eggs in healthy people, this outcome may have been due to lack of power to detect clinically relevant increases in a low-risk population. Moreover, the same studies showed that among participants who became diabetic during observation, consumption of one egg a day doubled their risk compared with less than one egg a week"

...So, you tell someone to go to a website that directly contradicts your own argument and supports theirs? Hmm.

>> No.4489628

Then what the hell is your goal?

Do you propose telling people to stop eating eggs altogether won't fall upon deaf ears as telling them being fat as fuck causes heart disease has?

>> No.4489632

>Look it up. Some plaints have LDL.
Plants have phytosterols. Not cholesterol. You look it up, I just did.

Cholesterol = produced by liver
Plants = no liver
Thus plants = no cholesterol

>> No.4489637

When did I say to stop eating them all together? I called them cholesterol bombs and said replacing them has health benefits. Which it does since most people overconsume the fuck out of eggs.

Replacing eggs has health benefits =/= if you eat any eggs whatsoever it's unhealthy

>> No.4489638


cholesterol production in the liver increases with a diet high in saturated fats, not dietary cholesterol, which actually aids the liver's biochemical duties.

again, I sound like a broken record, but this is all basic biochemistry. you STILL do not understand there are 2 vastly different kinds of cholesterol. that's 9th grade biology, man.

>> No.4489639
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>> No.4489652

Why does everyone expect vegans to eat weird food, I swear. Even what OP posted looks weird as fuck.

Mostly, I'll eat veggie burgers, burritos, pasta. No fucking weird salads or any of that shit, I don't get why that's expected of us.

>> No.4489659

I minored in nutrition. No expert, obviously, but I studied enough to know damned well about cholesterol. Trying to insult my knowledge on the topic is a little strange when you don't know the difference between phtyosterol and cholesterol and insist plants produce cholesterol :\

>> No.4489669
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Actually, that was me not him.

Isn't anonymity fun?

I fucking love salads, there's so much you can do with them, but for some reason vegans can make the grossest looking shit, I agree.

>> No.4489672

Not the guy you're replying to, but there's no point in quoting abstracts as the absolute truth of the matter, we need to read the studies themselves to accurately assess the conclusions.

What constitutes a 'low-risk population'? What constitutes a 'high-risk population'? If we're talking unhealthy fat as fat ass individuals for the latter, then of course cutting back on all kinds of things is beneficial for them that might not exactly benefit people from a 'low-risk population'.

>> No.4489674

Seems you've failed basic anatomy and physiology.

>> No.4489671

>browse ncbi.gov.
You are aware that the first search result on that site is a guide for treating high cholesterol, which says to limit consumption of egg yolks, right?


"he first step in controlling your cholesterol is to eat a balanced diet and to be more active. Even small changes can make a big difference. Your doctor or nurse may recommend a special cholesterol-lowering diet. The cholesterol-lowering diet follows simple guidelines like:

Eating a variety of foods, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Limiting fat calories to 35 percent or less of total calories eaten each day.
Limiting foods with cholesterol in them, like egg yolks.
Eating foods with fiber in them, like whole grains."

>> No.4489676

>severely allergic to all nuts
yeah, not even going to try

>> No.4489677

>No fucking weird salads or any of that shit, I don't get why that's expected of u
Frittata is still in the "normal food" realm. Compared to shit like burritos, pasta, pizza, and burgers it might seem exotic, but...

>> No.4489679

Please don't tell me you're the guy who thinks plants have livers telling someone they failed physiology.

>> No.4489684

What's good for high cholesterol patients may not actively benefit 'normal' cholesterol patients.

I'd also contest that the people who wrote this are confused, as it's the trans fats that cause blood cholesterol to rise, much more than dietary cholesterols.

>> No.4489688

Sat. fats produce LDL cholesterol, the kind that clogs your arteries. Unsat. fats produce HDL cholesterol, which cleans your arteries. There is more unsat. fat that sat. fat in eggs, so the HDL makes up for the smaller amounts of LDL produced.

>> No.4489699

JESUS CHRIST! That really looks like some righteous turd... but then you vegan, vegatarians really do have a problem with reality don't you?

>> No.4489702

Agave is still mostly fructose.. Which is sugar. just not refined sugar.

>> No.4489709

The fritata? That website's recipes are incredible, I can attest. I'd eat it.

>> No.4489716

>thinks 'natural' bodybuilders are natural
It just means they use less.

Regardless, you can be a vegan bodybuilder, but most of your protein comes from legumes and SPANISH PEANUTS. none of this soy bullshit.

>> No.4489741

I personally love soy isolate. I've gotten the best results with it.

>> No.4489769

>another fucking vegan thread

Jesus Christ /ck/

>> No.4489789

A couple a day is fine, seeing as we have dozens of meat threads per day.

>> No.4489829


>decide to work out and build muscle
>need hundreds of grams of protein daily
>decide that the best choice is an extremely high, daily intake of soy protein that's full of phytoestrogens
>this is not counterproductive at all

>> No.4489840

>phytoestrogens are one thing that all act the same
>phytoestrogens reduce muscle mass

Cool stuff.

>> No.4489871

How did this myth start in the first place? Long story short, the most comprehensive meta analysis of soy shows no effects upon testosterone or any effect on muscle mass.

I've tried every protein isolate imaginable, for years at a time. I notice no difference on any of them, personally.

>> No.4490368

>, the most comprehensive meta analysis of soy shows no effects upon testosterone or any effect on muscle mass.

that's the commie line and you know it.

>>>/pol/ with me and we will get to the bottom of this.

>> No.4490605

Soy is nature's golden boy. All that says otherwise is propaganda.

>> No.4490613

>flour fritatta
>oh god i threw up in my mouth

>has never had a chickpea (flour) fritatta

Stay ignant, nigga.

>> No.4490644
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OP here. Today I am making bahn mi. Very excited.

>> No.4490673

I will, thanks.
You turnip sucking nancy. ^_^

>> No.4490920
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>> No.4490925

I've been a vegetarian for nearly a decade now and I've been thinking for the last month or so about making that transition into veganism. If I have time tonight to go to the grocery store then tonight is probably the night I'll be making that move.

>> No.4490928


theppk.com has been the most helpful site for me so far. I've made seven recipes so far, all have been phenomenal.

>> No.4490929


Never had one.

>sucking nancy

Never sucked on nancy. Are her tits nice?

>> No.4490931

vegan is an affront to all things culinary

hide vegan threads

ignore vegan posts

discredit vegan posters

>> No.4490932

>syrup bottle if you look closely says 420 blaze it faggot
>my sides

>> No.4490934

Thanks anon. I'll check it out.

>> No.4490951

>vegan is an affront to all things culinary
Which is why there are so many fine cuisine restaurants in NYC, like the 2 Michelin Starred Kajitsu?

>> No.4490957


These people complaining about vegans all live in shit states like Texas where they take all their vegetables and feed them to animals because being inbred ranchers who have lived on the same plot of land for 20 generations, meat is the only thing they know how to not ruin.

If you suggest to them that there are entire cultures in other parts of the world that eat a delicious majority vegetarian diet, their head would explode and they'd call their preacher for spiritual guidance

>> No.4490994

You are a halfwit cunt, who knows nothing about Texas. I don't even live there, but I've visited frequently, and some of the most delicious veggie dishes I've ever had were in Texas. Could you be more ignorant?

>> No.4490999

>implying owning land is a bad thing.
Enjoy living in your tiny little box like the vermin you are.

>> No.4491031

What are the health benefits of not eating dairy? I don't want to become a complete vegan, but as a vegetarian I feel like I have too much dairy in my diet and I have thought about replacing some of it with vegan alternatives. Is this a waste of time or does veganism have significant health benefits as opposed to vegetarianism?

>> No.4491041

>shit states like Texas
Texas has one of the largest vegan populations. Let's not stereotype.

>> No.4491042

Vegans don't eat eggs.

So what you made either could not be a frittata or you're not a vegan.

>> No.4491053

Did you even look at the recipe posted? It uses tofu and nutritional yeast.

>> No.4491054


Most people don't get enough vitamin D due to indoor lifestyles. Skipping dairy is only going to make this worse.

Also dairy is an easier way to maintain the correct intake of the right amino acids in the right proportions.

>> No.4491062

>not being outside for at least an hour a day
>needing vitamin D added to milk
>not eating other sources of vitamin D

You *have* to be kidding me.

>> No.4491065

How do vegans cope with that then? And I'll still be eating dairy and eggs a couple of times a week I suppose, so I'm not too worried about it being bad for my health. Are there other foods that help balance amino acids?

>> No.4491068

>How do vegans cope with that then?
Go outside in the sun, acquire vitamin D.

>> No.4491070


I take it you're a student who lives in Florida or some shit?

Try working an office job in the northern latitudes during the depths of winter. This simply isn't possible.

>> No.4491071

I live in N. Canada. I do things outside and eat lots of fish in the winter.

You don't need milk for vitamin D, that is retarded. Take a vitamin D supplement if you are concerned.

>> No.4491073


Almond, rice, soy, hemp, etc. milks all have lots of vitamin D.

>> No.4491074

I live in england, we don't see the sun much. But I've never had a problem with lack of vitamin D before, and I don't eat fish, which is one of the main sources I think?

Getting back to my original question though, has anyone got any benefits of eating less dairy and more vegan substitutes?

>> No.4491075

That's good to know, thanks.

>> No.4491076

>any benefits of eating less dairy
My acne went completely away, so did my allergies for the most part.

>> No.4491078


I'm not a vegan, so I'm not concerned in the least bit. My point was that, in regard to that other poster's question, giving up dairy and meat forces you to work a lot harder at avoiding dietary deficiencies. Vitamin D supplements, for example, always come from fish as far as I'm aware. Maybe there are some that don't, but I've never looked into it.

>> No.4491079

Research is indicating we need more vitamin D than previously thought. In the winter I take 3000 IU a day. In the spring-fall I am outside a lot so I don't worry.

But yeah, vitamin D is important so take a pill if you are concerned.

>> No.4491083

>a lot harder at avoiding dietary deficiencies

Like what? Soy milk has more nutrients than dairy. Meat is one of the least nutrient dense foods.

>> No.4491084

>Vitamin D supplements, for example, always come from fish as far as I'm aware.
Only if it is actually fish oil.

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) often comes from fungal sources or lanolin (wool).

>> No.4491086

>Meat is one of the least nutrient dense foods.
Not really, it has lots of iron, protein, B vitamins, etc. It is very dense in nutrients.

>> No.4491087


Like vitamin D, you tard.

Do Canadians think fish is a vegetable?

>> No.4491089

Ron Swanson says it is.

>> No.4491094

That would definitely be a plus for me. How long into cutting out dairy did you notice those changes if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.4491097

So wait - people think milk is the only source of vitamin D or what? It isn't a good natural source of vitamin D, it is added during processing.

You might as well take a supplement and cut out the dairy middleman.

>> No.4491101

This makes no sense, though.

1 cup of Silk soy milk = 30% DV of vitamin D
1 cup of 2% milk = 20% DV of vitamin D

Milk contains only trace amounts of vitamin D naturally. It is fortified with vitamin D, just like soy milk.

So many products are fortified now a days that you'll get 100% DV without even thinking about it.

>> No.4491105

It is easy to get enough vitamin D, you just have to give it some thought. This goes for vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

>> No.4491108


In theory, not at all. In practice, most people do not eat a balanced diet. This is why things like breakfast cereal, bread, and milk contain added stuff, because it's simpler than getting an entire population of inbreds and retards to listen to complicated dietary advice and lots of diseases and birth defects can be eliminated by adding 1/20th of a cent worth of powder to every box of prepackaged garbage food.

/ck/ never ceases to amaze me with its ignorance about the way the world works outside mom's basement

>> No.4491113

>/ck/ never ceases to amaze me with its ignorance about the way the world works outside mom's basement
Just because your peers are "inbred and retarded" doesn't mean this applies to everyone else.

>> No.4491115


Yes, and seatbelts exist because your peers don't know how to drive.

Stay in the basement, the world is dangerous.

>> No.4491119

>outside mom's basement
>Stay in the basement

Projecting? Projecting.

>> No.4491122

>In theory, not at all. In practice, most people do not eat a balanced diet. This is why things like breakfast cereal, bread, and milk contain added stuff, because it's simpler than getting an entire population of inbreds and retards to listen to complicated dietary advice and lots of diseases and birth defects can be eliminated by adding 1/20th of a cent worth of powder to every box of prepackaged garbage food.
What does this have to do with vegans getting vitamin D from non-dairy sources?

>> No.4491124


Projecting means I was right.

And you've never heard of public health policy? Seriously nigger? Try reading a book some time.

>> No.4491125


The milk contained all the vitamin D they were getting. Thread moving too fast for you?

>> No.4491126

What are you ranting about? I said people might as well take a vitamin D supplement and you are going on about public health policy?

We aren't talking about people who don't care about their health. We are talking about people who obviously think about their diet and are concerned with Vitamin D intake.

>> No.4491130

>The milk contained all the vitamin D they were getting. Thread moving too fast for you?
So they don't go outside or eat other dietary sources of vitamin D?

>> No.4491133


Refer back to my original post where I literally said "dairy makes it easier".

If you're putting though into it, that's great, but prior to quitting dairy, you never had to think about vitamin D.

>> No.4491137


You haven't read the thread. Stop posting until you've caught up.

>> No.4491144

>If you're putting though into it, that's great, but prior to quitting dairy, you never had to think about vitamin D.
Must be why vitamin D deficiency in N. America is a problem even with dairy supplementation.

>> No.4491152

I wonder if anyone has looking into the efficacy of vitamin D supplements vs. natural sources. I.E.: are they as effective?

>> No.4491157


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not because there's some debate on whether the conventional wisdom about vitamin D is correct. But yes, according to some people, it is a problem in N. America. And if you believe that, you might need to take a supplement (which is safer than sunbathing habitually, in any case).

>> No.4491162

>"dairy makes it easier".

This doesn't make sense, though, since as has been shown milk alternatives have MORE vitamin D than milk. How can it be easier to get it with dairy if soy milk has 10% more vitamin D than milk?

>> No.4491164


It's easier because very few people drink soy milk in the west, because many people consider it disgusting. Also, soy milk doesn't contain calcium.

>> No.4491181

>soy milk doesn't contain calcium.

Silk soy milk has 50% more calcium than milk.

>> No.4491205


great, so one brand of soy milk has calcium.

are you in denial about how much extra work you put into not having nutrient deficiencies? you remind me of a loonix evangelist on /g/, insisting that all that extra time installing non-free codecs and working around upstream bugs on his precious freetard distro, just to have a system that almost works as well as windows or os X out of the box, never actually happened and/or was time well spent.

>> No.4491218
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This thread has turned into a shitfest much faster than expected.

>> No.4491219
File: 1.67 MB, 864x2741, asparagus part2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4492489

Thinking of trying out a new diet that is similar to the okinawan diet, but with slightly more servings of red meats and dairy to keep them tasty fats, so pretty much shitloads of vegetables and healthy carbs with some dairy/fish/meat + some fruit aswell, should be fun