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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4477676 No.4477676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you order a buffalo chicken pizza and it comes with ranch instead of bleu cheese

>> No.4477678

>chicken pizza
>no ananas

da fuck

>> No.4477679

>buffalo shit
>not based sausage


>> No.4477681



>> No.4477683

>white people problems

>> No.4477689

>loving dominos

sure is pleb tier in here

>> No.4477685

idk if any of you have ever tried the Buffalo Chicken sandwich from Dominos, but hoooooly shit, it's amazing

>> No.4477693

>sausage pizza

Fucking philistine.
You get a supreme and you drown that motherfucker in olives. Patrician-tier.

>> No.4477690

No because we have real pizza joints here

>> No.4477695

>tfw anchovy is the superior topping of all pizza toppings but almost no one recognizes this

>> No.4477697

Who the shit are you ordering buffalo chicken pizza from?

>> No.4477699
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>implying he was talking about pizza

>> No.4477700

>no mention of pesto & italian sausage
You'll come around.

>> No.4477701

People who like ranch and buffalo wings instead of bleu cheese miss the whole point of buffalo wings and might as well be fed chicken mcnuggets in hot sauce.

>> No.4477706

the pizzeria I used to frequent was the innovator of the bbq chicken pizza, everyone else ripped off his success

>> No.4477704

>le calling him a plebeian may mah XD
>please visit leddit dot cahm :3

>> No.4477711
File: 71 KB, 530x403, 03-chicken-bacon-ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ordering chicken bacon ranch pizza
>le shiggy donatello

>> No.4477716

Then OP realized he was fat

>> No.4477712
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mfw hipster OP whining about his faggot dressing pizza.

>> No.4477718
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Just take a shit on the pizza why don't ya?

fuck your olives

If you're gonna add something to sausage, let it be more meat.
Canadian bacon is acceptable. Ham is 'meh' teir.

Pepperoni is suitable for small childrens parties.

>> No.4477721

>no vegetables

Sounds about right, fatties.

>> No.4477724

>buffalo wings have a point

>> No.4477728
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not sausage and onion

>> No.4477730
File: 298 KB, 1600x1200, Naples 0101 - Di Matteo - Capricciosa pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not solely eating pizza capricciosa

Pleb-city in here.

>> No.4477735

Oh shit, nigger, you fucked up. You dun goofed. You just shoved miles of rock hard shaft and floppy, eager ball up your ass. You implied that pepperoni isn't suitable for large children's parties, and furthermore stated that olives should be fucked.
Well guess what, dick-nugget? I'm coming for you. I'm coming for you hard and fast. And when I find you, I'm cumming in you. That's right. I hope you're prepared to take my burgeoning erection down to the hilt. Four inches of man-meat into your every hole. You'll choke as I vigorously thrust in and out of your soon-to-be-bruised throat, you'll scream as I shove my unlubricated cock up your ass. You'll beg for more after I leave you quivering in a puddle of my jizz.
I'm rock hard. And ready.

>> No.4477741

>fuck your olives

You are basic as fuck.

I laugh at your taste in pizza toppings and I laugh at the lost soul you will grow up to be without the love of olives in your life.

>> No.4477739
File: 7 KB, 512x512, 1334065593406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medium pizza
>Original dough
>Garlic base
>Chilli flakes
>Parmesan cheese

True patrician.

>> No.4477743

fuckin' murrican, die in a fire.

>> No.4477746

This is generally true. But it has to be a nice chunky blue cheese. There are times at certain places where the ranch just tastes better.

Also..they're not missing the point. The point of eating either with hot wings is to add a balance of cool to hot. This can be achieved with ranch. I agree a good blue cheese is always better...but people aren't "missing the point" by using ranch.

>> No.4477747

here's no food more disgusting on this earth than shitty cheap watered down bleu cheese.

>> No.4477749

>overdoing it by dumping babby's-favourite-topping all over a platter
>somehow not pleb

>> No.4477751
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>> No.4477752

bacon and ham overpower the pizza. pepperoni and hamburg if you're going with two meats

>> No.4477756


>> No.4477759
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>> No.4477761


ya blew it

>> No.4477763

wouldn't want to eat a vegetable now, would we?

>> No.4477769


>> No.4477765


>> No.4477770
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>> No.4477772


That goes for all sauces and dressings. That stuff in a bottle you get at the grocery store isn't ranch. It's some kind of vague, ranch flavored goop.

The shit they push in most pizza shops is just food service shit out of a jar. To get the good stuff, you gotta make your own bleu and ranch.

>> No.4477773

ya blew it

>> No.4477776


seriously, you sound like a faggot

>> No.4477779

>dissing /reddit/

Hey! Stop it...

Seriously, /reddit/ is the only nice website on the web. Well, granted there are some snobs there, but it's nothing compared to other sites.

>> No.4477781

>not vegetarian
>no love for based mushroom

shit shit shit. Once BrBa is over all the quality posters hibernate

>> No.4477783

I'm sorry. I forget most people drink Kraft and Hidden Valley by the gallon.

>> No.4477785

I've heard /trv/ and /an/ are nice places.

>> No.4477788

In b4 Newman's Own hipsters

>> No.4477794

Pepperoni, olives, some parmesan.

You all haven't known true salt deliciousness

>> No.4477793

canadian bacon is never acceptable

>> No.4477791

Because I go on the internet to hear about starving niggers, right?

>> No.4477797

>proud of eating fungus

Third world tier

>> No.4477799
File: 197 KB, 294x256, 1367420631031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blu cheese is mold. youre literally eating moldy cheese. enjoy being disgusting, fat slobs.

>> No.4477801

>being proud of being a dickless bitch

It is impossible to be vegetarian when BBQ Ribs exist in the world. It might be different for women like you, but that's how it is for us guys.

>> No.4477802
File: 1.96 MB, 242x201, Shovel_Dog[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4477803


You could say something retarded like that for any food dumb asses.

>> No.4477804

cheese is a disgusting tier food for people who never got over being breast fed.

>> No.4477806

>not even using the trick thumbnail


>> No.4477807

This may be the stupidest thing I've ever read. You sound like a pretentious 6 year old who doesn't want to eat his dinner.

>> No.4477811

>Like Mushrooms
>Love Bacon

>> No.4477810

>i've only ever eaten kraft "cheese"

>> No.4477812

it's 3:30 in the morning where i am and I dont give a fuck.

>> No.4477814

But the dead animals aren't rancid and they're cooked.

Humans naturally avoid cheese. It's spoiled milk. There have been experiments done to show that when people think cheese is nasty and smelly when they're blind to what they're smelling and eating. Liking cheese is a socialized taste. You're supposed to avoid spoiled foods.

Mushrooms are a fungus, that's a fact. It's not retarded to not eat molds and fungi. They are part of the lowest form of foodstuffs. Next to left over animal parts and shit that nobody eats except when they have to.

>> No.4477813

Oh no! this guy doesn't like cheese, guess we should all just stop guys.

>> No.4477820

I eat anything and everything. I'm not picky whatsoever. Enjoy maintaining your failfag "us vs them" mentality, faggots, while you bicker over pizza toppings like the sperglords you are.

Grow up.

>> No.4477816

>six year old

Now that's the stupidest insult I've ever read. I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.4477824

>Humans naturally avoid cheese

Care to share source?

>> No.4477827

>how dare people have tastes and standards, they should just consume everything like me

This thread is slowly becoming a really scary metaphor about 4chan.

>> No.4477830

since when was /ck/ /v/?

>> No.4477833

>people should be scared of food like me

Enjoy never being able to take a date out to a restaurant without coming off as a whiny child. "Oooh waiter this is FUNGI take it BACK".

>> No.4477834

>being picky is having taste

Anyone who talks about "standards" on 4chan is automatically wrong, and a faggot.

>> No.4477836

You would just order what you like, you don't go out and eat something you don't like the taste of.

>> No.4477838

ive been in amurika for 2 years and I've yet to taste a good cheese that wasn't imported from europe

>> No.4477841

How did you learn you liked the food you like now? By trying it. Because I go out and eat things I don't like the taste of at first, I gain appreciations for them and start to love that food.

Everything tastes weird at first. Because I'm adventurous and don't generally dislike anything I've eaten, no matter how weird, I have a huge list of things I love, as well as interesting foreign foods to introduce girls to rather than dragging them to an Applebee's. Poor me.

>> No.4477840

Why would I order mushrooms if I don't like them?

Spectacular logic there.

>> No.4477844

You act like you're hardwired to be a certain way. I used to not like mushrooms until I discovered how good the stuffed mushrooms at a particular seafood restaurant were. After that, I tried them all over the place. Now I don't even care about quality, if there's greasy fried mushrooms on some pub down the street's menu, you better believe I'm ordering them.

>> No.4477846

>implying humans didn't became intelligent through eating psilocybin mushroom

nigga lrn2McKenna

>> No.4477848

I didn't learn that i disliked a certain food by going out and paying out the ass for it

>> No.4477851

But that's a lie. You don't go to the pub because you're too socially fucking awkward.

>> No.4477853
File: 80 KB, 492x559, 1340448604022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as well as interesting foreign foods to introduce girls to
>arguing about stupid shit on /ck/ on a monday night

>> No.4477863

>tfw when I'm a chef and have tried more mushrooms than /ck/ ever has yet people are mad because I still don't like them
>tfw when getting accused of not being outgoing or being afraid to try new things

Again, this thread is a pretty good metaphor for 4chan. Even when we stop talking about movies, the same stupid fights break out using the same lines of reasoning.

>> No.4477864

Dude I worked in the restaurant industry for five years. A big boost to my eating anything and everything was working fine dining downtown. Average lunch was 80 dollars a person, dinner was ridiculous. I made a shit ton there, but the best part was learning about all sorts of food and how to make it and serve it properly.

When I'm out, I only feel comfortable at bars and restaurants cause that was my life growing up.

>> No.4477866

>You don't go to the pub because you're too socially fucking awkward.

Bro we see projection constantly on this board. If you're going to project try not to see so overt about it, because we can see that shit instantly.

>> No.4477867


Duuuuuuudee smoke weed errryday haha 4204lyfe

>> No.4477873

>lying on /ck/

No chef gets off work tuesday morning at 5am, you fucking idiot, stop trying so hard.

>> No.4477877

Can I ask a serious question, then? And I want an honest answer.

>> No.4477876

>tfw working at mcdonalds and call yourself a chef

>> No.4477878


Yeah shoot.

>> No.4477881

Are you a virgin?

>> No.4477882

>implying its 5am on the east coast
>implying I didn't get home at 10:45
>implying I'm closing tonight

Good try though. The new people are the ones who get the shitty closing hours.

>> No.4477886


Why would they trust the new guy to close up?

>> No.4477884

McDonald's, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut.

>> No.4477887

Why are you listing the places where you ate dinner tonight?

>> No.4477888

No, I've been with 13 girls (14 if you count an awkward BJ when I was sixteen) and had my first threesome at age 20.

I got the job in fine dining when I was 17 starting as a busser. They gave it to me cause I was good looking pretty much; I had no experience. I combed my hair into a pomp at the time and everyone called me James Dean.

It was a sweet gig man, they liked me so much that by the time I turned 18 they immediately let me test to become a server (you have to be 18 to serve alcohol here) and I was making around 2-300 dollars a night on weekends, and 150-200 on weekdays.

They used to schedule shifts for 7:00 on the patio (it's too hot in texas until around then during summer) so I'd come in for like three hours, make two hundred bucks, then head back home. I really miss that place.

But yeah, no, when I was younger I was hot and made bank. I got a nice little beergut now but I'm 6'2 so I just look like a beefcake bro lol. I've been seeing someone seriously for a bit so I don't really chat girls up much anymore.

>> No.4477890

>thin crust
>pesto base
>pecorino/provolone mixture
>cracked pepper

Now I'm hungry

>> No.4477891


>> No.4477893


Because most of the cleaning is already done and the late night menu is easy.

You people are acting like I claimed to be James Cameron or something. You think chefs are so uncommon that it's impossible one is browsing /tv/ right now? Or do you only thing fast food places exist?

>> No.4477895



Not projecting, man. I've had sex with three girls.