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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 500x400, fullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4481766 No.4481766 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering, has anybody of you ever eaten at Amy's Baking Company ? If yes, how bad was your meal ?

>> No.4481768

Yep, we've had like 20-something threads about them so far today.

>> No.4481769

Jesus Christ, enough with the damn Amy's threads already.

>> No.4481775

But I wanna keep talking about them. Their delusion-spawned sense of entitlement entertains me.

>> No.4481779

They look like hair stylists, not cooks.

>> No.4481786

4 stars for money laundring, 1 star for cooking.

>> No.4481789

But OP is a fair question

>> No.4481795

>short-tempered, considers herself superior to others, always yelling at everyone
Internet response: wow batshit insane crazy retard

>Gordon Ramsay
>Short-tempered, considers himself superior to others, always yelling at everyone
Internet response: such a hero!

>> No.4481796


When Amy's got her Michelin starts she can do it

>> No.4481800

Yup. But one of these is qualified and the other one isn't.

>> No.4481804

>stupid cunt compared to a world famous chef

>> No.4481807

>Actually believes you need michelin stars to be angry without question

>> No.4481808

>sucks dicks, takes it in the ass
Wow, what a faggot

>A faggot

Wow, what a faggot!

>> No.4481811

she should be in porn

that is a fuckable, abusable face

>> No.4481814

>Pay 1m bucks for your wifes dream
>She yells at you
>Treats you like shit
>Cuckolds you
why are men so pathetic?

>> No.4481815

Looks like her face would easily shatter due to being made of plastic.

>> No.4481818

>implying only one is world famous

>> No.4481823

Please, nigger. That dude is a gangster.

>> No.4481827

Well, she looks like she needs a hard cockslap on her face. She's too loud.

>> No.4481832


That guy's money was made with at best extremely shady business deals, at worst gangbanging. I have no sympathy towards him losing any of it.

>> No.4481836

Gordon Ramsay has Michelin stars. He has an enterprise and has value and demonstrates his value through television programs and written media, along with successful culinary skills. He manages successful restaurants as a restaurateur and a chef. He inspires people to be better and motivates people.

No offense, but it sounds as if you misunderstand the difference between criticism and maliciousness. The former compels one to become better while the latter intends to cripple someone and has the mantra of 'let's reach out and hurt someone.' Gordon Ramsay is a crusty fuck...there's no doubt about it; however, he takes the craft very seriously and works very hard at it. He certainly can be over the top, but he does not act vicious for viciousness' sake, instead operating at the highest level of honesty...even brutally so. I, for one, laud brutal, fucking honesty, because it pulls the wool away from one's eyes.

Amy and her husband operate for the sake of cruelty and both suffer from a mental-midget-type-status, abusing their employees for no good reason, berating their customers, and bickering between one another for a battle of unhealthy egos. They're sick people, and they hurt people for no good reason. I would say they're malicious people...maybe even tiered more toward sociopathy/psychopathy. Yes, I think a forensic psychiatric intervention is required at this point. They're very sick people and they will only hurt others.

>> No.4481842

Then use one of the several other threads on the front page.

>> No.4481845

>people taking TV shows this seriously
Sad little people.

>> No.4481847


I really feel bad for that old fucker, he sank all of his life savings into an average casual dining restaurant at best; which in and of itself wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. With his batshit crazy, bible baning trophy wife putting insanity sauce on everything in the damn kitchen and then having to go home to their kitty babies...his life, must suck so bad. I can't really figure it out, maybe she's got the box that rocks or she lets all that crazy out in bed too, but I wouldn't take her shit for thirty seconds.

>> No.4481857
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STFU, he made all his money from being an actor on cooking related shows not actually cooking.

>> No.4481865

>>4481845 Guaranteed-reply.jpeg
Stay ad hominem tier.

If you can't argue successfully and if you can't express yourself, then I feel pity for you.

>> No.4481871

Yes, my son.

Your guaranteed reply has validated every aspect of my existence. Keep replying. Your disagreement only further engorges my erect penis with blood flow, cutting off the need to urinate, and strengthens my amorous desires for your disputation and disagreement.

>> No.4481878

Trolled, but that's damn good argument. I didn't even finish reading it.

>> No.4481879

Butthurt samefag
Go cry in front of the TV, little fella.

>> No.4481890
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the chubby ctπ didn't deserved this.

>> No.4481892

Are you tripping, son ?

>> No.4481893


Yeah no

>> No.4481897


He got a bad image of her, watch the video. qt as hell.

>> No.4481902

Already seen it, anon.

In one of the threads from yesterday, someone posted a tumblr image she did that might make you reconsider that position.

>> No.4481917


Please share.

>> No.4481923


idk, she's pretty busted and she got a bad attitude that's why she got the boot.

>> No.4481926


Oh come on, she's what, 16? Give the kid a break.

>> No.4481935


>> No.4481936
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>> No.4481939
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>> No.4481941

>That's an excuse for being a bitch

Fuck off.

>> No.4481944
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GTFO, the other server was cuter

>> No.4481945

>edgy teen middle finger
>gut poking out of top
>fake as hell facial expression

bitch/10 would not cook with

>> No.4481951

>Implying I'm implying katy is cuter

Get yer facts straight, anon

>> No.4481953

No need to be rude. I agree, but couldn't post a Miranda pic because there's a duplicate on this server.

All hail Miranda, the queen of 4chan.

>> No.4481957
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>> No.4481958


All agree that Miranda is the official queen of /ck/?

I call her as my waifu. I wanted to write that in spoiler tags, but no, no fun allowed on cooking boards ;_;

>> No.4481961

beta pls

>> No.4481962

I've never seen the cunt before

>> No.4481963

I want to masturbate by rubbing my penis on the inner walls of Mirandas vagina.

>> No.4481964


link plox...


Agreed, she will be new queen...but you keep your filthy mitts off my girl.

>> No.4481966

There is nothing on the internet about Miranda. There was an all-day thread yesterday trying to find anything on her and came up with nothing after like 8 hours.

>> No.4481968

Why does Gordon wear such tight shirts?

>> No.4481969

Shes so cute :3

>> No.4481971


srs'ly, you guies really disappoint me...you have a name, vida' and she lives within a few miles of the damn baking company.....WTF

also, try harder.

>> No.4481973

Hop to it. We're waiting. Report back.

>> No.4481979


that's it...I'm going to the deep web, if I don't come back format my HDD's.

>> No.4481983


>> No.4481986

atleast ramsay can actually make a crisp pizza

>> No.4481998
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help me find her....NAO

>> No.4482013


>> No.4482019
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I'm detecting abnormal levels of beta in the /ck/ sector, captain

>> No.4482029
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>> No.4482106

but ramsay is not a shit cook, and his yell at everyone is part of the entertainment aspect of the tv shows

he's a straightforward but nice guy in real life

>> No.4482109

he makes money from tv shows and owning successful restaurants, you dumb dipshit

>> No.4482113

Obvious trolling is obvious, why u mad though ?

>> No.4482124

good to see someone else who isn't a tv zombie eating up fabricated drama.

>> No.4482126


He's made more money from his acting then the grand total of all of his cooking/restaurants, which incidentally are only marginally successful because he's a minor celebrity in a small niche genre.

>> No.4482133

ramsay earned his arrogance though. plus, i hear often that the american series plays up the anger, and he isn't normally so ill-tempered

>> No.4482136

You gonna get people upset. They really really really believe this show isn't scripted.

>> No.4482138

are you bitter that you aren't a successful tv star nor a good chef with lots of restaurants?

you are

>> No.4482141

he's 100% right though. Stop being such a pathetic star worshiper. It's embarrassing.

>> No.4482144


Not defending him, just pointing something out: it wouldn't shock me if super-luxury resteraunts operate on notoriously thin profit margins. Consider that you might have as many as 30 kitchen staff, just as many house staff and a number of professionals (sommelier, etc.) working a dining room that seats 20 - 40. Even at several hundred dollars per diner, that still doesn't work out to very much when you consider all the salaries that need to be paid, the cost of all the premium ingredients, the general overhead (the resteraunts tend to be in very high-rent locations, for instance) and etc.

>> No.4482146


This is true. Most high end restaurants break even on food, then take profit from wine and booze.

>> No.4482148


>> No.4482153

the logic works in reverse too: look at the most successful and profitable "restaurants": fast food, dining chains, high-volume business. minimum wage employees.

>> No.4482154


I don't even know what your on about you little cunt, Ramsey hasn't even cooked at one of his restaurants for over a decade; all he does is make TV shows about being a chef without actually being one.

>> No.4482180


Yep...fifty years from now McD's will still be in business but I bet not one of Ramsey's places will.

>> No.4482185


And Ramsey's places will still be better. Most people in good food aren't there to get rich.

>> No.4482186

*full retarded
*full retarded

>> No.4482201

This show is in its sixth season, if I'm not mistaken.

I guarantee not only are the ratings through the roof, but their (Amy and Samy's) business is about to flourish. Heck, I know I'd eat there.

Food looked decent enough, and I hate faggot rebbitors enough to show them some support.

Heck, I sat idled in my car for two hours when Chick-fil-A had their Appreciation Day. The line was at least five miles long. Completely worth it.

>> No.4482214

I don't considder him a hero, I just think he's rude to the right people. Amy isn't.

>> No.4482215

Also Grodon takes criticism.

>> No.4482218

I liked how the owner took the server's tips. Fucking entitled cunts.

>> No.4482220


meh...have you even tried a McRib?

>> No.4482229


It was behind a Shark Tank rerun and Undercover Boss in its time slot.

Also behind Dateline, Vegas, 20/20, Blue Bloods and Rock Center for the night.

>> No.4482232


Yeah. Ever tried real barbecue?

>> No.4482233

Katie was the only person at that restaurant with a fucking ounce of professionalism. And she was the youngest person there.

>> No.4482237

Expensive and overrated redneck food.
Mcrib all day erryday

>> No.4482246

How did she have a bad attitude? She had her fucking tips stolen from her for a month and a half. It's a miracle she didn't stab Sammy in the face. Katie looked like a fucking saint.

I don't understand why people are shitting on Katie.

>> No.4482301


It was all that back talk and eye rolling, she's lucky she didn't get bitch slapped by the crazy cat lady. I do however have to give it to the owners for the innovative plan to take all the tips and just pay the servers hourly. It makes perfect sense, I mean how hard is it to carry a plate of food someone else made to a table at a restaurant you don't own.

>> No.4482307

>I do however have to give it to the owners for the innovative plan to take all the tips and just pay the servers hourly. It makes perfect sense, I mean how hard is it to carry a plate of food someone else made to a table at a restaurant you don't own.
Taking away tips given to the server doesn't seem very nice.

>> No.4482314

It doesn't seem very nice to force customers to give out handouts because Mary Sue can't get a real job.

>> No.4482323

truth, just check out literally anything he has done that wasnt so "americanized", his "great escape" is amazing for example

>> No.4482326

is there a link to stream this?

>> No.4482330

I don't see what your point is. Regardless of whether the owner takes it or not the person eating still gives a tip and still more money than just spent on the meal.

>> No.4482331

I almost never come to /ck/, but is this really the best your trolls have to offer?

>> No.4482336


Think about it...what is the general basis for a tip?

>quality and presentation of food
>reasonable preparation time

Hence in reality the server only need to act like a normal human being for a few minutes, be able to say please and thank you like a three year old and walk back and forth to get an order. Thus, the majority of what makes up the average tipping decision is really dependent on the owners, so they should get at least 2/3 of every tip.

>> No.4482339

it's called Youtube

>> No.4482340

The cooks need to get a cut as well. At least they do something of value.

>> No.4482349


>haven't already seen this episode

do you live in a fucking cave?

>> No.4482380

>90+ posts
>OP's question was addressed in 0 of them

/ck/ you crack me up

>> No.4482406

No, you missed the best troll here >>4481795

>I almost never come to /ck/,
In the immortal words of Samy, "I would be glad to see you gone."

>> No.4482420

What? Are you serious? Gordon is a self-made individual and earned his right through all of his hard work. Get your shit together faggot.

>> No.4482427
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Full retard? They're right on the money.

>> No.4482433


right...if by "self-made" you mean acting on tv shows...yep.

>hard work

exactly, putting on makeup and pretending to be a chef.

>> No.4482435


I make 6 figures and I've owned a restaurant.

>> No.4482438

Have you ever watched anything other than Hell's Kitchen or Kitchen Nightmares?

Ramsay is a damn good chef.

>> No.4482452


>> No.4482458

yes but you don't go on reddit

>> No.4482461

you have a point.
does "enemy of my enemy is my friend" work here?

>> No.4482464
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reading that made my brain hurt.

>> No.4482465

You're a tripfag. You don't get to talk shit on anyway.

>> No.4482467

Too bad they didn't actually post that.

That one is a fake account.

>> No.4482471

Heh. That crazy bitch is pretty hot.

>> No.4482476


>implying you made money when you didn't own a restaurant

>> No.4482478
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>> No.4482483

Yeah, I'm going to call fake/parody on the new facebook page. That's too copypasta tier.

>> No.4482490

I like how she thinks it's "her" money. Having never been in the shoes of the working class nor in shoes of the truly elite I find it beyond hilarity that she can even begin to attempt to profile the former while pretending to be the later.

>> No.4482491

ITT: armchair activism

>> No.4482496

Yeah, she's like a human realdoll.

I'd hit it, wipe it off afterwards, stow it in my closet.

>> No.4482500

No fun allowed, eh?

>> No.4482512

The paki seemed to begin to realize he was wrong and want to change a bit, but she had him by the balls

>> No.4482525


Yeah - restaurant turned a thin profit, but not what I was making working for other people. I thought we were fucked, but compared to Amy I was Danny Fucking Meyers.

>> No.4482527


because hes a man and even if he is thick headed, he gravitates towards logic.

>> No.4482532

shows off his gainz

>> No.4482535


You would have thought they'd watch the show before agreeing to be on it, every single one is the same.

>Ramsey hates all the food
>new gastro pub menu
>everyone inflates Ramsey's ego

They could have at least rode the hype wave and cashed in on the free press for some quick cash.

>> No.4482538

I can't help but wonder why they asked to be on the show in the first place. Maybe they thought to show off

>> No.4482541
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-Met under strange circumstances in Vegas
-Neither have any background or training in cooking or hospitality
-Neither of them really seem to understand how to prepare food, even buying frozen, pre-prepared, store-bought food and pastries from other bakeries
-Sammy was pretty obviously a gangbanger before opening the restaraunt
-Massive employee turnover, going through over 100 employees a year, no employees seem to stay for longer than a couple of month
-Employees aren't allowed to touch the computers or handle money, not even to input orders
-They seem to be deathly afraid of letting anyone else get involved in the resteraunt's administration, even going so far as to completely close up shop on days when they can't be there to supervise things.
-They don't even seem to be concerned about customer loyalty, arguing with their customers for perceived rudeness and telling them to leave the shop and not come back
-Despite having all the appearance of being the pinnacle of an incompetently run restaurant, they've managed to stay open for 6 years
-They don't appear to even be concerned about finances, they only seem to have invited Ramsay to provide some kind of legitimacy to their business and prove the "haters" wrong
-They also both appear to be operating under pseudonyms and "Amy" has served a prison sentence in the past for money laundering and identity theft

Basically everything about this place screams money-laundering front.

Also remember when they wanted to call the cops and Sammy was deathly afraid?

>> No.4482546

I agree. I was kinda sad at the part right before Ramsay left, because you could clearly see the "I've made a huge mistake" face on that guy.

You forgot the part where he helps the restaurants not fail. I can't tell if they expected to prove him wrong, or if they wanted him to help... but were unwilling to take any criticism whatsoever.

>> No.4482553

He's israeli
a typical jew, that takes tips from waitresses

>> No.4482554

Let's be honest and get this out in the open...

The people the most vocal about this feel left out. They don't vote, volunteer, donate to charity, etc. They are disengaged. They have signed out of society.

But Facebook and lerebbit give them an opportunity to pretend to care. To pretend they're making a difference (i.e. imposing their beliefs on others). To pretend.

If I lived in Arizona, then I actually /would/ make a difference. I'd fight this stupid Internet hate machine bullshit, and eat there once a week. I've had enough of this crap.

Screw all of you who contribute nothing to society but expect everything in return.

>> No.4482557

>eat there once a week
enjoy your food poisoning

>> No.4482558

>botter nobody anon

don't cry little one, not all of us can be famous or successful at life :)

>> No.4482562



>> No.4482560

He can be saved

>> No.4482564


gooby plox Amy...don't you have some food to ruin or employees to fire?

>> No.4482565

I don't remember ck being this fast a board

>> No.4482572


maybe it's a slow day on /lgbt/?

>> No.4482575

I'll be perfectly honest; I saw the video on youtube and came to /ck/ to check what you guys thought of it. I expect a lot of other people did too.

>> No.4482579
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He's beyond saving

he's also a racist, look how aryan her wife is

>> No.4482581

You obviously didn't see his 'oh god what have I done face' as he looked at his wife a few seconds before Ramsy told them he quit

>> No.4482582

yup. That's what I'm did too

>> No.4482584
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Fixed that.

>> No.4482590
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Fixed again

>> No.4482595
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whoops fucked up the horizontal res somehow

>> No.4482604

sure is Amy or beta white knight

>> No.4482698


first, WTF are you fixing

second, did you see how he looked when Ramsey told him to go tell that bitch she can't cook for shit....mother fuk'er isn't gangster at all.

>> No.4482704

Would could possibly be more beta than participating in this armchair activism?

>> No.4482716


I don't see any activism in this thread only ABC haters and Ramsey ball lickers

>> No.4482723

Which episode is this?

>> No.4482728


the best one?

>> No.4482730

No I am serious which season and which episode. Didnt watch it.

>> No.4482739

what armchair activism?
i dont see anyone fightin' for rights or saying check your privilege.
i do see anons shitting on and trolling some really retarded and abrasive business owners who think their shit doesn't seek

>> No.4482742

season 6, episode 16.

>> No.4482743

Has anyone managed to find anything fraudulent/criminal about them? I was reading about all this on another site and someone pointed that Amy has a nasty criminal record and there's a decent chance the restaurant is a front for something (note that the only time Samy was ever assertive with Amy was when he hurriedly told her not to phone the police).

Now, they were probably wrong, but just in case, is there anything interesting we can find? It'd be great if we could get these fucktards imprisoned.

>> No.4482749

>their shit doesn't seek
>shit doesn't seek
>shit seek

self seeking shit, now that would be terrifying

>> No.4482750

*stink. DYSLEXIA!

>> No.4482755


Everyone knows Any was sentenced to 14 months in the lez-b-friends zone for identity theft and her partner has a huge rap sheet for miscellaneous wannabe gangster activities.

>> No.4482756

You're just reading it out of context. Start here: >>4482554

To be clear, I wasn't referring specifically to this thread. This isn't the first one, you know?

>> No.4482762

what context did you want me to interpret it?
i don't think anyone but a few are doing it because they actually care to change them or whatever, it's just generic 4chan/internet/facebook/red raiding.
why would giving them money help anything, unless you consider spiting anonymous internet users helping?

>> No.4482778

So is there anything about the actual restaurant we can dig up? I mean, it looks a lot like a money laundering scam. Surely there's some evidence we can unearth and send to the police.

>> No.4482781

Faggots siding with Amy: We get it, you hate Ramsay and everything he does.

Faggots whining about scripted: We get it, reality TV sucks.

Stop trying to be high school edgy. The owners can NOT take the servers' tips, and keeping them out of the POS service doesn't keep them from being tipped.

It would be one thing if this had never happened before but the place has a history of the owners being unable to take criticism or the truth that doesn't fit their world.

>> No.4482788 [DELETED] 

Don't forget, Sammy didn't want the cops called when they told the customers to fuck off.
+1 to shadiness

>> No.4482801

What's destroying their reputation going to help? They seemed to already be doing a good job of it before Gordon Ramsay showed up. I can't see this being popular for any other reason than it's Internet justice porn. I knew lerebbit was going to be all over this when she talked about faith and will to succeed. But nooooooooo...we can't have people believing in God and wanting to earn a living!

This is just going to encourage them to play the victim angle even more. If anything, it's stirring up sympathy. What could have been a clean kill is just going to drag out even longer. At least it will keep everyone from the waitresses to dishwashers to delivery truckers to purveyors employed.

But go ahead and start a Kickstarter for the waitress (that shit was mentioned here of all places). Fuck.

>> No.4482803

You should try to be a little more subtle.

>> No.4482806

Well first of all, it's illegal to take your waitstaff's tips. There's also more than plenty health concerns in the kitchen.

>> No.4482812

>So is there anything about the actual restaurant we can dig up? I mean, it looks a lot like a money laundering scam. Surely there's some evidence we can unearth and send to the police.
Do you really care that much about people you have never met and simply saw in a television show?

I guess you guys were the bleeding hearts who lived vicariously through Jiro's oldest son.

>> No.4482816

>Stop trying to be high school edgy.
Sorry that we don't all share your affinity for quality reality TV programming and don't get emotionally involved in everything we see.

>> No.4482820

>but the place has a history of the owners being unable to take criticism or the truth that doesn't fit their world
OK. So?

>> No.4482826

Just the fact, person can be this retarded, can be kind of annoying.
Everything can be done.

>> No.4482825

>Why does anyone care to do good things if it isn't convenient?
I bet you're that guy who gives the random change in his pocket to donation people at Walmart and walk away feeling like you made a difference.

>> No.4482835
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>> No.4482839

What did they actually say?

>> No.4482843

How is digging up dirt on a restaurant you've never been to owned by people you "know" via a 45 minute TV show qualified as "doing a good thing"? Your concept of a good deed is what I would consider vindictive and immature. And yes, it sounds like you have far too much time on your hands and should probably be worrying about your own life.

>Just the fact, person can be this retarded, can be kind of annoying.
Welcome to the real world. You can waste your time and emotions on a reality TV show "conflict", or you can actually be concerned about reality. Have you ever written your local representative about anything that bothered you? I doubt it.

>> No.4482847
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> just read the entry on them on KYM
> watched the videos
> came here looking for a thread

>> No.4482848

Dude, it's a screenshot, go check their page if you don't believe it.

>> No.4482854


>> No.4482855

I don't think you quite understood the question

>> No.4482863

oh god those people i cringed and im on ck talking about it

>> No.4482865
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I love the "OH god why did I put my dick in this crazy bitch" look.

>> No.4482888

>> You're telling me im wasting my time on that case, while you're doing the same thing.
>> I don't care if it's a good or bad thing. I would be pleased to know that they're in the business, but in jail.
>> I might be retarded, at least i'm not a nigger.
>> Do you really think, i care ?

>> No.4482900

Ramsey is not a dick. Now Joe Bastainich; HE'S a dick.

>> No.4482902

>You're telling me im wasting my time on that case, while you're doing the same thing.
Laughing at you and typing for 1 minute =/= digging up information and spending time on some whiteknight neckbeard crusade.

Spend time losing your gut, getting a girlfriend, getting a better career, etc. Don't spend time on this shit. Just a friendly protip.

>> No.4482908

>can not take the servers' tips
You sure? I'm not. The owners have previously stated that they pay the servers hourly. Whether or not you personally agree with not having the wait staff tip, that is not illegal, and I have not been able to find anything which legally obliges the employer to allow tips to be kept if not in previously agreed upon payment structure that coincides with federal and state law. Granted, not having your wait staff rely on tips is one way to add to a horrible service atmosphere, as well as being a figurative slap in the face to the employees, but these people don't seem to think that is very important.

>> No.4482922

If they are paying the servers hourly, and they don't want them tipped, they need to put up a sign or put on their menus that "tipping is not encouraged". But, they let patrons tip their servers, and then pocket the money themselves. Patrons are giving the money to the servers, not the restaurant owners. Not only is it theft, it's also fraud. Other restaurant owners have been sued for the same offense.

>> No.4482930

>I might be retarded, at least i'm not a nigger.

Actually all retards are defacto niggers. Read the Patriot Act.

>> No.4482934

Sued successfully? I'm not saying it's not scummy, just that I can't find any legal documents saying it is against the law.

>> No.4482942

>> Dude, im not digging up informations, you must have mistaken me with previous anons. I was just pointing out theoretically a few things.

>> "Laughing". I don't think it means what you think it means. You're not even laughing.

>> No.4482948

Learn how to greentext, your summer is showing.

>> No.4482957

suing is civil not legal, you can sue someone for looking at you crossways, its up to the court to decide if its allowed or not

>> No.4482960

So ?

>> No.4482966


ate there during the az renfest this year, the dessert was good, and now I know why, cause the food was fucking terrible, how do you fucking burn rice?

think a waiter quit while I was there, but I'd love to know where the pastries are actually cooked cause they're tits

>> No.4482983

I wanna buy a shit ton of mice, smuggle them into the restaurant in my pockets and shit, and then release them discreetly while waiting for my food.

>> No.4482995

I couldn't care less, if it supposed to be in rainbow shitstain colours.

>> No.4483004

I understand that. That why I asked if they were sued successfully, as in owners were fined, or otherwise penalized,and the satff rewarded.

>> No.4483056

>haha now that's funny

>> No.4483058

I think you mean, "you could care less".

>> No.4483059

You can't even maintain prolonged eye contact with women, don't pretend you would be able to do that.

>> No.4483064

this is really good advertisement for the shithole

>> No.4483073

damn nigga you need to get back to troll 101

>> No.4483080


>> No.4483082

It's like I'm really on lerebbit.

>> No.4483085

>implying I'm trolling
Truth hurts, don't it?

>> No.4483101

Live three minutes from the place. Been there, yelled at for complaining about the food (and their bread) and yelled back.

I don't know how that place is still up...it's emptier than my head during a biology exam.

>> No.4483160

Regarding the tipping thing: it's not illegal IF they're receiving at least minimum wage. That simple.

>> No.4483181

Not tipping isn't the problem since they get paid a regular wage.

Taking your employees tips for yourself is the problem, especially when the patrons assumed that the tips were going to the servers.

>> No.4483205

I wasn't referring to the morality of it, just the legality.

>> No.4483207


Definitely a money laundering front, there's no other explanation.

>> No.4483211

I dont understand this comment, as it makes no sense and has no relevance to releasing mice in a restaurant or ordering food.

>> No.4483212

There is a lot of this kind of "management" in the Phoenix-Metro area, usually people who've been run out of LA or LV and think that they are somehow bringing "culture" to the Olde West.

Now it's on TV. And I am very amused.

>> No.4483331

>everyone raves about those fucking pastries and cakes
Then why doesn't this bitch just stick to those? Isn't it called Amy's BAKING Company?
She needs to swallow her damn pride and stick to what she's good at, not creating dinnertime abortions.

>> No.4483350


he's calling you a pussy...faggit.

>> No.4483354


that's the GD point...she doesn't even make the cakes, she buys them and resells at ABC; that whore is only good at bible banging and raising kitty babies.

>> No.4483361

You don't know what a samefag is.

Clearly that is me making another post. Samefags try to shove it off on someone else or pretend to be someone else.

I never did either of those things.

>> No.4483378


YO Geron...help a brother out,

Can you go get me Miranda's number really quick before the place shuts down?

>> No.4483397

The show was recorded in December, and Miranda quit about 2-3 days after the filming.

>> No.4483404
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>> No.4483416


See: http://pastebin.com/Sm865BWi

>> No.4483427
File: 39 KB, 500x334, jGNMZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....aaaaand let's not forget that she's a felon ...


>> No.4483444

hey, I'm really late to the party.
the ABC website redirects to a white house petition page trying to get amy committed lol.

did I miss a raid? was this us?

>> No.4483447
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WTF am I reading...is this even real life? how are people this paranoid?

>> No.4483459
File: 83 KB, 718x720, 1340851335587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no apparently it was reddit that raided her (i didn't even know redditors raided people) ... this was beneath us to raid anyways ... way too easy

>> No.4483464


le reddet is legion, never forget.

>> No.4483475

Seriously, there have been a metric shit ton of terrible people on these shows. These were quite a bit worse, but not worth the aftermath I wouldn't say. It's kinda strange that we're at the point where Reddit's the site that takes things too far while 4chan just laughs at the situation and shitposts about jews and waifus amongst themselves.

>> No.4483477

Honestly, the things that threw up red flags for me were the obvious age difference, and the fact that Samy was willing to blow 1 million on a restaurant. There have been many people on kitchen nightmares who have blown various amounts of money on their restaurants, but the only one that comes remotely close (at least from what I've seen) was the Burger Kitchen episode, where the parents took $250k from their son. A serious chunk of change, but nowhere near a million.

The fact that he was willing to spend that much dosh on a restaurant says that a) he's loaded, b) he must be making money on it somehow. Neither of them seemed to bothered by the fact that their business was failing, as is the usual amongst other people on other episodes, many of which are broke, have thousands in debt, etc. They never even mentioned their finances other than how much the restaurant initially cost. Now maybe that detail was cut in editing, but in any case it's really fishy.

Amy is clearly rock-fuck insane, IMO she's got a textbook case of Puritanical OCPD, but whatever it is she needs help. Samy was an asshole, but he wasn't insane. There were a few points where he showed some logical thinking (being marginally cooperative with Gordon, comforting Katy when Amy fired her, etc), but now that I rewatch it, the more it looks like he's just trying to keep troublemakers out of his restaurant and his wife quiet.

If they get busted by the cops for this shit, it'll be hilarious. That much keeps me interested.

>> No.4483484

lol Reddit is going to be the new relevant Anonymous.

>> No.4483489

generally speaking, people who raid or organize raids would benefit severely from an ever changing venue or location to exist in, doing it in one place, especially as it gets more and more publicity like 4 chan and marblecake did, and pressure to keep vandalism down on the propriters of 4chan increase, well. Its only natural.

>> No.4483490


I upvote this comment

>> No.4483496

>It's kinda strange that we're at the point where Reddit's the site that takes things too far while 4chan just laughs at the situation and shitposts about jews and waifus amongst themselves.

Not really. Reddit has always been "4chan for morons". The stupid and ignorant people in this world use reddit. 4chan may be a "hive of scum and villainy" to a certain extent, but a lot of that is just trolling and fucking with people amongst ourselves.
tl;dr we're the kid who plays chess with himself and tells everyone to fuck off, and reddit's the retard with snot bubbles rhino-charging the room.

>> No.4483500


Lel. No. Hell no. Not even close. The only overlap is that the two sites are popular especially amongst the internet heavy users.

Reddit is Digg/Slashdot. 4chan is Something Awful mixed with 2ch. Gotta know your roots bud.

>> No.4483503

if it's 4chan for morons, then why is it the "frontpage of the internet"

>> No.4483504

I didn't mean they were actually related in any way. It was metaphor.

>> No.4483505

I think you just answered your own question.

>> No.4483513

>a lot of that is just trolling and fucking with people amongst ourselves.

I agree with this for sure but

I think a lot of it is /b/ emaciating itself to furries, roll threads and whatever the hell goes on there these days. Most people back when a lot of ridiculous shit was being raided for petty hilarious reasons have moved onto other boards and are too busy trying to piss each other off.

Of course the reasoning behind reddit attacking them is different than the culture here too, because they aren't doing it for shits and giggles; they actually think they're in the right and everyone should know it.

Most of the things that got this type of mainstream coverage from 4chan were like 10 people pissing off a couple for the amusement of everyone and it went viral due to the audacity of the situation alone.

This Reddit-cored raid just a bunch of self-righteous cattle prodding and grandstanding by hundreds, if not thousands of people. It's really weird and kinda uncomfortable to watch.

>> No.4483514


I'm saying your metaphor is retarded.

4chan is the kid with an arrest record and bad rep that is honestly way more popular than people realize, but he gives himself way too much credit for everything and for every one awesome joke or hilariously amazing shit he does, there's ten that fall flat on its face or has been rehashed again and again.

Reddit is that popular nerdy kid that honestly enjoys the nerdy shit he likes, but every other nerdy kid hates him because he's popular so therefore "not nerdy." Knows random facts about every goddamn thing ever and says the most popular opinion first.

This was from a 3rd party site so there's obviously no bias here.

>> No.4483516

yup, and anyone who's known someone with serious mental illness/hard drug addiction can see that in Amy's delusions and thought patterns.

>> No.4483517
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b...b...but i like slashdot ...

>> No.4483520


And it's similar to reddit. You're just letting everyone affect your opinions.

They're both shit though

>> No.4483525
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>> No.4483528
File: 67 KB, 650x720, E7ANPRk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta watch out for those 9fagsand redditors! they're totally X-TREEM!

>> No.4483529

>Regarding the tipping thing: it's not illegal IF they're receiving at least minimum wage. That simple.

It IS illegal for a business to take tips intended for wait staff, period, regardless of their wage. The only exception is if its pooled and divided between the wait staff.

A restaurant can disallow their employees from accepting tips if they're paying them more than the minimum wage but ownership and management are not allowed to collect and keep the tips given to staff. It's a violation of Federal labor laws.

>> No.4483530

If you've seen the show before

>-Met under strange circumstances in Vegas

That is Vegas' MO
>-Neither have any background or training in cooking or hospitality
>-Neither of them really seem to understand how to prepare food, even buying frozen, pre-prepared, store-bought food and pastries from other bakeries
Which is completely tame in comparison to a lot of restaurants
>-Sammy was pretty obviously a gangbanger before opening the restaraunt
A lot of people had tried to act tough on it before
>-Massive employee turnover, going through over 100 employees a year, no employees seem to stay for longer than a couple of month
That's absolutely absurd
>-Employees aren't allowed to touch the computers or handle money, not even to input orders
>-They seem to be deathly afraid of letting anyone else get involved in the resteraunt's administration, even going so far as to completely close up shop on days when they can't be there to supervise things.
Strange, but not entirely different from a lot of places that have been covered. It seems like control freak behavior.
>-They don't even seem to be concerned about customer loyalty, arguing with their customers for perceived rudeness and telling them to leave the shop and not come back
Also not unique to this restaurant
>-Despite having all the appearance of being the pinnacle of an incompetently run restaurant, they've managed to stay open for 6 years
It's hard to tell, they have a lot of positive reviews and a lot of ones that think the service is godawful and the owners are nuts prior to this show airing. They also seem to have started off simpler with just sandwiches and pastries


>> No.4483534


>-They don't appear to even be concerned about finances, they only seem to have invited Ramsay to provide some kind of legitimacy to their business and prove the "haters" wrong

Fair enough.

>-They also both appear to be operating under pseudonyms and "Amy" has served a prison sentence in the past for money laundering and identity theft

That's the red flag.

I could see it, but I think it's pretty absurd to act like it's a surefire thing. I'm sure you could make a similar list for half of the restaurants that have been on this show.

>> No.4483546

>Regarding the tipping thing: it's not illegal IF they're receiving at least minimum wage. That simple.

Retention of Tips: A tip is the sole property of the tipped employee regardless of whether the employer takes a tip credit. The FLSA prohibits any arrangement between the employer and the tipped employee whereby any part of the tip received becomes the property of the employer. For example, even where a tipped employee receives at least $7.25 per hour in wages directly from the employer, the employee may not be required to turn over his or her tips to the employer.

>> No.4483558


Other Side of Amy’s Baking Company Controversy in Scottsdale To Soon Be Told
SCOTTSDALE, AZ. MAY 15, 2013 -- Amy’s Baking Company will host a Grand Re-Opening on Tuesday night, May 21, following unflattering portrayals on national television.
Customers will be able to decide who is correct: a famous celebrity chef or the marketplace that has supported the small, locally-owned business for six years.
When re-opened, a portion of proceeds will benefit a charity organized to bring awareness to cyber bullying.
Seating is limited. Reservations may be made by emailing sjones@rosemoserallynpr.com.
Diners will also have the opportunity to meet, and judge for themselves the character of owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, who have devoted their lives to and earn their living from their small restaurant. The Bouzaglos have been married for 10 years, after Sammy emigrated from Israel.
The owners will likely be holding a press conference before the Grand Re-Opening and answer falsehoods depicted on a reality television show, including assertions that the restaurant confiscates tips from servers.
In fact, wait staff is paid $8-$14 per hour, two and half to nearly five times the standard hourly wage for servers.
Questions will also be answered about what happened to their Facebook page.
Amy’s Baking Company was recently featured on the hit PBS show “Check Please” and has received A+ reports from CBS 5 for kitchen preparedness.
“We are very upset by what has taken place, apologize about the acrimony that has ensued but now must fight back to save our business. We hope and believe much good can result from what has transpired. We ask the public to keep an open mind as we begin to tell our side of the story,” Samy Bouzaglo said.
For more details, please contact Michael Saucier.

>> No.4483559

You waaaaay over thought that. Your ass is showing.

>> No.4483561

Regardless of the historical situation, his metaphorical description of the two sites, just based on how they are at present, seems accurate enough.

Reddit is like your younger cousin who's in a phase that you recognize, because you were in that phase like 7 or 8 years ago (e.g., atheism; the films of [any director]; or whatever topic). And it annoys you a little, because they seem to be a lot more exuberant about it than you had been back when you were into that, as you sort-of went through that phase quietly and without announcing it to the whole world. And you're a bit jealous of their exuberance, as you felt like that phase made you a bit of a loner, whereas they seem to be getting a lot of social milk out of it by talking so much about it.

That's how it makes me feel, anyway.

>> No.4483563

That's actually pretty clever.

>> No.4483566



>> No.4483569
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oh no

>> No.4483574

It's not just national television. It was local news in Phoenix when Ramsay came to town and before they even started filming a lot of locals were like "they're beyond hope" and "they should just close that place down". Nobody was shocked when the police had to be called first day of filming or when they abruptly packed up and left.

>In fact, wait staff is paid $8-$14 per hour, two and half to nearly five times the standard hourly wage for servers.

They keep pointing this out as if it changes the fact that they stole their tips. They can't legally take their tips regardless of whether they pay minimum wage or more.

>> No.4483577


Normally a joint gets a few months of excess business from a feature on a shit cooking show like HK. These mother fuk'ers are going for the mother load.

>> No.4483579
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oh god please ... fellow coo/ck/s ... please attend this and ruin them. send EVERYTHING back you order.

anyone in the Scottsdale, AZ area ... we need you now more than ever!

do we need to get /b/ involved? because that's not beneath me.

>> No.4483580

>after Sammy emigrated from Israel.



>> No.4483581
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I almost moved out there two weeks ago on a whim. I'm severely regretting my decision right now.

>> No.4483586
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There was like a 100 post conversation about it yesterday. But I'm guessing the conversation part instead of it being people posting IT WAS THE JEWS! must of threw you off.

>> No.4483588
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>> No.4483591

>must of
always makes me lel

>> No.4483592

>please attend this and ruin them. send EVERYTHING back you order.

...they're just going to put it in the trash, tell you don't know anything about food, call you a bully and a trouble maker, and demand you pay for your food and leave or they'll call the police.

>> No.4483594
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I'm usually good about that. My bad.

>> No.4483596


I'd pay good money to see a full frontal meltdown in person. even better if samy threatens me with unspecified bodily harm in a weak, spineless voice that quietly pleads with me to brush off his empty pro forma threats.

>> No.4483601


she can't even deal with one complaint could you even imagine how many bunnies would be boiled if a room full of people told her, her food sucks.

>> No.4483603
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if we tell /pol/ that he's a jew, AND we can rope /b/ in then the ruin will be of epic proportions ...

>> No.4483604

>I'd pay good money to see a full frontal meltdown in person.
You sound like you have many personal issues.

>> No.4483609

Good. Maybe we'll finally get some peace.

>> No.4483610


How can you help me with my many personal issues?

>> No.4483612



that's easy just promise tits


bring up the god shit and divine inspiration coupled with their unique views on tipping

go Go GO.

>> No.4483616
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>> No.4483626
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get over yourself. why the fuck do you think millions of people watch shit like this? it's for the fucking Chernobyl-style meltdown that inevitably occurs. seeing it in person would be 100x as great as on TV

>> No.4483627


why is she so terrifying?

>> No.4483632
File: 118 KB, 520x750, 1355626049201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and FWIW ... i totally wanna hatefuck Amy.

(i'm not proud of it ... but ... still ...)

>> No.4483633

/b/ is already raiding their phone, doxing, and raiding the reservations page. just use catalog view, there's multiple threads

>> No.4483635

its easy to say someone else is terrifying when your face isnt beign posted as a gif, i mean seriously cut the bitch some slack when you're enjoying full anonymity, for all we know she is better looking than you, probably not, but enough already

>> No.4483636

So edgy bro. Whatever helps you forget your obesity, virginity, lack of socialization, etc. I guess.

>> No.4483641

/pol/s over there bruh ->

>> No.4483646

seconded. pride doesn't enter into it, I just think she's hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4483649
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this pleases me

>> No.4483654

if they think all the reservations taken for their grand re-opening are actually real, they're in for one hell of a ghost-town come tuesday night.

>> No.4483655


third, because you couldn't make some dude part with all his money and deal with that level of crazy if you didn't have a great cum dumpster(s).

>> No.4483663


I want live coverage, someone commit to an on site live cam.

>> No.4483667


>> No.4483668

her restaurant sounds like /pol/'s wet dream ... no tipping and if the owners don't like ANYTHING about the servers they're fired in half a second ... a libertarian paradise!

>> No.4483672




>> No.4483681

funniest shit ive seen in a while

>> No.4483683

illegal as fuck.

>> No.4483689
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rly /b/ this is your best troll?

>> No.4483693

I live in Mesa, Scottsdale is a 15 minute drive but I really don't want to put money into their hands. What should I do?

>> No.4483701



here's some inspiration:


>> No.4483704

OP of the /b/ boards, give me a second to recreate a /b/ board and read over this. Also sup /ck/

>> No.4483707

what the fuck are you doing? Why would you link me to a pic?

>> No.4483710

any more? preferably with more pussy and less cat.

>> No.4483711


sup faggit, i c wat U did there.....I approve

>> No.4483716
File: 107 KB, 525x650, 0723103mugs14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


order the food ... protest when it arrives and refuse to pay. they can't do shit if you haven't consumed any of it

>> No.4483725

Been working at this between /tv/ and /b/ for nearly 4 days. 12 hours of sleep over those days, but we managed to force AZ family to interview them last night after about 200 emails.

>> No.4483726

guize, there's a guy claiming to be a former employee on /b/


>> No.4483730


>/tv/ + /b/
>not thinking to come to /ck/ first about a cooking show

nigga what are you doing?

>> No.4483733
File: 7 KB, 236x200, 1341785114605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't. You know better.

Read the pastebin I created, had to do some damage control after reddit got ahold of the other and went to town on it.
Then see the reddit IAmA from the Katy girl fired here

I only come here when I want to feel better about my shit cooking, the shit you guys make is outrageous.. the best I could go was take a deliscio pizza loaded up with chicken and cheeze/pepperoni ..buttered the crust and baked it slow for an hour. Fucking shit was delicious.

Also, second time here in four years, first time was moot's mint/pea soup. Nice to see y'all again.

>> No.4483734


this is why Ramsey really left for the first time


>> No.4483738

Holy fucking drunk post.

Pastebin here

And Reddit AMA here

>> No.4483758


don't be such a prude, you know that's what everyone wanted...including you.

>> No.4483761

Oh look, now that waitress cunt has a nice model shot of her and is doing interviews and everything. Sure is milking her "ordeal"!

Ramsay, the production company, the advertisers, the television network, the waitress cunt, etc. all win because those two were crazy. Almost as if they wanted to push them far for a reaction...

>> No.4483775
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unrustle your jimmies, nigger. and all this is bad because ... ?

>> No.4483782

>Almost as if they wanted to push them far for a reaction...

they obviously did, the first thing out of that cat babies momma was "redemption from the haters" *name any phantom*

however, dat bitch is crazy like a fox, because she's milking the living shit outta this and cashing in.

>> No.4483790


zero rustling zone

>> No.4483797



*i c*

>> No.4483806

OP of the /b/ threads, if you ask me she deserves it. Her and the other wait staff deserve at least their tips, if not other restitution.

Personal feeling, but you can't blame her for this (after posting her Twitter, I feel kind of liable that /b/tards have pushed her into this, but it isn't without warrant)

>> No.4483807

our brothers have brought us an update:




>> No.4483823

damn you bump limit

>> No.4483829

It was delicious.

>> No.4483851

It doesn't seem very nice to go out to eat when you aren't going to pay for the entire experience.

If you're just after food, stick to McDonalds or cook at home.

>> No.4483867

Okay. Have fun starving to death when you're not being served undercooked food.

>> No.4483873

Don't be silly. That post was entirely too clearheaded and didn't contain nearly enough caps or slurs to be Amy.

>> No.4483883

>If anything, it's stirring up sympathy.
Yeah, until sympathizers like the dude who wants to eat there once a week go there and get cursed out by the owners. Then where do they go?

>> No.4483901
File: 463 KB, 1425x722, it's almost over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4483932

OP of the /b/ threads, NF huh. I live in K/W, constantly in St. Kitts. Awesome.

>> No.4483935

Exchange email addresses about your weird ass fetish. No one else wants to read about it. You can even coordinate with the other chucklefucks trying to stalk the waitresses. Whatever birth or situation you're in where you think other people would like to know about that, it's not accurate. No one cares about your fetish except you and the one other guy out of 50-100 that also shares it. Get a room, funboys.

>> No.4483961

it's nice to know how angry I've made you. by all means, tell me how angry you are. go into greater detail, etc

>> No.4483990

Usually good about what? Not putting together random words that make no sense? Because that seems like something you either do or don't do. Not something you sometimes accidentally do.

>> No.4484000

I'm pretty sure I accurately displayed my feelings towards your situation and don't have any others. I'm not going to pop up at your house and berate you like Gordon Ramsey, I'm just going to tell you that you're kinda annoying and should shut the fuck up.

>> No.4484002

probably using "'ve" instead of "of"

>> No.4484054

>Americans: Paying too much attention to stupid shit that doesn't matter - since forever.

>> No.4484134
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I'd fuck that crazy woman, the psuychos are always good lays.

>> No.4484185

Amy pls go

>> No.4484202
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>> No.4484204

Hang on, didn't Ramsay say the kitchen was unusually clean, and he was happy to see a clean kitchen for a change?

>> No.4484207

I can't believe these people are real. It's some kind of reality TV shit, right?

>> No.4484211

It's not the building that's the problem, it's quite simply the people running it. God forbid these people actually have this baby they were planning to spite the cyber-bullying losers on the internet. What a sad, sad life that child will lead

>> No.4484219
File: 27 KB, 176x187, 1368254894351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the box that rocks or she lets all that crazy out in bed too, but I wouldn't take her shit

GUISE I FUCKING HATE WHITE KNIght but fuck capslock. and lets not make this about katie , shes basically a victim here for dealing with fuckin insane employeers. we'd totally not even notice the kid if wasnt for them.

>> No.4484264

Ain't that nice.

>> No.4484394 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1339304820571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this butt-flustered on 4chan

>> No.4484568

Amy thread?

>> No.4485189

what in the 9 fucks is that?

>> No.4485526

Why make shit up about these people? they are SPEWING FOUNTAINS OF GOLD. just let them freak out again, which is inevitable, you will have more crazy ass ranting than you know what to do with.

>> No.4486048

that was embarassing and awful and you should f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶b̶a̶d̶ kill yourself several times

>> No.4486056
